~iur a ~if t ~uhsrriptinn fnr Ql4ristmas_ o4ppLeuaLe o4duenturer 13958 Congratulations to Mr. Robert Morgan of San Jose, California on his selection of Applevale Ad ­ venturer, an outstanding yearling stallion by Pecos 8969 out of Mar issa 09162. VOORHIS FARM Home of Applevale Morgans Red Hook, Dutchess Co., New York. MR. and MRS. GORDON VOORHIS, owners FRED HERRICK, trainer Tel. Plateau 8-56 l l Tel. Plateau 8-3283 BHDJlDWHll f JlH JJ] MEG FERGUSON, 13, WITH HER GELDING BROADWALL COMMANDER 11887. I (Parade 10138 - Texas Lyn 05818) Meg rides Broadwa ll Commander (Red) on the fifty mile pleasure ride and a lso shows him. '· We have three wean ling fil lies by Parade and Broadwall Drum Major and some goo d sta lli on and geldi ng pr ospects . VISIT US BEFOREBUYING. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cecil Ferguson Broadwall Farm Greene, Rhode Island EXPRESS7-3963 SPECIALFEATURES :Eastern Stale& Horse Show . 6 So It's Time To Register Your Foal . 11 Three Morgana Participate In 17th Annual VI.ala-Palomar Ride 13 The 1963 llllnola State Fair . 15 Versatillty Show Draws Entries from Seven States . 16 2nd and 3rd Place Winner Verse Contest . 16 Circle J Show Results . 48 Dear Sir : [ am enclosing $4.00 for a subscrip­ REGULAR FEATURES tion for our local library. This might Letters to the Editor . 4 be a thought for oth ers to do, especially The Prasident's Comer . 5 Horses. Horses, Horses . 9 if several people went together, the Jes· Hossin' Around . 12 co.st would be nominal and might help Mid-States Morgan Club . 14 ·'spread the word" in many areas. Morgan Horse Breeders and Exhibitors Assn. 17 Mrs. Shirle y Lavigne Mid-Atlanic News . 18 4 770 Proctor Road Inland Empire Morgan Association . 19 The Wheat State Morga·n Horse Association . 20 Castro Valley, Calif. Rocky Mountain Morgan Horse Club . 20 P. S. J couldn 't spare any of my copies! Ci.rcle J Morc;an Horse Club . 21 Tow own Morgan mare Analin 07969, Pacific Northwest News . 22 whom we've had the pleasure of own­ New England News . 23 Justin Morger. Association ..... -. 24 ing f.or a year now . No. California Morgan Horse Club . 25 North Central News . 26 Morga ns :n the Land of Enchantment . 27 Dear Sir: New York N&ws . 28 I hope you can help us, and you can Morgans In Arizona . 45 by publishing thi s lette r in a news Penn-Ohio News . 46 publication of your breed association . Southern Indiana Morgan Exhibitors . 46 North of the Border . 47 We have a "Wes tern Store" o.n our Southern News and Views . 47 ranch and we have devoted one room to Buckeye Breeze . 50 "Top Stallions" of all breeds. Yon can Wyoming Morgan Breeders Assn., Inc. 50 help us fill our room with pictures of all fine stallions by sending us pic­ tures (s uitable for framing and in colo.r Officers of The Morgan Horse Club if possible) of your stallions. W e feel "President . • . J. CECD. FERGUSON they will make fine additions to our Greene , Rhode Island room. Eastern Regional Vice President . MRS. ROGER E. ELA Each breed will have its own sec­ Wayland, Mass . Mid-West Regional Vice-President ........ MRS. WILLIAM W. BARTON tion . I hope to have many pictures Rockford, Ill. of fine Morgans. Western Regional Vice President . ... ......... DR. HENRY P. BOYD Yo.ur pictures will be seen by many San Rafael, Calif . horseme n who appreciate fine hor ses. Treasurer · · · · · · · ·23·0· P~ic· ·A~~;~~-.·N~~·Y~; k: N.c~~ic1 STILLMAN Miss Sally Lambdin Lambdin Ranch Secretary . SETH P. HOLCOMBE P. 0 . Box 2157, West Hartford 17, Connecticut RR 2, Box 230 Elkhart, Indi ana The Morgan Horse Magazine November, 1963 No. 10 OUR COVER Vol. XXIIl A Monthly - The Official Publication of THE MORGAN HORSE CLUII, Incorporated Secretary 's Office: P. 0 . Box 2157, West Hartford 17, Conn. Please send all correspondence regarding sub1crlpllon1 and advertising to publlcatlon office : The Morgan Hone Magazine, Leominster, Mau. - Dial KEystone 4-6506 . Publisher . Otho F. Eusey Editor . Bernice Anderson Special Features . Em Pedler Circulation . Rosalie McGuire CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Joyan Hills Ollie Mae Dansby Renee Page Barbara Niemi Judeen llarwood Doris Hodgin Jeanne Mehl Dr. Albert Lucine Louise Beckley Dorothy Lockard R. G. Morgareldge Pauline Zeller Lorrayne lyer1 Peggy McDonald Eve Oakley Helene Zimmerman Dorothy Colbum Coleen Mclean Cece Olson Dorothy Olson Barbara Cole Charlotte Schmidt Ayellen Richards Pamela Leach Ruth Rogen Pat Hamilton Natalie Webber Gloria Jones Ellene Sullivan Pat Crookham Harriet Ulery As we close anothe r show season, The Publ isher and staff of The Morgan