-. .•• .,.~~ "'~ ,~'!'-"'::~-""'~"""'.'1:-'~"'" ". "::··-~~~-~;::-'·~·~····-~C-~·"·-~·~~~-'··_-. -~-",.~ .... _.~._.. - .-..-_.~ TH E NEWS'RE;~6RD "SALUT ES'PROFrL"E<.,sfl'ii~etj;~"P'R:OF'i L E was We' don';i"Vi:iri~~t;o:e:nd ·u~~beggin~f f~~,a:camPLJsp~blication later, No matte'r how you loek at it, only on subscti:ptlon~ there was a shortage 'and "ma'ny::people shared·so~upport::"PkOF:ti.,E'':ti:ow~'' .. " " '. '''.. '.' " PROFILE makes for interesting one copy. " .~, .... ~ reading. ~ > -, ~ University OfCfr).·[!H~~~~;!::!':·~Tll·. , .' ," ;~'iN:E,W''S' '~~d'OR' ~. ..~ • . .,'_ ,"" -'_>.. l.'" •• ,",. •• ,-po' - " -D: Cl!1~.innati, Ohio: Tpursday"January 21" 1965 Series :BFl Z553 Insurance Major SSSQB To Invade South, Anno'unced;. by Larry Sh,;,man have enough students to rent out anentire motel." , , The Students for A Swinging llaisi'1l9 Under· "Way Spring Quartet Break, a new UC General Chairman for the event Fund organization de d i cat e d to the, is George Boothe Eng. '65, who Plans" for a proposed. under- universities. Such -items as curri-: icestprovided by the insurance noble cause Of; making' the next , commented :'This is an excellent graduate major in insurance have culai,fun'ds; ',faculty, and "facili- indu&:try)·and·,· increased under- quarter, break 'pure ectasy have opportunity ifor the DC student 'aniiounced tentative plans for the been announced vby Dean Ken- ties were studied due laigel·y to a staridiIig, qf; t~eso!~ gf. the iJ)' to get, to'. see part. of America n€fj;nWilson. of -the U'.~C. College $l,OOO'gran t provided- solely~~~for suranee repreS"eritative:""""''' '>':. ' ' J\l~r~J:i:~jg~aU®.i""~,'">'·';:~~' _.. ~~ile,'ei}joyingtheadvantages of ¥ ,an ocean vacation.' . of Business Administration. The research. - "The program will, be complete ·"':'1]ndertb~S<t3;rrger.<lus leader· program will .carry witbvit a . ·'Th~ survey. 'ShQ\V~dthe need-for . in that i(wHrprovi:de.both general ship'. of, pi~sidenr- Mike. He s se . Ami' DC, student Intere~ted in ,professorship which will be under- such' arcornprehensivevinsurance and-. specialized - courses;·' with A.&S.>65·the SSSQB\s 'present-ad- joining" the, SSSQB can contact written for its first' five years Boothe 'at 22'1-1243, or Hesse at program at the college level. equal attention given to the major ven tures' call for' a :gigantic' TGIF by the insurance industry. Hence U. C. will appoint a senior areas' of insurance." RE 1-9709~' Although presently in right after finals, and then a mass Six local' insurance groups are insurance professor of national the forming stages, good UCsup- now .campaigning for funds which stature ~;.. ' * ' migratr'on':South:'to Florida (and· port will ensure a swinging vaca- Ar· BUik, President of the will : launch the project: These "It, is important that" we ' have the ·~ount.~iJt,O~ youth?) . tion. groups need $100,000 to insure a college-level program in Cin- Cin~inpati' L~bor Coun,dl will According to Hesse, "We'll go Although. not presently under the initial five years.of the pro- cinnati for those who buy and speak on Medicare, Jan. 28, to either, Daytona Beach or Fort student government, there' are gram. for those who' sell insurance," a .12] Mc;:Micken at 1 p.m, Lauderdale) which ever place will plans being made to obtain a fac- iC Sponsoring the campaign are joint announcement by the spon- give us the best offer. We hope to ulty advisor. Cincinnati chapters -of the Char- soring groups.pointed out. tered Life Underwriters, the "Young people will have. the 175 I'n O:ne Room! Chartered Property and Casualty opportunity to choose an .insur- Underwriters, and the American ance career while in college and Society of Insurance Management; to ' have. specific educa tion .for Cincinnati General agents and. it. This 'insurance education pro- Dqbney Room~StlJ.ffKing " Managers and Cincinnati Life Un- vides highly qualified people for derwriters Associations; and the the entire insurance industry. by Dave Altman Cincinnati Insurance Board. "Opportunities will be given to - It started on the sixth floor of While an exact date has not -provide an awareness of the high been set for the initiation. of the standards of the insurance .indue. Dabney and spread like an infec- program, much ground work has try and 0:( the importance of tion throughout the. school. En- already been done in research- maintaining these high standards couraged . by a local ra-dio and ing similar programs in leading at all times. television s tat ion, V.C'. dorm- "The' resulting prestige to the insurance industry. will he evi- dwellers picked a q u f e t snow- denced by a greater appreciation bound Sunday afternoon to liter- of the place of. insurance in plan- ally stuff themselves into their ning every man's financial pro- rooms. The object :v~s, Of course, gram, public recognition' of- servo / to get as many students into a single room as .possible, The fad ~egentsDi rector caught on withsuch effectiveness that even Siddall Hall, home of To SpeckHere some of Cincinnati's most con- servative, women, participated. Dr. John D.