既EMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE TOP SECRE曹/SENS工TIVE/EXCLUSIV臼LY EYES ONLY MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSAT工ON Participan七s ; Prime Minis七er Chou En-lai, People's Republic of China. Yeh Chien-ymg, Vice ChairmanI Military Affairs CommissionタChinese Communis七Partyl PRC Huang Huaタ PRC Ambassador to Canada Chang Wen-Chin・ DirectorJ Wes七ern Europe and American Depar七men七タPRC Minis七ry of Forelgn Affairs One Other Chinese Official' and Depu七y Chief of ProtocoI Tang Wen-Sheng and Chi Chao-Chu’Chinese工n七erpre七ers Chinese No七e七akers Dr・ Henry A. Kissinger, Assistan七to the Presiden七for Na七ional Securi七y Affairs John Holdridge, Senior S七aff Member, NSC Winston Lord, Senior Staff Member, NSC W・ Richard Smyserl Senior S七aff Member’NSC Place: Chinese Govemment Guest HouseタPeking Da七e and Time: July 9’197l, Aftemoon and Evening (4:35p・m. - 11:ZOp.m.) PM Chou: There is special news this af七emoon -- yOu are lost. (Premier Chou offers cigare七tes to the American par七y. ) No one wan七s One? I have found a party tha七doesnit smoke. Firs七ofall’工would like to welcome you’eSPeCially as Dr・ K王ssinger is the special representative of the President. Dr. Kis Singer: It is a great pleaLSure tO be here. I have looked forward a 1ong time to this opportuni七y・ PM Chou: As Chairman Mao Tse-tung has already spoken abou七this to Edgar Snow’there is no need to elabo±.a七e・工believe you have first-hand knowledge of this ar七icle by now. Dr. Kissinger I read it with great a七七ention. PM Chou: You do no七know Mr. Edgar Snow? TOP SECRET/SENSITIⅤE/EXCLUSIⅤELY EYES ONLY TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE/EXCLUSIVELY EYES ONLY _2_ Dr. Kissinger: I have never met him. PM Chou: Thir七y-five years ago he became a friend with us. Nowhe is an old friend. He is considered an old man in your countrly nOW, OVer 60, I believe 6ら. Dr. Kissinger: I have read his books with great interestタ and a11 his articles.工read the book in which he recounted his Iong conversa七ion with the Premier. PM Chou: 工was the first to see him・ The mos七importan七poin七is his COnVerSation wi七h Chairman Mao Tse-tung. Dr. Kissinger: Yes) and we read those that had been published・ PM Chou: I七seems to me tha七in 1936 whenhe left China and went back to the u.S・ tO Write an aLr七icleタhis first ar七icle was published in LIFE. This 七ime it is also in LIFE. Dr. Kissinger Yes, i七is in L工FE magazine. The article ofhim with M竜・〇 Tse tu・ng ha]S bccn widcly read, Par島cularエアby Presidell七Nixon, Whc’ read it with the grea七est atten七ion. PM Chou: Of course not all his works were so accurate, because they were Wri七七en in the mamer of conversa.七ion. Cer七ain poin七s were no七so accura七e, and in individual pla.ces were wrong・ I七is basically correct. Dr. Kissinger: President Nixon has asked me to convey his sincere gree七ings bo七h to you and Chairman Mao. He looks forward warml・y tO Visiting Peking PerSOnally in the not too dis七ant future. PM Chou: We thank His Excellency, the President, for his kind attention, and I believe that this desire wi11 be able to be fulfilled even七ually through exchanges of our oplnlOnS.● ● Dr. Kissinger: We expect that. PM Chou: According to our customタ We first invite our gues七to speak. Besides, yOu already have prepared a thick book● Of courseタ1ater on we Will give our opmlOnS also・ TOP SECRET/SENS工TIVE/EXCLUS工VELY EYES ONLY TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE/EXCLUS工VELY EYES ONLY _3_ Dr. Kissinger: I七is most unusual for me to haLVe Written notes. However, because of the importance of this occasion and because I wan七ed Presiden七 Nixon to see what I would sa・yタI have taken the liberty to wri七e ou七cer七ain Of my commen七s. PM Chou: Please. Dr. Kissinger: As I have already pointed ou七to youJ President Nixon has asked me to convey to you and Chairman Mao his high personal regards. He looks forward to meeting wi七h the leaders of the Peoplels Republic of China personaLlly to exchange ideas● PM Chou: We thank His Excellencyl the Presiden七タfor his regards. As Chairman Mao has already saidタWe Welcome Presiden七Nixon to our country for a visit・ nO matter Whether he comes as president or as a priva七e person・ Of course’he now is sti11 in his capacity as Presiden七● Dr. Kis Slnger: He expects to remain there for some time. 一章-ヽ・ヽ∴ 音r ノー暮「 上′期_ しノnOu: 千五a七!昌g○○d. Dr. Kis Singer: The Presiden七asked that this mission be secret un七il after We mee七・ SO We Can meet unenCumbered by bureaucracyタfree of the pas七) and wi七h the greates七possible lati七ude・ PM Chou: You donI七like bureaucracy either. Dr. Kissinger: YesJ and itls mutual; the bureacracy doesnlt like me. PM Chou: Do you know that some people ca11 me the dic七ator of bureaucracy and warlords? Dr. Kissinger: But tha七has been strongly overcome・ For us this meeting. PM Chou: Perhaps you did not understand・ Do you know who said tha七? Dr. Kissinger: No. PM Chou: You have no七read the articles and documents printed by our northern neighbor? Dr. Kissinger: They tell us∴SO many things about you that we canI七follow them all. PM Chou: This is a very ou七standing aI.ticle’a reCent ti七le. 