FEBRIJAIIY· What to Do When (Continued on Cover m) (Chapter officers, alumnre advisers, and province officers.-H it is im· possible to comply with dates listed below, please notify the proper person regarding date upon which report may be expected.) Forlllll for all reports requested in the calendar are supplied by the central office. If forms are not received two weeks before deadline, notify central office. Follow instructions to the letter and mail before closing date if possible. OCTOBER 30-Treasurer sends to central office per capita tax report and per capita tax for each member active !-Pledge Captain places pledge program in mail at any time during the first half year, as well as to national chairman of pledge training, also per capita tax for associate members, also check sends order for hand books to central office. for bonds of treasurer, house and commissary !-Standards chairman places standards program manager. in mail to national chairman of standards. !-Membership chairman sends report to director DECEMBER of membership and province president; also later pledgings as they occur. !-Scholarship chairman sends to central office, na­ 1-(0n or before) Treasure~-Two weeks after the tional scholarship chairman and province presi· opening of the fall term, send revised copy of dent a report of the scholastic ratings for the budget to chairman of budgeting and book· previous year. keeping. Upon receipt of her suggestions, mail 1 0- Treasurer places monthly finance report in mail three copies of corrected budget to her. to chairman of budgeting and bookkeeping. tO--Treasurer places monthly finance report in mail to chairman of budgeting and bookkeeping and JANUARY sends chapter's subscription ($2.00) for Banta's I 0-Treasurer places monthly finance report in mail Greek E.:change and Fraternity Month to the to chairman of budgeting and bookkeeping. central office. Check made payable to the Fra· JS-Treasurer places budget comparison report for ternity. all departments covering first school term in mail 13-Founders' Day. to chairman of budgeting and bookkee1>ing to· 1S-KEY correspondent places semi-annual chapter gether with report on budget revisions for new news letter for December KEY in mail to editor, term. and pictures of Phi Beta Kappas, Mortar Boards or election to equivalent honoraries during past 'FEBRUARY school year. IS-Corresponding secretary sends· revised list of 10-Treasurer places monthly finance report in mail chapter officers to central office, copies of cur· to chairman of budgeting and bookkeping. rent rushing rules and campus Panhellenic Con· IS-Registrar sends to central office one copy of the stitution to the . Panhellenic officer and 'province names and school addresses of active members president. for second semester ana one copy to province 30---Registrar sends one copy to the central office president; and names and home addresses of of names and school addresses of all active any girls pledged since October report to the members and one copy to province president; central office, province president, and director of also names and home addresses of new pledges membership. to the central office, and province president. IS-Annual election and installation of officers held Place order for year's supplies with the central between February IS and March IS. ' office. IS-Registrar sends to central office annual catalog report. NOVEMBER 15-KEY correspondence places semi-annual chapter 1-Treasurer mails check for pledge fees to central news letter for April KEY in mail to editor. office for all fall pledges. Treasurer mails letters 28-Eiect or appoint membership chairman and to parents of pledges and actives. alumna adviser for the next school year, in­ 7-Treasurer of house corporation sends annual .formation to be published in April KEY. ACT financial report, names and addresses of house PROMPTLY. board members to central office and chairman 28-Corresponding Secretary sends name of member­ of budgeting and bookkeeping. ship chairman with college and summer ad­ 10---Treasurer places monthly finance report in mail dress as well as name and address of alumna to chairman of budgeting and bookkeeping. adviser to central office. ON THE 15TH OF THE MONTH FOU..OWING EACH SEMESTER OR TERM a report on budget revisions together with budget comparison figures is sent by .the treasurer to the chairman of budgeting and bookkeeping. FEES FOR INITIATION are due one week after initiation, FOR PLEDGING one month after pledging. AU FEES ARE SENT TO CENTRAL OFFICE. Volume 64 Number 1 lI The first college women's fraternity magazine THE KEY Published continuously since 1882 FEBRUARY, 1947, CONTENTS COMMENTS FROM THE DESK OF THE E~ECUTJ¥E SECRETARY 3 KAP~A LOSES ITS LAST FOUNDER ..... ; : . ..... ..: ..... .. 5 ANOTHER PEARL ADDED TO My STRING OF KAPPA MEMORIES 6 ' MINNIE ROYSE WALKER-MY FAVORITE KAPPA . ', . 