East Riding of Yorkshire and Kingston upon Hull Joint Minerals Local Plan Revised Preferred Approach Consultation Document Summer 2015 Consultation Joint Minerals Local Plan Revised Preferred Approach Consultation Document This report has been produced for the East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Kingston upon Hull City Council by Atkins Ltd. If you would like a summary of this document in a different format such as large print, Braille of tape, or in a different language, please contact your Council’s Information Centre on East Riding of Yorkshire 01482 393939 Or email [email protected] City of Kingston upon Hull 01482 300 300 Or email [email protected] The Joint Authorities are keen to obtain the views of everyone with an interest in minerals planning on the issues raised in this Joint Minerals Local Plan Revised Preferred Approach Consultation document. A response form is provided and further copies can be downloaded from our respective websites. www.eastriding.gov.uk and www.hullcc.gov.uk Alternatively, responses can be made online through the websites. The consultation period ends on xx, and completed response forms should be sent to; James Durham, East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Room FS32, County Hall, Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU17 9BA Electronic responses to: [email protected] For further information contact either: Andy Wainwright at the East Riding of Yorkshire Council on 01482 393730 or James Durham at the East Riding of Yorkshire Council on 01482 391750 i Joint Minerals Local Plan Revised Preferred Approach Consultation Document Contents Section Page List of Abbreviations iv 1. Introduction 1 The Joint Minerals Local Plan (JMLP) 1 The Plan-Making Process 2 National and Local Planning Context 5 Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment 6 Relationship with Other Planning Documents 7 2. Background 12 Introduction 12 A spatial portrait 12 Geology of the Joint Area 14 Mineral Resource Information 15 Current Picture of the Minerals Industry 16 3. Vision and Objectives for Minerals Development 25 Introduction 25 The Vision for Minerals Development 25 Promoting Sustainable Development 28 Developing Minerals Policies 29 Safeguarding 30 Planning for the Supply of Mineral Resources 34 Minimising the Impact of Mineral Workings and Associated Development 37 4. Aggregate Minerals 38 Introduction 38 Sand and Gravel 39 Crushed Rock 48 Borrow Pits 54 Recycled and Secondary Aggregates 55 Imported Aggregates 57 Marine Aggregates 57 Other Imported Aggregates 62 5. Non Aggregate Minerals 65 Clay 65 Industrial Chalk 68 Peat 71 Silica Sand 74 6. Energy Minerals 77 Coal 77 Oil and Gas 80 Unconventional Hydrocarbons 86 Underground Storage of Natural Gas 89 7. Development Management Policies 92 Introduction & Background 92 ii Joint Minerals Local Plan Revised Preferred Approach Consultation Document Development Management Policies 94 8. Monitoring and Implementation 108 Introduction 108 Monitoring 108 Performance Indicators 109 Implementation 113 9. What Happens Next 114 List of Tables Table 2.1 - Consumption of Primary Aggregates in YHU11 in 2009 (Thousand Tonnes) 22 Table 2.2 – Sources of Sand and Gravel Consumed in the ERY, Hull, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire grouped area (YH11) in 2009 22 Table 2.3 – Sources of Crushed Rock Consumed in the ERY, Hull, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire grouped area 2009 23 Table 4.1 - Calculation to Show the Amount of Sand and Gravel Resources that need to be identified in the JMLP 44 Table 4.2 - Calculation to Show the Amount of Crushed Rock Resources that need to be identified in the JMLP 51 Table 8.1 - Monitoring Indicators 109 List of Figures Figure 1.1 - Joint Area for the JMLP 2 Figure 1.2 – Plan Preparation Process for the JMLP 4 Figure 1.3 - ERYC Local Plan 8 Figure 1.4 – Kingston-upon-Hull City Council Local Plan 9 Figure 2.1 – Simplified Geology 14 Figure 2.2 – Sales of Sand and Gravel 2005-2013 17 Figure 2.3 –Share of plan area sand and gravel production 2005-2013 18 Figure 2.4 –Share of plan area sand and gravel production 2005-2013 19 Figure 4.1 - Sand and Gravel Deposits 39 Figure 4.2 - Chalk and Limestone Deposits 49 Figure 5.1 - Brick Clay Deposits 66 Figure 5.2 – Silica Sand Deposits 75 Figure 6.1 – Extent of onshore Oil and Gas Licence areas (1 April 2015) 81 Appendices Appendices Appendix A Existing minerals sites Appendix B Mineral Safeguarding Area Plans Appendix C Identified Site Briefs and Location Plans Appendix D Response Form iii Joint Minerals Local Plan Revised Preferred Approach Consultation Document List of Abbreviations Term Meaning AMR Aggregates Monitoring Report BGS British Geological Survey CBM Coal Bed Methane DEFRA Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs DM Development