Committee Report Item 7C Reference: DC/19/01554 Case Officer: Alex Scott Ward: Walsham-le-Willows Ward Member/s: Cllr Richard Meyer RECOMMENDATION – GRANT OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION WITH CONDITIONS Description of Development Outline Planning Application (some matters reserved) - Erection of 52 No. dwellings and creation of new access road (re -submission of refused planning application DC/18/00465) Location Land Off Hunston Road, Badwell Ash, , Parish: Badwell Ash Expiry Date: 26/07/2019 Application Type: OUT - Outline Planning Application Development Type: Major Small Scale - Dwellings Applicant: Mr & Mrs Sutton Agent: Hollins Architects And Surveyors PART ONE – REASON FOR REFERENCE TO COMMITTEE The application is referred to committee for the following reason/s: It is a “Major” application for residential development of 15 or more dwellings Details of Previous Committee / Resolutions and any member site visit The current application follows previous application Ref: DC/18/00465, for a similar development on the site. The application was considered by Members at committee on the 7th November 2018. Members resolved to refuse outline planning permission for the following reasons: 1 – Settlement Pattern and Landscape Character The proposed development is not considered to integrate as a functional part of the existing settlement, is not considered to be in keeping with the village's existing settlement pattern, and in the absence of a comprehensive scheme of landscape planting fails to demonstrate that the development would not result in adverse harm to the existing landscape quality and character of the locality. Furthermore, by reason of its location and prominence dwellings sited would consequently be likely intrusive and result in visual detriment to the rural character and landscape. On this basis the development is contrary to policy CS5 Core Strategy 2008, Focus Review 2012 policy FC1.1, Local Plan policies H7, H13, GP1 and the NPPF including Chapter 12 "Achieving well designed places" and Chapter 15 "Conserving and enhancing the natural environment". 2 - Ecology The proposed development, if approved, would likely significantly impact priority species, biodiversity interest and networks across the site and beyond that mitigation is not considered capable of assuring adequate protection given the site area and scale of the proposed development. On this basis the development is contrary to policy CS5 Core Strategy 2008, Local Plan policy CL8 and provisions of Chapter 15 "Conserving and enhancing the natural environment" including paras 170 and 174. 3 – Pedestrian Safety The proposed development by reason of its location would lead to pedestrians using Hunston Road where there is no footpath or footway available to access the rest of the village. This represents a risk in respect of highway safety and would be contrary to policy T10 of the Mid Suffolk Local Plan 1998 that gives regard to the provision of safe access to and egress from the site and the suitability of existing roads giving access to development in terms of safe and free flow of traffic and pedestrian safety. Has a Committee Call In request been received from a Council Member? No Details of Pre-Application Advice None PART TWO – POLICIES AND CONSULTATION SUMMARY Summary of Policies NPPF - National Planning Policy Framework FC01 - Presumption In Favour Of Sustainable Development FC01_1 - Mid Suffolk Approach To Delivering Sustainable Development FC02 - Provision And Distribution Of Housing CS01 - Settlement Hierarchy CS02 - Development in the Countryside & Countryside Villages CS03 - Reduce Contributions to Climate Change CS04 - Adapting to Climate Change CS05 - Mid Suffolk's Environment CS06 - Services and Infrastructure GP01 - Design and layout of development HB01 - Protection of historic buildings HB14 - Ensuring archaeological remains are not destroyed H07 - Restricting housing development unrelated to needs of countryside H13 - Design and layout of housing development H14 - A range of house types to meet different accommodation needs H15 - Development to reflect local characteristics H16 - Protecting existing residential amenity H17 - Keeping residential development away from pollution T09 - Parking Standards T10 - Highway Considerations in Development RT04 - Amenity open space and play areas within residential development RT12 - Footpaths and Bridleways RT13 - Water-based Recreation CL02 - Development within special landscape areas CL08 - Protecting wildlife habitats Neighbourhood Plan Status This application site is not within a Neighbourhood Plan Area. Consultations and Representations During the course of the application Consultation and Representations from third parties have been received. These are summarised below. A: Summary of Consultations Badwell Ash Parish Clerk Object - The planning application is outside the village boundary; The development is considered too large for the village; The access is of great concern being on a bend at the brow of the hill creating a blind spot for existing traffic; The existing village does not have the infrastructure to cope with the addition of 52 extra houses; Environmental concerns - such as the existing toad crossing for breeding purposes, the existing orchids and moths found on the site were of great concern should this site be developed; Concern about increased transport taking children to outlying schools as there is now no village school; The Councillors noted the Fire and Rescue service's comments regarding not enough water pressure on the site; The Councillors noted the NHS comments that they do not have the capacity to deal with the extra homes Hunston Parish Clerk The Parish does not support the submitted application for the following reasons: No low cost housing proposed; local infrastructure is limited (Transport, GP, Schools); the fronting highway cannot support the increase in traffic which would result; Pedestrians would have to use the road, in the absence of footways; The proposed access is on the brow of a Hill, with poor visibility. SCC - Highways No objection in principle, should comments be taken forward at reserved matters stage - Subject to conditions. Environmental Health - Land Contamination No objection to the proposed development from the perspective of land contamination - Request that the LPA are contacted in the event of unexpected ground conditions being encountered during construction and that the minimum precautions are undertaken until such time as the LPA responds to the notification. Also advise that the developer is made aware that the responsibility for the safe development of the site lies with them. Environmental Health - Noise/Odour/Light/Smoke No objection in principle - Concerns about the likelihood of loss of amenity to surrounding residential dwellings during the groundworks and construction phases of the development - Recommend conditions in this regard. Environmental Health - Air Quality Confirm the likelihood of the existing good air quality being compromised by the proposed development is sufficiently low for EH to raise no objection to the development. Environmental Health - Sustainability Issues Pleased to see that the applicant has made mention of sustainability measures and aims to be 30% more energy efficient than building regulation standards. Recommend a condition obligating the applicant to the 30% improvement in energy use over Part L requirements. Heritage Team Heritage does not wish to offer comment on this proposal. Landscape - Place Services Concerns raised with regards the proposed site location and impact on landscape character - do not consider current proposed landscape mitigation planting sufficient. Ecology - Place Services No objection subject to securing biodiversity mitigation and enhancement measures. Suffolk Wildlife Trust Agree with EPS recommendations - No further comment from SWT. Natural England Natural England has no comments to make on this application. Arboricultural Officer No objection in principle to this application subject to it being undertaken in accordance with the protection measures outlined in the accompanying arboricultural report. Although a number of trees are proposed for removal none of these are high quality 'category A' specimens and their loss will not have a significant impact in the wider landscape. Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree Protection Plan required by way of condition. SCC - Flood & Water Management Recommend approval of this application subject to conditions. The Environment Agency No objection - Subject to imposition of conditions - Consider the previous use of the site as a sand and gravel quarry pit to be potentially contaminative. The site is considered to be of moderate sensitivity and could present potential pollutant / contaminant linkages to controlled waters. Development Contributions Manager, Apart from the site-specific s106 developer contribution for school transport costs infrastructure mitigation will form the basis of a future bid to Mid Suffolk District Council for CIL funds if planning permission is granted and implemented. NHS England (50+ Dwellings/C2/Care Or Nursing Homes) This development is not of a size and nature that would attract a specific Section 106 planning obligation. Therefore, a proportion of the required funding for the provision of increased capacity by way of extension, refurbishment or reconfiguration at Stanton Surgery and both Stanton Health Centre and Ixworth Surgery, servicing the residents of this development, would be sought from the CIL contributions
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