ANNEX II-3: 2012/13 DEVELOPMENT BUDGET BY AGENCY, PROJECT AND FUNDING TYPE Type of Funding Ministry Agency Project ID Project description Agency Budget GoR Counterpart External Loans External Grants TOTAL Allocation Funds 01 PRESIREP 25 535 955 209 0 1 194 698 747 3 653 566 924 30 384 220 880 0101 NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR UNITY AND RECONCILIATION(NURC) 0 0 0 169 880 924 169 880 924 01030113 INCLUSIVE PARTICIPATION IN GOVERNANCE 0 0 0 169 880 924 169 880 924 0102 GENERAL SECRETARIAT NSS 1 446 864 833 0 0 0 1 446 864 833 01040102 PROJECT: AQUISITION OF SPECIAL ICT EQUIPMENTS 1 446 864 833 0 0 0 1 446 864 833 0105 IMMIGRATION AND EMIGRATION NSS 1 105 156 083 0 0 0 1 105 156 083 01040402 PROJECT: E-GATES 1 105 156 083 0 0 0 1 105 156 083 0108 RWANDA DEVELOPMENT BOARD (RDB) 22 983 934 293 0 1 194 698 747 3 483 686 000 27 662 319 040 01050201 PROJECT: E-GOVERNMENT 6 089 493 345 0 0 0 6 089 493 345 01050202 PROJECT: ICT SKILLS DEVELOPMENT 154 000 000 0 0 0 154 000 000 01050203 PROJECT : ICT FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1 229 454 152 0 0 0 1 229 454 152 01050204 NATIONAL CYBER SECURITY 3 295 148 034 0 0 0 3 295 148 034 01050205 PROJECT : ICT PRIVATE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT 3 541 413 045 0 0 0 3 541 413 045 01050206 Regional Communication Infrastructure programme 0 0 0 3 483 686 000 3 483 686 000 01050207 Regional ICT Center for Excellence 0 0 1 194 698 747 0 1 194 698 747 01050301 PROJECT: DIVERSIFICATION OF TOURISM PRODUCTS AND PRODUCT 827 595 727 0 0 0 827 595 727 DEVELOPMENT 01050302 PROJECT: TOURISM QUALITY MANAGENENT AND STANDARDASATION OF 25 716 537 0 0 0 25 716 537 NEW ACCOMMODATION ESTABLISHMENT 01050303 PROJECT:TOURISM RESEARCH AND SATISTICS ( NATIONAL SATELLITE AND 23 796 760 0 0 0 23 796 760 ACCOUTING SYSTEMS) 01050305 PROJECT:WILDLIFE PROTECTION AND CONSERVATION OF NATIONAL PARKS 714 130 934 0 0 0 714 130 934 1 ANNEX II-3: 2012/13 DEVELOPMENT BUDGET BY AGENCY, PROJECT AND FUNDING TYPE Type of Funding Ministry Agency Project ID Project description Agency Budget GoR Counterpart External Loans External Grants TOTAL Allocation Funds 01050401 PROJECT: RWANDA INVESTMENT AND TRACKING SYSTEM 741 101 756 0 0 0 741 101 756 01050402 PROJECT: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ADVISORY SERVICES PROJECT 189 092 204 0 0 0 189 092 204 01050403 PROJECT: NATIONAL CUSTOMER CARE PROJECT 225 913 658 0 0 0 225 913 658 01050404 PROJET: THE DOING BUSINESS PROJECT 84 000 000 0 0 0 84 000 000 01050405 PROJECT: PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP (PPP) 83 906 000 0 0 0 83 906 000 01050501 Building a compentent workforce 110 900 000 0 0 0 110 900 000 01050503 Project : Rwanda Labor Market information system 247 971 951 0 0 0 247 971 951 01050601 Export Diversification Project 345 386 905 0 0 0 345 386 905 01050602 Manufacturing Growth Project 244 745 964 0 0 0 244 745 964 01050603 Masaka Business Incubation & Business Development Services project 1 443 945 094 0 0 0 1 443 945 094 01050701 SERVICES DEVELOPMENT AND COMPETITIVENESS 386 400 000 0 0 0 386 400 000 01050702 PROJECT : OUTCOME TRACKING AND BUSINESS INFORMATION 138 143 441 0 0 0 138 143 441 DISSEMINATION 01050703 STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT AND COMPETITIVENESS 