Broome Index Index Page references printed in italics refer to illustrations and captions which are not discussed elsewhere on the page or surrounding span of pages. Abbotsford, 75, 84–5 Aboriginal friends, 65–6, 67, 90, 259–62 Aboriginal activism, see political activists from childhood, 21–6, 28, 33, 41, 90, 198 Aboriginal Affairs Act (1967)(Vic.), 153 fruit and vegetable delivery customers, 81 Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Council, 155, funerals, 243 160, 196 met through FCAATSI, 94, 244, 262 Aboriginal Affairs Department, see met when in army, 33–4, 73, 78, 91–3 Department of Aboriginal Affairs met while boxing/wrestling, 43–6, Aboriginal Affairs Ministry, see Victorian 58–9, 61–2, 70, 178–9; Carter, Charlie, 152 Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs at Pascoe Vale South, 87–8, 90 Aboriginal Affairs Victoria, see see also Moriarty, John; Nicholls, Department of Aboriginal Affairs Sir Doug Aboriginal and Islander Identity, 186, Aboriginal Funeral Service, 199 191, 224–6 Aboriginal hostels, 94, 111–12, 122, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander 123, 216 Commission (ATSIC), 170, 233 Aboriginal Hostels Ltd, 122, 123, 197 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ‘Aboriginal News,’ 115–16 Water Veterans taskforce, 255 Aboriginal newsletter, 193 Aboriginal Arts Board, 170, 226–8 Aboriginal/non-Aboriginal divide, 135–40, Aboriginal Balls, 113–15, 116, 119, 212 155, 159, 190, 196 Aboriginal Child Care Agency, 193–6 Aboriginal people, 31–4, 45, 106–16 Aboriginal Children’s Christmas Tree Alick’s photographs of, 206–14 Appeal, 111, 122, 152, 213 Alick’s writings about, 224–30 Aboriginal Community Elders Services (ACES), 221, 240–1, 246, 248 boxers, 42, 43–5, 102–3, 178–9, Aboriginal Congresses, 124, 125–8, 134 229–30; Williams, Irwin (‘Black Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Bomber’), 58–9 Committee, Museum of Victoria, Broadmeadows, 80 213–14, 229 communities visited on Jackomos Aboriginal culture, talks about, see family holidays, 93 educational talks counting in Census, 168–70 Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Royal footballers, 187–90 Commission (RCADIC), 124, 152, 171 fruit and vegetable delivery customers, ‘Aboriginal Destruction Board,’ 117 81, 83 Aboriginal Development Commission, hitchhikers, 150–1, 166 165, 167, 196–7, 220, 234 police and, 124 Aboriginal Embassy, 234 public servant working for, 143–86, Red Hill, 191 196–7, 203, 217, 218 www.aboriginalstudiespress.com 281 282 index Broome Index see also child removal; football and Anderson (Bourke), Eleanor, 164–5, Doug Nicholls; genealogical know- 200, 251 ledge; political activists; Torres Anderson, Hugh, 215 Strait Islands and Islanders Anderson’s hosiery mills, 65, 69 Aboriginal policy, 130–2, 154, 162 Andrews, Shirley, 126 New South Wales, 106 Annual Aboriginal Balls, 113–15, 116, 212 Queensland, 178 Anzac Day, 38, 79, 198, 238 Western Australia, 121 Apache Indians, 175, 176 see also land rights; Victorian APM mills, Fairfield, 80, 84 Aboriginal policy apprentice, 21, 22, 39 Aboriginal Protection Board, 117, 118, Aristokelous, George, 72 121, 149, 186 Aristokelous (Jackomos), Maisie, 5, 11, New South Wales, 106 30, 89, 201 see also Victorian Aborigines