增加供應 迎難而上 香港九龍何文田佛光街 33 號 年度年報 年度年報 迎難而上 增加供應 Rising to Challenges, Increasing Supply 香港房屋委員會(房委會)本年度年報主題的 Rising to Challenges, the first half of this year’s theme for the 前半部分是「迎難而上」,或多或少可作為 Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) Annual Report, is partly 房委會工作歷程的具體寫照。多年來, a reminder of the HA’s track record. Over the years, some of 房委會及前屋宇建設委員會肩負重任, the most important work of the HA and its predecessor has 應對挑戰,協助市民解決住屋問題。1953年 involved responding to major housing challenges. Indeed, 12月25日石硤尾大火,53 000名災民一夜間 public housing was first developed in 1954 in direct response 頓失家園,亟需棲身之所。為安置數以萬計 to the massive Shek Kip Mei fire on 25 December 1953, which 的災民,政府在1954年興建首批公共房屋, left 53 000 people homeless overnight and in desperate need 掀開公共房屋發展的歷史一頁。多年來, of shelter. As new challenges have arisen over the years since 前屋宇建設委員會及房委會縱然面對不少 then, the former and current HA have used all the means and 新挑戰,仍用盡各種方法和資源,竭力滿足 resources at their disposal to meet these challenges and cater 市民的住屋需要。 effectively to Hong Kong’s unique housing needs. 當年石硤尾大火,災情嚴重,數以萬計 Hong Kong’s housing challenges in 2017/18 are not as 災民無家可歸。2017/18年度,本港面對的 dramatic as the large-scale homelessness caused by the Shek 房屋問題雖不及當年嚴峻,但卻更為複雜 Kip Mei fire, but they are more complex and harder to fix. At 棘手,難以解決。歸根究柢,問題的癥結在 their heart is a shortfall in housing supply, resulting in constant 於房屋供應短缺,令住屋開支不斷增加。 increases in the cost of housing in Hong Kong. For the less 對於經濟條件較差的市民來說,住屋開支 well-off in our society, the upward trend in the cost of housing 持續上升,安居樂業又談何容易。有見 is a major barrier to their aspirations for living a decent life. The 及此,政府已把房屋規劃列為首要之務, Government has flagged housing as a priority in its planning, 並制訂十年房屋策略,目標於2018/19年度 and its total public housing supply target for the 10-year period 至2027/28年度共興建28萬個公營房屋單位 from 2018/19 to 2027/28 is 280 000 public flats – 200 000 for (當中20萬個為租住單位、8萬個為出售 rent and 80 000 for sale – along with 180 000 private homes. 單位)和18萬個私人單位。 Hence the second part of this year’s theme is Increasing 本年度年報主題的後半部分理所當然是 Supply. Designing and building 280 000 public flats in 10 「增加供應」。要在十年間設計和興建28萬個 years is a massive undertaking, and the HA is shouldering 公營房屋單位,工作艱巨。房委會負責興建 the responsibility for a large percentage of those public flats. 大部分公營房屋單位,任重道遠。面對這個 To meet this challenge, the HA is bringing all its experience, 挑戰,房委會借鑑過往經驗,善用資源, means and resources to bear. Its rich local design and planning 悉力以赴,務求不負所託。我們具備豐富的 abilities, its advanced technology, its efficient and sustainable 設計和規劃經驗,配合先進科技,運用高效 construction techniques and management strategies, and its 而可持續發展的建造技術和管理策略,加上 dedicated and committed personnel – all these are combining 盡心盡力的團隊,迎難而上,增加房屋 to rise to the challenge of increasing supply, in the service of a 供應,為下一代建設更美好的香港。 better Hong Kong for the future. 願景 Vision 為有住屋需要的低收入家庭提供 可以負擔的租住房屋,並透過推出資助 出售單位協助中低收入家庭自置居所。 To provide affordable rental housing to low-income families with housing needs, and to help low to middle-income families gain access to subsidised home ownership. 基本信念 Core Values • 關懷為本 • Caring • 顧客為本 • Customer-focused • 創新為本 • Creative • 盡心為本 • Committed 工作目標 Mission • 以積極進取、體恤關懷的態度,提供市民能力可以 負擔的優質房屋,包括優良的管理、妥善的保養 維修,以及其他房屋相關服務,以切合顧客的需要。 • 致力締造長者宜居及無障礙的屋邨環境,照顧不同年齡 及身體能力的居民的需要。 • 本着開明的態度、公允持平的立場,提供服務及房屋 資助,確保公共資源得到合理的運用,符合成本效益。 • 繼續建立能幹盡責、講求效率的工作隊伍。 • To provide affordable quality housing, management, maintenance and other housing related services to meet the needs of our customers in a proactive and caring manner. • To provide an age-friendly and barrier-free estate environment to address the needs of residents of different ages and physical ability. • To ensure cost-effective and rational use of public resources in service delivery and allocation of housing assistance in an open and equitable manner. • To maintain a competent, dedicated and performance-oriented team. 香港房屋委員會 The Hong Kong Housing Authority 香港房屋委員會(房委會)是於1973年 The Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) is a statutory body 4月根據《房屋條例》成立的法定機構, established in April 1973 under the Housing Ordinance. 負責制定和推行公營房屋計劃,以期 It develops and implements a public housing programme which 達至政府的政策目標,為不能負擔私人 seeks to achieve the Government’s policy objective of meeting 樓宇的低收入家庭解決住屋需要。 the housing needs of low-income families that cannot afford private accommodation. 房委會負責規劃、興建、管理和維修 保養各類公共租住房屋,包括出租公屋、 The HA plans, builds, manages and maintains different types of 中轉房屋和臨時收容中心;另負責興建 public housing, including rental housing, interim housing and 和推售居者有其屋計劃單位和綠表置居 transit centres. We also build and arrange sale of Home Ownership 計劃單位;又推行白表居屋第二市場 Scheme flats and Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership 計劃。此外,房委會擁有和經營一些 Scheme flats, and carry out the White Form Secondary Market 分層工廠大廈、附屬商業設施和其他 Scheme. In addition, we own and operate a number of flatted 非住宅設施。 factories and ancillary commercial and other non-domestic facilities. 截至2018年3月,房委會成員包括4名 官方委員和27名非官方委員,全部由 As at March 2018, the HA has 4 official members and 27 non- 行政長官委任。運輸及房屋局局長獲 official members. Appointments are made by the Chief Executive. 委任為房委會主席,房委會副主席則 The Secretary for Transport and Housing was appointed Chairman 由房屋署署長擔任。 of the HA. The Director of Housing serves as the Vice-Chairman. 房委會轄下設有六個常務小組委員會, Six standing committees have been formed under the HA to 並按需要設立附屬小組委員會和專責 formulate, administer and oversee policies in specified areas. Sub- 小組委員會,負責制定和實施不同範疇 Committees and ad hoc committees are also formed on a need 的政策,並監督推行情況。房屋署是 basis. The Housing Department acts as the HA’s executive arm and 房委會的執行機構。運輸及房屋局常任 is headed by the Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing 秘書長(房屋)同時兼任房屋署署長 (Housing), who also assumes the office of Director of Housing. 一職。 目錄 Contents 年度大事紀要 04 2017/18 Major Developments 主席的話 06 Chairman’s Message 業務回顧 11 Business Review 高瞻遠矚 規劃未來 12 Strategic Planning for Future Needs 創新建築 現代居所 20 Innovative Construction for Modern Living 管理完善 安居無憂 50 Quality Management for Well-functioning Communities 互聯互動 協力協作 70 Outreach Initiatives for Wide Engagement 財務回顧 79 Financial Review 香港房屋委員會及轄下小組委員會 84 The Hong Kong Housing Authority and its Committees 附錄 111 Appendices 年度大事紀要 2017/18 Ma or Developments 2017. 06 香港房屋委員會(房委會)資助房屋小組委員 會主席黃遠輝(左)主持「出售居者有其屋計 劃(居屋)單位2017」的攪珠儀式。該期居屋 計劃推售三個新發展項目,合共提供2 057 個單位。 Ballots were drawn for the Sale of Home Owner- ship Scheme (HOS) Flats 2017, under which 2017. 07 2 057 flats from three new HOS developments were put up for sale. The Chairman of the Subsidised 陳帆以運輸及房屋局局長身分出任房委會主席。 