~· Mfllett, .former president of Mia mi University When the smoke cleared, last . and now director and' chancellor Sunday's official t i tl e went, to of the Ohio Board of Regents, will room 42,6 Dabney which managed ,be guest. speaker, at a -faculty'. to wedge 175 of that floor's finest luncheon-lecture it'12 noon Jan. into .the tiny cubical,' However, 21 in the University of Cincin- peace was not .to reign. The local nati's YMCA Bldg. radio station carried a report that Dr., Millett is the second speak- 200.Siddalites were at .that mo- er in this year's annual series of ment, stuffed into a corner room luncheon-lectures' sponsored for in the Tower ~ A good place for faculty members by DC's YMCA them, many Dafineyites felt. Stili He Will discuss "The Regents Sys-. they were .disspirited. -Gloom was, PUSH. 'EM BACK •• ~Ambitious Dabney Hall residents go for Nati~nal teraand 'Municipal Universities." prevalent. But a protestwas reg- Record by stuHing175students into one room, Native' of Indianapolis, Dr. l\fil- istered and calm' was restored. -Iett is a .graduateof Depauw and , One enterprising NEWS REGORD ticewon. out and the fourth fl-oor 1'01' in the hearts of those who had Columbia universities,' He taught reporter discovered that.thegirls' of Dabney was recognized by all witnessed the proceedings of the at Columbia frbh11945 until his r e p 0 .r f' was fraudulent and de- to' be undisputed champions. afternoon. French Hall challenged appointment as Miami president manded of Gary Allen, local D. J., . Serenity returned,'toU.G. until ablcomers to beat their record- in 1953. that the-claim be retracted.' Jus- ,yet another proposal I struck ' ter- a completely empty room. Page Two UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI NEWS RECORD, Gaslight Singers Swing Here' 0.1. A. Back In Election Battles :~ -=-Seeks To Unseat .Coalitions by Jim Ramsey While getting a late start this Tentative plans call .for set- The Organization for Independ- year will hinder them; the O~A tin,g up committees to handle hopes to still make an ambitious ent Action, the third "party" in speech malsing, publicity, ..'writ- DC's political arena lastyearhas attempt as a political party. ing, and typing of tamp~i9n' reorganized ~.l~d appears .ready Interested candidates are urged . to give the coaliticns a rough byStev ens to petition the execu- material. OIA literature is;'o, 'battlei'n this year's campus eiec- tive-commi-te-e Iov alA .support. be- distribut»'d tht'O'\J~;jl0Ut the tions. ' Stevens' stated that those run- campu~ancl a News Letter has ning. should submit a platform of alreadybe~n mailed. Under the co-chairmanship of what the;)' jli~eL(l 1rl-accoll1pli~h Ken Stevens' and DaveSchwain, Individual party membership to "the committee .. and include will oe $.5 and canrli\lat~s are to both members of Phi Kappa, 'Some original planks. .He mention- Theta Frat~rnitYJ the OlAis provide ror their OWi' campaign; ed that the organization would liot costs .wh ile: the 01.'\ will assist , attempting to reach a vast have astrict platform this year, cross-section - of campus -activ~ ,<th publicity andjirornotton. " ity. An executive committee has been set up, and will' fu.ne:tionin a manner similar to the ill-fated ESQUIRE BARBE,R'SHOP GGG. Stevens a;"H~Schwain have lined upSunny Robinson, Mortar Board YouSpeci fY/' ',We Satisfy In ':ice Presrdent.. and ~\:,~mi Kr rv- bill, president of Assorted .. Wo- Princeton.lvy Leogue,FI.:at 1\'C,118 Student: and Loth resi- i dents of Logan Hall, .Joe D'Gen- ' ,T opsandAny OtherModern ova, President ofhte Men'sResi- dence Halls, Betsy Meyers, Jim- . -or· RequlorHoir Style ".', .. \.., ; " ior Class SecretarY,and I Sue Bishop both from Theta. Phi AL- 228 W. ·McMilian St. Cincinnati 19 pha to' serve on the Executive ~ r- ~ •• <ON FRIDAYL Jan. 29, at 8:00, the Gaslight Singers will be appearing Phone 621-5060- Mon.· Fri. 8·6 - sat.8-5 fin Concert at Wilson HaU, under the'sponsorship of the Student Union. Committee . , Also on the Executive BoarCl, The-exciting 'talent of-these three young men and one vivacious woman are Ann Schroeder,. President Qf , l!l~s been acclaimed from coast to coast. Tickets are available' at the World University ·Service and urion Desk for $1.50. .~' a member of Alpha Chi O",~ga, Gale Switzer and Charlle -C.arr ' 'BE-RT'SPAPA,' DINO'S· frn.-. to"''' " •.•:••..'" ,. ••.••:pL;" •.• r"'~'1_ pus Fellowship, Randall Maxey, AWspetitions are available Famous Italian, ·Foods _ ostonian Named P"et»ident of he CounciL on 'n~ 1 at the Dean of Women.'s Office tergroup Relations, and Alpha All Foods Prepa.red Fresh.Daily - ~We Bake Our Own Bread 'To 'Speak-Topic; and the Union 'Desk.
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