mm §5$ •sfi& 7 OHIO STATE MUSEUM LIB*ART •V IST'rf 4 B103 ST.. tlOHNNY GREEN 'MOST VALUABLErSPARTAN COLUMBUS, OHIO E. LANSING. Mich. *—' John Green, bril­ his shots from the floor, and Wis far and away scored him (23-14) and outrebounded hira liant pacesetter- for Michigan SUte in basket­ the best rebountler with 392 recoveries. (24-18). ball all year, ia the choice of hia fellow players He ranked well up among the. top tela In * t a IK53DE IMS WEK as the team's "most valuable" player. - Big Ten scoring and set a new conference mark GREEN'S OUTSTANDING play has not The sensational jumping junior from Day­ in field goal shooting percentage. gone unnoticed among selectors of honor teams. OHIO'S ton. O., spearheaded State's bid for Big Ten In 14 league games, his shooting percent­ He has been named to the Big Ten first team championship honors which missed by an eye­ age was .537, bettering the old mark of .512 set picked for United Press by the conference LUCIUS LEE lash as the Spartans fell before Indiana, 75-72, by Indiana's Dick Neal irf"1057. coaches. He was named to the Associated Press In the deciding contest. In the showdown game with Indiana, the third team All-America and to the INS second TRUTH • • • 6-5 Green was pitted against the .Hoosiers' great team All-America. ON CATHOLIC GREEN WAS A tremendous performer Archie Dees, top scorer in thevWestern Confer­ Spartan foes wl|I get another look al both on offense and defense in MSU's outstand­ ence. Even though the Spartans finished on the Green next year and probably won't relish it. ing 16-6 season. He topped the squad in scor­ short end of the score, Green clearly had ths His coaches say that's when he will rea* INTEGRATION better of it with his taller opponent as he out- lize his full college potential. ' PAPER ing with 397 points as he hit on 51 percent of *—Editorial Page VOL. 9, No. 42 SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1958 20 CEFTS COLUMBUS, OHIO Manning Scored Near Title Miss By FINN'S BREEDLOVE Things 1 didn't know about Co­ lumbus, golfers. That William "Bill" Manning came within a teaspoon of sand of becoming Columbus publinx champion in 1956. Tht ball was in a sand trap and as be went VICE SQUADMEN IN to stroke it his club head touched the s&nd and the penalty that re­ sulted was thc difference in the . game. He lost to John Winters, one o( the better golfers of the city, barring none. Could that be the reason Negroes were bar­ red from competing in the pu­ blinx last year? . Esther To­ ler hits about as long a tee shot M as any ot the lady goiters of the * A midwest district of UGS. Margaret Bates had four rounds! Photos Below. Story On Page 2 of (•</!' when she participated in her first tournament. I am told everything she did according to the book was wrong, but wound tip with a beautiful trophy. If you have information thnt MASTER'S could serve to make this an in­ teresting column send it to The VfJlCE Ohio Sentinel, PO Box 629 r.r Marcus Capps gives the to Flnnis Breedlove, 689 Miller •sj order and Flash carries it av., Columbus, CI. 3-2179. out. Marcus.and Flash are teamed up in a dog train­ ing program class held at CBS All Set To 60 5th St. YMCA in Dayton. CBS-Radio, Network will pre­ Fourteen adults and three sent exclusive, rfftllo covdrage ef boys are'participating in the 15 round world middle­ ths program and at the weight* 'championship bout be­ j end of each eight week tween Carmen Basilio and .training period a trophy is Sugar Ray Robinson direct from presented by YMCA .to ringside at Chicago stadium dog with best record. Tuesday, March 25, at 11 p. m The Chicago rematch will be the second meeting between Robin­ son and Basilio, with Basilio having been victor last Sept. 23. Tliij liUl** A DulKul n>ifl| : r> Aggies To Be Much Stronger This Year That is the candid opinon ot final gams of the season. Net success, this season, to a "ter­ Cal Irvin, basketball coach, who, ther saw tournament action. rific team spirit." in the short span of four years, Ha explains that not a single "This is the finest bunch 1 has brought A-T basketball from man will be lost from this year's have ever coached," ha de­ near obscurity to a new plane champions, Miller and Gray clared. "They love to play ball of power in C1AA circles. will be ready and two or three and love each other. I have The Aggies this season won "top notch" freshmen expected never, heard of a single one both the conference visitation to be added should give the team smoking, In or out of season, and tournament championships a lot more scoring punch. and because of their tine condi­ and progressed as far as the Over and above better