The On Track Survey 2010 The Destinations of School Leavers in Victoria Statewide Report Published by the Data, Outcomes and Evaluation Division Office for Children and Portfolio Coordination Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Melbourne January 2011 © State of Victoria (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development) 2010 The copyright in this document is owned by the State of Victoria (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development), or in the case of some materials, by third parties (third party materials). No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968, the National Education Access Licence for Schools (NEALS) (see below) or with permission. An educational institution situated in Australia which is not conducted for profit, or a body responsible for administering such an institution, may copy and communicate the materials, other than third party materials, for the educational purposes of the institution. Authorised by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, 2 Treasury Place, East Melbourne, Victoria, 3002. ISBN 978-0-7594-0647-6 This document is also available on the internet at www.education.vic.gov.au/ontrack Contents Acknowledgements viii Destinations by academic achievement level 13 Acronyms and abbreviations ix Destinations by senior certificate Executive summary xi and study strand 15 Introduction xi Destinations by Indigenous status 23 The 2010 sample of school leavers xii Destinations by socioeconomic Overview of completers’ education status 23 and training destinations xii Destinations by language Completers in degree or certificate background 27 study xvii Destinations by geographic location 28 Completers in apprenticeships and Trends in destinations 2003 to 2010 33 traineeships xix Careers advice while at school 35 Completers not in education or training xx Careers and the availability of school subjects 36 VET in Schools and Year 12 or equivalent completers xxi Chapter 3 Year 12 or equivalent completers in School completers who defer degree or certificate study 39 tertiary study xxiii Degree and certificate study by social Early leavers xxv characteristics and achievement 41 Respondents requesting referrals xxxii Course of study 49 Chapter 1 Chapter 4 Introduction 1 Year 12 or equivalent completers in Aims of On Track 1 apprenticeships and traineeships 59 Focus of this report 1 Participation in apprenticeships and traineeships 59 Survey administration 2 Occupations of apprentices and Reporting 2 trainees 62 Overall sample of school leavers 2 Chapter 5 Year 12 or equivalent completers Year 12 or equivalent completers not sample 3 continuing in education or training 67 Early school leavers sample 5 Labour force destinations 69 Confidence intervals 6 Jobs of respondents not in Chapter 2 education or training 73 Overview of the education and Reasons for Year 12 or equivalent training destinations of Year 12 or completers not continuing in equivalent completers 9 education and training 73 Main destinations in 2010 9 Activities of Year 12 or equivalent Gender differences in destinations 11 completers not in the labour force, education or training (NILFET) 75 i Chapter 6 Careers advice while at school 115 VET in Schools and Year 12 or Careers and the availability of equivalent completers 77 school subjects 116 Structure and growth of VET in Chapter 9 Schools 77 Respondents requesting referrals 119 Participation in VET in Schools by Year 12 or equivalent completers 119 Year 12 or equivalent completers 79 Early leavers 123 Destinations of former VET in Schools participants 80 References 129 Gender differences in destinations 83 Appendix 1 Published data 131 Geographic differences in destinations 84 Appendix 2 Questionnaires 147 Chapter 7 School completers who defer On Track 2010 Year 12 or equivalent tertiary study 86 completer survey 147 Who defers? 86 On Track 2010 early leaver survey 155 What jobs do deferrers do? 90 Appendix 3 Enrolments in VCE Vocational Education Reasons for deferring 93 and Training (VET) by Certificate 162 Chapter 8 Early school leavers 96 List of figures Early school leavers’ destinations 96 Figure 1.1 Year 12 or equivalent Destinations and perceptions of completers: defined population academic achievement 101 and achieved sample 5 Destinations of early school Figure 2.1 Main destinations of leavers, by Indigenous status 102 Year 12 or equivalent completers Destinations of early school (showing deferrers allocated to a leavers, by language background 103 main activity) 10 Regional differences in early school Figure 2.2 Main destinations of leaver destinations 105 Year 12 or equivalent completers (showing deferrers as separate Destinations by socioeconomic categories) 10 status 106 Figure 2.3 Main destinations