Chemical Quality of Water In the Walnut River Basin, South-Central Kansas GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 1982 , Prepared in cooperation with the Kansas State Depart1nent of Health, Environmental Health Services, Topeka, Kansas Chemical Quality of Water In the Walnut River Basin, South-Central Kansas By ROBERT B LEONARD GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 1982 Prepared in cooperation with the Kansas State Department of Health, Environmental Health Services, Topeka, Kansas UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON . 1972 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ROGERS C B. MORTON, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY W. A Radlinski, Acting Director Library of Congress catalog-card No 70-180715 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U S Government Printin!1'0ffice, Washinaton, DC 20402 Stock Number 2401-1141 CONTENTS Page GlossarY--------------------------------------------------------- vii Abstract---------------------------------------------------------- 1 Introduction------------------------------------------------------ 3 Purpose------------------------------------------------------ 3 Results of prevwus mvestigatiOns________________________________ 4 Cooperation__________________________________________________ 5 Data collectiOn and analysis-___________________________________ 6 Cnterm for classifymg water____________________________________ 7 Factors affectmg the chemical quality of water________________________ 9 Areal geology_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ 9 The Chase GroUP----------------------------------------- 10 The Sumner GroUP---------------------------------------- 12 Terrace deposits and alluvmm_______________________________ 12 GeologiC structure_________________________________________ 13 ~eteorologY-------------------------------------------------- 14 PreCipitation and runoff____________________________________ 15 EvapotranspiratiOn________________________________________ 15 01l-field bnne_ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ 18 MumCipal and agncultural waste________________________________ 20 Impoundment_________________________________________________ 20 Chemical quahty of ground water___________________________________ 21 Relation to geology __ -----_____________________________________ 21 RelatiOn to oll-field-brme pollutiOn____ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ 22 NItrate m ground water________________________________________ 24 Chemical quahty of surface water___________________________________ 25 Chemical quality of base runoff_________________________________ 25 ~am stem of the Walnut and Whitewater Rivers--____________ 25 Dissolved solids___________________________ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ 26 !Iardness--------------------------------------------- 26 Bicarbonate------------------------------------------ 26 Sulfate_______________________________________________ 29 Chloride______________________________________________ 29 0Il-field-brme pollutiOn_________________________________ 30 Relative magmtude of chemiCal discharge from maJOr sources_____ 32 Tnbutary streams ____ -----________________________________ 32 Yield mdexes of tnbutary watersheds____________________ 34 Seepage______________________________________________ 35 Mumcipal and mdustrml effluent________________________ 38 ChemiCal quality of runoff from maJOr subdiVISIOns of the basm_ _ _ _ _ 39 Walnut RIVer upstream from the mouth of the Whitewater River_ 39 West Branch Walnut River_____________________________ 41 Base runoff_ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ 41 West Branch Walnut River near El Dorado__________ 42 III IV CONTENTS Chemical quality of surface water-Contmued Chemical quahty of runoff from maJor subdiVISIOns of the basm-Con Page Walnut River upstream from the mouth of the Whitewater Rtver-Con East Branch Walnut River_____________________________ 42 Base runoff_______________________________________ 42 Cole Creek near De Graff_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42 East Branch Walnut River near El Dorado___________ 45 Walnut River at Haverhill Road near ElDorado_________ 45 Base runoff_______________________________________ 45 VariatiOns and fluctuatiOns____ __ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ 48 Walnut River near Augusta_____________________________ 48 Base runoff_______________________________________ 48 Vanatwns and fluctuations_________________________ 50 Whitewater River subbasm_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ 52 Whitewater River at Towanda__________________________ 52 Base runoff______________________________________ _ 52 V ariatlons and fluctuatiOns_________________________ 54 Smtabihty for