ANTICIPATION 2013 REPORT KEY FIGURES AT GOETHE UNIVERSITY, 2013 GOETHE UNIVERSITY WELCOMED MORE THAN 45,000 STUDENTS THROugH ITS DOORS FOR THE 2013/2014 WINTER SEMESTER. AN INTERNATIONAL PROFILE: ALMOST 40% OF NEWLY APPOINTED PROFESSORS IN 2013 ARE NON- GERMAN NATIONALS. THE NUMBER OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS HAS RISEN TO 7,053; 130 DIFFERENT NATIONALITIES ARE REPRESENTED. 2013 WAS THE STRONGEST YEAR IN THE UNIVERSITY’S HISTORY FOR THIRD-PARTY FUNDING, WITH THE UNIVERSITY RECEIVING MORE THAN 173 MILLION EUROS, INCLUDING FUNDING UNDER THE STATE OF HESSE LOEWE PROGRAMME. IN A LARGE STUDENT SURVEY, ABOUT 80% OF STUDENTS RECOMMENDED STUDYING AT GOETHE UNIVERSITY. ANTICIPATION Great events are anticipated well in advance. It was therefore necessary to start extensive prepa­ rations for Goethe University’s centenary celebra­ tions as early as 2013. This included a launch event on 2 July 2013 at which friends, patrons, and sup­ porters of the university were posed the question, “What motivates you to support Goethe Univer­ sity’s centenary celebrations”. Following various passionate appeals, more than eight million euros were pledged in support – a figure which has now grown to 13 million euros. This demonstrates that the people of Frankfurt and the surrounding area today feel just as responsible for their university as they did when it was established in 1914. Once more our heartfelt thanks to one and all! 100 years ago, it was mainly Jewish founders who gave their money to establish the city’s own uni­ versity, collecting a staggering 20 million gold marks. This solid financial foundation paved the way for the new independence of the university – free from the constraints of the Prussian authori­ tarian state and equally free from the influence of the Church. This allowed the emergence of a the German university association, U15. These fo­ new type of university – tolerant and open to the cused on bringing together key central academic world, a gateway to the modern era. players with the aim of increasing international competitiveness and on improving teaching and Liberality, plurality and internationalism, these study conditions under pressure due to the dramat­ were the guiding principles of the founders, and ic increase in student numbers. Goethe University Goethe University is very much guided by the same has also responded to this in its own way and, in principles today. Because of its openness to reform, a unique national programme, has appointed 40 the foundation university is once again a much re­ additional professors since the previous year and spected and fine example of the benefits of giving has also built a new seminar pavilion and semi­ universities greater freedom of movement and not nar house to create desperately needed teaching – as is the case in some federal states – of turning space. This has been achieved on the university’s the wheel back to more state control. The autono­ own account and with the university bearing a my granted to the university in 2008 provides lec­ substantial share of the costs. Further details, and turers, researchers, and students with far better op­ much more besides, can be found in the follow­ portunities to develop their skills and talents and, ing annual report. as a result, Goethe University is once again one of the top research institutions in Germany. This is Be inspired! also reflected financially. In 2013, with a total of Yours sincerely, more than 173 million euros, Goethe University achieved its highest ever income from third­party funding, a 53% increase since 2007. The university has also been able to play an impor­ tant role at national level. The Frankfurt Manifesto Werner Müller-Esterl was written as well as series of statements regard­ President of Goethe University ing important university policy developments with 3 2013 REPORT CONTENTS FOREWORD 3 RESEARCH 6 Rankings 7 International profile 8 Interview with Assistant Professor Zhiyi Yang 9 Europeanisation strategy 10 European research funding 12 Funding through the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung – BMBF) 14 Funding through the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – DFG) 16 Interview with Prof. Reinhard Dörner 18 Success in the LOEWE programme 20 Institute of Archaeological Sciences 22 Support for junior researchers 24 STUDYING AND TEACHING 26 Improvement of teaching and study conditions 27 Student survey 28 Course information 30 Islamic Studies 32 Germany Scholarship programme 34 UNIVERSITY ON THE MOVE 36 Centenary 37 Interview with Peter Feldmann 38 Structural renovation of Goethe University 40 Timeline 42 KNOWLEDGE, FACTS & FIGURES 44 Funding of structured programmes 45 Students 47 Degrees awarded 51 Staff 52 University budget 53 External funding 54 CREDITS 56 RESEARCH RANKINGS