59 SEANAD E´ IREANN 893 De´ardaoin, 9 Deireadh Fo´mhair, 2003 Thursday, 9th October, 2003 10.30 a.m. RIAR NA hOIBRE Order Paper GNO´ POIBLI´ Public Business Tairiscint: Motion: 1. ‘‘D’ainneoin aon nı´ sna Buan-Orduithe, That notwithstanding anything in Stand- le he´ifeacht o´ n 9 Deireadh Fo´ mhair, 2003, ing Orders, with effect from 9 October, agus go dtı´ go gcuirfear a mhalairt in iu´ l sa 2003 and until further notice in the 22nd 22u´ Seanad, go nde´antar leis seo Buan- Seanad, Standing Order 103 of the Standing Ordu´ 103 de Bhuan-Orduithe Sheanad Orders of Seanad E´ ireann relative to Public E´ ireann i dtaobh Gno´ Phoiblı´ a leasu´ trı´d Business is hereby amended by the addition an me´id seo a leanas a chur leis: of the following: ‘Ar an gceist ‘‘Go nglacfar an Bille chun ‘On the question ‘‘That the Bill be an breithniu´ deiridh a dhe´anamh air’’ received for final consideration’’ the fe´adfaidh an Chathaoir a cheadu´ do Chair may allow a member to contribute chomhalta o´ ra´id a thabhairt uair amha´in once on the subject matter of each group- ar a´bhar gach gru´ pa leasuithe arna nde´- ing of amendments made by the Da´il. anamh ag an Da´il. Is de rogha aonair na Such grouping shall be at the sole discre- Cathaoireach a bheidh an gru´ pa sin.’.’’ tion of the Chair.’.’’. —Senator Mary O’Rourke. 2. (l) An Bille um Ola-Thruailliu´ na Farraige (Dliteanas Sibhialta agus Cu´ iteamh) (Leasu´ ) 2003 — An Coiste. (a) Oil Pollution of the Sea (Civil Liability and Compensation) (Amendment) Bill — Committee. 3. (l) An Bille um an Dlı´ Coiriu´ il (Gealtacht) 2002 — An Coiste. (a) Criminal Law (Insanity) Bill 2002 — Committee. 4. (l) An Bille um Chosaint Mha´ithreachais (Leasu´ ) 2003 — An Coiste. (a) Maternity Protection (Amendment) Bill 2003 — Committee. 5. An Bille Le´iriu´ cha´in 2000 [Da´il] — An Dara Ce´im. Interpretation Bill 2000 [Da´il] — Second Stage P.T.O. 894 9 Deireadh Fo´mhair, 2003 6. Ra´itis maidir leis an leibhe´al ard o´ il alco´ il ag daoine o´ ga. (ato´ga´il). Statements on the high level of alcohol consumption by young people. (resumed). 7. Ra´itis maidir le hUathachas. (ato´ga´il). Statements on Autism. (resumed). Tı´olactha: Presented: 8. An Bille um Shaora´il Faisne´ise (Leasu´ ) (Uimh. 2) 2003 — Ordu´ don Dara Ce´im. Freedom of Information (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2003 — Order for Second Stage. Bille da´ ngairtear Acht do leasu´ an Achta Bill entitled an Act to amend the Free- um Shaora´il Faisne´ise 1997 agus do dhe´an- dom of Information Act 1997 and to pro- amh socru´ i dtaobh nithe gaolmhara. vide for related matters. —Senator Brendan Ryan 9. An Bille um Thruailliu´ na Farraige (Fora´lacha Ilghne´itheacha) 2003 — Ordu´ don Dara Ce´im. Sea Pollution (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2003 — Order for Second Stage. Bille da´ ngairtear Acht do thabhairt Bill entitled an Act to give effect to the e´ifeacht don Choinbhinsiu´ n Idirna´isiu´ nta ar International Convention on Civil Liability Dhliteanas Sibhialta i leith Dama´iste o´ Ola- for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage 2001 Thruailliu´ Buncair 2001 a rinneadh i Lon- done at London on 23 May 2001 and to dain an 23 Bealtaine 2001 agus do dhe´an- make provision for matters relating to amh socru´ maidir le nithe a bhaineann le Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/2001 of 22 Rialacha´n (CE) Uimh. 44/2001 an 22 Nol- December 2000 on jurisdiction and the laig 2000 o´ n gComhairle ar dhlı´nse agus ar recognition and enforcement of judgments aitheantas agus forghnı´omhu´ breithiu´ nas in in civil and commercial matters in so far as a´bhair shibhialta agus tra´chta´la a mhe´id a it relates to that Convention, to give effect bhaineann se´ leis an gCoinbhinsiu´ n sin, do to the Protocol 2000 on Preparedness, thabhairt e´ifeacht do Phro´ tacal 2000 maidir Response and Co-operation to Pollution le hUllmhacht, Freagairt agus Comhoibriu´ Incidents by Hazardous and Noxious Sub- i leith Teagmhas Truaillithe o´ Shubstaintı´ stances 2000 done at London on 15 March Guaiseacha agus Dı´obha´lacha 2000 a rinne- 2000, to give effect to the International adh i Londain an 15 Ma´rta 2000, do thab- Convention on the Control of Harmful hairt e´ifeacht don Choinbhinsiu´ n Idirna´is- Anti-Fouling Systems done at London on 5 iu´ nta ar Cho´ rais Dhı´obha´lacha Frith- October 2001, to give effect to Annex VI Sma´laithe a Rialu´ a rinneadh i Londain an as added to the Marpol Convention by the 5 Deireadh Fo´ mhair 2001, do thabhairt Protocol to that Convention done at e´ifeacht d’Iarscrı´bhinn VI arna cur le London on 26 September 1997, to amend Coinbhinsiu´ n Marpol leis an bPro´ tacal a the Sea Pollution Acts 1991 to 1999, to ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiu´ n sin a rinne- amend Part III of the Merchant Shipping adh i Londain an 26 Mea´nFo´ mhair 1997, Act 1992 and to provide for related matters. do leasu´ na nAchtanna um Thruailliu´ na Farraige 1991 go 1999, do leasu´ Chuid III den Acht Loingis Cheannaı´ochta 1992 agus do dhe´anamh socru´ i dtaobh nithe gaolmhara. —Senator Mary O’Rourke. 