THE SPECTRUM VOLUME LVI Z 545a STATE COLLEGE STATION, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1941 NUMBER 6 Migration To U Begins Today Ford Named Spectrum Baldwin Wins Greek Counselors Special Train Judging Place Pick Darrell Dahl To Transport Head In Editor Shake-up At First Meeting Led by Elton Baldwin, the Crockett Switched NDAC student livestock judging A fraternity advisors' council Squad, Band team placed ninth among 20 en- composed of alumni advisors of all Hundreds of AC students To Bison As Result tries in the collegiate contest held and groups on the campus, has been Bison followers will turn north- in connection with the American ward for their social activity this Of Staff Dismissals Royal Livestock show at Kansas organized for the purpose of pro- weekend when they attend the City last Saturday. Culminating a publications mix- University of North Dakota home- Baldwin, a senior in the NDAC up caused by the dismissal of the coming at Grand Forks. School of Agriculture, was the 1942 Bison editor from school, the Two feature attractions have second high individual in the con- NDAC Board of Publications Con- coupled with the usual homecom- test, and his good record enabled trol Wednesday night drafted ing events to attract Fargoans the NDAC team to rank fourth in Richard Crockett to edit the '42 downriver. They are the annual swine, eighth in sheep and eleventh annual and elected James Ford to Sioux-Bison gridiron tussle and in cattle. Other members of the the top position on the Spectrum the the appearance of many prom- team were Willard Griffin, Delwin editorial staff. inent alumni, including Lynn U. Ford, a junior in chemistry, is Liddle, Everett Orth, Lowell Ring- dahl and Reuben Ruud. Stambaugh, national commander a member of Sigma Chi social of the American Legion, and John The NDAC livestock judging fraternity, Alpha Phi Gamma, Hancock, a New York industrial Scabbard and Blade and senior team is coached by M. H. McDon- ald who succeeded Ford C. banker, reputed to be a director YMCA cabinet. He has three of 17 large corporations. years of experience on the Spec- Daugherty this fall. Bison football f a n s were trum editorial staff and served as Baldwin had proven his livestock heartened yesterday afternoon associate editor prior to this elec- judging ability before coming to with the news that Daly King, tion. NDAC, for he ranked second in injured left halfback, would be Ford will finish out Crockett's the nation at the 4-H contest dur- able to play in the Sioux clash unexpired term and edit the 1942- ing the 1938 International Live- DARRELL DAHL tomorrow afternoon. 43 Spectrum. JIM FORD stock Exposition in Chicago. Crockett's election as Bison viding round-table discussion of A special NDAC train is planned chief comes during his fourth year general fraternity problems and by the Great Northern railway. of activity in publications on the Night Classes Will Prepare promoting ideas for the improve- On the train will be more than campus. Prior to his election as ment of scholarship among frat- 100 members of the Gold Star Spectrum head he served on both ernal groups. band and the football squad as Bison and Spectrum editorial Prospective Flying Cadets One alumnus advisor or faculty well as scores of other students. staffs. advisor will be selected by each It will leave the Fargo station at He is a member of Alpha Gam- Dr. Elmer C. Darling, director of the course, they will have the fraternity to represent it on the 8 tomorrow morning and arrive ma Rho, Blue Key, Alpha Zeta, of adult extension classes at equivalent of two-thirds of the council. That advisor will carry in Grand Forks at 10 in time for and Edwin Booth, and is a senior NDAC, announces that night freshman year in a standard col- back to his chapter constructive the homecoming parade at 10:30. in the school of agriculture. school work will be available to lege. ideas aired at council meetings. The return trip is scheduled to those who are interested in quali- leave the Grand Forks station at Dr. Darling states that 7 hours Darrell Dahl, a former student fying as aviation cadets. It is an- 9:15 p. m., stopping at the Uni- of work is about 40 per cent of a at NDAC and a graduate of the ticipated that there will be a de- versity station, and arriving at full-time college load and might University of North Dakota, was National Day cided shortage of men ready to Fargo at 11:20 p. m. Tickets for be taken by individuals who have elected president at the organiza- enter cadet training within a few the trip, including tax are $2.10, part-time employment. tion meeting. He is employed by months. available at the G. N. station. For Scabbard, Enrollment in