On The Genuine Text Peter of of Spain's Summule logicales L. M. DE RIJK III Two Redactions of a Commentary upon the Summule by Robertus Anglicus* n his academic conference about a number of manuscripts which I contain works of Peter of Spain' Msgr Grabmann pointed to a master named Robertus Anglicus as a commentator of the Summule logicales. Grabmann identified2 this master with Robert Kilwardby, who is named Robertus Anglicus, indeed, in the Chronicle of the Dominican Convent of Bologna3 and in some manuscripts as well.. However, this identification seems to be far from certain. Both manuscripts (Vatican Library Vat. Lat. 30¢9 and Todi, Biblioteca Comunale, MS 5"4; see below) call the author Robertus Anglicus without _frater. Therefore one might think of the composition of these commentaries as having taken place at some date before Robert Kilwardby's entrance into the Dominican Order. A modern investigator into Kilwardby's life and works, the late father * The first and secondparts of this studyappeared in this Journal, 6 (1968), pp. and 69-toc. Martin Grabmann,Handschr ftlicheForschungen und Funde zu denPhilosophischen Schriften des Petrus Hispanus,des spdtcren Papstes JohannesXXI (t 1271)in : Sitzungsberichteder BayerischenAkademie der Wissenschaften,Philos. Hist. Abt. Jahrgang1936, Heft 9, Miincheni936, pp. 6s-67. 2 See ibid. 3 This chronicle edited in AnalectaOrdinis Fratrum Praedicatorum III 6, ( i 898),notes for the year c z z oHoc : anno recepti sunt Parisiis( forParisius) ad ordinemper eumdemReginaldum ( = Regi- nald of Angers),paulo antequam moreretur, Frater RobertusAnglicus, qui legebatParisiis metaphy- sicam, et nullus erat ei similisin theologicafacultate. Hic posteafuit Cardinalis.For this note and its reliabilityas to RobertKilwardby's entrance into the DominicanOrder, see EllenM. F. Sommer- Seckendorlf,Studies in TheLife of RobertKilwardby O.P., Dissertationeshistoricae (edited by the InstitutumHistoricum FF. PraedicatorumRomae ad. S. Sabinae),Fasc. VIII, Rome i 937, p. +. 4 e.g. in Florence,Laurenziana, cod. Plut LXXI,29 where Kilwardby'sCommentary on the Prior Analvticsis ascribedto RobertusAnglicus Kiliurlu ( !). In Venice,Biblioteca Marciana, VI 164 (308S), we find (f. 79 vb) Explicit; tractatus de relativis secundum fratremRobertum Anglicum ordinis predicatorum. GratiasDeo. I have seriousdoubts on Kilwardby'sauthority of this tract. In Oxford, MertonCollege, MS292 it is attributedto John of Siccavilla(f. 9+ va),while it is anonymousin the other manuscripts extant. Moreover,there is an interestingmarginal note in Assisi,Bibl. Antoniana MS is8, f.52r: in tractatude relationeI. de Siccavillaplus de materiaista. See A. G. Little and F. Pelster, Oxford Theologyand Theologians,Oxford 1934, p. 108, n. 3. - RecentlyI found in Sevilla(Biblioteca Capitulary Colombina)a manuscript containing Kilwardby'sSophismata gramaticalia with the contemporaneousexplicit (io4vb): ExplicitSuma gramaticalis cum argumentis Roberti Anglici (cod. - - - vm vrm c It 8 R.-M. Martin, suggested' that Robert took the Black Friars habit, be- tween 124.0 and i 245. So Grabmann's view that our commentaries were written between 124.8 and i 26i in the period when Robert Kilwardby was active as a professor in Paris and Oxford2 is certainly untenable, since in both manuscripts our author is named magister, not frater. Robert Kilwardby's activity as a magister artium must be dated in the 1220'S and i 2 3 o's. It is an unmistakable fact that, at that time, Peter of Spain's work was not yet used in the Parisian and Oxford circles3. So far there seems to be no reason to identify our magister Robertus Anglicus with Robert Kilwardby O.P. Grabmann only dealt with the Vatican manuscript Vat. Lat. ,049, which contains a commentary on Peter of Spain's Summule logicales, called there compilatio super tractatus (f. 8Irb). In a note (op. cit. p. 67, n. i) he referred to the Todi manuscript (Bibl. comunale, cod. S4) which, according to the catalogue of L. Leonij (Todi, 1878, p. 24), contains glosule composite a magistro Roberto Anglico upon the Summule logicales. Grabmann, who did not see the manuscript, knew only its incipit (Cum divinum auxilium sit teste Platone), and concluded4 from it that the Vatican and Todi manuscripts contain two different works. However, an analysis of both manuscripts will show that our manuscripts contain two different redactions of the same commentary by one master Robertus Anglicus on Peter of Spain's Summule logicales. - i The Commentary as contained in Vat. Lat. 3 049 This parchment manuscript of the Vatican Library measures 200 x i 40 mm. and has 8 2 folios. It seems to date from the end of the thirteenth or the beginning of the fourteenth century. Since our codex is part of the old stock of the Vaticani Latini (containing the Codices Vaticani Latini - i 6000), it must have been in the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana as early as the sixteenth century. More information about its origin and entrance into the Vatican Library cannot be given so far.s The only work contained in this manuscript is the commentary on the Summule logicales. I R.-M. Martin,Queiques premiers Maitres dominicains de Pariset d'Ox, fordet la soi-disantécole dominicaine augustinienne( i z 2 9- m 79)in : Revuedes sciencesphilosophiques et théologiques9 ( i 9 z o),p. s66. 2 Grabmann,op. cit., p. 66. 3 Argumentsin support of this view will be adducedin a later study in this series. 4 op, cit., p. 67, n. i . 5 Miss Prof. AnnelieseMaier, ' Scrittore in the VaticanLibrary, was kind enoughto give me this information. _ 9 .
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