NORTH AMERICAN BAPTIST GENERAL CONFERENCE J August 6 1959 Argentina's Capitol at Buenos Aires Number 16 • Adventures in 11 ine D ays at Argentina Bamba lung ' BAPTIST HERALD CONTENTS e> Dr. Albert Schweitzer has been t~1 rou gh donations made by the Chris­ Iy 1 as World Refugee Year in the named by the Sonning Foundation in tian community in t he Philippines. On­ United States. There a re six critical Volume 37 No. 16 Copenhagen, Denmark, to receive the ly recently, t he Bible House a lso do­ areas in the world where refugees ar e 100,000-kroner ($14,300) Sonning Prize. na ted 2,000 Bibles for the Boy Scouts concentra ted. Austria, Germany, August 6, 1959 The 84-year-oid missionary has agreed ~Vho will a ttend the 10th World J am- Greece and Ita ly ha ve 30,000 refugees to accept the award when he visits 0ree at Camp Makiling, Laguna. still Jiving in camps. There are 100,000 A Cup of Cold Water Europe next autumn. Established with unsettled refugees in these fou r coun­ funds bequeathed by t he late C. J. ;h World Refugee Year begins July 1. * . e "year" was created by a resolu­ tries Ji ving outside camps, plus Bel­ The Lord J esus Christ regarded a cup of cold water, given to Sonning, a Danish editor, the Son­ gium, Fra nce, t he Netherla nds and ning Prize is made for outstanding ~10n in the United Nations last year, someone in need, as woithy of the highest honor that the Kingdom of Cover - --------- Pan-American Grace Airways Turkey. A million Arab refugees are in "Are cntinn's Capitol nt Buenos Aires" in an effort to make a concentrated contributions to European culture. t he United Arab Republic, Lebanon, God could bestow. Our service for others, however menial or insignifi­ - The Watchman-Examiner. f nu concerted effort to solve the prob­ llfarch of Events --------- - -------- ------ - -­ e in of 2,350,000 refugees. Fifty-eight Syria and Jordan. Tunisia and Morocco cant, r endered in Christ's Name, has t he blessing of heaven upon it. Baptist Briefs - --------------- -- - ---------­ e Vatican authorities have permitted na tions in the UN have voted to sup­ have 170,000 Algerian refugees, mos tly "Whosoever shall give yo u a cup of water to drink in my name, because Edi!orinl a Rome firm to publish Les Miserables, j 0rt the World Refugee Year, and 40 child ren, the rest women a nd old peo­ "A Cu1> of Cold 'Voter" ------- --- ---- 3 1 ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward" a novel by Victor Hugo, which had a ve national committees at work on ple, living under extremely primitive '"Nine n ~ys at Bamh:?.lnn!!" been placed on the Index of Forbid­ i he problem. President Eisenhower conditions and in need of medical sup­ (Mark 9 :41) . Mr. Dudley R eeves - - --------- --- ---- 4 den B::oks. The permission was given 1as designa ted the yea r beginning Ju- plies and food. 0 Rcaching- America's Students for Christ on condition t hat the San Paolo pub­ Such a ministr y behind the scenes is constantly being r endered Mr. James W. Reapsom"- - - ----------- -- 6 lishing house include footnotes ~x ­ during these s ummer months. Like the cup of cold water, it does not "Helping in a Hcnling Ministry" p!aining some of the passages to w_h1c_h Uev. R. Schilke -------- ------ - - ------- R go unnoticed by the Master. Ther e ar e faithful women in our churches ''SC\'Cnth Anniversary in Lcthbridgc" the church r a ises objections. This is Mr. Bernd E rtis ----------------------- 9 the first time that a book has ever preparing the meals at conference sessions in stuffy, heated kitchens Briefs ••Adventures .:n Argentina.. · been ta ken off the Index and authorized and the women who delight in beautifying the house of God with t he Dr. M. L. Lcuschner - - --- ---- ---- ----- 10 to be published w ith ecclesiastical ap­ loveliest flowers from their gardens. Let us not forget the people who "Sunday Sch ool Lessons" probation. make t he important arrangements for conference sessions, prepare the Rev. Bruno Schreiber - ---------------- 13 o Westminster Abbey, England's ~1. t ill aptist Semina ry in Lebanon. Clear • Theological School Opened in Peru. "We. the Wo1nen" e has been r eceived to the la rge comfortable lodgilig for tired delegates, serve as efficient usher s at Mrs. H erbert Hiller ---------- -------- 14 world-famed national sanctuary, will The P eruvian Ba ptist Theological In­ p!ot overlooking the city of Beirut, "Uaptist Women nt Louis \'ille" have a visiting American preacher as stitute was opened in Lima with eight