Vägen till ökad uthållighet i 1st Nordic livsmedelskedjan Organic Conference Towards increased sustainability in the food supply chain Vejen til en øget bæredygtighed i 18–20 May 2009 fødevarekeden at The Swedish Exhibition Centre Veien til økt Gothenburg, Sweden bæredyktighet i matvarekjeden Utgivare: Centrum för uthålligt lantbruk (CUL), SLU Redigering & layout: Pelle Fredriksson & Karin Ullvén Produktionsmedverkan: JLD & Kompani Foto omslag: Istockphoto.com Tryck: Federativ Tryckeri AB Konferensen har genomförts med bidrag från Jordbruksverket. Index | Innehållsförteckning Plenary session 1 Global Change and the Earth System: a planet under pressure (Steffen, W.) . 7 The role of organic food systems in meeting future challenges in the Nordic region (Steen Jensen, E.) . 8 The Organic Farmer – a key player for real change (Dirke, M) . 10. Plenary session 2 | Food for quality of life Food for quality of life (presentation of speakers: Nilsson, M-E., Magnusson, C., Wochner-Carlsson, K., Kristensen, N. H., Homboe-Ottesen, G.) . 1. 1 Plenary session 3 | Show – the organic picture Show – the organic picture (Hartvig Larsen, A.) . .15 What will the world look like when organic production is mainstream? (Rydström, E.) . 1. 6 Session IA | Organic to the people! – Through systematic approaches Organic food at a hospital kitchen (Solemdal, L.) . 1. 9 Steps towards organic public kitchens (Kärkkäinen, I.) . 22 Strategier for økt forbruk av økologisk mat i offentlig storhusholdning (Forsberg, E. M.) . 23 Session IB | Processing with care – how do new means and methods fit in to the picture? Approaches for minimum and low input processing strategies wich guarantee quality and safety (Beck, A.) . 2. 4 Processing in organic standards and legislation (Mattsson, E.) . 27 Organic quality without a doubt (Poulsen, M.) . 28 Session IC | The organic market – trends, opinions and keys to success Newest results on consumer behaviour and market overview – in Nordic countries and beyond (Banks, J.) . 30 What makes organic agriculture move – protest, meaning or market? (Fjelsted Alrøe, H.) . 34 The role of the EU organic logo on the market (Hulot, J-F.) . 3. 7 Session ID | Size is everything Scaling down food systems size – environmental effects (Björklund, J.) . 38 Scaling down food systems size – socio-economic effects (Schermer, M.) . 40 Size may be everything but relation takes it all (Andersson, J.) . 44 Session IE | Mer produkter behövs – var finns producenterna? Udvikling af økologisk jordbrug, muligheder og udfordringer (Noe, E.) . 46 Vem slutar vara ekologisk? (Løes, A-K.) . 49 Hur får vi fler ekoproducenter? – kontroll, sammanfattning och kontinuitet (Dock Gustavsson, A-M.) . 5. 2 Session IIA | Organic to the people! – Through education and communication The iPOPY project and how to communicate with the young generation (Roos, G.) . 55 Ekomat á la Linné – tasteful knowledge for public kitchens (Sahlström, K.) . 58 Organic Denmark’s project: ’What is Eco about?’ and the Organic Schoolfarms (Ruge, D.) . 5. 9 Session IIB | Maintaining the organic quality throughout the process The packaging – a tool to minimize food waste (Lorentzon, A.) . 60 The making of honest food (Möller, M.) . .61 Analyses of conventional and organic meat quality (Kristensen, L.) . 63 Session IIC | How to trade the organic way Organic agriculture in East Africa, benefits for small holder farmers, achievements and challenges (Nadir, M.) . 66 Judging long distance transport as good or bad is a tricky issue (Herrmann, G.) . .67 Organic trade from the North (Bentzen, K.). Text missing Session IID | Connecting stakeholders in the food chain Navigating in a local context – farmer experiences on small scale selling on local markets (Wester, J.) . 71 How to deal with food chain bottlenecks with concerted action promoting learning (Westberg, L.) . 73 The role of consumers acting on small scale local markets (Lamine, C.) . 75 Session IIE | Hur förvaltar vi jordbrukslandskapet utan näringsläckage och förlust av biologisk mångfald? Uthållig förvaltning av landskap – ett samspel mellan människa och natur (Stenseke, M.) . 79 Hur kan den biologiska mångfalden i jordbrukslandskapet ökas? (Rundlöf, M.) . .81 Effektiv kvävehushållning och mångfald i ekologiska växtföljder (Rahbek Pedersen, T.) . 85 Session IIIA | Local & regional purchasing – possibilities and obstacles Know your farmer – Know your Food (Hamberg, A.) . 89 Conference hotel restaurant with local purchasing and own meat production (Björklund, R.) . 90 Local purchasing to school restaurants, bistro & catering (Magnusson, C.). .Text missing Reasons for local and regional purchasing (Lagerberg Fogelberg, C.) . 93 Session IIIB | Solving the bottlenecks, sourcing the ingredients Knowledge sharing in organic food supply chains (Kottila, M-R.) . 