pre-aviation train- the Ford Motor company. Pre-aviation courses necessary Seated beside Stan Kostka, Bi- ing is limited to young men be- Gordon Aamoth, manager of the to enter aviation cadet training son coach, at the game will be tween the ages of 19 and 27 who Park theater and a University Blade Monday without written examination are Casey Finnegan, coach here until are graduates from high school. graduate, is secretary. English, mathematics, and either Dr. Darling says that no work of last year. It will be the first time On October 27 the various com- C. A. Sevrinson, dean of men, history or chemistry. Available this kind can be started unless at he has not taken an active part in panies and alumni posts of Scab- is the advisor. in the extension night classes of least 20 young men register for the traditional AC-U clash in 13 bard and Blade throughout the NDAC will be freshman English the courses. The class will meet Attending the meeting were years, United States will celebrate the and freshman mathematics. Each for organization in Science hall at Aamoth, Sigma Chi; Albert W. anniversary of the birth of former course will continue for approxi- Anderson. Sigma Phi Delta; C. F. President Theodore Roosevelt as NDAC, Tuesday, Nov. 4, at 7:30 mately 36 weeks. The history or p. m. Bortfeld, Alpha Tau Omega; Dahl, Journalistic Jive,FAII- National Scabbard and Blade day. chemistry will be available dur- Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Lieut. Max Members of the local unit, M com- ing the 1942 summer session. FEES AS USUAL Hughes, Theta Chi; Matt Jonge- College Set For Nov.Ic 7 pany, 3rd regiment, will commem- Pre-aviation training, while en- ward, Kappa Psi; Graydon Owen, It's on the way, folks, and it's orate the anniversary at a banquet CARRY SEVEN HOURS couraged by the defense agencies, Kappa Sigma Chi, and Dr. 0. 0. coming right your way. What is ? on Monday at 6 o'clock in Ceres Students who carry 7 term cannot be given financial support Churchill, Alpha Gamma Rho. The same thing that came along hours of work throughout the next from defense funds. The fees will cafeteria. last year at this time—the Jour- 36 weeks and take the 6-weeks be at the usual night school rate. Lynn U. Stambaugh, national nalistic Jive! commander of the American Le- summer session and pass the re- Young men interested in this work One of the scholarships offered Set for Friday, Nov. 7, anybody gion, has been asked to address quired physical examination will should contact Dr. Elmer C. Dar- by Harvard university is restrict- and everybody is invited to come. guests at the dinner. Mr. Stam- be qualified to enter aviation ca- ling at the North Dakota Agricul- ed to students who formerly sold Sponsored by Alpha Phi Gamma, baugh was recently appointed to det training. At the completion tural college, Fargo. newspapers. national honorary fraternity, the the national advisory committee of dance will get off at 9:30 to the Scabbard and Blade. tunes of Paul Hanson and his As has been the custom for the band, at the Field house. past ten years the national offic- Weary Students Worry After Midterm Exams Decorations will feature a jour- ers will carry out the ceremonial "Now, Ma, 32 isn't such a bad First week of school: Registra- float, marched in parade, went to nalistic motif, says Jean Hoeft, decoration of the Tomb of the Un- mark for just a midterm. Yes, I tion. I found out where all my two football games and Herbie president. Committees named in- known Soldier at Arlington Ceme- know I should study more, and be- classes meet (or are supposed to Kay dance. By the way, am now clude decorations, Cathryn Cassel- tery, Washington, D. C., - in mem- lieve me, I'm really going to. No meet). going steady with blonde. man; publicity, George Koch and ory of the three thousand mem- more dates for me this quarter, Jim Ford; and music, Pat Bjork- bers who participated in the World Second week: Rushing. Have Fifth week: Seem to be a little ma." lund. war. been terrifically busy this week. behind in my studies. Had a se- In charge of arrangements is Truthfully, though, one should However, hope to meet all my vere headache all week. (Note: Kenneth Stamus, local chapter not dread examinations! (Oh, no!) teachers soon. stay away from those parties, Joe.) FACULTY ACTIVITY TICKETS president. They are simply processes pre- Third week: Went to football Blonde and I had a fight. She For the first time, activity scribed or assigned for testing game and dance where calico claims that I am not her mental tickets for the basketball games OXFORDITES HAVE PARTY qualifications of a student and are queen was chosen.
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