Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 1982 Daily Egyptian 1982 3-9-1982 The aiD ly Egyptian, March 09, 1982 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_March1982 Volume 67, Issue 114 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, March 09, 1982." (Mar 1982). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1982 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1982 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Wrestling, water polo cut from sports By Steve MeeHl! student affairs. Both sports Swinburne said SIU-C will try SpIns E4II ... hltve finished their seasons and dual meets this season after a 9- records. He said makiDJ the to continue to offer the 7 record a year ago. The Swinburne said the cutback "diversity" in athletics it has cutback effective immediately The Inten:oUegiate Athletics takes effect immediately. WTP..atllll, program started at frees wrestlers to seek AcIvisM'y Committee Monday bad in the past. Sh] in 1950. HartzOl said droppiDl the two Hartzog said the dropping of scholarships at other schools. unanimously apPro~ed drop­ Hartzog said wrestling Coach sports would save aboUt 135.000. the two intercollegiate sports "This gives the opportunity to piDl water polo and wrestling which wiD be used to improve Linn LofII will not be left "high our two reaUy good Wrestlers to from the athletics program. was a "hard decision to make" and dry" by elimination of the men's athletin programs. and a "painful thing to do." be recruited by other univer­ The IAAC alao took under Swinburne said the move had wrestling. LofII has tenure in sities and compete next year. study a proposal to raise prices "I've always had pride in SIU­ the Physical Education I'U urge them to stay but to be made if SJU-C is to COII­ C athletics, and not just for here. of football and basketball tinue to try to improve the Department. which Swinburne they can go if they want to," footbaU and basketball." said saiCl SJU-C intends to honor. student tickets and the Saluki athletics IJI'OII'8m. Hartzog, who-doubles as men's Hartzog said. Jerry Richards AthJeties Pass. Lana: joined the Salulti coaching and Tim Dillick represented the "I ~ppen to think highly rA track and cross COUIItry coach. staff in May of 1968. A recommendation to cut the wrestli!1!l as a sport, but we "We've gone from a Salultis at the NCAA qualifying two vanity sports was have to take a look at the Hartzog said wrestlers who meet at Louisiana Slate last nspectable wrestlintJ program have scholarships and decide to month. praented by Lew Hartzog. economics of the times." to one which has become a men's albletia direct"", with remain at 8JU -C will continue to Swinburne said the record of Swinburne s.id. "We will burden. or almost an em­ receive them until they the apprvval of Bruce Swin­ continue to fllbt to keep our barrasment," Hartzog said. victories and defeats must burne, vice president for graduate, providing they athletics procram tGIether." The grapplers were CH3-1 in maintain good academic Daily ~gyptian Tuaday. Mucb 9, .!B!·Vol. til, No. U4 b'(JlIlhcrtllJ/inoi~ Unil'ersity Students air objections to loan, aid cutbacks By L,.... c...... subcommittee on higher &lair Writer education, state represen­ tatives, the Illinois Boud 01 The youth 01 tAJday are the Higher Education and the sm nation's te.den 01 tomorrow. Board of Trustees." Mc­ 1'ecImoIoIY is the backbone rA Dearmon said. society and tecJmoloty depends MieheUe Cassella, graduate 011 education. If government student in speech com­ loans and other fiDandaI aid are munication, said she is one year cut, many studen.. will have to away fnIm a ~te, but quit ~e and doubt that they without finaaci.1 aid .nd pIetewill be thIdr atile __ to return to c:am­ I118istant8lUp. ... never caaId u... have afforded a hi..... 'I'bI!R were rec:uJ'I'iIW Ibemee edueaUclD. She said sbe bas iIt~ ............ the ''Edueation for Everyeae" ............--· ... IIIlnext,arillld ... ~· .... .. ·· hearini Monday in the Student will not reeeJfta ...... waiftr. Center, IIpoIIICIft!d by the Un­ Sbesaid if"""",-1ouI are dergraduate Student Organizdtion and. Graduate Student Council. Beth McDeannOil. co--direetor ~~;~ .;.~:.:;.~.~........ - 01 USO government affairs, &aid, '''Ibis IIe:arinI does not is. Requr:; and will .,. Jay deal witb abatnct numbers 01 not be' affeeted by la_ GrUuI, ...... .. twealcal KIeKe, teIUIW .....y a' IIIe ftaucIaJ ... 