the meetings and as custodians keep our churches in bright and shin­ Lebanon, which will be the home of students enrolled in the first class. Mrs. Albert E . Reddig --------- ------ 1'1 part of the annual clergy intercha nge ing condition. These busy hands deserve God's word of commendation, \Vhnt's H n1>pening ------------- ---------- 15 program between U. S. a nd British the p1·oposed Ba ptist theological semi­ The majority of the students had felt nal:'y for the Arabic-speaking world. "Well done !" THE VOICF. OF lll Y BELOVED churches for t he first time t his summe r. the Lord's call to fu ll-time Christian llr Phyllis S 1>eshock H e is Rev. Cha rles R. Stires, rector of Although buildings on the new site service for mor e than a year, but they Words are little things that can easily be spoken for good or ill. Chapter Seven teen - ------------- ------ 16 be ready before 1961, tentative Trinity E pis::opa l church, Syracuse, N. c~ nnot had had no opportunity fo1· training But words of encouragement to some struggling soul, to an aspiring Our Denomination in Action ----- ---------- 18 P a ns have been made for beginning before the ins ti t ute opened, reports Y. vlfcstminstcr has never pa r ticipa ted Obituaries - ----- --------------------------- 23 in the exch:i nge program since it was se111ina ry instruction in a temporary Mrs. J. Bryan Brasing ton, Southern youth, to a "new" Christian a.re like apples of gold-priceless and mar­ st 1. rted 33 years a go under the joint location near downtown Beirut in Baptist missionary. Dr. Randall D. velous ! They are more precious than a cup of cold water to thirsty and September, 1960. '' :ms~rs hip of the British Council of Sledge is president of the institute and parched lips! It was said by many of "Ma" Sunday, the widow of the professor of New Testament. Other * Churches a nd the Nationa l Council of • One Baptism For Every Ten. Italia n evangelist, "Billy" Sunday, during the years of her widowhood when Churches. Baptists had one new baptism for ev­ professors a re : Rev. Lowell E. Led­ ery ten members in 1958. Dr. Ben R. ford, Old Testament; Rev. Charles W. she wondered what she would do after her famous husband had passed Bi-week ly Publication of the o The Scripture Unic:i, a "Bible Read­ Lawton says that the growth of Bap­ Bryan, eva ngelism; Rev. J . Bryan NORTH AMERICAN BAPTIST ing Movement" founded in England Brasington, church history; Mrs. on: "She gave me more encouragement in my Christian life than any­ ~1 s t work in Italy has been in steady GENERAL CONFERENCE in 1879, a nd dedicated to the task of Sledge, speech ; a nd Mrs. Brasington, one else I know." What a r efreshing cup of cold water that was to m_crease during the past five years. 7308 Madison St., F orest Park, Illinois c:ico:.iraging the daily, systematic read­ ~ I ve years ago there were 128 bap­ music and piano. others in her ministry for Christ! ing of t he Word of God, was intro­ tisms ; the next yea r, 182; then 224 a nd duced to the Philippines wit h the re­ Cl Adam3 and Denny P la n African Itin­ Never forget the impor tance of your prayer ministry in behalf of Ma rtin L. Leuschner . D.D., Editor 299 ; a nd last year, 405 ba ptisms. In­ erary. President Theodore F. Ada ms cent vislt of Mr. C. K. Becroft, Secre­ t~ rpre te d in terms of per capita ra­ others. You can be a prayer warrior, serving from your armchair, in­ tary of the Union fo r Australia. From a nd Associate Secretary Robert S. t ~o , fi ve years a go there was one bap­ Denny of t he Ba ptist World Alliance valid bed, or the obscure corner of life in which you happen to be. By a sma ll beginning, the ministry of the tism for every 28 Baptists, the next * Un'.cn h:is gr own un til today its ma­ will visit ten countries in Africa a nd your intercessory prayers, you can move mountains, strengthen the year it was one for every 21, then the Middle East this summer. Mrs. teria~s are availa ble in 103 languages one for sixteen, one for thirteen, a nd hands of Christian soldiers on the battlefront and give to others t hat TH E BAPTIST HERAL D IS u pu blica tion uf around t he world, with over 1,200,000 Ada ms will accompa ny them. Leaving Lhe North American l.!aµLlsl General Con­ last year, one for ten. Ba ptist mem­ "cup" of spiritual refreshment that they need. ference wllh headquarters al 7308 M_adl ~o n r.wp!c daily reading the Scripture Un­ the BWA offices in Washington June S L, Forest Park.
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