OL 52 HNF-SP-0903 Revision 6 National Environmental Policy Act Source Guide for the Hanford Site Date Published September 1 999 Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety and Health RECORD COPY n.uoll DAN11L HANPOIID, INC. ~ Richland, Washington Hanford Management and Integration Contractor for the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC06-96RL13200 ·- - Approved for Public Release; Further Dissemination Unlimited RELEASE AUTHORIZATION Document Number: HNF-SP-0903, Revision 6 National Environmental Policy Act Source Guide for the Hanford Site Document Title: September 1999 This document, reviewed in accordance with DOE Order 241 .1, "Scientific and Technical. Information Management, "and 241 .1-1, "Guide to the Management of Scientific and Technical Information," does not contain classified or sensitive unclassified information and is: APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE Lockheed Martin Services , Inc. Document Control/Information Clearance '1•--a ,or APP- 1ec"'10...,.y, ou• 1ne•• :,en11w••· ._,a1 • 111ea. <,opynanuia. upon t..0nuo11ea • .-at•nt. ,-e,1on..,,-.,yaui. nupnetarv. Prot•ct•d av.DA, Trademark. Uncl•••lfled Controlled Nuc:le&f Information. Trad• rn• rk Dl•olalmer, Ref•..,,.,• herein to •ny •pacific .:ommeriil.i produot, proc-••• of ..Nie- by trad• ~. tr•d---1<, rntnufac:turer, or otherwl•-, do.. not necu-• rily can• titut• or irntlly ltt endorMm• nt. recommendation, or fa110rina by th• Unkecl Stet.. Oo-nt or any •lllfflCY th-1 o( ltt contractor• or •ubaantrectort. Th• vl•w• end oplnlone ol authort • xpre11ad t..nln do not n• c•• Hrily •t.t• or Nnect tho" of th• United State• Govemm• nt or any agency th• reot. TIii• report ha• bNn reproduced from th• beet • v•bbi. copy, Printed In the United State• o'f America. Awll1bl1 ta th• U.S. D•partmenl of Energy and ltt contrectart from th• U.S. Department or Ene,gy Of«c. of kl•ntlflc and T• chnlcel Information, P.O. 8o11 82, Oak Ridge, TN 37831; T• lephon1: 423/678-8401. Av•ll1bll to th• l"lblla from th• U.S. D1partment of Comrn1rc1 N11lan1I T1chnlc1I lnform•tlan S• rvice, 6285 Port Royal Raad, Springfllld, VA 22181: T•llphon• : 703/487•4850. HNF-SP-0903, Rev. 6 CONTENTS TERMS ....................................................................................................................................................... ix 1.0 SOURCE GUIDE ............................................ '. ......................................................................... 1- 1 1.1 PURPOSE .................................................................................................................. ... .... 1-1 1.2 PERSONAL COMPUTER ACCESS TO INFORMATION ................................................ 1-1 1.3 LIBRARIES ......................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.4 lllSTORY OF NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT DOCUMENTATION ON TIIE HANFORD SITE ...................................................................................................... 1-1 1.5 NUCLEAR WASTE POUCY ACT OF 1982 ........................................................................ 1-2 2.0 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS .................................................................................. 2-1 DOE/EA-0021 Decommissioning and Decontamination Activity, Hanford Building Disposal Demonstration Project, REDOX Plutonium Concentration (233-S) Building ...... 2-1 DOE/EA-0030 Operation ofN Reactor and Fuels Fabrication Facilities ...................................... 2- 1 DOE/EA-0044 Support Services Building ..................................................................................... 2-1 DOE/EA-0048 National Waste Tenninal Storage Program, Exploratory Borehole Drilling Activity .................................................................................................................. 2-2 DOE/EA-0052 National Waste Tenninal Storage Program, Near-Surface Test Facility ............... 2-3 DOE/EA-0102 Steam Generator Tube Integrity Program, Surry Steam Generator Project .......... 2-4 DOE/EA-0111 Maintenance and Storage Facility ......................................................................... 2-4 DOE/EA-0116 Fuels and Materials Examination Facility ................................ :............................ 2-5 DOE/EA-0120 l 00 F Area Decommissioning ·Program ................................................................ 2-6 DOE/EA-0188 Basalt Waste Isolation Project, Exploratory Shaft Construction ........................... 2-7 DOE/EA-0258 Breeder Reprocessing Engineering Test (BREn Facility ..................................... 2-8 DOE/EA-0259 Decommissioning of Strontium Semiworks Facility............................................ 