THE PARSONS INSTITUTE 68 Fifth Avenue 212 229 6825 FOR INFORMATION MAPPING New York, NY 10011 piim.newschool.edu Tom Cruise made popular in Top Gun, a film about the Camp La Jolla Military Park: Navy fighter pilot school (the school was located at NAS Creative Disturbance Through Adap- Miramar). For one year I traveled with this squadron on tion of National Park Iconography the aircraft carrier, USS Kitty Hawk, where I worked on the flight deck maintaining the cameras in the pod system OWEN MUNDY, BFA, MFA and unloading and processing endless rolls of aerial re- connaissance film. Photographers in the Navy typically serve command KEYWORDS Archive, data, engineering, history, mapping, functions: documenting ceremonies like burials at sea, military, Military Academic Industrial Complex, National retirements, and award presentations in order to empha- Park Service, politics, technology, visualization size the importance of these events and maintain morale on the ship.1 Working with the TARPS squadron, however, PROJECT DATE 2007–Present also provided aerial reconnaissance of critical terrains to be exploited by the ship’s intelligence center.2 URL http://camplajolla.org/ This work would come to influence my research years later when I had returned to San Diego for graduate ABSTRACT This paper details the motivation and the school in the Visual Arts Department at the University of method behind the creation of Camp La Jolla Military California, San Diego (UCSD). UCSD is located just west of Park, a fictional national park on the current site of the NAS Miramar, which was transferred to the Marines and University of California’s San Diego campus. Camp La then renamed Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Miramar Jolla Military Park borrows the iconography and language in 1997. Returning as a civilian granted me new perspec- from historical battlefields as designated and protected tives on the military presence in this port city; the blasts of by the U.S. Congress; the use of such iconography and U.S. Marine jets from MCAS Miramar heard and seen over language allows for the investigation, as well as consider- UCSD served to make that presence immediately relevant. ation of the campus as a site for research and development San Diego is more than just a military town, it “may of weapons and technology for the defense industry. The have the largest concentration of military facilities and de- website http://camplajolla.org/ is the publicly accessible fense industries in the world,” according to a 2003 report collective of the research and expression behind Camp La prepared by the Economic Research Bureau of the San Di- Jolla Military Park. ego Regional Chamber of Commerce.3 San Diego County The project began by developing a data-collection also ranks first among all counties in the U.S. for defense system in order to record the historical, geographic, and spending. In the 2004 fiscal year the military spent $11.7 economic ties that bind the relationships of power within billion in the region, which accounted for 9.34% of the the complex of military, industrial, and academic institu- total economic output of San Diego County. tions in Southern California. Through appropriating the Evidence of the public face of the military can be seen vernacular language and imagery of the National Park everywhere: the bases, the ships, and the servicemen and System the research was made public and accessible to servicewomen. There’s even an enormous aircraft carrier audiences both within and outside of the protected spaces museum on the boardwalk downtown that averages nearly of art and academia. This writing introduces the concepts a million visitors per year.4 But the military presence in and processes of the project in order to encourage the re- San Diego that tourists don’t see is in the private sec- staging of other similar creative disturbances. tor, where the creation of goods and services for making “war for profit” is the final objective. The 2005 fiscal year PROJECT HISTORY The history of Camp La Jolla Mili- impact of defense procurement (contracts awarded) in San tary Park begins in 1994 when I arrived in San Diego as Diego was $4.67 billion. “In total, the military generates a photographer for the United States Navy. I was based $18.3 billion for the local economy, [which] amounts at Naval Air Station (NAS) Miramar, a sprawling airfield to 13.68% of economic activity in the region” and over located in the desert just north of the city, and attached 300,000 jobs.5 to VF-111 an F-14 TARPS (Tactical Air Reconnaissance Pod System) squadron. The F-14 “Tomcat,” manufactured THE HISTORY OF UCSD: A DEFENSIVERSITY by Grumman Aerospace Corporation (later purchased by While the city of San Diego is a product of a mutually ben- Northrup to become Northrup Grumman), is the jet that eficial relationship with the U.S. Military, I also learned PIIM IS A RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT © 2011 PARSONS JOURNAL FOR FACILITY AT THE NEW SCHOOL INFORMATION MAPPING AND PARSONS INSTITUTE FOR INFORMATION MAPPING CAMP LA JOLLA MILITARY PARK: CREATIVE DISTURBANCE