94 Organic milk – stabilizing supply and demand (Sederblad, B.) . 97 We booked all broccoli in Sweden before the season started (Hanell, P.) . 98 Session IIIC | Communication through certification and branding How do consumers handle different environmental messages? (Stål, J.) . 10. 0 Adding care for the planet to the own brand (Larshans, P.) . 10. 1 Organic Plus values and their relevance to consumers: First results from the CORE FCP project (Padel, S.) . .104 Session IIID | Scaling up small scale food chains Logistics of scaling up small scale food chains (Drotz, P.) . Text missing Hur säkrar vi förmågan till innovationer och lärande? (Gillebo, T.) . 10. 7 Critical aspects of scaling up – what must not be jeopardised? (Lamberg, J.) . 11. 0 Session IIIE | Klimatpåverkan och uthållighet i produktionssystemen – vad kan förbättras? Är det möjligt att producera livsmedel för marknaden och ändå vara klimatneutral? (Björklund, J.) . .112 Feed production on farms without animals is not environmentally sustainable (Azzaroli Bleken, M.) . 11. 5 Dyrkningssystemernes effekt på produktion og miljø (Olesen, J. E.) . .118 Workshop 1 | Mikronäringsämnen i livsmedel och foder – problem och möjligheter Mikronäringsämnen i livsmedel och foder – problem och möjligheter (Wivstad, M.) . 122 Workshop 2 | Nya lantbrukare inom ekologisk produktion Nya lantbrukare inom ekologisk produktion – vilka kunskaper och kompetenser behövs för rekrytering och utveckling? (Dirke, M.) . 12. 3 Hur får vi fler ekoproducenter? (Dock Gustavsson, A-M) . 12. 4 Workshop 3 | New organic regulation in the EU New organic regulation in the EU (Calverley, C.) . .126 Workshop 4 | Food for health and well-being – Development of concrete research priorities Food for health and well-being – Development of concrete research priorities (Huber, M.) . .127 Workshop 5 | Creating food futures: the value of fairness in our shared food futures Creating food futures: the value of fairness in our shared food futures . 12. 8 Workshop 6 | Lokal mat och logistik – hur ser framtidens distributionssystem ut? Lokal mat och logistik – hur ser framtidens distributionssystem ut? (Franzén, O., Naess, H., Wennberg, N., Strand, L.) . .OBS! 180 Workshop 7 | Hur mår lantbrukets djur? – Strategier för bättre hälsa och välfärd Hur mår lantbrukets djur? – Strategier för bättre hälsa och välfärd . 13. 0 Workshop 8 | Genetisk diversitet hos odlingsmaterial och anpassning för ekologiska odlingssystem Weed management strategies: Use of weed suppressive cultivars and allelopathic cover crops (Didon, U. M. E.) . 132 Organic seed production and its role in vegetable supply chains (Deleuran, L. C., Boelt, B.) . 13. 3 Organic plant breeding to increase agricultural biodiversity (Borgen, A.) . 13. 6 Workshop 9 | Ekologisk mat i storkök – ett kliv framåt mot högre andel ekologiskt Ekologisk mat i storkök – ett kliv framåt mot högre andel ekologiskt . .141 Ekologiskt och klimatsmart (Söderberg, M.) . 14. 1 Workshop 10 | Organic gardening for sustainable development Organic gardening for sustainable development (Lennartsson, M., Rämert, B.) . 14. 2 The ecological benefits of organic gardening (Davies, G.) . 14. 3 The impact of gardening on peoples’ health and well-being (Mikkelsen, E.) . .145 Gardening in urban areas – potential for the future? (Berg, P. G.) . 14. 6 Engaged gardening organisations in the workshop . .147 Workshop 11 | Can organic feed the world? Organic agriculture in relation to food security of developing countries (Peramaiyan, P., Halberg, N., Hermansen, J. E.) . 14. 9 Workshop 12 | Välfärd, ekologi och hälsa Consumer health aspects of organic vegetables and fruit (Brandt, K.) . .152 Poster abstracts Feeding only forage – good for humans but not always for sheep (Bernes, G.) . .155 Plant metabolites for healthy plants and healthy people (Björkman, M.) . 15. 6 Allelopathic cover crops – effects on plant pathogens and weeds (Didon, U. M. E.) . .157 Bioenergy production in organic farming (Ejbye Schmidt, J.) . .158 Baltic Sea project BERAS (Granstedt, A.) . 15. 9 Biological control of pests attacking cereals in Sweden (Hill, K. E.) . .160 Public food system strategies to protect environment, soil and groundwater Husby, S.) . .161 Mussel meal as a protein source in diets for organic laying hens and broiler chickens . (Jönsson, L.) . .162 Market communication of small-scale food producers – cascading of messages and effects of agreements throughout the value chain (Lagerberg Fogelberg, C.) . .163 Prospects for a Swedish production of organic soya (Lagerberg Fogelberg, C.) . .164 Mikronäringsämnen i vallväxter (Lindström, B.) . .165 The role of boron for perseverant, healthy ley legumes and efficient nutrient uptake. (Linse, L.) . .166 Local food logistics (Ljungberg,
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