MUSIC IN SURROUND SOUND JULY 2005 CANADIAN CLASS: Paradigm’s SUPERB Signature S2 SPEAKER IN REVIEW: ULTIMATE UNIVERSAL PLAYER from Ayre MAXIMUM IMPACT PREAMPS from Aesthetix & Burmester www.stereophile.com X-MAN JOHN DOE’S NEW PROJECTS AS WE SEE IT John Atkinson Blind Tests & Bus Stops n mornings when I can get under blind conditions. Instead, they know “scientific” testing: 1) that a blind test, up early enough after a late- what it is they are listening to. This, of merely by being blind, reveals the reality of night listening session, I take course, is as J. Gordon Holt envisaged it audible amplifier differences; and 2) that the last express bus from my when he founded this magazine 43 years sighted listening is dominated by nonaudio Brooklyn suburb to Stereo- ago: that the optimal way to judge a com- factors, the so-called “Placebo Effect.” phile’s Manhattan office. An ponent’s performance is to use it for its To explain my quarter-century-old Oinveterate people watcher, I notice that intended purpose—to listen to it. Damascene experience, you have to accept while my fellow travelers and I don’t form As I explained at the debate, I didn’t that either the blind test was flawed—in a traditional queue at the bus stop, prefer- always hold this view. In fact, when I first which case all the reports that cited that ring instead to mill around in something joined English magazine Hi-Fi News in 1978 test as “proving” the amplifiers that resembles a jelly donut, we still enter 1976, I was as hard-line an “objectivist” as sounded the same were wrong—or that the the bus in the order in which we arrived at Arny Krueger, due both to the arrogance nonaudio factors were irrelevant, in which the stop. The balance between individual- of youth and to the fact that I had trained case the criticisms of sighted listening ism and social necessity is thus preserved. as a scientist, working for some years in based on that factor must be wrong. At the other end of the line that sepa- government research labs in the late 1960s Remember, the nonaudio factors were rates social sophistication from mob and early 1970s. I believed—no, I knew that all working in favor of my not hearing any behavior are the free-for-alls that develop amplifiers operated short of clipping did problem with the amplifier: the Quad was on the Internet newsgroups and Web not sound different from one another. inexpensive; it was small for a 100Wpc forums. Freed from the need for personal In the summer of 1978 I took part in a design (it appealed to my intellectual responsibility and the usual social rules of blind listening test organized by Martin nature by being no bigger than it had to personal interaction, many individuals Colloms, in which the panel tried to distin- be); it ran cool; it was nice-looking; and write anything and everything to attack guish by ear between two solid-state Peter Walker of Quad was a hero of mine. those they perceive as the “enemy.” power amplifiers—a Quad 405 and a Naim If, as the “objectivists” repeatedly claim, Stereophile appears to have become a NAP250—and a tube amp, a Michaelson & these factors were going to influence my lightning rod for these disaffected souls, Austin TVA-1. The results of the test were listening, I would have been satisfied with one of whom, Arnold (Arny) B. Krueger, inconclusive, the listeners apparently not the amplifier. However, my increasing dis- of audio-review website www.pcav being able to distinguish between the satisfaction with the 405 was real. I was tech.com, has been criticizing this maga- amplifiers (see HFN, November 1978). having to work harder to appreciate my zine weekly, if not daily, for almost eight Having been involved in the tests, having music through the amplifier, and it was years. Feeling it was high time Mr. seen how carefully Martin had organized this cognitive dissonance that triggered the Krueger came out from behind his PC to them, and having experienced nothing that tipping point at which I changed from a confront in person those he criticized, I conflicted with my beliefs, I concluded hard-line objectivist into someone who invited him to debate me at Home Enter- that the null results proved that the ampli- recognized the value of listening. tainment 2005, held at the end of April at fiers didn’t sound different from one I have never said that listeners can’t fool the Manhattan Hilton. another. I bought a Quad 405. themselves—read Jim Austin’s essay in the A report on the debate and an MP3 However, over time I began to realize May Stereophile (p.5) concerning the fuss over recording of it can be found on our website that even though the sound of my system the so-called Intelligent Chip, as well as his (www.stereophile.com/news/050905de with the