7 WHAT A KAPPA HUSBAND SAW AT BIKINI . .. .. .. .... .. ........ 9 KAPPAS AND KAPPA FAMILIES IN THE POLITICAL NEWS ..... .... .•... •. ..•. • 12 W . LEE KNOUS, GOVERNOR OF COLORDO .. .. ...... • .. ....... .. 14 JOHN W. BRICKER, UNITED STATES SENATOR FROM OHIO . .... .. .. ...•• 14 GEORGE SMATHERS, CONGRESSMAN FROM MIAMI, FLORIDA .. •..... • . .. ..• • 14 MAPLE T. HARL, CHAffiMAN, FDIC ..•. ... ... .. .. .. ... .... •• .. 15 NETTIE SCHWER FREED, SUPT. COLORADO STATE SCHOOLS ... .•...... ... 15 MARGARET GOLDSMITH JOINS STAFF OF Britannica . .. 15 WILFREDA HEALD LYTLE, B M-Colorado, GOES INTO OFFICE • . .. .. ... • . ..... 16 HELOISE SMARTT, FORMER FIELD SECRETARY, NOW FLIES UNDER ANOTHER NAME .. 18 co-AUTHOR OF Our Ne{ghors, the Chinese .. ... ... .. .. _ . .. ... .... 18 THE KEY VISITS GAMMA LAMBDA CHAPTER, MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE •.. ... .. ... 20 TRANSLATION OF LETTER FROM THE FRENCH MINISTER OF NATIONAL EDUCATION 26 KAPPAS SEEK TO REPAIR POSSESSIONS SHATTERED BY AMERICAN BOMBARDMENT . .. 27 TWENTY-EIGHT MORE CARTONS SHIPPED T O N ORWAY . .. .•. .. ... ... .. .. • • 31 CANADIAN BRIDE OF NORWEGIAN RECEIVES LAYETTE . .. ........•••.•..••.. 32 CANADIAN LAYETTES EVOKE HAPPY RESPONSE FROM NORWEGIANS . .. .. .. 33 COUNCIL CORNER 35 OUR SERVICE KAPPAS RETURN TO CIVILIAN LIFE 37 HAZEL ·HOTCHKISS WIGHTMAN, THE GRANDEST PERSON IN TENNIS .. ... ...• • • 39 JANE RECOMMENDS .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ... ..... 41 KOREAN WOMEN LEAVE TRADITIONS OF CENTURIES WITH A CHANGING CIVILIZATION 42 THE AMERICAN YOUTH FOUNDATION PROVIDES LEADERSHIP TRAINING . .. ... 45 CAMPUS HIGHLIGHTS .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .... ... ... ... .. •. .•• . • 48 KAPPA COLON IZED AT THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA . .........• '53 ALUMNA;: NEWS AROUND THE GLOBE ...... ... ... .. ... ... ..• .. 54 RUTH MAXWELL RECEIVES FRENCH AWARD . ... • ... .. .. .... •.•.... • • 55 MARRIAGES . ..· ... .. .. 56 BffiTHS . .......... • •. 57 IN MEMORIAM . ... .... .. 65 FRATERNITY DffiECTORY .. .... .. .... .. .. .. • .. ..• • ...•. .. .. ...... • 66 OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA ..t... T H E K EY is publi shed four ti mes a year, in Februar y, April, October, and December, by the George Banta Publish· ~"" ing Company, offi cial printer to Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity, 450 Ahnaip Street, Menasha, W isconsin. The price fo r a single copy is 50¢, for one year $1.50, for two years $2, and for life $15. Advertising rates on applica· tion to the business manager. · Report an y change of address direct to the Central Office, Suite 603, Ohio State Savings Building, Columbus 15, Ohio, rather than to the post offi ce. Requests for change of address must reach Central Office by the tenth of the month pri or to the date of publication. Dupli cate copies cannot be sent to replace those u ndelivered through failure to send such ad vance noti ce. The Central Office will not forward copies to your new address unless extra postage is provided by you. Items of a business nature should be sent to the B1<siness Manager, Clara 0. Pierce, B N, Suite 603. Ohio State Savings Bldg., Columbus I S, Ohio. Correspondence of an editorial nature, as well as KEY chapter and alumn:E letters, should be addressed to Central Offi ce, 603 Ohio State Savings Building, Columbus 15, Ohio. Material fo r publication must reach the office before the twentieth of December, February, August, and October. 'hiember of Fraternity :Magazines Assor ;ttt>rl Entered as second-class matter March 29, !929, at the post office at Columbus, Ohio, under the act of March 3, 1879. Additional entry at Menasha, \.Yisconsin. Accet1tea tor 11tawng at the spectal rate of postage provided for in the Act of October 3, 1917. Copyright, 1947, by Kappa Kappa Gamma Fratemity LOUISE BENNETT BOYD 77 YEARS a Comments /ro1n the desk of ... THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY APPA's first lady slept quietly away Jan­ understanding of the world. Over fifty chapter Kuary 17, 1947. She had recovered re­ houses have been built to provide healthful and cently from pneumonia but the drain on her cultural living centers for our members. Con­ system was too great. It had only been a few tributions have been made to two great wars­ weeks ago that she had written the council World War I through aid to the children of thanking them for her Christmas present. The France, World War II through the Service letter was gay and cheerful as always express­ Centers for Women in the Armed Forces of the ing the wonderful philosophy by which she had United Nations and to the women and children lived for ninety-five years. bombed from their homes in London. Layettes Though Mrs. Boyd had no chil9,ren to inherit to Norwegian mothers and the adoption of her
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