^ O N A L ^ , ^ » «iTtroAi V i FEDERAL REGISTER '934 ^ VOLUME 6 NUMBER 40 * 0 N I T £ 0 ^ Washington, Thursday, February 27, 1941 The President IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ CONTENTS unto set my hand and caused the seal of THE PRESIDENT the United States of America to be Control of the E xport of Certain affixed. Articles and M aterials Proclamations: DONE at the city of Washington this Export control of certain ar- BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES 25th day of February, in the year of our ticles and materials: Page OF AMERICA Lord nineteen hundred and Belladonna, etc------------------ 1155 A PROCLAMATION [seal] forty-one, and of the Independ­ Beryllium, etc--------------------- H55 ence of thft. United States of Executive Orders: WHEREAS section 6 of the act of Con­ America the one hundred and sixty-fifth. gress entitled “AN ACT To expedite the Export regulations relating to: strengthening of the national defense,” F ranklin D R oosevelt Belladonna, etc------------------ H56 approved July 2,1940, provides as follows: By the President: Beryllium, etc-------------------- H57 Sec. 6. Whenever the President determines Cordell H ull RULES, REGULATIONS, that it is necessary in the interest of national Secretary of State. defense to prohibit or curtail the exportation ORDERS of any military equipment or munitions, or [No. 24601 component parts thereof, or machinery, tools, T itle 7—Agriculture: or material, or supplies necessary for the [F. R. Doc. 41-1374; Filed, February 25, 1941; Office of the Secretary of Agri­ manufacture, servicing, or operation thereof, 4:49 p. m.] he may by proclamation prohibit or curtail culture: such exportation, except under such rules Solicitor, d elegation of and regulations as he shall prescribe. Any authority to execute re­ such proclamation shall describe the articles Control of the E xport of Certain leases _______________ - H57 or materials included in the prohibition or curtailment contained therein. In case of Articles and M aterials Sugar Division, Agricultural Ad­ justment Administration: the violation of any provision of any procla­ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES mation, or of any rule or regulation, issued Puerto Rico, sugarcane indus­ hereunder, such violator or violators, upon OF AMERICA try, wage determinations- 1157 conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000, or by imprisonment for A PROCLAMATION T itle 14—Civil Aviation: not more than two years, or by both such WHEREAS section 6 of the act of Con­ Civil Aeronautics Authority: fine and imprisonment. The authority Aeronautical skill require­ granted in this section shall terminate June gress entitled “AN ACT To expedite the 30, 1942, unless the Congress shall otherwise strengthening of the national defense,” ments for pilot certifi­ provide. approved July 2,1940, provides as follows: cates, amendments-------- 1158 Instrument flight, regulations NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. Sec. 6. Whenever the President determines ROOSEVELT, President of the United that it is necessary in the interest of national revised________________ H59 States of America, acting under and by defense to prohibit or curtail the exportation T itle 16—Commercial P ractices: of any military equipment or munitions, or Federal Trade Commission: virtue of the authority vested in me by component parts thereof, or machinery, tools, the aforesaid act of Congress, do hereby or material, or supplies necessary for the Wrisley, Allen B., Co., cease proclaim that upon the recommendation manufacture, servicing, or operation thereof, and desist order (modi­ of the Administrator of Export Control he may by proclamation prohibit or curtail fied)—................... H59 such exportation, except under such rules I have determined that it is necessary in and regulations as he shall prescribe. Any T itle 30—M ineral R esources: the interest of the national defense that such proclamation shall describe the articles Bituminous Coal Division: on and after March 10,1941, the follow­ or materials included in the prohibition or District No. 17, filing of ing-described articles and materials shall curtailment contained therein. In case of monthly reports----------- 1160 the violation of any provision of any procla­ not be exported from the United States mation, or of any rule or regulation, issued Pittsburg Coal Co., permanent except when authorized in each case by hereunder, such violator or violators, upon relief granted__________ 1160 a license as provided for in Proclamation conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not T itle 38—P ensions, B onuses, and No. 24131 of July 2, 1940, entitled “Ad­ more than $10,000, or by imprisonment for not more than two years, or by both such fine Veterans’ R el ie f: ministration of section 6 of the Act en­ and imprisonment. The authority granted Veterans' Administration: titled ‘AN ACT To expedite the strength­ in this section shall terminate June 30, 1942, Adjudication, apportionments, ening of the national defense’ approved unless the congress shall otherwise provide. etc.; amendments---------- 1161 July 2, 1940”: NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. Insurance: (1) Belladonna ROOSEVELT, President of the United In su ran ce claims council, (2) Atropine States of America, acting under and by amendments-------------- 1161 (3) Sole Leather virtue of the authority vested in me by National Service Life Insur­ (4) Belting Leather the aforesaid act of Congress, do hereby ance________________ H62 *5 F.R. 2467. proclaim that upon the recommendation (Continued on next page) 1155 1156 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, February 27, 1941 CONTENTS—Continued EXECUTIVE ORDER H l A Federal Power Commission: Page P rescribing R egulations G overning the FEDEMLdpEGISTER Otter Tail Power Co., applica­ E xportation of Articles and M ate­ . W * # rials D esignated in the P resident’s \ 1934 ^ tion for merger__________ 1183 Securities and Exchange Commis­ P roclamation of F ebruary 25, 1941, sion: I ssued P ursuant to Section 6 of the Central U. S. Utilities Co., inter­ Act of Congress Approved J uly 2, Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, vention denied, etc_______ 1183 1940, and Amending R egulations of and days following legal holidays by the Hearings, etc.: J anuary 15, 1941, Covering the E x­ Division of the Federal Register, The National Allied International Investing portation of Certain Articles and Archives, pursuant to the authority con­ Materials tained in the Federal Register Act, approved Corp_________________ 1184 July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500), under regula­ British Type Investors, Inc__ 1184 Pursuant to the authority vested in me tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Lehman Corp____________ 1185 mittee, approved by the President. by the provisions of section 6 of the act The Administrative Committee consists of Paul Smith’s Hotel Co_______ 1185 of Congress approved July 2, 1940, en­ the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer New England Gas & Electric titled “AN ACT To expedite the strength­ of the Department of Justice designated by Ass’n, and Kittery Electric the Attorney General, and the Public Printer ening of the national defense,” I hereby Light Co., declaration prescribe the following additional regu­ or Acting Public Printer. filed____________________ 1184 The daily issue of the F ederal R egister lations governing the exportation of the will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free Paul Smith’s Electric Light & articles and materials designated in my of postage, for $1.25 per month or $12.50 per Railroad Co., hearing re­ year; single copies 10 cents each; payable in proclamation of February 25, 1941: advance. Remit money order payable to the opened, etc______________ 1185 1. The articles and materials desig­ Superintendent of Documents directly to the United Gas Improvement Co., nated in my proclamation of February Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. et a l___________________ 1183 25, 1941, pursuant to section 6 of the act Treasury Department: of July 2, 1940, shall be construed to Bureau of the Public Debt: include the following: Offering of Treasury notes: CONTENTS—Continued % percent, Series D-1943__ 1170 (1.) Belladonna: B F 2 percent, 1948-50_______ 1169 Belladonna Leaves, U. NOTICES Redemption of 3% percent S. P. (Belladonnae Treasury Bonds of 1941- Folium) : Department of Agriculture: Belladonna Plaster Rural Electrification Adminis­ 43__ 1168 2209* 2209* War Department: U. S. P. (Emplas- tration: Page trum Belladonnae) Allocation of funds for loans. 1181 Contract summaries: Continental Motors. Corp___ 1171 Extract of Bella­ 2209* 2209* Surplus Marketing Administra­ donna, U. S. P. tion: General Motors Corporation (Buick Motor Division)_1172 (Extractum Bella­ New York Metropolitan Milk donnae) Marketing Area, handling Weston Electrical Instrument Corp--------------------------- 1170 Fluid Extract of 2209* 2209* of milk (2 documents)__ 1181 Belladonna Leaf, Department of the Interior: N. F. (Fluid ex­ Bituminous Coal Division: tractum Belladon­ Carrier and Son, et al., hear­ of the Administrator of Export Control I nae Folii) ing reopened, etc_______ 1173 have determined that it is necessary in Tincture of Bella­ 2209* 2209* Consumer’s Counsel Division, the interest of the national defense that donna, U. S. P. memorandum and tem­ on and after this date the following- (Tinctura Bella­ porary relief order______ 1174 described articles and materials shall not donnae) District Board No. 11, tempo­ be exported from the United States ex­ Belladonna O int- 2209* 2209* rary relief denied, etc___ 1175 cept when authorized in each case by a ment, U. S. P. (Un- license as provided for in Proclamation guentum Bella­ Hearings: No. 2413 of July 2,1940, entitled “Admin­ Adams, William__________ 1177 donna) istration of section 6 of the Act entitled B elladonna Root, Cook, Henry_____________ 1179 ‘AN ACT To expedite the strengthening Gibson, Delaney_________ 1180 U. S. P. (Belladon­ of the national defense’ approved July 2, nae Radix) : Hackathorn & Myers_____ 1178 1940.”: Lucas, N. J______________ 1178 Fluid Extract of Bel- 2209* 2209* Osborne Coal Co_________ 1178 (1) Beryllium 1 a d o n n a Root, Senters, R. I_____________ 1179 (2) Graphite electrodes U.
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