Brownsville Woman Announces as Candidate for State Federation Head Club Women To DAINTY VALENTINES RACK AGAIN Federation Card ANNOUNCES Mrs. Taylor /AY VALENTINE Fete ffigtn~ Well Seeks Valley \t3V Party Office B Federation Attended Of President Mrs. Among the many event* the One of the delightful functions of Volney Taylor, prominent Brownsville the coming week bring*, will be the the past week was the benefit club woman of and her candi- Valentine banquet Thursday njfht bridge party sponsored Frida.* state, today announced for of the Texas when the quarterly meeting oi night by the Brownsville Federa- dacy president Federation of Women's clubs, fol- the Valley Federation of Business tion of Womens clubs and given endorsement of and Professional Women’s clubs u :u the showroom at the Cameron lowing practically Twelve tables were every club in the city. She is at held in Hotel El Jardin with tnt hotel. appoint- ed for the games of auction anu present serving as first vice-pres- Brownsville club a* hostess. acting " contract bridge. ident of the federation. A program has bom arrangeo I Trophies were awarded Mrs. h. Mrs. Taylor has been active in than ten under the direction of M*ss Eftw 4\.lu \\ T. Yates and Mrs. Eula Collins for club work for more years, .Mv "‘•'Trw, a member of a number clubs l hllPVVl high and second high in the con is of Ingram and Mrs. Staley Chapin and has served or is tract and A. C. was ir. Brownsville, nnd the wIm'm r\( Jpti, 1L games Capron appointments for banquet .lT,l,-v f^i„ in offices of several dif- If, winner for the men. serving are in the hands of Mrs. Della high among Dr. ferent women's organizations at and Mrs. Nathan Moore. lm L, R%k‘U*n»r... and Mrs. W. Murray were Bollinger 'n,< the present tune. A <W‘-M - winners of high for the men ana Invit e been r i,w^ »v.M * women in the of auction each club in the federation whim 'on / games leader tor Many \ears ^ ,<m bridge. Miss i.- composed of Mission. McAllen. Ora Caldwell receh Cf) cd door Wealaco, Donna. Harlingen. San J-Sont thir-.fc I prize and Miss Louise She is auditor of the City Federa- don’t Bauer, cut nine Benito. La Perm. Morcede.s and love tion of Women's clubs here, you The hostesses the critic- Brown* vi lie ,n served sandwich- clubs composing group: i dom es and co'fc. for the Self Cult- Miss Julia O'Brien, ^resident of parliamentarian The federation wu-lie.s to ure rlub, one ot the oldest clubs in the local club will preside nnd will express ^omaininq nic^ its thanks to Mr. man tlic city, and associate director of caU on the presidents of the va- Dougherty, ■' ager of the Cameron the the Pan-American Bound Table, one % rious clubs for brief sketches on fact Hotel’for is ."? use the of the newest When the work of their club. of showroom; Richaru organizations Bales of Woolworths for the dish Mrs. Taylor served as president of The banquet is to b» at 7:45 in ho^ev- es; the Mecca cafe the city federation. o\cr $800 wrre the dining room of the El Jai- for coffee anu tea: Ede Is tern's for raised to start a fund for the city din hotel where a com- chairs; John reception club house lot land and it was mittee Fanning, manager of the will greet the guest*. The Ca,,>ioi 1 that theater for tickets. Mrs. A. also during her administration entire affair is to be most inform- G. Mc- lr.nis the Brownsville Public Library was al and wiU the for the flowers and tur give club women biought forward to the fine insti- an firms and individuals * r.o cons u- opportunity to become better tution that it is today. med to the sj'cess of tne sua- acquainted Mrs. Taylor served as president • * • sion. of the Valley Federation of Womens PiXK.-eds are tor the city club- club*, for two 1929-31 ho *e Jot f j-ul. years during and are most found among the 1933 valentines. a lleprfMM joke*, puns simple, friendly messages frequently • • • end has been member of the Is educational loan fund t. the Val- Comedy ley federation for more than V tears. She has aiso served as trea Valentines For 1933 More Mrs Volnej Tavior. above, prominent Texas club woman, today an- Display A urer for the federation for about merican nounced her for of the State Federation of Presented candidacy president that length of time. Women's clubs. Those Past In Mate Work A large crowd attended the Lv- Sentimentality Than Of Homes A re ceum meeting Friday night in the The Delta Kappa tiamma a na- I1 Jardin high school aud.toriuri B1 JIL1A BL %.