HIGHLY RATED NATIONALLY AND INTERNATIONALLY Goethe University performed extremely well in Business Administration, Business Information various national and international university and Technology, and Science). Economics at Goethe discipline rankings in 2013. University is rated very highly by 523 leading Ger­ man personnel managers. The Wirtschaftswoche In the Shanghai ranking, Goethe University was also ranked it second in national comparisons. once again highly placed as in the previous year, retaining its sixth place among German univer­ In the ranking carried out by the magazine Fokus, sities and ranked among the top 100 to 150 best the Frankfurt University Hospital achieved sev­ universities in the world in international com­ enth place nationally based on recommendations parisons. In rankings for physics, medicine, and by doctors. In Hesse, it was ranked top. In com­ pharmacy, the university was in the top 51 to 75 piling the ranking, more than 18,000 referring internationally. specialists and hospital doctors were surveyed for their recommendations, and quality reports were Both published research work as well as media and also assessed in detail. The quality of care and the political influence were included in an assessment standards of hygiene in the hospitals were also in­ carried out by the German newspaper, the Frank- cluded in the assessment, as well as their reputa­ furter Allgemeine Zeitung, which looked at the tion among healthcare professionals, case num­ most influential economists. Economists at Goethe bers, and sustained level of treatment success. The University were placed fifth overall. The Centre university hospital is ranked among the top Ger­ for Financial Studies (CFS) at Goethe University man hospitals for cardiology, bowel cancer, breast achieved sixth place in the category for the most cancer, prostate cancer, radiotherapy, Alzheimer’s, influential German economic research institutes. and stress­induced and high­risk births. The affil­ In the 2013 economics ranking by the Handels- iated University Hospital of Friedrichsheim also blatt, Leibniz­prize winner Prof. Roman Inderst shares this ranking for orthopaedics. was once again placed first among all German­ speaking economists both in Germany and abroad. “No other German­speaking economist in recent years has published as many research results in re­ spected international journals as Inderst, and his work is also quoted disproportionately often by other researchers,” commented Germany’s lead­ ing business newspaper. In the renowned Tilburg University econom- ics ranking in 2013, the Faculty of Economics They are among the first living organ- and Business Administration at Goethe Univer­ isms on earth and can only survive in an oxygen-free environment – this is sity was placed in the top 100 universities glob­ why doctoral candidate Kai Schuch- ally for research in economics, in 87th place and, mann is studying vinegar-producing with a score of 62 points, two points higher than bacteria, their enzymes, and their metabolism in an anaerobic tent, a in the previous year. chamber filled with nitrogen. Prof. Volker Müller’s working group at the Goethe University also scored well in the rank­ Institute of Molecular Biosciences is ing carried out by Wirtschaftswoche, the Ger­ researching microorganisms living in man business weekly. It was placed in the top ten extreme conditions and their consid- universities in four disciplines at once (Economics, erable bioengineering potential. 6 7 Assistant Professor Zhiyi Yang can find most of the works of Chinese literature required for her research and teaching in the Asian library of the Faculty of Lin- guistics, Culture and Arts which has been located in the University Library in Bockenheim since 2013. APPOINTMENTS FROM ABROAD ON THE INCREASE INTERNATIONAL PROFILE The German business newspaper, the Handelsblatt, already referred to Goethe University in 2010 as the “magnet on the Main” because of its strong appeal to academics from outside Germany. What was then true for economics now applies for the entire university across all disciplines. An increasing number of international researchers are being drawn to Frankfurt as a result of its in­ creased academic reputation and its ten national and international research centres. Many of them previously held posts at such renowned institutions as the University of Oxford, the London Business School, the Swiss Federal In­ stitute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ), the University of Minnesota, or the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. The appointments in 2013 also included the return to Germany of six German scientists who had previously worked abroad. To ensure that approximately 800 international researchers
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