RADIO MIRROR )N McNeill and the breakfast club v pictures and stories of his family, of Patsy, Sam, Aunt Fanny, Johnny, the entire radio and TV cast! A softer, clearer skin is yours %£% with your First Cake of Camay 1 This lovely Camay Bride is MRS. JULES Alexander, the former Jean Pugsley oj Rochester, N, Y. Even the color camera can't do justice smoother, fresher, softer with my first to Jean Alexander's vivid coloring — cake of Camay!" her dark hair — her hazel eyes. Yet, This bride's beauty treatment can the feature that holds your gaze is reward you, too! Your first cake of Jean's complexion. Her first cake of Camay will bring new beauty. Camay gave it a new and captivating Change to regular care . use gentle, smoothness! rich-lathering Camay alone. Use no "Camay's a heavenly beauty soap," lesser soap than Camay — and you'll she exclaims. "Why, my skin grew soon have a smoother, clearer skin. Lovelier shoulders— lovelier you! Camay— all that Bathe with Camay, too — give your arms and legs and shoulders Camay's gentle care. With the daily a beauty soap should be! Camay Beauty Bath, you're lovelier from head to toes — touched with Camay's nattering fragrance. Camay's so mild—soquick with its gentle lather! And the "Beauty- Bath" size is Camay at its luxuri- ous best. Big and economical — that's the size of it! More rich UMiim c lather — that's the beauty of it! tM ° the Soap of Beautiful Women ! You can keep your whole mouth healthier, more wholesome — even gum troubles both. So don't risk halfway dental care. Always use two- your breath sweeter, cleaner — by guarding against tooth decay and way Ipana cleansing* for better all-around mouth protection. Fight tooth decay, guard your gums — to keep your Whole Mouth Healthier ! Two-way Ipana cleansing* helps protect your teeth and gums both ! Are you doing all you should to keep tive than Ipana to fight tooth decay. And your whole mouth healthier? Not unless proper massaging with Ipana does more you follow the advice of dentists — fight than that — its cleansing action actually tooth decay and guard your gums, too. helps keep your gums healthy, too. * You help guard your teeth and gums Remember, with Ipana cleansing you can BOTH—by brushing and massaging the get the doubly-protective care that den- way your dentist directs — and by tists say you need for a healthier mouth. Teach your children using famous Ipana Tooth Paste. Start using Ipana today — to keep your two-way Ipana care No other tooth paste — ammoniated or whole mouth healthier. You'll like Ipana's To help your youngsters grow with up otherwise — has been proved more effec- flavor, too— so refreshing. Get Ipana now healthier, cleaner mouths, show them how to fight tooth decay and guard their gums, too. Remember, tooth SAVE! Buy the big decay hits 9 out of 10 children be- economy size Ipana! fore the age of six. And later in life, gum troubles cause more than half of all tooth losses. So start your chil- dren on the Ipana way to healthier teeth and gums. Ipana is another IPANA dependable Bristol-Myers product. For healthier teeth, healthier gums FEBRUARY, 1951 M^JLDMO MIRROR YODOM VOL. 35, NO. 3 KEYSTONE the gentler cream deodorant that works PEOPLE ON THE AIR Live Like A Millionaire 8 Coast To Coast 16 Abby Lewis 17 Does Your Husband Still Love You? 20 2WAYS How To Win ! by Ted Mack 29 Life With My Father by Carol Young 30 25 Questions That Won A Fortune 34 Carolyn Kramer Asks: Can You Have A Happy Marriage If Your Husband Is Wedded To His Work? 36 The Man Behind The Shadow by Inez Gerhard 38 The Kate Smith Touch 44 Special Section On Don McNeill And His Programs My Boss, Don McNeill by Mary Canny 52 Picture-Life of Don McNeill 54 A Prayer Time Contest You Can Enter • 57 Aunt Fanny's Diary, Patsy's A Home Girl 58 Sam Cowling's Almanac 59 Johnny Desmond, Eddie Ballantine 62 Bob Murphy, Don Dowd, Franklyn Ferguson 63 Twenty Year Man 78 The Contestant 84 Radio's Scene Of The Year 87 Information Booth 24 Inside Radio 72 Nonsense And Some-Sense by Art Linkletter 22 Traveler Of The Month by Tommy Bartlett 26 Radio Mirror's Daytime Fashions For You 46 Have Your Cake by Nancy Craig 50 Can You Reduce Through Exercise? by Victor Lindlahr 67 Poetry : 75 "Decorating Is Fun" by Terry Burton 76 What Makes Mary Pretty? by Dorry Ellis 82 When A Girl Marries by Joan Davis 88 This Is My Life by Kay Armen 92 TELEVISION TV Jingle Jamboree 12 "Such A Good Person!" by Fanny Merrill 32 Mama And The Movies 40 After Blind Date by Arlene Francis 42 Life Begins At 80 by Jack Barry 48 TV Club Time 60 instantly, efficiently. Does not merely mask it WJZ: A New Twist - 6 with a fragrance