冒OP SECRET/SENSITIVE/EXCLUSIVELY EYES ONLY _4_ 呈上三園。聖呈Sm臆謹呈 For us this is anhistoric occasion. Because this is the鱒rst time tha七American and Chinese leaders are talking to each o七her on a basis Where each country recognizes each o七her as equals. In our earlier contac七s We Were a neW and developmg COuntry m COntraSt tO Chinese cul七ural SuPeriority. For the past century you were victims of forelgn OPPreSSion・ Only today, after many difficulties and separa七e roads,have we come together aga,in on a basis of equality and mu七ual respect・ So we are both turning a new page in our histories. We are here today′ brough七together by global trends. Reality has brough七us toge七herJand we believe that reality wi11 shape our fu七ure● Because this is the begmning of our discussions1 1et me genera11y State Our generaLl approach towards the Peoplels Republic of China. We consider tha七the PeopleIs Republic of China,J because of i七s achieve- ments, traditionl ideoIogy, and streng七hI muS七Participate on the basis of equali七y in all matters affec七ing the peace of Asia and the peace of the world● We consider i七in our in七erestl and above a11 in the in七erest of the worldタ that you play your a.ppropriate role in shapmg international arrangeme血s. We realize, Of course’tha七there are deep ideoIoglCal differences be七ween us. You are dedicated to the belief that your concepts will prevail. We have our own convictions abou七the fu七ure・ The essen七ial question for Our rela七ions is whether bo七h countries are wiuing to let his七ory judge who is correctタWhile in the in七erval we coopera七e on maLtterS Of mutual concem On a basis of mu七ual respec七and equali七y and for the benefi七of aH mankind. Mr. Premierl工see two princIPal purposes for our meetings today and tomorrow. Firs七, aS Chairman Mao and you have suggested, We Should work Out Sa七isfactory unders七andings concerning a visit to China by President Nixon, a Visi七which he intends to make and to which he looks forward.工am authorized to se七七le all mat七ers concerning such a visi七, including its na七ure, timeタand other de七ails; the manner in which the meeting should be prepared; the subjec七s to be discussed; the possible outcome; and as welLa∴ POSSible COmmumque When I have returned to the U.S. Secondly, tO maLke President Nixon-s visi七the success we want it to be? We Should lay the groundwork by discussing lSSueS be七ween us, Our mutual concerns in Asial and the peace of the world● Among the topICS工believe we should cover are the following: TOP SECRET/SENSIT工VE/EXCLUSIVELY EYES ONLY TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE/EXCLUSIVELY EYES ONLy 細ら_ -- Taiwanl Whichl from the exchange of no七es between us, We know to be your princIPal concem in rela七王ons be七ween us. Mr. Premierl yOu have defined this as the wi七hdrawal of U.S. forces from Taiwan and the Taiwa.n Straits. I am prepared to hear your views and to discuss the matter PraCtica11y. -- Indochinal Which is currently the maJOr area Of conflic七and tension in Asia. -- Relations with other maJOr COun七ries’for example′ the Soviet Union and JaLPan, Which of course wi11 certainly affect the future peace of the world. -- The situa七ion in the Sou七h Asian subcontine址J Which invoIves man・y Ou七Side countries. -- Establishmen七be七ween us of a secure channel of communica七ions Which is no七dependent on the goodwill or the upheavals in third countries, and which is en七irely within the controI of our two leaders. -- Issues of arms control’SuCh as the recent proposal for a five power CCi旺fcrcnceタOn Which we have deiayed our reply until we could have the benefit of the views of the Premier. -- Any o七her topICS Which the Chinese side would care to raise. In discussing these ma七ters’Mr・ Premierl工will be absolutely candid Withyou’because工wan七to make sure that if we disagreeタit will be in full knowledge of each o七herIs poin七of view, and because I hope with fu11 Candor we will come closer to an agreeme工1七. As a close associate of President NixonタI am authorized to explain to you fully what our in七eres七s are in maJOr areaS Of the world and aLreaS Of POlicy’and工hope you will feel free to raise any lSSue Wi七h me. 工need no七add that any assurances made in this channel wi11 be honored absolutely. We will have an oppor七uni七y to discuss in detail all of these issues, but there-s one issue which I know缶om the statement of the Premier is Very muCh on your mind, Which I would like to take the liber七y of raising nOW. TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE/EXCLUSIVELY EYES ONLY TOP SECRET/SENSIT工VE/EXCLUSIVELY EYES ONLY _6_ I know you are concemed about collusionタOr Wha七you ca11 couusionタ of other countries against you・ Let me say now tha七we will never collude wi七h o七her countries against the Peoplels Republic of China’ei七her with our a11ies or with some of our opponen七s.
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