1IeartII1I. studenbl beinI advenely af­ ....... aid cuta. But fected - rather, we will .... lbe quatioaed whether in- edaea..... to vote and I do intend on my dream. our gcmmment oIfadala that dIpeaiIent .......... atudeaIa Ed OzOII, sopbomore in voice beinI heard in Novem- Education leads to braiD thoae abstr.ct numbers ..........cannat beIp diem JIQCboIaIy, said be bas about ber." power, whidlleads tn economic repreeeat real peepIe with real are beinI allied to .... tbeir IiK mare yean 01 coIIeIe ahead Georle Collins. junior in power. whicb leads to political pnbIems that demand their fair ....... and said be will not be HIe to electrical eDJineerinI, said that ~. he said. COIlIideratioD. "Are .e to Jrice thoee eampIete Ids edaeation without if ~ ell" are paaed, Joyce Loman. sophomore in "Tr.nscripts of these students out • bilbel' finaIIcW........,.lIesaid the edlieatlon wuukllIO IonPr be a university studies, said that proeeedinp will be 8BIt ID eduealion'!" tiaffer .ded. ~ ....... not rilhtbutapriviJece. "A mind is .ntbout aid she would not be PresideDt Rapa. Seeretuy 01 Sbe ..............t fiuacial ald .................... and that a terrible tbinI to waste," he here. She called the .,OOO-per- Edue.tion Terrel Bell, tbe ..........~ out, DOt if lie does CODlplete hil said. year cbancellonbip un- Illinois conlrellion.1 ~ out fnIm edIa.. be will be m • Idgher No education, Collins said, necessary and asked whether deleption, the Houee Labor undIir Ibelr .. ~ to to bracket and ''will ..., mud:! .... a IaIa of identity and President Somit or Kenneth .Dd Educ.tion Committee, students .ho depend On IIICIft than an unemployed lIlue 1IeIf..'MJl'th,. weUer America Shaw bad ever lived on 13,000- RapreMIltatift Paul SimcIn's ...islance to fin.nce tbeir coUu won:er. I am reti8teftd and the loss rA the American • ar as man students do. C£ 1ec t ion GOP candidates for House seat ************* 02 'running against Paul SiDlon' • yKana'" toward the IIOIIdnatioa. 1m, have been endoned by Primary Preview: &lair Writer Simon ill uaeonteBted in the any lGcaI Republican COIII­ primary. Add that to the mittees. Ronald Ledford and Peter ....it .nd see" attitude Both candidates are I.ar2eIy Bond ;"ue lor counly jai~ page 10 Prineu want Paul Simon's manifested by the district's unknown outside their job. Republican 1I"OUP8, and what counti... Botb are relying 011 "Altbolllb we .re ad­ you have is a ratber WOI"Ckf-moutb IUJIPOI1 from Republkan .heri!!~, page 10 versaries, Pete and I aren't Iaclduster eIectiOIl. within the puty imd have nmninI qainet ellCb other," conducted strictiy grass­ says Ran Ledford of the race DESPITE 11IE nIIIlOUI'S roata, anti-simon campaips. Dem~ratk .hen!! race, page 11 between bini and Prineu for whieb circul.ted after BoCb are eeMeI'YaUvea. tbe GOP nomination to that the "Actually, the party isn't con..,Udation ;"ue, t the :and District..­ Simon'.1_ D8ITOW='in eraq about eitberone 01 ..," CCHS page 11 ::ree;: both I'WIIlinI apinst were ..... to run a . -name Ledford ~ candidly. "The Paul Simon." candklale- in 1112, the CCD­ put)' laden would haft J~"..,n Counly ~, PfJI{e 12 Ledford, the 30-year-old peIitiaa in the MardI UI ~ _ ~ap'pier .ith more IJo.ard c:imlitclertl 01 Sa~e:t: priIIIarJ ~ .... and ...,...... caadidala, like .... Prtne., a i'eIatiftIy low....,. Neither RaJpb Duma .. C.L. Me­ LI. 6ol1ernor mnle." page 13 eDlineer, _~'p~r to be LedIGnt, • 1m .......Ie 01 CcIrmiek. Neither Pete nor I quaanecI. IIGUI baft SIU-C', politieil seieace baft the money to n.Dce a a.art 01' the department, DOl' PriDeu, c..-. ........................ 1M ........ DIIIrId'" whO I.t to _ by 2-1 ill lee CANDIDATEI. ... 11 .... -......... ~m.. .i." ':rtUde SuprelDe Court will decide if ews CRoundup'-- Po'uh officia" .entence 245 WARSAW, Poland (API- Justice Minister Sylwester po6ce can demand identification Zawadzki said Monday at a news conference 3,953 people are being held at 25 martial law detention centers. ~~ also said ~45 WASHINGTON (API - The WI'OIIIdoinl. Westchester County, N.Y., Pca have drawn prison sentences for orgaruzmg or leading Supreme Court said Monday it The court's decision in the ordinance bannillg the sale of strikes since the military crackdown. will decide whether police can California case is expected drug paraphernalia at so-called Solidarity leaders called for talks with authorities, on the demand identification if they sometime next year. "head shops." condition that Walesa and other interned leaders and advisers think you're suspicious - and In other matters Monday, the be allowed to attend, sources said. whether it can be a crime not to court tooll these actions: -Agreed to decide in a case comply. -Rejected an appeal that from New Orleans what Israel, L,.l.anon maintain c,.ase-fir,. The court will judge such a charged the 1980 census \\ i·.h not justification~ government California law. struck down as counting "hundreds of employers need for firing JERUSALEM U\P) - U.s. special envoy Philip C. Habib unconstitutional by a federal thousands" of black, Hispanic emp'loyees who contend their had a final meeting with Prime Minister Menachem Begin appeals court.
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