Welfare at Alick’s wedding, 71, 72 Board wedding, 73–4 Aboriginal rights, 130–2, 142 see also Parisi, Yvonne Aboriginal self-determination, 155, 160–1 Arizona, 175, 176 Aboriginal servicemen, 33, 216, 262 army service, 27–39, 79, 249, 261 Atkinson, Otway (‘Otty’), 28 Jackomos, Angelo, 38, 76 First World War, 226 see also Aboriginal servicemen; 2/14th Forgotten Heroes, 229, 230 Battalion Murray, Stewart, 198 Arthur, Bruce, 101 Nicholls, Doug, 107 articles in magazines, 115–16, 224–6 Aboriginal Sporting Hall of Fame, 216 Arts Council of Australia, 227 Aboriginal Tent Embassy, 234 ASIO, 120 Aborigines’ Advancement League, see Assan, Tony, 178–9 Victorian Aboriginal Advancement assimilation policy, 121, 134, 142, 146, League 241–2 Aborigines Welfare Board, see Victorian Atherton Tablelands, 34 Aborigines Welfare Board Atkinson, Pastor, 225 ACES, 221, 240–1, 246, 248 Atkinson (Clements), Betty, 55–6, 64, Adams, Ray, 126 219, 224 Adelaide, 21, 129, 187, 193 Atkinson, Clive, 88 Adelaide Show, 47, 103 Atkinson, Dan, 187 Adelaide University, 187 Atkinson, Elizabeth, 64 African-Americans, see Black Americans Atkinson, Graham, 194, 195 Age obituary, 260 Atkinson, Joyce, 142 AIATSIS, see Australian Institute of Atkinson, Lucy, 56 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Atkinson (Grinter), Myra, 111–12, Studies 114–15, 136–7, 139, 262 AIF, see army service Atkinson, Otway (‘Otty’), 28, 33–4 ‘Alabama Kid’ (Clarence Reeves), 41–2, Atkinson, Rosalin, 128 48, 62 atomic bombs, 37–8 Alice Springs, 33, 187 atomic testing, 121 ‘Alick and Merle Jackomos Collection,’ ATSIC, 170, 233 213–14 Augustes, Asimina, see Jackomos, Asimina All Stars Gymnasium, 102–3, 231, 241, 247 Augustes, John, 19 Allan (Magdziarz), Gail, 49, 105, 237 Augustes, Manuel, 3 Allan, Jack, 60, 105, 231–2, 237 Augustes, Peter, 3 Allen, Mick, 60–1 Augustes, Theo, 35, 37 Anderson, Alan, 147 Austin, Jock, 102 Anderson, David, 160–1, 220, 243 Australia Day Achievement Medal, 201, 246 www.aboriginalstudiespress.com Broome Index index 283 Australian Aborigines’ League (Aboriginal Ballarat Orphanage, 118 Branch), 23, 107, 113–21, 124–8, Balranald, 145 141–2, 198 Balwyn, 94 Aboriginal Congresses, 124, 125–8, 134 Bamblett, Alf, 260 ‘Aboriginal News,’ 115–16 Bandar Seri Begawan, 179–80, 249–51 Alick’s article on, 225 Bandiana, 38 ‘Objectives and Demands,’ 118 Bandler, Faith, 129, 225, 244 Social Sub-committee, 113–15 Banka Banka, 31–2 Worthy’s 1968 address to, 155 baptisms, 9, 89, 107 see also Victorian Aboriginal Barber, Bernice, 64 Advancement League Barber, Elizabeth, 64 Australian Bicentennial Authority, 220–1 Bargo, Billy, 119 Australian Bureau of Statistics, 167–70 Barmah Lakes, 90, 112, 222–3 Australian Constitution referendum, see Barwick, Diane, 108, 161, 173 referendum Barwick, Richard, 82 Australian Department of Aboriginal Batman Re-enactment Committee, 124–5 Affairs, see Department of Aboriginal Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Centre, 174 Affairs Belf, Harold, 98 Australian Imperial Force, see army service Belgrave, 119–21 Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Bell, Roy, 49 Torres Strait Islander Studies Bendigo Show, 56 (AIATSIS), 217–18, 221, 247 benevolent ideals, 17–18 Alick’s genealogical works housed at, Bergraff, Beryl, 