Management DPD Development Plan Document EIA Environmental Impact Assessment ERY East Riding of Yorkshire ERYC East Riding of Yorkshire Council ES Environmental Statement FBA Furnace Bottom Ash FRA Flood Risk Assessment HRA Habitats Regulations Assessment JMLP Joint Minerals Development Plan Document (the plan under preparation) JMLP 2004 Joint Minerals Local Plan (Adopted 2004) KHCC Kingston upon Hull City Council LAA Local Aggregate Assessment LDD Local Development Document LNR Local Nature Reserves LPA Local Planning Authority LSP Local Strategic Partnership MMO Marine Management Organisation MPA Mineral Planning Authority MPS UK Marine Policy Statement NPPF National Planning Policy Framework NP National Park PFA Pulverised Fuel Ash SA Sustainability Appraisal SAC Special Areas of Conservation SCI Statement of Community Involvement SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment iv Joint Minerals Local Plan Revised Preferred Approach Consultation Document Term Meaning SFRA Strategic Flood Risk Assessment SINC Site of Interest for Nature Conservation SPA Special Protection Areas v Joint Minerals Local Plan Revised Preferred Approach Consultation Document 1. Introduction The Joint Minerals Local Plan (JMLP) 1.1 This Revised Preferred Approach Consultation Document is a significant step forward in preparing a new Joint Minerals Local Plan (JMLP) for East Riding of Yorkshire and Kingston upon Hull. The plan is being prepared jointly by the two Councils. 1.2 The JMLP is being prepared within the context of the emerging Hull and East Riding Local Plans for the respective Authorities as well as existing ‘saved’ Local Plans, which they will supersede. These plans address more general planning issues such as the need to protect and enhance biodiversity, and addressing flood risk. The JMLP therefore aims to address minerals specific issues, such as aggregates provision. It aims to reconcile the objectives of safeguarding the environment and local communities while meeting the need for minerals and ensuring that minerals development contributes to wider sustainability aims. Minerals must be worked in a planned way over time, in order to make optimum use of a finite resource. 1.3 The aim of the JMLP is to set out the vision, objectives, spatial approach, and allocations for mineral development within the administrative areas of the two Authorities and provide the key policy framework for minerals development management. 1.4 The term ‘mineral development’ applies to any development primarily involving the extraction, processing, storage, transportation or manufacture of minerals. Restoration and aftercare are also important stages of mineral development, whether progressive or taking place on completion of extraction. The term ‘mineral working’ or ‘mineral extraction’ refers to the winning and working of minerals and ancillary development; for example processing plants, site offices and weighbridges. The plan also addresses facilities for transporting minerals, such as rail depots and aggregate wharves. Reference is also made to facilities for recycled aggregates within mineral sites. Other aggregates recycling facilities elsewhere are to be addressed in the Joint Waste Local Plan being lead by Hull City Council. 1.5 Although the JMLP is being prepared jointly, mineral related planning applications will continue to be considered by the Authority within which they are submitted. 1.6 The plan area covered will be referred to as the ‘Joint Area’, and the two Authorities will be referred to as the ‘Joint Authorities’. The extent of the Joint Area is shown in Figure 1.1. The end date for the plan is 2032. The base date for minerals survey data is the end of 2013. 1 Joint Minerals Local Plan Revised Preferred Approach Consultation Document Figure 1.1 - Joint Area for the JMLP The Plan-Making Process 1.7 The plan making process involves consultations with the local community, key stakeholders, minerals industry operators, and local partners at the different stages in its preparation. Consultation is carried out in accordance with the East Riding of Yorkshire Council (ERYC) and Kingston upon Hull City Council (KHCC) Statements of Community Involvement (SCI). 1.8 Earlier stages of JMLP to date are: An Issues and Options Consultation (June 2008) – This was the first stage in the preparation of the JMLP and presented a number of issues and alternative options for consideration on future minerals supply and safeguarding. A Preferred Approach Consultation (May 2010) – This was the second stage and put forward draft policies and proposals on the topics considered within the Issues and Options Consultation and identified possible sites for future mineral extraction. Site Selection Consultation (January 2012) - This third stage
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