of its WBEN: Gnome on the Range 10 own. Trust Yodora for WFBR: Bugle Boy 14 clock-round protection. WPEN: Kal the Critic 21 The Woman Who Had Everything by Wendy Warren 64 Daytime Diary 68 softens P. 46: Fashion Pictures taken at the Hampshire House P. 50: Dinnerware by Franciscan—Mariposa underarm skin and beautifies COVER: Don McNeill And His Radio Family. Color Portrait by Harold Trudeau because of its face cream base. Editorial Director Editor Art Director R. SAMMIS DORIS Keeps underarm fresh and love- FRED McFEKBAN JACK ZASORIN Associate Editor Associate Art Director ly-looking for new sleeveless JOSEPHINE PEARSON FRANCES MALY fashions. Safe for fabrics, too. Editorial Assistants: JOAN POLLOCK, MARYANNE CROFTON, MARIE HALLER Tubes or jars, lOtf, 30«S, 60tf. Ass't to Editorial Director: NINA SUTLER Television: FRANCES KISH Home Service Department: ESTHER FOLEY Chicago Office: Editor, HELEN CAMBRIA BOLSTAD Hollywood Office: Editor, LYLE ROOKS Managing Editor, FRANCES MORRIN Assistant, BETTY MILLS Staff Photographers: HYMIE FINK, STERLING SMITH Assistant, BETTY JO KICE PUBLISHED MONTHLY by Macfadden Publications. Inc., New old as well as your new address. Write to Radio and Tele- York, N. Y-, average net paid circulation 470,024 for 6 vision Mirror, 205 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y. months ending Jure 30, 1950. MANUSCRIPTS, DRAWINGS AND PHOTOGRAPHS should be EXECUTIVE. ADVERTISING AND EDITORIAL OFFICES at accompanied by addressed envelope and return postage and 205 East 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. Editorial Branch will be carefully considered, but publisher cannot be re- Offices: 321 South Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif., and sponsible for loss or injury. 221 North LaSalle Street, Chicago, III. O. J. Elder, Presi- Re-entered as Second Class Matter June 15, 1950, at the dent; Herbert G. Drake, Ernest V. Hevn, and James L. Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3. Presidents; Meyer Dworkin, Dept. Ottawa, •"* ^^o ^^d o r a Mitchell, Vice Secretary and 1879. Authorized as Second Class mail, P. O. if; ^^ Treasurer. Advertising offices also in Boston, Chicago, San Ont., Canada. Copyright 1951 bv Macfadden Publications, Inc. Francisco, and Los Angeles. All rights reserved under International Copyright Convention. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.00 one year, U. S. and Posses- AH rights reserved under Pan-American Copyright Conven- sions, and Canada. S5.00 per year for all other countries. tion. Todos derechos reservados segun La Convencion Pan- . CHANGE OF ADDRESS: 6 weeks' notice essential. When pos- Americana de Propiedad Literaria y Artistica. Title trademark BRIDGEPORT, CONN. sible, please furnish stencil-impression address from a recent registered in TJ. S. Patent Office. Printed in U. S. A. by Art McKESSON & ROBBINS issue. Address changes can be made only if you send, us your Color Printing Co. Member of The TRUE STORY Women's Group office ei» every w could possibly , rh if they to luncn asked Laura u irk nevenever that s «$g& The other girls ^ or wasnt S her g that she outweighedS M it.it NoNot that: o avcld one fau t suspect> ^ uic w • DUL be her share . • eiri would ooe . it* -s, I^M*^ ^ be ^ points. What ^ ^ every o There's one in W V** freshet, . • »* ™ instantly precaution blelth U M 1° any dire and, be extra-careful ctvve ca want to be at 7°"*"?^, of systemic .ato Yyou are tneath case, of are due n„lieve off -color While some , ^^horUies, h causes, fermentauon tisepncEi odo« then overcomes extra-carefm be extra- ^ ;i-'« the p^ , rrractive, CO., LAMBERT PHARMACY T'S 8 R EA T H^ 4 e /v „SBP'» *K 0A ">...IJSTElllHe AM I Ng . Condition it with VRENE shampoo The Sure way to Natural Sheen, Natural Softness It's the most exciting beauty news in America—the ,^00^"^"'^ wonderful Drene Shampoo with Conditioning Action , —and your dealer has it now! This Drene does far more than "just wash" your hair! It actually conditions as it cleanses . conditions your hair to all its loveliest natural softness, its most thrilling natural sheen! You'll To discover how different, how effective Drene really be thrilled at You'll be delighted to You'll be amazed at the thorough way find you can skip spe- how quickly Drene is, you only have to try it once ! Just see how beauti- Drene cleans your cial rinses. Drene makes billowy, fra- fully clean and soft it leaves your hair . how easy to hair and scalp! Yet leaves no dulling soap grant lather instantly, easily curls and waves fall into it's gentle, manage! See how baby-mild, .
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