of The jobs of early school leavers Year 12 or equivalent completers, not in education or training 109 showing apprentices and trainees Reasons for early school leavers and employment status separately not continuing in education and (showing deferrers allocated to a training 109 main activity) 10 Early school leavers not in education, training or the labour force (NILFET) 111 Reasons for leaving school early 112 ii The On Track Survey 2010 Figure 2.4 Main destinations of Figure 2.13 Destinations of Year 12 Year 12 or equivalent completers or equivalent completers (showing (showing deferrers allocated to a deferrers allocated to a main main activity), by gender 12 activity), by SES and gender 26 Figure 2.5 Destinations of Year 12 Figure 2.14 Destinations of Year 12 or equivalent completers (showing or equivalent completers (showing deferrers allocated to a main activity), deferrers allocated to a main by quartile of GAT score 14 activity), by language background 27 Figure 2.6 Destinations of Figure 2.15 Destinations of Year 12 Year 12 or equivalent completers or equivalent completers (showing (showing deferrers allocated to a deferrers allocated to a main activity), main activity), by quartile of GAT by DEECD region 29 score and gender 17 Figure 2.16 Destinations of Year 12 Figure 2.7 Destinations of Year 12 or equivalent completers in bachelor or equivalent completers (showing degree or deferred, by DEECD region 32 deferrers allocated to a main Figure 2.17 Destinations of Year 12 activity), by senior certificate and or equivalent completers (showing study strand 20 deferrers allocated to a main activity), Figure 2.8 Destinations of Year 12 or by geographic location and gender 32 equivalent completers who undertook Figure 2.18 Main destinations of VET in their VCE (showing deferrers Year 12 or equivalent completers, allocated to a main activity), by 2003 to 2010 33 gender 21 Figure 2.19 Careers advice activities Figure 2.9 Destinations of VCAL participated in by Year 12 or only completers (showing deferrers equivalent completers, by certificate allocated to a main activity), by received 36 gender 21 Figure 3.1 Campus-based education Figure 2.10 Destinations of and training destinations of Year 12 or Year 12 completers (VCE non-VET equivalent completers 39 and VCE VET, showing deferrers allocated to a main activity), lowest Figure 3.2 Level of study of Year 12 GAT quartile 22 or equivalent completers in campus- based education or training, by Figure 2.11 Destinations of gender 41 Year 12 completers (VCE non-VET and VCE VET, showing deferrers Figure 3.3 Level of study of Year 12 allocated to a main activity), middle or equivalent completers in campus- GAT quartiles 22 based education or training, by geographic location 42 Figure 2.12 Destinations of Year 12 or equivalent completers (showing Figure 3.4 Level of study of Year 12 deferrers allocated to a main or equivalent completers in campus- activity), by Indigenous status 23 based education or training, by school sector 42 iii Figure 3.5 Level of study of Year 12 Figure 3.17 Enrolment in bachelor or equivalent completers in campus- degree course type by GAT quartile 53 based education or training, by SES Figure 3.18 Labour force status of quartile 42 campus-based tertiary students, by Figure 3.6 Level of study of Year 12 level of study 54 or equivalent completers in campus- Figure 3.19 Labour force status of based education or training, by GAT campus-based tertiary students, by quartile 44 gender 54 Figure 3.7 Level of study of Year 12 Figure 3.20 Labour force status of or equivalent completers in campus- campus-based tertiary students, by based education or training, by SES level of study 56 quartile by gender 44 Figure 3.21 Occupations of campus- Figure 3.8 Level of study of Year 12 based tertiary students, by gender 57 or equivalent completers in campus- based education or training, by SES Figure 4.1 Post-school study or quartile by location 44 training destinations of Year 12 or equivalent completers 59 Figure 3.9 Level of study of Year 12 or equivalent completers in campus- Figure 4.2 Year 12 or equivalent based education or training, by SES completers, participation in quartile by school sector 46 apprenticeships and traineeships, by gender 60 Figure 3.10 Level of study of Year 12 or equivalent completers in campus- Figure 4.3 Year 12 or equivalent based education or training, by SES completers in apprenticeships and quartile by GAT quartile 46 traineeships, by level of study 60 Figure 3.11 Level of study of Year 12 Figure 4.4 Year 12 or equivalent or equivalent completers in campus- completers, participation in based education or training, by GAT apprenticeships and traineeships, quartile by gender 46 by DEECD
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