Quad was the same as it ever had further thoughts in this issue’s “Letters” bate). As you can hear, Mr. Krueger’s open- been, the magic was gone. Listening to (pp.11–12)—or that sighted listening is not ing argument ended with his stating that records began to play a smaller role in my without its own set of pitfalls. But if a listen- he had three major criticisms of this maga- life—until I replaced the 405 with an er is true to what his ears are telling him, it is zine: 1) “Stereophile willfully ignores much M&A tube amplifier two years later. unlikely that that listener will end up with a that is known about reliably evaluating The lesson was duly learned. Whether system that disappoints. And that, surely, is audio products”; 2) “Stereophile frequently or not they can be told apart under blind the point of all of that we do: to put together reaches conclusions and makes recom- conditions, amplifiers can have a major an audio system that makes us happy. mendations that are improbable if not just effect on a system’s sound quality. And Texas Instruments and Samsung spon- completely wrong”; and 3) “Stereophile does more important, normal listening had sored a digital screening of The Hitchhiker’s not take enough pains to ensure that it is revealed what the blind test had missed. Guide to the Galaxy at HE2005, in which publishing correct information.” I told this anecdote at the debate to planetary architect Slartibartfast expresses However, as you can also hear, these make two specific points. First, it demon- the sentiment “Science has achieved some assertions were not supported or fleshed strates that my following the then-as-now wonderful things, of course, but I’d far out. I assumed, therefore, that Mr. Krueger “objectivist” mantra—that audiophiles rather be happy than right any day.” I sus- was basing them on the one criticism he should buy the cheapest amplifier that pect that the believers in “scientism” who has repeatedly made over the years that is offers the power and features they need— uncritically promote blind testing would correct: to wit, that Stereophile’s reviewers had let me down. Second, it pits against one rather be right than happy, at least when it do not perform their listening evaluations another two core beliefs of the believers in comes to choosing amplifiers. ■■ www.Stereophile.com, July 2005 3 JULY 2005 VOL.28 NO.7 FEATURES Contingent Dither 55 Keith Howard offers some controversial findings… X-Man 67 Singer/Songwriter John Doe’s new projects. By Robert Baird 72 EQUIPMENT REPORTS 72 Paradigm Signature S2 loudspeaker (John Atkinson) 79 Ayre C-5xe universal player (Wes Phillips) 95 Arcam Solo CD receiver 113 (Art Dudley) 103 Burmester 011 preamplifier (Brian Damkroger) 113 Aesthetix Saturn Calypso preamplifier (Michael Fremer) FOLLOW-UP 89 Linn Unidisk SC universal player (Wes Phillips) 6 www.Stereophile.com, July 2005 KEN KESSLER & WES PHILLIPS SIGN UP FOR HOT HIGH-END NEWS BRING YOU STEREOPHILE VISIT WWW.STEREOPHILE.COM ’S E-MAIL NEWSLETTER. STEREOPHILE JULY 2005 COLUMNS 3 As We See It Fresh back from the “Great Debate” at HE2005, John Atkinson ponders the problems of “scientific” listening tests. 11 Letters Readers write in about “The Great Debate,” the well-missed Ken Nelson, the “truth” of Kalman Rubinson and Jim Austin, the rashness of the latter (and his rebuttal), and the etymology of the phrase “High performance loudspeaker.” Get on your Soapbox! Visit www.stereophile.com. 15 Industry Update 25 High-end audio news including dealer-promoted seminars, plus: News from the British Federation of Audio, the new JansZen One loudspeaker, Britain’s AES Audio Technical Education Day, and premieres of audiophile products at France’s Salon Hi-Fi Home Cinema. 25 Sam’s Space Sam Tellig listens to the Whest Audio dap.10 analog processor and the Shanling CD-T300 CD player. 33 Analog Corner Michael Fremer listens to the B&O system in Audi’s A8, the DV Forge ProSticks computer speakers, the Nottingham Deco turntable with Ace-Anna arm, and the Hadcock 242 Integra arm with the Cartridge Man MusicMaker cartridge. 41 Listening This month Art Dudley ruminates on the “art and commerce” of music these days, 41 listens to the Cox SM-081 loudspeakers, and hawks some bluegrass festivals. 47 Music in the Round Kalman Rubinson listens to new Mercury Living Presence SACDs on his “evolving” multichannel music system, including, speakers from Paradigm, Revel, and Meridian, and electronics from Bel Canto, Theta, Sony, and McCormack. 123 Record Reviews For July’s “Recording of the Month” we’ve turned to Area 31, a collection of new music by composer and audiophile record label owner David Chesky, and the classi- cal group Area 31.
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