THROUGH ADAPTION OF NATIONAL PARK ICONOGRAPHY OWEN MUNDY, BFA, MFA the University of California, San Diego, was involved in the aerospace industry needed an increasingly larger pool the production for war in many ways. San Diego was a of skilled workers to fulfill contracts for larger and more military town long before the UC regents were convinced powerful weapons. Companies like General Dynamics to open a campus there, so it is no surprise the land that (which provided initial financial backing for the campus6), UCSD inhabits was used previously by Camp Matthews, General Atomics, and Science Applications International a Marine rifle range. Prior to that, Camp Callan, a WWII Corporation (SAIC) sprang up around the UCSD campus Army air artillery training base was located there. When to offer jobs to new graduates in the defense industry.7 UCSD was founded in 1959 it displaced the Marines of Camp Matthews thus creating new space for training LET THERE BE LIGHT: young Americans. THE PROBLEM WITH UNIVERSITIES Those who supported the introduction of a UC campus Like most large U.S. universities, the University of Califor- envisioned a steady flow of engineering and science nia system was founded as a land grant university under graduates to supply an able workforce to the flourish- the Morrill Act of 1862. This Act allotted federal land to ing defense industry in San Diego. With the Cold War individual states to be used toward establishing institu- enabling the development of new technology for warfare, tions to provide “scientific and classical studies ... includ- ORG . AMPLAJOLLA C © Figure 1: General Atomics Aeronautical Systems PARSONS JOURNAL FOR INFORMATION MAPPING © 2011 PARSONS JOURNAL FOR VOLUME III ISSUE 3, FALL 2011 INFORMATION MAPPING AND PARSONS [page 2] INSTITUTE FOR INFORMATION MAPPING CAMP LA JOLLA MILITARY PARK: CREATIVE DISTURBANCE THROUGH ADAPTION OF NATIONAL PARK ICONOGRAPHY OWEN MUNDY, BFA, MFA ing military tactic, ... agriculture and the mechanic arts, ... The University of California, San Diego, is a proto- in order to promote the liberal and practical education of typical example with many characteristics lending to its the industrial classes.”8 unique position as a war-making site. The seal, with a There are many American and foreign universities that banner that states, “LET THERE BE LIGHT,” suggests conduct research and use a curriculum that instructs in the university serves the students and the public good the use of technology to make war. by illuminating facts and shedding light on that which was not previously visible. But what remained clothed in According to a 2002 report by the Association of darkness about the institution itself? Had I returned to American Universities (AAU), almost 350 colleges another site of military training? Were the rumors of a and universities conduct Pentagon-funded research; Spook Valley, San Diego’s techno-militaristic answer to universities receive more than 60% of defense basic Silicon Valley, true? Were the largest defense contractors research funding; and the DoD is the third largest in the world lurking in the hills and halls of the University federal funder of university research (after the Na- of California, San Diego campus? Through what channels tional Institutes of Health and the National Science do corporations which manufacture weapons influence Foundation). 9 the research at UCSD? And finally, should a university ad- ORG . AMPLAJOLLA C © Figure 2: Figure 2: Corporate Affiliates Program (CAP) PARSONS JOURNAL FOR INFORMATION MAPPING © 2011 PARSONS JOURNAL FOR VOLUME III ISSUE 3, FALL 2011 INFORMATION MAPPING AND PARSONS [page 3] INSTITUTE FOR INFORMATION MAPPING CAMP LA JOLLA MILITARY PARK: CREATIVE DISTURBANCE THROUGH ADAPTION OF NATIONAL PARK ICONOGRAPHY OWEN MUNDY, BFA, MFA dress the ethical questions of their research without being but now Blackwater (renamed Xe) was using them. Hal- explicitly required to do so? These thoughts and questions liburton was being rewarded for cleaning up the mess they initiated the thread of my questioning. helped to create. Robots were in the sky and on the land, Perhaps some possible implications will help convey and now, thanks to a collaboration between UCSD’s Jacobs why this is alarming. For example, I learned of the Jacobs School program and the Space and Naval Warfare Systems School of Engineering’s ongoing Corporate Affiliates Command (SPAWAR), attached to dolphins.13 Program (CAP) by which private institutions could spon- sor research at UCSD. The CAP executive board includes A TOOL FOR INVESTIGATION officers from some of the largest defense contractors in the In order to explore how these relationships might shape world, some with San Diego offices, such as BAE Systems, post-secondary education in the United States I began Northrop Grumman, General Atomics, Lockheed Martin, to document facts that described the interconnections Raytheon, and SAIC, as well as other lesser known compa- between the university, arms manufacturers, and the nies which supply parts to larger defense contractors.
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