Horse Magaz ine and The Morgan Horse Club, Inc. we are pro ud to feature a Morgan from are not responsible for op inions and statements expressed In signed art icles or paid ad· one of our ·smaller ·breeders, Gladgay's vertlsements . These opinions are not necessar ily the op inions of the staff of this Journal. Pride, by Orcland Leade r out of Glady. SUBSCRIPTION RATES T he proud owner-rider is Ma rk Hanna One Year S4.00 Two Years $7.50 Three Years $10.50 of Framing ham, Mass. They are shown Canada S4.50 Foreign Rates SS.SO per year The MORGAN HORSE MAGAZINE, published monthly except January by THE MORGAN win ning the Morgan Amate ur to Ride HORSE CLUB, INC., Secretary's Office, P. 0 . Box 2157, West Hartford 17, Conn. Champions hip, at the Eastern States Printed by The Eusey Press, Leominster, Mass. Second class postage paid at Leominster . Mass . Closing date for copy and advert ising 1st of month preced ing date of publication Exposition. Copyright 1963 by The Morgon Horse Club, Inc. 'the 'l're4'id.ent'..,eorner By J. CECIL FERCU ON :In '9ur Special £ma4' I have been swamped with letters complaining about the showing oJ Morgans with long feet, heavy shoes and 9..,..,ue straps to hold on the shoes. Articles are being written such as the one by Mrs. Pettinger, "Wither the Morgan Horse," WINTER RELAXATION FOR THE in the Chronicle which shows what others are thinking SHOW HORSE about the horse we try to keep as the "Pride and Product of America ." Comprehensive article by Marilyn Childs on win­ I am pleased to say at the last directo.rs meeting the ter care for your show horse with added in­ rules as set up by the rules committee were accepted with struction for the young horses which will be a f.ew minor changes. The new rules will be printed in pamphlet form and distributed to our members as soon campaigned in 1964 . as they are accepted by the American Horse Show Asso­ ciation. These new rules will limit the length of hoof from hair line to. ground (shoes included) to 5" in per­ OUR 1963 XMAS STORY formance classes with a maximum of 18 oz. and 4 Yi" A special you will not want to miss, written in pleasure classes with a maximum of 14 oz. shoes. Lead under pad or the use of turnbuckles or bands of especially for the Morgan Horse Magazine by any kind is prohibited. Weanlings cannot be shod. our Special Feature Writer, Ern Pedler . You're Western classes if shod cannot use pads and shoe friends will not want to miss these. Enter their cannot be over 14 oz. gift subscription today. It will start with this This should put everyone on an equal footing and imp ortant issue. will certainly be more humane to the Morgan horse. The co-operation and help of. our directors is greatly appreciated and I feel we are now moving in the right direction. Beckridge Morgans OrclandRoyal Don (Ulendon x Royalton Rose of Sharon) We are proud of this colt's show record ... · at the biggest sho s in the PNW .5 lsts, 3 Reserve and 2 Grind Qhameion­ sh.ips as a 2 year old ... as a yearling 4 I sts and 3 Reserve Championship He will be available to a limited number of selected mares during 1963. Early inquiry will be appreciated. When this was written we had 2 weanling fjllies and a few good colts left, also at least one young gelding . Visitors are altvays welcome, here and at the ranch. £,naa '13eckle'J P. 0 . Box 240 Al Erickson Ranch, Sutherlin, Oregon Mount Vernon, Wash . Trainer Tony Arana, Mgr . NOVEMBER-, 1963 5 EasternStates HorseShow Waseeka's Nocturne And Gladgay's Pride Top Stake Horses ( Pictorial Spread on Page 41) Morgans out-numbered all o.ther Gay Cava lier, owned by the Green owned by Charles A. Cohen was Grand breeds at New England's largest indoor Meads Farm, and was well ridden by Champion and the reserve went to show, the Eastern States Exposition . Dr . Robert Orcutt. This young stal­ Broadwa ll Spangle, owned by Sally T. This year's horse show was the largest lion sure has a lot of presence. Hounslea. These were in the three ever with over 500 entries. There were The Pair Class was won by Orcland years old and under classes. 58 entri es in the Morgan in hand or Donanna and Bar-T Leading Man . This In the New Eng land Horsemen 's breeding classes and well over 50 in pair has Lyman Orcutt at whip and Council Pleasure Horse Class three the performance classes. There were they really were right together and up Morgans topped the class. This was also more horses entered in all the Morgan in the riggen. Orcland Donanna is true of the Ro.ad H ack Class. These classes than ever before.
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