2022 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. FEBRUARY 21, COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS. Ottawa and State of Michigan, in the placeofWilliam Verbeck, whose Horace E. Morse, of New York, to be collector of customs for the dis­ commission expired January 2, 1887. trict o( Cape Vincent, in the State of New York, to succeed George W. Adolph F. Hitchler, to be postmaster at Plymouth, in the county of Warren, whose term of office will expire by limitation on March 2, Luzerne and State ot:.Pennsylvania, in the place of Charles H. Wilson, 1887. whose commiss~on expired January 2, 1887. Arthur K. Dela.ney, of Wisconsin: to be collector of customs for the Myer M. Kauffman, to be postmaster at Clarion, in the county of district of Alaska, in the Territory of Alaska, in place of Peter French, Clarion and State of Pennsylvania, in the place of 1\liller Beatty, whose suspended. commission expires February 21, 1887. SURVEYORS OF CUSTO::US. George A. Rush, to be postmaster at Bedford, in the county of Bed­ ford and State of Pennsylvania, in the place of Martha. A. McClintock, Owen McGloughlin, of Iowa, to be surveyor of customs for the port whose commission expires February 21, 1887. of Dubuque, in the State of Iowa, to succeed Robert Armstrong, whose Edward N. Stebbins, to be postmaster at Coudersport, in the county term '()f office will expire by limitation March 2, 18tl7. of Potter and State of Pennsylvania, in the place of Melville S. Thomp­ John M. Mercer, of Iowa, to be surveyor of customs for the port of son, whose commission expires February 21, 1887. Burlington, in the State o.f Iowa, to succeed George Frazee, whose William W. Armstrong, to be postmaster at Cleveland, in the county term of office will expire by limitation March 2, 1887. of Cuyahoga. and State of Ohio, in the place of Thomas Jones, jr., whose ASSIST.L"\f"T TREASURERS. commission expires March 3, 1887. Charles W. McCrone, to be postmaster at Alexandria, in the county Samuel N. Aldrich, of Massachusetts, to be assistant treasurer of the of Hanson and Territory of Dakota, in the place of Florence B. South· United States at Boston, in the State of Massachusetts, in place of mayd, resigned. Martin Parry Kennard, whose commission will expire by limitation March 1, 1887. Henry Overstolz, of Missouri, to. be assistant treasurer of the United States at Saint Louis, in the State of Missouri, in place of Albert G. HOUSE OF R.EPRESENT.A.TIVES. Edwards, whose commission will expire by limitation March.2, 1887. :UoNDAY, Feb'nw:ry 21, 1887. REGISTER OF LA.I-.""D OFFICE. The Honse met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Charles E. Broyles, of Alamosa, Colo., to be register of the land WILLIAM H. 1t1ILBURN, D. D. office at Del Norte, Colorado, vice Samuel C. Williams, who was con­ The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday was read and approved. fumed at the last session of the Senate, but has failed to qualify. PROPERTY OF AMERICANS DESTROYED AT ASPINWALL. DISTRICT JUDGE. The SPEAKER laid before the Honse the following message from Amos M. Thayer, of Missouri, to be United States district judge for the President of the United States; which was read, referred to the the eastern district of Uissouri, in the place of Samuel Treat, resigned. Committee on Foreign Affairs, and ordered to be printed: POSTMASTERS. To the House of Representatives of the United Slates: I transmit herewith to the House of Representatives a. report from the Secre· James L. Hanna, to be postmaster at Oakland, in the county of Ala­ tary of State, in respon e to a. resolution of that body of the 16th instant, inquir­ meda and State of California, in the place of William E. Dargie, whose ing as to the action of this Department to protect the interests of American cit­ commission expires February 27, 1887. izens whose property was destroyed by fire caused by insurgents at Aspinwall in 1885. 'Villiam H. Cheney, to be postmaster at South Manchester, in the GROVER CLEVELAND. county of Hartford and State of Connecticut, in the place of William EXECUTIVE MANsiON, Washington, February 19, 1887. H. Cheney, whose commission expired February 15, 1887. • Thomas Buckley, to be postmaster at Plantsville, in the county of LEAVE OF ABSENCE. Hartford and State of C.onnecticut, in the place of Heber S. Ives, whose By unanimous consent, leaves of absence were granted as follows: commission expires February 24, 1887. To Mr. LAFFOON, for two days, on account of important business. H. A. Tanner, to be postmaster at De Land, in the countyofVolnsia To Mr. GROSVENOR, for three days, on account of professional busi- and State of Florida, in place of Basil B. Bennett, removed. ness. George