366 757 000 0 0 0 366 757 000 01050704 PROJECT:RDB infrustructure development project 1 887 713 348 0 0 0 1 887 713 348 01050801 Preparation of policy and regulation for privatization of public enterprises 139 300 000 0 0 0 139 300 000 01050802 Alignment of Asset Management and IT Training Center 63 000 000 0 0 0 63 000 000 01050803 Establishment of Tourism Asset Company 63 000 000 0 0 0 63 000 000 01050804 IT support and services Company 63 000 000 0 0 0 63 000 000 01051001 AGRIBUSINESS INVESTMENT AND EXPORT MARKETING 118 908 438 0 0 0 118 908 438 01051002 AGRO-PROCESSING PARKS DEVELOPMENT 140 000 000 0 0 0 140 000 000 2 ANNEX II-3: 2012/13 DEVELOPMENT BUDGET BY AGENCY, PROJECT AND FUNDING TYPE Type of Funding Ministry Agency Project ID Project description Agency Budget GoR Counterpart External Loans External Grants TOTAL Allocation Funds 02 SENATE 681 500 000 0 0 0 681 500 000 0200 SENATE 681 500 000 0 0 0 681 500 000 02020103 Inclusive participation in Gorvernance Programme 0 0 0 0 0 02060401 PROJECT: MONUMENT AND SITES CONSTRUCTION 681 500 000 0 0 0 681 500 000 05 SUPREME COURT 0 0 0 158 300 000 158 300 000 0500 SUPREME COURT 0 0 0 158 300 000 158 300 000 05020302 Project : UNDP Support to Supreme Court 0 0 0 158 300 000 158 300 000 07 MININTER 2 807 033 455 0 0 0 2 807 033 455 0701 RWANDA NATIONAL POLICE (RNP) 2 032 218 765 0 0 0 2 032 218 765 07110215 2nd PHASE OF KFL PROJECT CONSTRUCTION IMPLEMENTED 1 106 964 257 0 0 0 1 106 964 257 07110216 RNP GHQs CONTRUCTED BY 50%; 2 P/STATIONS STARTED, REMERA 925 254 508 0 0 0 925 254 508 P/STATION COMPLETED; 40% OF HOUSES REMOVED OF ASBESTOS, 0702 RWANDA CORRECTIONAL SERVICE(RCS) 774 814 690 0 0 0 774 814 690 07110101 Peat is extracted from Cyahabi, Bugesera and Rwabusoro and peat stove 35 000 000 0 0 0 35 000 000 constructed 07110102 Rilima and Nsinda Production Centers reinforced 28 512 552 0 0 0 28 512 552 07110103 Soap making and carpentry equipments purchased for Butare Production 46 000 000 0 0 0 46 000 000 Center 07110104 Rilima Irrigation Project 0 0 0 0 0 07110105 Rehabilitation and Extension of Biogas in 10 Prisons. 70 000 000 0 0 0 70 000 000 07110201 Nyakiriba Prison construction continued and completed 0 0 0 0 0 07110202 Butare Prison extension phase IV 191 066 730 0 0 0 191 066 730 07110204 Technical Studies for expropriation of Nyamasheke land completed 35 000 000 0 0 0 35 000 000 3 ANNEX II-3: 2012/13 DEVELOPMENT BUDGET BY AGENCY, PROJECT AND FUNDING TYPE Type of Funding Ministry Agency Project ID Project description Agency Budget GoR Counterpart External Loans External Grants TOTAL Allocation Funds 07110205 Technical Studies for Ngarama rehabilitation production center undertaken 35 500 000 0 0 0 35 500 000 07110206 Technical and Architechitural Studies for rehabilitation of Miyove, Rilima and 78 451 200 0 0 0 78 451 200 Gitarama Prisons conducted 07110207 Technical and Architectural Studies and Construction of RCS Training School 45 700 000 0 0 0 45 700 000 07110209 Nsinda Prison phase I is rehabilitated 209 584 208 0 0 0 209 584 208 08 MINAFFET 1 145 589 062 0 0 0 1 145 589 062 0800 MINAFFET 1 145 589 062 0 0 0 1 145 589 062 08010111 CONSTRACTION AND REHABILITATION OF RWANDAN EMBASSIES 1 145 589 062 0 0 0 1 145 589 062 09 MINAGRI 37 250 569 364 0 13 275 842 412 20 161 810 133 