Number 4 The student newspaper for California State Uniycsrsity, Sati Marcos iesdayf Nov, tf 1995 Social Security number not the only way to go for student ID By Paul Hilker integrated student information vs. Davis) from 1993which stated, ID numbers to all new incoming Staff Writer system was implemented prior to "Armed with one's Social Secu- students. The program was ac- Whether state-funded colleges the Federal Privacy Act of 1974 rity number, an unscrupulous cepted and will begin in the fall of can require the use of Social Se- and therefore was not declared person could obtain a person's 1997 with the freshman class curity numbers for identification illegal. welfare benefits...order new being the first at UCSD to be purposes is an issue which has The usage of Social Security checks at a new address on that issued random ID numbers. been under scrutiny by some stu- numbers for general ID purposes person's checking account, ob- A gradual "phase-in" of ran- dents at the University of Califor- increases chances of the number tain credit cards, or even obtain a dom ID numbers will be opted for nia, San Diego. being used fraudulently. One person's paycheck." continuing students in October According to officials, several official in the registrar's offices at The Associated Students at 1996. According to Associated UCSD students researched the UCSD said, "A student came up UCSD were forced to make a "Stu- Students officials at UCSD, the issue two years ago and found to me and said that someone had dent Privacy Proposal" to the proposed policy initially caused that UCSD admissions was using gotten a hold of her Social Secu- registrar's office. The proposal some problems. Registrar offi- a system which made it manda- rity number, and then used it to allows students to change their cials were worried about costs tory for students to use Social access her grades and tamper Social Security numbers to nine and said "the proposal was Security numbers as identifica- with her class schedule." digit random computer-gener- needed in order to cut down cost tion. A few UCSD students com- In the proposal, the UCSD ated ID numbers. The AS sug- for making new ID cards." plained about the policy, stating Associated Students quoted a US gested implementing the new that it was against the law. This Courtof Appealscase (Greidinger program at UCSD, giving random See ID, page 3 Registration enters touch-tone era By Tone Barton which makes students wait up to long as you have a touch tone dealt with the programming. cial aid information, SMART also News Editor five weeks for a response. phone,w said Kathleen Fanella, Fanella plans to listen to stu- provides grades to students and Registration via telephone will Current students will be the Associate Director of Admis- dent feedback after the first run- will eventually make available be available for the first time at mailed a date and time after which sions and Records. "Students are through of the system this se- admissions information, includ- Cal State San Marcos for the they may register by phone. Tele- our clients. We want registration mester to search for possible im- ing status of applications. spring of '96 semester. The phone registration begins Nov. to be easy and convenient." • provements. SMART system, which currently 15, with continuing students hav- The system has been planned "We want to make sure stu- The SMART system can be provides financial aid information ing priority registration times, and for for the last year primarily by dents get the classes they need," reached by calling 750-FONE on over the phone, will be available ends on Dec. 1. Fanella, who was the project said Fanella. "(A voice response a touch tone phone. Students 24 hours a day, seven days a week, "(The SMART system) is con- leader for touch tone registration system) is something that most having problems using the sys- excluding Sunday mornings, in venient. You can call from home at SDSU prior to coming to campuses have." tem can see admissions and place of a mail in registration form, or the local bar or wherever, as CSUSM, and Michael Yee, who Besides registration and finan- records for assistance. First basketball season begins By Andrew Bailey Jong of Hollandia Dairy agreed Staff Writer to donate funds for three-row The long awaited Cal State San bleachers to be used for events Marcos intramural basket ball taking place out on the CSUSM season kicked off Oct. 23 at field. He also is donating money Palomar College with eight teams to pay for field line markers, soc- in action. cer goals with nets and the out- Hie games were played at the door volleyball poles. The total Palomar College Dome gymna- donation comes to over $4,000. sium and featured tight competi- Basketball action resumes this tion between the