MOSTIMMEDIATE BY SPECIAL MESSENGf,R NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT No.F.l5(1)/2021-Com-I-Vol-II Islamabad, the 5th August 2021 NOTICE l9b meeting of the Standing Committee on Wat€r Resources will be held (through video link), on 7th at 02:00 m Room t r Resources G/ Isl The agenda of the meeting will be as following:- 1) Recitation from the Holy Quran; 2) Confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting of the Committee held on 05-07-2021; 3) Briefing on Sindh Banage by Chairman, WAPDA; 4) Examination of report of the Sub-Committee; 5) Examination ofthe issue ofHub Dam's liabilities pending against Sindh and Balochistan; 6) Consideration of implementation status on National Water Policy, especially, with reference to Rain Water Harvesting; 7) Consideration ofthe issue of Chashma Upper Lifr/Gravity Canal as recommended on 24-01-2020; 8) Discussion on RBOD as desired by the Committee on 12-04-2021;and 9) Any other item with permission of the Chair. 2. The Honourable Members are requested to kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting. The honourable Members and the offrcers who want to join the meeting through video link may forward their IDs to Mr. flaroon, Section Officer (Council), M/o Water Resources (Mobile 0300-5309144 & Ph No. 051-9244512) at least two days before the commencement ofthe meeting. cH. ) Secretary ittee Tel No.05l-9207606 l) Nawab Muhammad Yousuf Talpur Chairman 2) Mr. Fazal Muhammad Khan Member 3) Mr. Ali Nawaz Awan Member 4) Sheikh Rashid Shafique Mernber 5) Ch. Shoukat Ali Bhatti Member 6) Dr. Muhammad Afzal Khan Dhandla Member 1) Mr. Muhammad Farooq Azam Malik Member 8) Ch. Javed Iqbal Warraich Member 9) Ms. Naureen Farooq Ibrahim Member l0) Ms. Nuzhat Pathan Member I l) Mr. Khalid Hussain Magsi Member 12) Khawaja Muhammad Asif Member 13) Ch. Muhammad Hamid Hameed Member 14) Mr. Riaz-ul-Haq Member l5) Ms. Maryam Aurangzaib Member 16) Khawaja Saad Rafique Member l7) Mr. Ehsan-ur-Rehman Mazari Member l8) Mir Munawar Ali Talpur Member 19) Mr. Afreen Khan Member 20) Minister for Water Resources Ex-Officio Member For necessarv action with reference to asenda and with the reo uest to attend the meetins with relevant record. Please forward soft coDv of brief on e-meil hemzamusta hoo. co.uk. immediatelv. Please nresent the brief before the Committee durin the meetin c throush electronic sadsets, I The Secretery, Ministry of Water Resources, Govemment of Pakistan, Islamabad. 2 The Chairman, WAPDA, WAPDA House, Lahore, Pakistan. Page 1of 2 lslamabad, the 5d Augr'r:'r.2021 No F.l5( I /2021-Corn -l-\'ol-Il 3. The Secretary., Irrigation Department, Government of Punjab, Lahore is requested to attend the meeting, in person as already directed by.the Standing Committee on 01-10-2020. 4. The Secretnry, Irrigation Department' Govemment ofSindh, Karachi. 5. The Secretary, Irrigation Depadment, Govemment ofKPK, Pesharva. 6. The Secretary, Irrigation Depsrtment' Government ofBalochistan, Quetta. 7. The Chairmen, Indus River System Authority QRSA),35-Mauve area, G-10/4, Islamabad. 8. Member, Indus River System Authority (IRSA),lCT, 35-Mauve area, G-10/4, Islamabad- 9. Member, Indus River System Authority (IRSA)' KPK' 35-Mauve area, G-10/4, Islamabad 10 Member, Indus River System Authority (IRSA), Sindh,35-Mauve area, G-10/4, Islarnabad. I L Member, Indus River System Authority (IRSA), Balochistan, 35-Mauve area, G-lOl4,Islamatbad. 12. Member (Water), WAPDA, WAPDA House, Lahore, Pakistan. 13. The Chairman, Karachi Water & Sewerage Board (KW&SB), Karachi, Sindh is requested tr) attend the meeting in person as already directed by the Committee in its meetings held on 12-04-2021 and 05- 07-2021. 14. i0{.r. Zereet Iqbal Kherho, (Member of the Committee for Sindh Barrage constituted by honourable Chief Minister), Chief Engineer Irrigation Development Region, 28 CivLl Line, Hyderabad, Sindlr. 15. Mr. Haji Khan Jamali, (Member of the Committee for Sindh Barrage constituted by honourable Chief Minister), Chief Engineer Kotri Barrage, Barrage Colony, Hyderabad, Sindh. 16. Mr. Mansoor Memon, (Member of the Committee for Sindh Barrage constituted by honourable Chief Minister), Superintending Engineer / Project Director, Chotiari Reservoir Circle Project, Sindh irligation Department, Sanghar, Sindh. 11. Section OIIicer (Council), Ministry of Water Resources, Govemment of Pakistan, Islamabad. For information. coordinetion end necessarv action to facilitate to hold the meetitrs: - L Director General (IT), National Assembly Secretariat, with the request to place the Notice on the Website. 2. Director General (Media), National Assembly Secretariat, Islarnabad for rnedia coverage. 3. Joint Secretary (Finance), National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. 4. Deputy Secretary (CJ, C-[, C-III & Admn), National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad for docurrientation with reference tc, Office Order No.F.8(2/Com-II, dated En February 2012.. 5, Director General (Research), National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. 6, Drawing and Disbursing Officer (D.D.O), National Assembly Secretariat Islamabad. 7 AD (IT), National Assembly Secretariat, with tle request to generate an SMS to the Committee l\lembers. [or lnformation to:- l. Joint Secretrry (Admn), Prime Minister's Office, Islamabad. 2. Secretary to Speaker, National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. 3. Director to Deputy Speakef National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. 4. Sr. P.S to Chief Whip, Parliament House, Islamabad. 5. Director to l-eader ofOpposition, National Assembly Secretariat, lslamabad. 6. Sr. P.S to Chairman, Standing Committee on Water Resources, Room No. 708, St4te Bank Eluilding, Islamabad. 7. Sr. P.S to Sccretary, National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. E. Sr. P.S to Secrelary, Senate Secretariat, Islamabad. 9. A.P.S to Special Secretary, National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. 10. P.S to Additional Secretary (Commiftees), National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. I l. A.P.S to Joint Secretary (C-! C-[ & C-IID, National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. 12. Committee Branches-I &II, Senate Secretariat, Islamabad. (lonv also fonvard ed for information to:- I Honourable Attorney General for Pakistan, Islamabad. 2 The Accountant General Pakistan Revenues. Islamabad cH. AR Secretarv Comm ee P age 2 of 2.
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