W. McDonald, to be postmaster at Attica, in the county of To Mr. J Al\IES, for two days. Fountain and State of Indiana, in theplace ofAlbert S. Peacock,whos~ To Mr. WINANS, indefinitely, on account of severe sic1."1less in his commission expires February 24, 1887. family. Frederick A. Cummings, to be postmaster at Bangor, in the county To Mr. FREDERICK, indefinitely, on account of sickness. of Penobscot and State of Maine, in the place of Augustus B. Farnham; whose commission expires February 19, 1887. CHANGE OF REFERENCE. Charles Walker, to be postmaster at Lewiston, in the county of An­ The SPEAKER. The Chair finds that House bill1630 with the Sen­ droscoggin and State of Maine, in the place of Horace C. Little, whose ate amendments thereto, to increase the pension of the widow of the commission expired February 12, 1887. late Capt. Dominick Lynch, has been improperly referred to the Com­ Simon Farnsworth, to be postmaster at 1\~illbm'J, in the county of mittee on Naval Affairs. If there be no objection that committee will "rorcester and State of Massachusetts, in the place of Mary F. Bowen, be discharged from its consideration and the bill will be referred to the .who e commission expires February 21, 1887. Committee on Invalid Pensions. Hugh M:cL::mghlin, to be postmaster at Iron Mountain, in the coun~y There was no objection, and it was so ordered. of Menominee and State of Michigan, in the place of Charles E. Parent, CONTESTED ELECTION-KIDD VS. STEELE. whose commission expired February 15, 1887. Willett W. DeKay, to be postmaster at Red Wing, in the county of 1\fr. HENDERSON, of North Carolina, from the Committee on Priv­ Goodhue and State of Minnesota, in tbe place of Amherst F. Graves, ileges and Elections, presented a report in the contested-election case whose commission expires February 27, 1S387. of _Kidd vs. Steele, concluding with the following resolutions: Richard U. Scott, to be postmaster-at .Ashland, in the county of Saun­ Resolved, That Meredith H. Kidd was not elected a Representative in the Forty­ ders and State of Nebraska, in the place of Thomas J. Pickett, jr., whose ninth Congress from the eleventh district of Indiana, and is not entitled to a commission expired February 5, 1887. seat therein. Resolved, That George W. Steele was duly elected such representative, and is Joel II. Johnson, to be postmaster at Woodstock, in the county of entitled to retain his seat. McHenry and State of illinois, in the place of Gardner S. Southworth, who~ e commission expires March 2, 1887. Mr. HENDERSON, of North Carolina. Mr. Speaker, I give notice Jonas W. Olson, to be postmaster a.t Galva, in the coun-ty of Henry that I shall ask the House to consider this report on Thursday next and State of illinois, in the place of James Gaster, whose commission immediately after the morning hour. expires February 27, 1887. The SPEAKER. The Chair will state to the gentleman that there Hobert S. Randall, to be postmaster at Bushnell, in the county of is another privileged matter postponed until next Thursday-what is McDonough and State of Illinois, in the place of Elna.than K. Westfall, known as the dependent pension bill, with the President's veto mes­ whose commission expires March 2, 1887. sage. Martin V. B. Smith, to be postmaster at Morrison, in the county of Mr. HENDERSON, of North Carolina. I will state, 1\.t:r. Speaker, Whiteside and Sta.te of Illinois, in the place of Frank Clendenin, whose that this is the .unanimous report of the committee, and need not oc­ commission expired February 12, 1887. cupy more than a few minutes. Sumner R. Sanderson, to be postmaster at Plano, in the county of REPEAL OF THE PRE-El\IPTION LAWS, ET . Kendall and State of Illinois, in the place of David G. Graham, whose commission expires :March 1, 1887. M:r. COBB. Mr. Speaker, I desire now to call up the conference William W. Bogue, to be postmaster at Portland, in the county of report on the bill (H. R. 7887) to repeal all laws providing for the pre­ Ionia and State of Michigan, in the place of F. M. Cq.tcheon, whose emption of the public lands, the laws allowing entries for timber cult­ commission expired January 29, 1887. ure, the laws authori:r.ing the sale of desert lands, and for other pur­ Jacob G. Van Pntten, to be postmaster at Holland, in the county of poses. 1887. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 2023 Mr. PERKINS. Mr. Speaker, the discussion of that-conference re­ or a. quarter-section of land, to include the residence of such claimant, upon paying to the Unlted States the minimum price of such land. port is likely to consume some time. Those of us who are interested SEc.
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