D-6 THE PRESS Wednesday, October 18, l«6f Automobile* for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for sale 290 10 "IT TALL PEOPLE ON THE WAY TMI AGENCY TAKE GOOD CARE OF THEIR CARS AND THE CARS WITH YOU IN MINDI When they trade up to Lincoln Continental and Mercury, the condition of their trade-ins tells a story of care, spotless interiors, quiet motors, showroom finishes, m A NEW MHKimv .25!, THIS FALL and those luxury extras. "CALIFORNIA'S EASIEST TRADING DEALER' OPEN SUNDAYS THE LINCOLN CONTINENTAL—MERCURY MONTEREY—MERCURY COMET OPEN EVENINGS MOTORS TC 3-3577 SOUTH ON THE HARBOR FREEWAY TO 1»TH ST,, SAN PEDRO (1850 S. PACIFIC AVE.) THESE CARS WERE TRADED BY PEOPLE ON THE WAY UP These cars were traded In These cars were traded in Theie cart were traded in on new on new en new MERCURY MERCURY LINCOLN- CONTINENTALS . n MONTEREYS COMETS' '61 LINCOLN-CONTINENTAL '61 OLDSMOBILE '60 MERCURY MONTEREY 4-DOOR HARDTOP SEDAN Th« classic in luxury and styling for 19(1. 2-DOOR HARDTOP 2-DOOR HARDTOP WITH FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING. Pull powtr equipment, power stt«rlng, powtr In the popular "18" model. PACTORY AIR Radio, heater, automatic trantmiulon, power brakes, 6-way seat, power windows, auto­ CONDITIONING, radio, heater, power steering, tteerlno, powtr brakes, tinted glatt, whit* side- matic door loeks, tinted glass, white side- $5500 power brakes, white sldewalls, tinted glass. $3280 wall tiret. We told this one new. Serviced by $2280 walls, full leather trim. Wt havt a choice Luxury and economy. Driven less than 400* a* two. Both one owner, low mileage trade- us, and we assure you It's a vood one. One in*. Guaranteed for one full year. Priced miles by original owner. Written warranty tor year written warranty. from. one full year. '61 THUNDERBIRD '60 LINCOLN '60 FORD GALAXIE 2-DOOR HARTOP 2-DOOR HARDTOP Beautiful let black Premier. PACTORY AIP 4-DOOR SEDAN Everything I Power »teerlng, power braktt, Pow­ CONDITIONING, power steering, power brakes, FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING, power tteer- p«w*r windows, tinted ola-is, white tide walls. er window*, powtr ttatt, tinted glan, white $4400 Ing, power brakes, power windows, tinted glass, Pull leather trim/ .automatic door locks. This $3980 $2200 Idtwalls, iwlng-away tteerlng wheel for easy ta one we serviced since new. A real fine radio, heater and defroster. Very tine condi­ entry. Black, Black, Black. This In a real buy 11 luxury car with lots of value In H. Guaranteed tion. Owner serviced every 7000 miles. Can far one full year. Carries a full year written warranty. be bought with full one year written warranty. NOTICE ... '59 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL for Homt Demonstration, addi­ '61 FALCON tional information, term*, and for 4-DOOR HARDTOP SEDAN '61 FORD GALAXIE astlmatat, phone TE 3-3)77. With FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING. Power STATION WAGON leering, power brakes, A-wey seat, power win 4-DOOR SEDAN dows, automatic door locks. AM and FM radio. Th» economy car for your family. Radio, heater, Pull leather Interior. We have two of these, Automatic transmission, radio, heater, power white sldtwalls. This car only driven 8100 milts, steering, power brakes, tinted glass, white side- $2460 $2100 exactly alike except In color. One owner, low $3850. and It's Mkt new. Take