teams involved. Monday, Nov. 6 at the Palomar The opening night of games was College Dome at 6 p.m. The Is- a success, according to Charles landers take on TTie Hoop-a- Ragland, Associated Students holiks, Team X battles Team president. Green, SAE challenges Dave and "We were very pleased with in the nightcap TKE faces The how the games turned out and Dreamers and Bulls. League play our Director of Recreation Km will continue until Dec. 4, which 1 Glaser and our Recreation Assis- is the conclusion of the regular tant Gabbi MacKenzie did a won- season. This will be followed by Halloween derful job of organizing the event," the playoffs which start Dec. 11. he said. In the first night's action, Team happenings X defeated TKE, Team Green Still more hoops Above: Children of Cal State San knocked off The Bulls, Team Dave got the win over Hie Hoop- on the way... Marcos faculty and staff make chalk a-holics and SAE outlasted The drawings before marching on campus Islanders. The games went Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) for a Halloween parade yesterday smoothly and everything was well is holding its Three-on-Three (Oct. 31). The parade was sponsored by the Associated Students'Childcare organized, according to partici- Basketball Tournament Nov. Committee. pants. 5, and more than 30 teams are "It was a lot of fun because I expected to participate. got to meet new people and I Left: One of the many window designs Local businesses will spon- around campus put together by thought they did a good job orga- sor teams for the tournament, nizing the games and everything. students and staff as part of a contest, It looks like it will be a lot of fun," and the event will take place at which included office decorating as said participant Jon Dease. the San Marcos Gymnasium. well. Winners of the contest held Oct. More good news is on the ho- For more information, call 31 were not available at press time. rizon for the intramural sports SAE at 755-7913or (619) 736- program at CSUSM. Arie de 8965. Photos by Trish Nagy WHAT'S NEWS Library assistant Prado dies Eric Prado, library assistant in Library and Information Services, died Oct 13. Cause of death was not available. While attending San Diego State University in 1983-84, Prado worked in the library and was hired by the SDSU North County Center library in 1989. He joined the new Cal State San Marcos in July 1990. Services were held in the Los Angeles area. Contributions in Prado's memory can be made in the form of donations to the San Diego Chapter of the Names Project or the North County AIDS Coalition. March is topic of Nov. 2forum The Cal State San Marcos Pan African Student Alliance will host an open forum tomorrow (Nov. 2) regarding the Million Man March held Oct 16 in Washignton, DC. This forum is being organized for all to share their experi- ences, reflect on what they saw and decide what the country should do now that this event has happened. Video footage will be shown, marchers will speak and Profes- sor Sharon Elise will facilitate an open discussion. All are Amoaku invited. The forum begins at 2 p.m. in Commons206on campus. returns Latino photo exhibit opens Above: Former Cal State San Marcos As part of the university's Arts and Lectures series, a photo- visual and performing arts professor graphic exhibition spotlighting the accomplishments of San Dr. Komla Amoaku, of Ghana, returned Diego County Latinos will be displayed Nov. 3 through Nov. 29 to CSUSM Oct. 26 for a performance at the Cal State San Marcos library. with his musical group Sankofa. Titled "100 Portraits: Pioneers, Visionaries and Role Mod- Left: Amoaku jams with band els," the exhibit is a collection of photographs and short biogra- members. phies of Latinos who have played important roles in San Diego Photos by Trish Nagy development The CSUSM exhibit is free and open to the public during library hours.. "Using Social Security num- Kathleen Fanella, assistant The "100 Portraits" project was originated by the San Diego- bers as identification numbers is direcor for CSUSM Admissions based Mexican Heritage Foundation in an effort to show what ID not a major concern to students and Records. "Some students feel contributions Latinos and especially people of Mexican heri- Continued from page 1 here at CSU San Marcos," that, for privacy's sake, they need tage have made in the county. Ragland stated. "CSUSM offers to confidentialize their Social Se- Four people from North County are among the 100 featured "Someone once got a hold of students the option of changing curity numbers, and that is an in the exhibit Individuals included are Jaime Castaneda of my Social Security number, and their ID numbers to random nine- option that they can choose.
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