\f HAKli rivalled tills fan de- taste as tor some tional educational sorority of which when the El Jardin Junior Musk year by the you please, or Learners Club Discussion Dr. Webb Blanton of Austin NF.A Service Writer new Discussed Annie Culture club presented a three ft.in. traditional emblem of the the Victorian-designs-gone- | ia president, has named Mrs. Tay- net “Its a The NEW YORK, Fob 11.—The ola comedy. Ming". coquette who has long been miss- modern have tan-shaped cara»1 lor as an member A on honorary was acted and afforded v.orld is kindlier and a touch and program American homes p'ay well getting more ing for matter-or-faci America. with ol silver paste* On She has served as secretary of many laughs. wer» was presented Wednesday afternoon Question Taking part we with real lace Immigration .sentimental, if can judge it It you don t get a Valentine tnls coloring, edged the Permanent Com- by at the of the Headquarters Ruth Cowan. Maxine McKee Lot Others make a fan. meeting Self Culture its 1933 valentines. year, you should register a kick casually when mittee for over three years and is Louise Atleen Han- silver dub m the home of Mrs. Volney The Learners dub met this week Mrs. G S Stell nad Muss Elsa Smith. Wilson. For there are to be 12o.- downed, using paper as deli- filing that office at the present Comtes are letter and with alleged Taylor. The rooms wore na. Pauline Lula laugh as real lace profusely at the home of Wilson, Gantt, a 000.000 on the Amercian market cately designed Dam Mrs. R B Creager. Walther. Also in connection with state club person rather than at him or decorated with red radiance roses Mary Lena Hunter. Dorothy Peari 11ness of is an outstand- Mrs. is chairman of her. rather than totalling more than $3 000,000 coloring apd and enjoj ed a discussion of the Mr*. Gocdnch gave the history work. Taylor Street and Ellis Rasco Friendship cards, of poin.settias. Ray those ing feature February 14 1933. the penny bank campaign in the that insist on perfect love I al»ri< \ alentine* Roll call was answered with the different phases of the immigra- o: the immigration to the Uniteu Bet wen the arts, puno solo., If you are old-tasluoned enough fifth district .She has served also or nothing, abound and make names of famous t.on led bv were hv Theresa to demnad homes following question, very ably States, us that all plaved McKenzie. Valentines with parts that move, hearts, cupids. nosegays reminding as finance chairman of the fifth much of the genuine beauty oi which the entire club sang Home Mrs. E. K. Go Inch, assisted by Katherine Bingham, and Ruth such «s nands that (Continued on Severn were once district. The can be spu Page Sweet — American* immigrant*, friendship. heart, the peren- 9 • Home". Mrs. Mliton West Black. Dorothy Giemaer and Lula to pomt to this or that senimn.ii. Mrs. Taylor is a member of the nial symbol of the Saints Day. is playing the piano accompaniment except the aborigenes. and that we Gantt gave a clog dance followed with tails that Brow nsville Young Women s Christ- dogs sway, doii* Mrs. Randall Mathers was lead- to our by a piano duet rendered hv Ther- are indebted immigrant ian Association board and lias been that can wave their arms ana er for the program and opened her esa MeKenrie and Dons Ann Valentine forefathers for having founded ever since its organization She is a legs, cater to our American ti «u interesting discourse by It Pat reading some or Diggs. Maemanus entertmneo Masquerade a our country. She d'-iailed member of the district board also of liking things that can be work- Takes Heap O Living m a House with a dance and Mrs H X the privileges of citizenship wnicn For several years Mrs. Taylor has tap Bridge Party ed with our hands. Continued-in- to Make a Home" by Edgar A Bmrard » selections accom- be theirs through naturaliza- been local chairman of the Bette* cur-next valentines that open like Guest. She fjnoted Alfred Vivian, Is may panied at tiie Mies Dance Soon Program tion proceedings, but stressed tht- Homes committee and recently re- piano by Espe a booklet to convey their messages, former dean ol Ohio State U. who eea Ros.- * fact that one foreign born cannot reived notice of re-appomtment tor Event I also- reflect a national trend. Dc m his address at the Valley Federa- free will was Pretty this A taken tion b'' elected as president of thi year.
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