a look at It. you'll buy mileage cars. Real Hush luxury. Written war­ walfs. One owner. Near new condition. A full 7 ranty for one full year. Take your pick at one year written warranty goes with this car at It. Pull year written warranty. USED CAR TRADE-INS PRICED FOR IMMEDIATE SALE '53 DODGE PICKUP '57 FORD VICTORIA '55 MERCURY '56 BUICK ROADMASTER '54 FORD V-8 VICTORIA A hard to find taw arload »lcku». for your beat, J-DOOR 4-DOOR SEDAN 4-DOOR HARDTOP hobby thop, tr Raw butlnata enterprise. Radio, heater, PordomtMc, twa tone. R^uns and Radio, h»at»r, Mercomatlc, AIR CONDITIONING. Dvnaflow, radio, heater, AIR CONDITIONING, pow­ Radio, heater, Pordomatlc. Motor lust overhauled. looks real good. A ieod ant owner car, titan throughout. er starring, powtr braktt. A food one owner car. Excellent transportation for someone In the family. $420 $780 $480 $800 $385 Now Is Your Opportunity To Make a Good Car Buy During This FALL ROUND-UP Outstanding Money-Saving Values on Brand New Cars or Guaranteed Used Cars BE A HAPPY DRIVER ... CHECK THESE SUPER CAR BUYS TODAY! 1961 CLEARANCE SALE (LOSEOUT '61 MODEL CLEARANCE Brand New Brand Ntw 1961 Fords - Falcons - T-Birds 'tl VaKairt 41 Plymouth CLOSEOUT All at All 1961 J1799 S2495 SUNBEAM ALPINE PONTIACS and VAUXHALLS Marked Down Sacrifice Prices Our Low Overhead Makes These at Special Low Prices $' As Low as Delivered See Page 7-D Prices Possible. Save Money Right- Now at 1860 Here CARL'S MOTORS FRANK REIMAN VEL'S FORD 1200 N. Avalon Wilmington PONTIAC CENTER Whilllesey Motors Inc. 412 West Anaheim Wilmington 1600 Cabrillo Avenue TE 5-3131 Open Eves. 'Til 9 p.m. 1212 South Pacific Coast Highway South Rodondo Beach FR8-2251 Open Evenings and Sundays Torrance [ \ 8-5014 ALL-OUT CLEARANCE S-A-L-E!! NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED! f» PORD ........ 'ft RAMBLIR WAOON IWI 4<kx>r Pordomatlc, radio, heat­ Deluxe waaon. Like new. Solid er, wMtewallt. black Radio, heat*/. 'IT PQRD PICKUP tiff* T-BIRDS ' I T-SIRD, full power. Air. " " «tlck thlft. tana bad. 'if T ilRD. Pull p«wer. SEE US FIRST OR LASTI M PORD PICKUP MM Dawn FOR THE BEST DEAL IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA '§ T-URD Pull power. With camper. Cuitom cab, VI, automatic, radio, heater. LOW At 14*1 DOWN RAMBLERS RAMBIERS-WE HAVE 'EM All '61 Models Must Be Sold 'II MO ROADSTIR ... |W G. M. C. TRUCKS . METROPOLITANS 'M CADILLAC ........ Wt Down '59, '60 and '61 Sedans and Wagons Like new. Tonneau cover, ra­ DRIVE A BRAND NEW 1961 ftttan. 2-tone brown. Pull power. dio, heater, whltewallt. Low as $1295 Ful1 Price NOW*49 DOWN *49 MONH NO DOWN on approved crodlf For Only $179 Down $44.72 Month Plut Tax and License v Delivers Any New Car in Stock 100% FINANCING (on approved credit) KAZAN MOTORS Maka your own daall Wt OUARANTEfc no reasonable offtr will bt re- futtdl Ovtr ISO NEW car* and truck* In »tock plut 71 First Choica HUNT RAMBLER SALES 'Anwy" Kaian, Owner and Manager Same Location U Year* Used Cart. Only at 402-500 West Anaheim Wilmington GLEDHILL CHEVROLET I. WIITRRN AVI. AT COMPTON iLVD. VERN MAYNARD'S TE 5-6646 TE 4-6383 304 East Anaheim Wilmington ARDINA DA 4-t»11 RAMBLER . G. M. C. STORE 1000 Pacific Coait Hwy. at Pier Avc., Herrmvm Open Evenings and Sunday TE 4-3491 Open Evenings and Sunday Results At Low Cost- The Torrance Press -- DA 5-1515.
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