9 Deireadh Fo´mhair, 2003 895 Tairiscintı´: Motions: 10. ‘‘Go gceadaı´onn Seanad E´ ireann an That Seanad E´ ireann approves the follow- tOrdu´ seo a leanas ina dhre´acht: ing Order in draft: An tOrdu´ um an Acht Sla´inte 1970 (Alt The Health Act 1970 (Section 76) 76) fa´n Simpson’s Hospital Estate Act Simpson’s Hospital Estate Act (Leasu´ ), 2003, (Amendment) Order, 2003, ar leagadh co´ ip de ina dhre´acht faoi bhra´id a copy of which was laid in draft before Sheanad E´ ireann an 25 Meitheamh, 2003. Seanad E´ ireann on 25th June, 2003.’’ —Senator Mary O’Rourke 11. ‘‘Go dtugann Seanad E´ ireann da´ aire an That Seanad E´ ireann takes note of the Cu´ igiu´ Tuarasca´il o´ n gComhchoiste um Fifth Report of the Joint Committee on Chumarsa´id, Muir agus Acmhainnı´ Na´du´ r- Communications, Marine and Natural tha — Raidio´ A´ itiu´ il: An Pro´ iseas Ceadu´ - Resources — Local Radio: The Licencing naithe — athbhreithniu´ ar an gco´ ras ceadu´ - Process — a review of the licencing system naithe de re´ir na taithı´ ata´ ag Sta´isiu´ in as experienced by Local Radio Stations in Raidio´ A´ itiu´ il in E´ irinn. Ireland.’’ —Senator Mary O’Rourke. 12. ‘‘Go gceadaı´onn Seanad E´ ireann, de ‘‘That Seanad E´ ireann approves, in re´ir Airteagal 29.4.6° de Bhunreacht na accordance with Article 29.4.6° of Bunre- hE´ ireann, an Sta´t d’fheidhmiu´ an roghnai- acht na hE´ ireann, the exercise by the State the, da´ bhfora´iltear le hAirteagal 3 den of the option, provided by Article 3 of the cheathru´ Pro´ tacal ata´ leagtha amach i fourth Protocol set out in the Treaty of gConradh Amstardam, fo´ gra a thabhairt Amsterdam, to notify the President of the d’Uachtara´n Chomhairle an Aontais Eor- Council of the European Union that it paigh gur mian leis a bheith pa´irteach i wishes to take part in the adoption and nglacadh agus i bhfeidhmiu´ an bhirt bhear- application of the following proposed taithe seo a leanas: measure: togra le haghaidh Rialacha´in o´ n gCom- hairle (CE) i dtaobh an dlı´ is infheidhme a proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) maidir le hoibleaga´idı´ neamhchonar- on the law applicable to non-contractual thacha (An Ro´ imh II), obligations (Rome II), ar beart beartaithe e´ ar leagadh co´ ip de faoi bhra´id Sheanad E´ ireann an 6 Lu´ nasa, 2003. copy of which proposed measure was laid before Seanad E´ ireann on 6th August, 2003.’’ —Senator Mary O’Rourke. 13. Tairiscintı´ nach o´ n Rialtas. Non-Government Motions. 1. ‘‘That Seanad E´ ireann expresses its concern at the recent dismissal of the Principal Teacher of an interdenominational Gaelscoil in Dunboyne, Co. Meath and, in order to develop a viable and comprehensive policy, calls on the Minister for Education and Science to establish immediately a Forum on Interdenominational Education, P.T.O. 896 9 Deireadh Fo´mhair, 2003 representative of the Education partners and appropriate Church Authorities; and requests the reinstatement of the Principal until such time as the Report of the Forum is considered.’’ —Senators Joe O’Toole, Shane Ross, David Norris, Mary Henry. [9 October, 2002] 2. ‘‘That Seanad E´ ireann deplores— (a) the failure by the Minister for Finance to make public before the May General Election the true state of the public finances as subsequently outlined in last June’s memo from the Minister for Finance to his fellow Government Ministers. (b) the gross failure by the Minister for Finance in his December 2001 Budget State- ment to accurately assess the now projected Budget Deficit and (c) calls on the Minister for Finance to come before the Seanad for a full debate on the consequence of the current economic crisis and to introduce a Fiscal Responsi- bility Bill.’’ —Senators Jim Higgins, Ulick Burke, James Bannon, Paul Bradford, Fergal Browne, Paddy Burke, Paul Coghlan, Noel Coonan, Maurice Cummins, Frank Feighan, Michael Finucane, Brian Hayes, Joe McHugh, John Phelan, Sheila Terry. [9 October, 2002] 3. ‘‘In view of the fact that Argentina is experiencing its worst economic crisis and, remembering how our emigrants were welcomed in Argentina during the 19th century, Seanad E´ ireann calls on the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform to make some arrangement to allow members of the Irish-Argentine community to live and work in Ireland which they have been excluded from doing under the terms and pro- visions of the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Acts of 1956 and 1986.’’ —Senators Joe O’Toole, David Norris, Shane Ross, Mary Henry, Feargal Quinn.
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