E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2015 No. 13 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER has lost a legend. Ernie Banks, ‘‘Mr. called to order by the Speaker. The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- Cub,’’ passed away last Friday. f tain up to 15 requests for 1-minute From humble beginnings, Ernie won speeches on each side of the aisle. two MVPs as a power-hitting shortstop PRAYER and became an All-Star and a Hall of The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick f Famer. But perhaps more importantly, J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: MODERNIZING 529 SAVINGS PLANS he overcame the racism he faced to be- God of the universe, thank You for come an amazing ambassador for the giving us another day. (Ms. JENKINS of Kansas asked and Cubs, his beloved Wrigley Field, and It is Your nature to hold us in Your was given permission to address the the game itself. living presence always. It is our nature House for 1 minute and to revise and You could not have met a more de- to think of You or of others only mo- extend her remarks.) cent, kinder, happier soul on any field mentarily or in passing. Ms. JENKINS of Kansas. Mr. Speak- of endeavor. It was for these roles that Be with each of us that we may be er, I rise today in support of H.R. 529, he was honored with the Presidential our very best and prove ourselves wor- a bill that Congressman KIND of Wis- Medal of Freedom. thy of Your love and Your grace. consin and I introduced to make sen- Ernie, thanks for reminding us that Bless the Members of the people’s sible enhancements to 529 college sav- baseball is a game that should be House in their work and deliberations ings plans. watched and played for fun. Indeed, today that they might merit the trust The 529 plans enjoy growing popu- let’s play two. You will be missed. larity, primarily with middle class of the American people and manifest f the strength of our republican democ- families who are looking for ways to COMBATING HUMAN TRAFFICKING racy to the nations of the world. responsibly prepare for the growing Without You, O Lord, we can do cost of college. The 12 million 529 (Mr. FITZPATRICK asked and was nothing. With You and in You, we can accountholders across the country are given permission to address the House establish a community of peace, good- able to choose a plan whose funds will for 1 minute and to revise and extend ness, and justice now and forever. then grow and be withdrawn tax free to his remarks.) May all that is done this day be for pay for college expenses such as tuition Mr. FITZPATRICK. Madam Speaker, Your greater honor and glory. or room and board. January is Human Trafficking Aware- Amen. H.R. 529 will make several technical ness Month, and I am pleased that the changes to 529 plans that will allow House is taking up a number of bipar- f students to purchase a computer using tisan measures this week to help eradi- THE JOURNAL their 529 funds, remove the unneces- cate this disturbing crime and assist The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- sary distribution aggregation require- its victims. ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- ments from the accounts, and allow 529 To most Americans, human traf- ceedings and announces to the House funds to be redeposited if the student ficking is something that happens in his approval thereof. withdraws from college. These mod- faraway lands. Unfortunately, the re- Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- ernizations will allow 529 plans to help ality hits much closer to home. Right nal stands approved. families get the most out of their sav- now, over 300,000 young Americans are ings. in danger of falling victim to this fast- f I ask my colleagues to join me in this growing criminal enterprise. As both a PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE effort. member of the Human Trafficking The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman f Task Force and a representative for from Illinois (Mr. QUIGLEY) come for- anti-trafficking advocates and organi- REMEMBERING ERNIE ‘‘MR. CUB’’ zations in my district in Pennsylvania, ward and lead the House in the Pledge BANKS of Allegiance. I am well aware of the devastating im- Mr. QUIGLEY led the Pledge of Alle- (Mr. QUIGLEY asked and was given pact of this modern-day slavery here in giance as follows: permission to address the House for 1 our Nation and in our communities I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the minute and to revise and extend his re- back home. United States of America, and to the Repub- marks.) But 2015 can be the year we take sig- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Mr. QUIGLEY. Madam Speaker, the nificant steps to end this scourge. The indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Chicago Cubs, baseball, and all sports work on the ground in Bucks and b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H585 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:52 Feb 03, 2015 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD15\H27JA5.REC H27JA5 DSKD7QTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H586 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 27, 2015 Montgomery Counties by organizations high school, not living in fear. In 2014 dress the House for 1 minute and to re- such as Worthwhile Wear, The Well, alone, in Ohio, 98 arrests were made in vise and extend his remarks.) Network of Victim Assistance, as well human trafficking investigations, in- Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. as faith-based groups, law enforcement, volving 181 potential victims. Madam Speaker, earlier this month the and concerned citizens is making an Today, the House is fighting back. United States Department of Agri- impact and increasing awareness and The anti-trafficking bills this week culture announced $370 million for 115 strengthening our response locally. will take aim at modern trafficking conservation projects in 50 States. The legislation under consideration networks and the criminals who seek These dollars are a result of the Re- this week on Capitol Hill allows this to abuse the lives of their victims. gional Conservation Partnership Pro- Congress to work together to ensure These bills encourage States to adopt gram which was recently created in the that we can support those impacted by safe harbor laws, enhance services for 2014 farm bill by the consolidation of this crime and combat and ultimately homeless youth, and further protect numerous regional conservation pro- defeat human trafficking in our Nation children in our Nation’s foster system. grams previously authorized under the and, hopefully, around the world. We must help survivors reclaim their 2008 law. This RCPP funding will also leverage f lives through heightened public aware- ness and increased collaboration an additional $400 million through non- REMEMBERING RONNIE BERLACK among governments. Federal matching funds. Roughly 40 AND BRYCE ASTLE Our Founders declared inherent and percent of these total dollars are going (Ms. KUSTER asked and was given inalienable the rights of life, liberty, towards national or multistate permission to address the House for 1 and the pursuit of happiness. Human projects, and about 35 percent towards minute and to revise and extend her re- trafficking violates these core rights. A ‘‘critical conservation areas,’’ which marks.) strong commitment to every human include the Great Lakes region, the Ms. KUSTER. Madam Speaker, today life will help the millions who suffer in Chesapeake Bay watershed, as well as I rise to honor the lives of Ronnie the dark shadows of this heinous other high priority agricultural re- Berlack and Bryce Astle, two members crime. gions. As chairman of the Agriculture Sub- of the United States Ski Team who f were taken from us far too soon by a committee on Conservation and For- tragic avalanche while training in Aus- CONGRATULATIONS, COACH MIKE estry, the committee will be closely tria in early January. KRZYZEWSKI! watching how USDA administers this These two young men dedicated (Mr. PRICE of North Carolina asked critical program through oversight of themselves to representing our country and was given permission to address the conservation title in the coming with skill and dignity as members of the House for 1 minute and to revise year. I strongly support commonsense, vol- the national ski team. They were both and extend his remarks.) untary agriculture conservation. I look very talented. But, sadly, we will never Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. Madam forward to working with USDA and the know how high their stars may have Speaker, I rise today, along with my various stakeholders on how to make risen. colleague, Mr. BUTTERFIELD, to con- these programs as effective and results Ronnie and Bryce touched many oth- gratulate Coach Mike Krzyzewski of driven as possible. ers with their love of life, their drive to Duke University on becoming the first compete, and their commitment to coach in the history of Division I f their teammates. Ronnie was a native NCAA basketball to win 1,000 games. CONGRATULATIONS, COACH MIKE of Franconia, New Hampshire, the Blue Devils everywhere are proud of KRZYZEWSKI same town that produced skiing great this remarkable feat, the crowning (Mr.
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