2-8 OOE/EA-0312 Grouting and Near-Surface Disposal of Low-Level Radioactive Phosphate/ Sulfate Wastes from N Reactor Operation ............................................................ 2-9 OOE/EA-0318 SP-100 Ground Engineering System Test Site .............................................. .. .. .. 2-10 OOE/EA-0358 Hand1ing and Transportation oflsotopic Heat Sources ....................................... 2-12 OOFJEA-03 70 Fast Flux Test Facility Power Addition ............................................................... 2-12 DOE/EA-03 83 Hanford Environmental Compliance Project... .................................................... 2-12 iii HNF-SP-0903, Rev. 6 CONTENTS (cont) DOE/EA-0411 Fuel Assembly Arca ................................................................................ ............ 2-13 DOE/EA-0429 Environmental and Molecular Sciences Laboratory ............................................ 2-13 DQFJEA-0479 Collecting Crust S~ples from Level Detectors in Tank SY-101.. ..................... 2-14 DOFJEA-0495 · Preparation for Crust Sampling of Tank 241-SY-101 ......................................... 2-14 DOE/EA-0511 Characterization of Tank 241-SY-101 ...................................................... ........... 2-15 DOE/EA-0533 Vapor Space Sampling of Ferrocyanide Tanks ................................................... 2-17 DOE/EA-0535 105-KE and 105-KW Basins Fuel Encapsulation and Repackaging, 100-K Area .......................... :.......................... ..................................................... 2-18 DOE/EA-0538 Storage of Fast Flux Test Facility Unirradiated Fuel in the PFP Complex ......... 2-19 DOE/EA-0581 Upgrading of the Ventilation System at the 241-SY Tank Farm ........................ 2-19 DOE/EA-0582 Expedited Response Action for the 200 West Area Carbon Tetrachloride Plume ................................................................................................................... 2-20 DOE/EA-0596 Intrusive Sampling and Testing of Ferrocyanide Tanks ...................................... 2-21 DOFJEA-0618 Integrated Voice/Data Telecommunications System ........................................... 2-21 DOE/EA-0696 Construction of Temporary Mobile Office Complex, 200 West Area ................ 2-22 DOE/EA-0787 Shipment of Low Enriched Uranium Billets to the United Kingdom ................. 2-23 DOE/EA-0802 Tank 241-SY-101 Equipment Installation and Operation to Enhance Tank Safety .......................................................................................................... 2-24 DOE/EA-0803 Proposed Pump Mixing Operations to Mitigate Episodic Gas Releases in Tank 241-SY-101 .......................................................................................... ...... 2-25 DOE/EA-0809 Thennocouple Tree System Installation and Operation in Non-Leaking Ferrocyanide Tanks .................................................... ......................................... 2-25 DOE/EA-0876 Construction and Operation of Particle Accelerator Bio-Physical Laboratory ... 2-26 DOE/EA-0881 Tank 241-C-103 Organic Vapor and Liquid Characterization and Supporting Activities .............................................................................................................. 2-26 DOFJEA-0904 Access Road From State Route 240 to the 200 West Area ................................. 2-27 DOE/EA-0915 Waste Tank Safety Program .......... ...................................................................... 2-27 iv HNF-SP-0903, Rev. 6 CONTENTS (cont) DOE/EA-0921 Proposed Relocation and Resumption of DOE Radon Research Program in the 300 Area ...................................................................................... ........................ 2-28 DOE/EA-0933 Tank 241-C-106 Past-Practice Sluicing Waste Retrieval... ................................. 2-29 DOE/EA-0942 Return oflsotope Capsules to the Waste Encapsulation and Storage Facility .... 2-31 DOE/EA-0944 222-S Radioactive Liquid Waste Linc Replacement and 219-S Secondary Containment Upgrade .......................................................................................... 2-31 DOE/EA-0959 Resiting, Construction, and Operation of the Environmental and Molecular Sciences Laboratory ............................................................................................ 2-32 DOE/EA-0978 Sludge Stabilization at the Plutonium Finishing Plant ....................................... 2-33 DOF/EA-0980 300 Area Prpeess Sewer Piping Upgrade and 300 Area Treated Effluent Disposal Facility Discharge to the City of Richland Sewage System ................. 2-34 DOE/EA-0981 Solid Waste Retrieval Complex, Enhanced Radioactive and Mixed Waste Storage Facility, Infrastructure Upgrades, and Central Waste
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