173 220, 222 Betan, 181–2 copy of Alick’s photographic collection, Bethesda Aboriginal Mission, 116, 198 211 Bigelow, Doug, 102 Australian National Library, 255 Bill T. Onus (Boys) Hostel, 111, 122 Australian National University, 161, 162, birth, 4, 8 173, 234 Black Americans, 34, 62, 174 Australian Ring, 76, 98, 99–100 Reeves, Clarence (‘Alabama Kid’), Australian Rules football, see football 41–2, 48, 62 Australian Security Intelligence ‘Black Bomber’, 58–9, 205 Organisation (ASIO), 120 Black Diamonds, 216 author, see writings and publications Black Gold, 216 awards, 201, 246–9 Black Power, 139 Murray, Stewart, 199 Blackburn, Doris, 121 Nicholls, Sir Doug, 202 Blind Society, 21 nomination, 240 Blow, John Joe Aloysius, 60–1 Ayers Rock, return to traditional owners, Blow, Reg, 86, 192 192–3 Blow, Walda, 86–7, 88, 236, 262 Aziz, Kiai Dr Yusuf Abdul, 251 body slams, 100, 101 Bolte Government, 154, 185 ‘Back to Lake Tyers’ weekend, 191 Bombala Show, 42 badge seller, 38, 239–40 Bonang, 133, 158 Bailey, ‘Headlock,’ 46–7 Bonner, Senator Neville, 167 Baillie, Helen, 228 books, see writings and publications Bairnsdale, 152, 158, 192 boomerang throwing, 119–20, 191, Balaclava, 5 192, 200 Bali, 236 contests, 120, 125 Balikpapan, 35–8, 198 Onus’ boomerangs, 104 Ballarat, 187, 208 overseas, 175–6, 181, 182–3, 189 Genealogical Convention, 209, 245–6 boomerang trade, 104–5, 167, 238 www.aboriginalstudiespress.com 284 index Broome Index boomerangs, 125, 172, 180, 181, 188, 216 Bruny Island, 190 on Alick’s wrestling gown, 49 Bruthen, 158 Borneo, 35–8, 198 Bryant, Gladys, 110 Brunei, 179–81, 183, 236–7, 249–53, 258 Bryant, Gordon, 121, 123, 125–6, 173, 203 Bourke, Colin, 194, 196–7, 200, 251 Builders’ Arms Hotel, Fitzroy, 124 Bourke, Eleanor, 164–5, 200, 251 Bull, Murray, 191 Bouverie Mob, 24 Bull, Ronald, 191 boxing and wrestling, 41–63, 65, 75, 87, Bungalow, 34 92, 178–9, 199 Burdeau, Arthur, 125 Alick’s history papers on, 240 Bureau of Statistics, 167–70 Alick’s photograph collection, 11–12, Burns, Margaret, 113 62, 205, 208 Burnt Bridge Aboriginal Reserve, 44 in army, 35 Burnum, Burnum, 139 as a boy, 20, 21, 24 Bux, Edgar, 119 to catch a thief, 184 Bux (Nicholls), Gladys, 107, 108, 111–12, ‘Jaw Jarring Jackomos,’ 158–9 122–3, 123, 243 after marriage, 77, 93, 95–103; on honeymoon, 73 Cabbage Tree, 133 Museum of Victoria tribute to Alick, 259 Cairns, 34, 92, 249 peanut selling at local matches, 18–20, Cairns Show, 48 59 California, 174 Sideshow Alley, 73, 229–32, 242–3, 255 Camberwell, 16 see also Johns’ boxing tent; Sharman Camooweal, 178 troupe Camp Jungai, 200, 217, 223 Boyd, Sharon, 216 Canberra, 234, 244, 246–7 Boys Hostel, 111, 122 Aboriginal Embassy, Red Hill, 191 Bracken, George, 87 Aboriginal Tent Embassy, 234 Bracken sisters, 128 Australian National University, 161, Bradley, Archie, 59 162, 173, 234 Bransen, Wynnie, 129 Federal Council for Aboriginal Brashs Music store, Melbourne, 184 and Torres Strait Islanders (FCAATSI) Bray, George, 188 conferences, 129, 130 Bray, Harry, 32, 33 caps and hats, 238, 245, 246 Briggs, Geraldine, 70, 123, 139, 207 Carlton, 4, 6, 12, 22, 84 Briggs, Kenny, 70, 71, 72 153 Elgin Street, 12–13, 39, 89 Briggs, Louis, 191 Carnera, Primo,
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