than tioning they never ran out of finals in NCAA regional play­ average skills possessed by his gas. They had the ability to offs in Crumbling* La., before boys, Cal, credits Aggie team come back and were never ratt­ BRAKE SHOES losing to Grambling college. led when behind." • a m a $1.50 PER WHEEL Playoff On TV He added that his lone pro­ SUSPECTS IIE BELIEVES injuries to two blem was to prevent overconfi- 1 EXCHANGE key men, Vinson Miller and Plsfroff games of the Nat'I dence. • Rounded up as nar­ Herb Gray, may have made a Basketball Ass'n will be telecast cotics suspects Thursday big difference in the outcome ot by NBC-TV at.d carried by & D Auto Parts morning were these seven the Crambling encounter. WLW-C, Ch. 4 on Saturdays, Attendance Record suspects. Clockwise from Miller, a 6-5 toward from Phi­ OPEN DAILY — 8 A. M. TO 9 P. M. bottom left: Charles H. March 22 and 29, concluding Michigan State set a. new ladelphia, suffered a knee in­ NBC-TV's pro basketball "Game OPEN SUNDAY — 9 A. M. TO * P. M. Straughter, Sam Mt- home basketball attendance I jury in the first game of the of the Wek" telecasts for 1957- * 509 E. LIVINGSTON AVE. Cants, James W. Thomp­ season. Gray, also 6-5, a toward 58. TV time will.be 2 p.m., a record In the 1957-58 season, .,., /,. CA. 8-2250 son, Esbe Owens, Jr., Dor- from Washington, D. C., was few minutes before the tapoff. drawing 101,932 fans for ten phus Jefferson, Paul ~ E. down with a bad ankle in the home games. Perkins, Ronald L. Good. j'ii '•':,•• '•• •'• ••': v' K •:•'. •*• f ••;' -'" '•'' ' **.'--' , ' . "';;'-• HBHHBVaPHaVVHBBVHVHHaaa^PBHHPVBII • «•*«•*•»*» •*t**-s*s*r' *h*t,*asei ****** SATURDAY, MARCH 29. 19Ka PAGE 2 THE 0I1T0 SENTINEL SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1958 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 8 UL Women Have Workshop -Last Monday, more than 30 women attended the first hous­ ticipants turned attention to ing workshop sponsored by Ur­learning what agencies in city,, ban League Guil.d. Rcprsenta- state, and federal governments tives from United Churchwomen, have responsibility for housing. League of Women Voters, Jr. Speaking to this subject were League, Council of Jewish Wo­ Jack Bachtel, City* Planning men and Catholic Women's Commission; Charles Bobst, League came to discuss and hear Dept of Public Safety; gel win how housing affects the total Davis, Federal Housing Admin­ community and what impact istration; William C. Anderson, housing, or lack of it, has upon Slum Clearance and Rehabilita­ social welfare regencies. tion Commission; Harry Drake, In the morning session, Water­ Columbus Metropolitan Housing man Baldwin, executive secre­ Authority, and A- Charles tary of Council of Social Agen­ Brooks, Development Committee cies, cited specific examples for Greater Columbus. where Inadequate housing creat­ Mrs. George I. Nelson was ed problems o f separation o f moderator and Mrs. B. W. Ab- families. ramson ls chairman of the work* In the afternoon workshop par- shop program Spring St. YMCA annual salt water taffy sale QVP\(if IC RI i'SfX'FCC p*"rt of more th**n 50° n*sar-EasUide residents who jammed Neighborhood House Tuesday to hear spokes* STAR TAFFY SALESMEN- 'ended .with ovar 1850 pounds of taffy sold for •JaCitAlvrlJaJ DLajIl IEJCJO **** maB for expressway relate how Ft. Hayes interchange will affect their property. Grim-faced property YMCA World Service. Profit goes te YMCAs In other countries to help strengthen work in their Speaker For ARM owners filled main floor aad balcony of auditorium for Near*Eastside Area Council sponsored affair.—Pierce Photo. respective lands. Front row from left: James Johnston, Eastwood; Paul Hairston, Main St.; Kinney Denies Charles Sullivan, Douglas; Robert Johnson, Pilgrim. Back row: Kenneth Fenderson, Cham­ pion Jr. High; Herbert Austin, Douglas; Steve and Lloyd Napper, Beatty Pk. Not shown: Jerry Drunk Driving Walker, Donglas; William and Dwight Gilbert, Eastwood; Reginald Hicks, Eastgate; Kenneth SchoNeld, Eastwood; Marvin and TUton Reed, Eastgate. A jury trial was demanded by Vice Squad Raid Nets 18, Seven Stil! Held George Kinney, 42, 730 Reynolds av., Columbus, when he faced a drunk driving charge in Worth­ By JOHN B. COMBS ington mayor's court Tuesday. Thurgood Marshall... Freedom's Fighter Kinney, who pleaded Innocent, Seven alleged Colambus dope traffickers are being beld in city prison under.heavy bond pending preliminary bearings on By HARLAND RANDOLPH had his case continued until next Few living individuals have Tuesday. He was released af­ charges of sale and possession of narcotics.
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