Join us on Twitter @TheCalaisAdv Like us on Facebook VOL. 182, NO. 18 MAY 4, 2017 © 2017 The Calais Advertiser Inc. $1.50 (tax included) CHS Student Gets Perfect Score on English Portfolio By Lura Jackson are worth 1,000 points toward to “Bohemian Rhapsody” by their grade, or the equivalent of Queen and “Last Kiss” by Pearl When we, as individuals, ten homework assignments. Jam. Her favorite band, which discover what makes us pas- When 8th grader Hannah she credits as opening the door sionate, it can be a reward that Gadway of Calais found out to broader musical horizons for stays with us throughout our about the project, she was her, is 21 Pilots. lifetimes. If we are young when thrilled. “I was very excited,” Gadway’s poetry selections we discover our passions, it she recalls. Gadway says she were varied, with notable fea- is sometimes up to the adults has become deeply interested in tured poets E.E. Cummings around us to encourage and fos- music in recent years. “I don’t and Edgar Allen Poe. Gadway ter the growth of those interests. just like catchy tunes – though asserted that E.E. Cummings is At Calais High School recently, there are always good catchy her favorite poet, citing “Me up student and teacher worked in tunes. I really like the lyrics at does” as her favorite poem. tandem to fulfill their roles to when the writer gives a lot of “I like the way he uses punctua- the best of their ability – cul- thought to what they’re writing. tion – it was really innovative minating in the generation of I like music where the singer for his time,” she said. In gen- a project portfolio by Hannah writes the lyrics because then eral, the project has increased Gadway that earned a rare per- you know its genuine.” Gad- her appreciation for poetry and fect score in Rob Moholland’s way explained that she feels she said she will be seeking it English class. that music can help people in out more now. Every year, Moholland teach- a lot of different ways because Gadway collected her chosen es English to 36 8th graders, the lyrics can profoundly affect songs and poems into a 36- requiring at the end of the year the listener. page portfolio adorned with that the students participate in Gadway’s interest in poetry illustrations – half of which an independent study project. has been expanding since the she made herself – and images This year, Moholland asked beginning of the year. “I’ve collected from the internet that his students to do “a compari- seen that music basically is po- complemented the themes. She son between music and poetry etry. Poetry is the same, it’s just estimates spending 24 hours to and how they relate in terms not to a tune. It can say a lot. It’s compile the project from begin- of themes.” The students were more than words; it’s feelings ning to end. asked to choose two themes and emotions and all the things Gadway’s passion for music based on feelings, emotions, that a writer thinks.” and astute lyrics clearly came or ideals, and then to select two For her project, Gadway through in her effort. For the songs per decade beginning in picked the themes of faith and third time in his eleven years of the 1950s and continuing to doubt. Many of her favorite teaching, Moholland awarded Holding up her top-scoring portfolio titled "Faith and Doubt: What the modern era that fit those bands featured songs about a student with a perfect score rules the human mind?" is Hannah Gadway, an 8th grader at Calais themes. Students then selected faith and doubt already, so on their portfolio. Gadway High School. Gadway's portfolio earned a perfect score, being only poems that they identified as the two seemed like a natural received top marks in every one of three portfolios to have ever done so in Rob Moholland's having similar themes and com- choice. “Not just from the category: content, grammar, English class. (Submitted photo). pared them to the songs. religious standpoint, but also spelling, theme, effort, and “Each of these projects, any- there’s a lot of different kinds organization. In the future, Gadway plans graduating from high school. body can do,” Moholland ex- of faith and doubt in love and Perhaps the best testament to to take creative writing courses In the meantime, she will find plained, “but if students have relationships and in general the quality of the portfolio was and to expand her growing skill her pleasure in school wherever the desire and the ability they life,” she explained. Moholland’s own. “I read it with conveying her personal she can get it. “It makes school can take it as far as they want.” Her vintage song selections once, then I read it again – not voice in the form of the written fun when you get to do things Students were given 3-4 weeks ranged from “Can’t Help Fall- because I had to, but because I word. She aims to complete a you’re interested in.” to complete the projects, which ing in Love with You” by Elvis wanted to.” college degree in English after Police and Fire Respond to Arson Near Indian Township School Crews dowse flames near kindergarten building. (Photo by Jarod Farn-Guillette). Fire burns in a field/yard near Indian Township School. (Photo by Jarod Farn- Guillette). By Jarod Farn-Guillette Though the day was overcast to burn. The smell of smoke mediately, as they were at risk no vehicles or school buildings and light rain had showered quickly filled the school build- for also being consumed in the were damaged. Police and fire-crews were the area, a fire directly adjacent ings and alarms were sounded. blaze. The fire was quickly called to a field/yard near In- to the pre-k and kindergarten Many teachers and staff of the subdued by the well trained and dian Township School for a building and Indian Township school were informed they responsive crews from Indian possible incident of arson. School parking lot managed needed to move vehicles im- Township Fire Department and PAGE 2 Webelos 2 Cub Scouts Cross-Over to Boy Scouts in Time Honored Ceremony By Jarod Farn-Guillette their scouting life. While they walk over the bridge the scout Scouting in Calais is on calls out with each step, the an upswing. After years of twelve laws of scouting. For dwindling numbers and low those unfamiliar with scout- attendance, Troop 132 has a ing, each scout must memorize full roster of new Boy Scouts. and practice in all walks of Recently, on Wednesday the life being, trustworthy, loyal, 26th, the local Webelos 2 Den, helpful, friendly, courteous, representing the last and final kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, stage in cub scouting, “crossed- brave, clean and reverent. Upon over” to become full fledged crossing to the other side of the boy scouts. The ceremony, full bridge, their cub scout necker- with pageantry and ceremony, chiefs and Cub Scout Hand- conveys a strong message of books are removed and the ac- growth and progress into young companying parent then ties on manhood. Webelos 2 Den lead- their new neck wear and hands er Ray Smale, who for the them their new Boy Scout longest time, also served as the Handbook. Each scout is then leader for the last two remain- awarded the “Arrow of Light” ing boy scouts in Calais, Bernie badge. This badge is the only Yost and Brendon Treadwell, one they are permitted to wear as a combined group, will no on their new scout uniforms as longer have to split meetings boy scouts. In honour of the between the two. With the den's extra hard work and effort addition of the other six boys on their journey to becoming and their two older comrades, full fledged boy scouts, each Left to right: Hudson DePriest, William McIver, Joseph Footer, Bernie Yost, Ethan Barnard, and Max scouting in Calais is on its way boy was also awarded an actual Cassidy. to reviving enrollment levels of arrow hand-made by a Navajo years past. fletcher, mounted and engraved At the ceremony each boy with their name and date of on Scouting Way, will serve lot for a community, by dedica- just a rite of passage for the was accompanied by a parent ending their cub scout journey as their home base for this ad- tion to service and more impor- boys, in many ways it sym- or guardian, where they walked and beginning a new adventure venture. With growing numbers tantly instilling positive values bolizes the positive potential over a bridge that symbolizes a in life – as a boy scout. and the ever increasing and in boys at an impressionable future our piece of Maine. transition into a new phase of The new scout hall, located changing demands of scouting age. Considering all the other Hopefully, next year's cohort today, the troop outgrew their distractions that can sway a will be able to utilize the scout old digs on Calais Avenue, now young person in a dangerous hall, as a finished building. the Mike McPherson Skate trajectory along their life's If you know any young boys Calais Family Eye Care Park. Though the building is journey, scouting does much aged 6 to 18 interested in join- framed in, there is still a long by the way of helping develop ing scouting, or would like to While Dr.
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