70 688 221 909 0900 MINAGRI 31 219 098 245 0 13 275 842 412 20 161 810 133 64 656 750 790 09010111 Gishwati Land and Water Management ( GLWM ) 981 228 864 0 0 0 981 228 864 09010112 Land Husbandry Hillside Irrigation and Water Harvesting ( LWH ) 200 000 000 0 2 140 501 922 6 200 244 021 8 540 745 943 09010113 Projet d'Appuie a l'Amenagement integre et la Gestion des Lacs Interieurs ( 212 500 000 0 1 991 164 579 3 466 960 143 5 670 624 722 PAIGELAC ) 09010302 Rural sector support project ( RSSP III) 387 500 000 0 7 781 706 130 0 8 169 206 130 09010402 Immediate Action Irrigation-Government Funded Irrigation ( GFI ) 8 546 169 381 0 0 0 8 546 169 381 09010403 Projet d'Appui au Developpement Agricole de Bugesera ( PADAB ) 300 000 000 0 0 2 289 517 240 2 589 517 240 09010404 Projet d'Appui aux Infrastructures Rurales de la region naturelle de Bugesera ( 50 000 000 0 0 599 604 930 649 604 930 PAIRB ) 09010405 Kirehe Watershed management project ( KWAMP ) 300 000 000 0 0 4 666 700 094 4 966 700 094 09010519 Priority Crops Intensification ( CIP ) 13 541 700 000 0 0 0 13 541 700 000 09010520 Agricultural Mechanization 1 500 000 000 0 0 0 1 500 000 000 4 ANNEX II-3: 2012/13 DEVELOPMENT BUDGET BY AGENCY, PROJECT AND FUNDING TYPE Type of Funding Ministry Agency Project ID Project description Agency Budget GoR Counterpart External Loans External Grants TOTAL Allocation Funds 09020216 Project: Support to the PSTA II 100 000 000 0 0 2 192 096 988 2 292 096 988 09030201 Project: National Serculture Center 150 000 000 0 0 0 150 000 000 09030406 Project: (PRICE) 150 000 000 0 746 686 717 746 686 717 1 643 373 434 09030604 Project: National Strategic Food Reserve 2 300 000 000 0 0 0 2 300 000 000 09030605 Project:Livestock Infrastructure Support Program( LISP) 2 400 000 000 0 0 0 2 400 000 000 09040515 Support project for the Strategic Transformation of Agriculture-PAPSTA 100 000 000 0 615 783 064 0 715 783 064 0901 RWANDA AGRICULTURAL BOARD (RAB) 4 722 853 166 0 0 0 4 722 853 166 09010260 Project: One Cow per Poor Family 2 012 853 166 0 0 0 2 012 853 166 09010261 Project: Genetic Improvement 770 000 000 0 0 0 770 000 000 09010262 Project: Poultry Industry Development 220 000 000 0 0 0 220 000 000 09010263 Project: One Cup of Milk per Child 1 500 000 000 0 0 0 1 500 000 000 09010518 Project: Banana Development and Bacterial Wilt Control 220 000 000 0 0 0 220 000 000 0902 NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXPORT DEVELOPMENT BOARD (NAEB) 1 308 617 953 0 0 0 1 308 617 953 09030101 Project : Flower park Development 299 728 826 0 0 0 299 728 826 09030401 Project: Improving Coffee production, productivity and Quality 408 889 128 0 0 0 408 889 128 09030501 Project: Commodity Chain Program: Horticulture Intensification and Quality 499 999 999 0 0 0 499 999 999 development 09030601 Project: Kigali Whole Sale Market 100 000 000 0 0 0 100 000 000 10 MINICOM 5 291 530 078 0 205 160 389 2 483 890 000 7 980 580 467 1000 MINICOM 4 713 001 076 0 205 160 389 2 483 890 000 7 402 051 465 10020302 COMPETITIVINESS AND ENTREPRISE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT ( CEDP) 45 000 000 0 0 1 980 000 000 2 025 000 000 5 ANNEX II-3: 2012/13 DEVELOPMENT BUDGET BY AGENCY, PROJECT AND FUNDING TYPE Type
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