Housing Committee (SHC) of the Hong Kong Mr Frank Chan assumed the chairmanship of the Housing Authority (HA), Mr Stanley Wong (left), HA in his capacity as Secretary for Transport and officiated at the ballot-drawing. Housing. 2017. 08 就美東邨(見圖,前排)兩幢大廈 和白田邨四幢大廈的重建計劃, 資助房屋小組委員會和商業樓宇 小組委員會通過對受清拆影響的 2017. 11 住戶和商戶的遷置安排。 資助房屋小組委員會考慮有關「擴展居屋第二 市場至白表買家的臨時計劃」的檢討結果後, The SHC and the Commercial 通過把臨時計劃恆常化,稱為「白表居屋第二 Properties Committee approved the arrangements for rehousing the 市場計劃」(「白居二」)。圖為「白居二」的其中 domestic and commercial tenants 一個屋苑采頤花園。 affected by the clearance of two After considering the review of the Interim blocks at Mei Tung Estate (see Scheme to Extend the HOS Secondary Market photo, front) and four blocks at Pak to White Form (WF) Buyers, the SHC endorsed Tin Estate for redevelopment. the proposal to regularise it to become the White Form Secondary Market Scheme (WSM). Picture shows Rhythm Garden, one of the WSM courts. 4 2018. 02 年度大事紀要 Major Developments 資助房屋小組委員會通過「出售居屋單位 2018」白表申請者的入息和資產限額,以及 2017/18 單位的平均售價和銷售安排。有關入息和資 產限額亦適用於「白居二」的申請者。此外, 2017. 12 資助房屋小組委員會通過多項措施,改善 房委會推出首個專為公屋租戶而設的流動 「富戶政策」的實施安排。 應用程式 —「房署資訊通」。應用程式具備多 項功能,分階段推出,首階段提供查詢和繳 The SHC approved the income and asset limits 交租金服務。 for WF applicants, as well as the average selling prices and sales arrangements for the Sale of The HA launched its first mobile application for HOS Flats 2018. The income and asset limits public rental housing (PRH) tenants, the iHousing will also apply to WSM applicants. The SHC app. Functions to be introduced in phases, the also endorsed measures to further enhance the first phase of the app covered rent enquiry and arrangements for implementing the “Well-off payment services. Tenants Policies”. 2018. 01 資助房屋小組委員會考慮有關「綠表置居 計劃」(「綠置居」)先導項目的檢討結果後, 通過把「綠置居」恆常化的建議。 Having considered the review of the Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme (GSH) pilot project, the SHC endorsed the proposal to regularise the scheme. 2018. 03 資助房屋小組委員會通過2018/19年度公屋 申請者的入息和資產限額,與2017/18年度 比較,分別平均增加2.6% 和1.6%。 The SHC endorsed the income and asset limits for PRH applicants for 2018/19. These limits represent an average increase of 2.6% and 1.6% respectively over those for 2017/18. 2018. 03 「出售居屋單位2018」及「白居二2018」於 3月 底開始接受認購申請,至4月中截止。 Applications for the purchase of flats under the Sale of HOS Flats 2018 and WSM 2018 began at the end of March and ran through to mid-April. 5 主席的話 「迎難而上 增加供應」 與此同時,我們繼續推行各項資助房屋計劃,例如 居者有其屋計劃、恆常化的綠表置居計劃、白表居屋 第二市場計劃等,以幫助有能力的家庭自置居所。 我們必須迎難而上,竭力增加房屋供應。 香港土地供應非常短缺,要覓地發展新公營房屋項目, 現謹呈上2017/18年度香港房屋委員會(房委會) 談何容易;短期內要增建房屋,更是困難重重。 年報,闡述房委會過去一年落實的多項工作和措施。 此外,要覓得合適的建屋用地,殊非易事,既要 一如既往,我們致力為市民提供可負擔的優質居所, 得到各有關部門批核,又要爭取地區人士支持, 包括妥善的管理、維修保養和其他與房屋相關的 往往需時多年,方可成事。2017/18年度,新落成 服務,以切合市民所需。本年度年報的主題是 公營房屋單位約有13 700個,包括公屋單位和資助 「迎難以上 增加供應」,正正反映市民和各界極為 出售單位。為達到長遠的建屋目標,我們定當竭盡 關注如何增加本港房屋供應的討論。我希望藉此機會, 所能,繼續物色合適的用地,興建公營房屋。 扼述房委會採取的種種措施,積極增建房屋。 為增加公營房屋供應,我們必須繼續努力,積極研究 房委會是香港規模最大的房屋供應機構之一,為 如何善用已覓得的土地和現有的公營房屋用地,務求 基層市民和低收入家庭提供安居之所。正因如此, 地盡其用。香港山多地少,要覓地建屋,極具挑戰。 房委會自然是房屋議題的討論焦點。目前,全港約有 不過,房委會採用「順應自然」的設計原則,因地制宜, 200萬人居於公共租住房屋(公屋),佔總人口的28%, 克服地形或地勢的限制,做到地盡其用。以年報內文 另有數以十萬計的家庭輪候公屋。我們既要照顧輪候 專題介紹的水泉澳邨為例,這個新落成的高密度發展
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