use ________ --------_________________ 56 The chermcal quahty of total runoff at Towanda______ 58 Whitewater Rtver at Augusta___________________________ 61 Base runoff_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 61 VariatiOns and fluctuatiOns_________________________ 62 Walnut RIVer downstream from the mouth of the Whitewater ltiver______________________________________________ 64 Walnut Rtver near Douglass ___ ----_____________________ 64 Base runoff________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 65 VariatiOns and fluctuatiOns_________________________ 66 Timber Creek near Wilmot_____________________________ 68 Walnut Rtver at Wmfield______________________________ 69 Base runoff_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 69 VariatiOns m the chermcal quahty of streamflow durmg water years 1962-64_____________________________ 70 Vanatwns m brme pollutiOn With time_______________ 75 SummarY--------------------------------------------------------- 78 Selected references____________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 82 IndeX------------------------------------------------------------ Ill ILLUSTRATIONS PLATE 1 Map showmg areal geology and concentratiOns of dts­ solved sohds and selected IOns m ground water m the Walnut Rtver basm, south-central Kansas durmg water years 1962-64 ___________________________ In pocket 2 Map showmg chemiCal quahty of base runoff m tnbutary watersheds and the locatiOn of surface-water statiOns at whiCh water-quahty data were collected periOdiCally m the Walnut River basm durmg water years 1962-64 In pocket 3 Maps showmg maximum yield mdexes for sulfate, chlo­ nde, dtssolved sohds, and water for watersheds m the Walnut River basm durmg sahmty surveys m the fall of 1961, 1962, and 1963 __ ---------------------- In pocket CONTENTS v Page FIGURE 1 Index map showmg location of the Walnut River basm, south-central Kansas _____________________________ _ 4 2 Photograph showmg Barneston Limestone of the Chase Group m watershed of the West Branch Walnut River north of ElDorado ______________________________ _ 11 3 Photograph showmg thm s01l mantle over fractured hmestone of the Chase Group______________________ 11 4 Photograph showmg sprmg typiCal of many that Issue from fractured limestone aqmfers m the basm________ 14 5 Graphs showmg total annual preCipitatiOn at selected stations and cumulative total monthly preCipitatiOn at ElDorado dunng water years 1961-64____________ 16 6 Duration curves of daily mean flow for Walnut River at Wmfield and Whitewater River at Towanda for water years 1962-64------------------------------------ 17 7 Photograph showmg sprmg at whiCh discharge contamed gas and 011 and more than 3,000 mg/1 of chloride_____ 22 8 Profiles showmg concentratiOns of dissolved sohds, sulfate, and chloride at data-collectiOn sites on the mam stem of the Walnut River durmg surveys m water years 1962- 64---------------------------------------------- 27 9 Profiles showmg the concentratiOns of dissolved sohds, sul­ fate, and chlonde on the mam stem of the Whitewater River durmg surveys m water years 1962-64_________ 28 10 Graphs showmg relatiOns of the percentages of maJor wns, speCific conductance, approximate concentratiOns of se­ lected wns, and time to water discharge at West Branch Walnut River near ElDorado durmg water years 1962- 64---------------------------------------------- 43 11 Graph showmg relatwns of the percentages of maJor wns, spemfic conductance, and time to water discharge at Cole Creek near DeGraff durmg water years 1962-64__ 44 12 Graphs showmg relations of the percentages of maJor wns, specific conductance, approximate concentratwns of se­ lected Ions, and time to water discharge at East Branch Walnut River near ElDorado durmg water years 1962- 64---------------------------------------------- 46 13 Photograph of a polluted sprmg m the watershed of Constant Creek__________________________________ 47 14 Graphs showmg relatwns of the percentages of maJor wns, spemfic conductance, approximate concentratiOns of selected wns, and time to water discharge at Walnut River at Haverhill Road near El Dorado durmg water years 1962-64------------------------------------ 49 15 Graphs showmg relations of the percentages of maJOr wns, specific conductance, approximate concentratiOns of selected wns, and time to water discharge at Walnut River near Augusta durmg water years 1962-64______ 51 16 Photograph showmg contmuous conductiVIty recorder and gage on the Whitewater River at Towanda______ 53 VI CONTENTS Page FIGURES 17-24 Graphs showmg 17 RelatiOns of the percentages of maJor IOns, specific conductance, approximate concen­ tratiOns of selected IOns, and time to water discharge at Whitewater River at Towanda durmg water years
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