16- -MANCHESTER HERALD, Tuesday, April 9, 1991 IT’S TAG SALE TIME A 4 Days for the Price of 3! Are things piling up? Then why not have a TAG SALE? The best way to A lH anrhpatpr H m lii announce it is with a Herald Tag Sale Classified Ad. Tag Salt M l M : Ba la By Taaaday, M, For TMs Spocial Newsstand: 350 - Home: 300 Manchester’s Award-Winning Newspaper Call 643-2711 TAG SALE SIGN Wednesday, April 10,1991 Bridge Directors want referendum on grants Inside Todaya., By BRIAN M. TROTTA the federal government would dictate how the money could be ruled that a advisory referendum is not binding. W Spcciolis^D<ff»! Manchester Herald used. she has an individual style that works But Naab said that the ruling is not the final word because it NORTH 4-9-91 The one and only because of her outstanding table pres­ Last month General Manager Richard Sartor proposed that was made by a lower court “Until the Supreme Court rules on ■ study group requested on ♦ - ence. She always seems to know what MAN(ZHESTER — The Board of Directors may put the the town reapply for the grants because of the tight budget it, it’s not binding,” he said. "I don’t see why we couldn’t put tax burden................R a g e 3. y A Q 6 5 3 Rixi will happen next and is renowned for question of whether or not to accept federal community situation locally and a potential decline in state aid. At the it to the voters.” BOOKKEEPING/ ♦ A 10 5 PAINTING/ HEATING/ LAW N CARE her “Rixi bids.” Today’s deal, in which development grants in the hands of the voters, who three times time, Sartor was praised by the directors for his stance. Chmielecki said she would research the matter and would INCO M E TA X ♦ K Q 7 6 4 By Phillip Alder ■ Library project funds ap­ PAPERING PLUM BING she was South, is an excellent exam­ before said they do not want the money. But Tbesday, the directors moved away from that position have an opinion ready by the board’s next meeting. WEST ple. Who else would bid two diamonds proved PERSONALIZED LAWN EAST and recommended voters be given the opportunity to speak on Chmielecki also will seek a declaratory ruling from the state Joseph P.Detneo, Jr. ♦ K 3 Only two people have been awarded rather than two hearts? T h e directors asked Town Attorney Maureen Chmielecki WEIGLE'S PAINTING CO. Installation and Replacement CARE & LANDSCAPING 4 A Q J 6 2 the grants. election commission. ............................ Rage 3. CorWIod Public Accountant Quality work at a We are lully experienced, Insured y K J 10 7 4 9 8 the Most Excellent Order of the Brit­ give an opinion on whether the town could hold a referendum S naabiM lnaM aooounUng in d laa ofOil,Gas4Becbic Director Geoffrey Naab suggested that the town see if it reasonable pricel and licensed lor commerdal ana ♦ K 9 8 4 2 ♦ Q ish E m p ire (M .B .E .) by Queen E liza ­ West led the king of spades. Rixi on the issue. Democratic Director Stephen Cassano suggested that the Mcvion. C ooiporaliant, S •Water Heaters 4 8 3 oorporaliant, Pwtnanhip*. RnancU Interior & Exterior residential work. 4 A J 10 9 2 beth II for their services to bridge. ruffed in the dummy and called for the (»uld apply for the grants and make their acceptance condi­ directors consider holding public hearings to gauge the town’s ■ Bolton school budget a tWwTiMl audiK, iwiMM, ootnpilulont. •WamiAirFLinaces Please call lor Manchester is eligible to receive $435.(XX) from the Com­ Free Estimates The first, in 1975, was R ixi Markus. king of clubs. East won with the ace tional on voter approval. opinion on the program as an alternative to a referendum. tense Issue............. P a g e 4. AooounUng and payrod Uu •Boiers free and honest estimates SOUTH munity Development Block Grant program this year. Since •anio ao . Call Brian Welgle Raised in Vienna, Rixi was a key and returned his trump, but Rixi won But Chmielecki said that a previous court ruling would Wilson Oil Company 870-8450 4 10 9 8 7 5 4 1979, the town has refused the grants because of concerns that ______ 643-9034______ 645-8912 44 2 member of the Austrian team that in the dummy and made the key play: prohibit such a ballot. In 1987, a state superior court judge Please see CDBG, page 10. 6456393 ♦ J 7 6 3 won the first two European Women’s she ruffed a club in her hand. She fi­ 45 Championships in 1935 and 1936, and nessed the queen of hearts successful­ ACCOUNTING YARDMASTERS N ew s MARTY MAHSSON NO JOB TOO SMALL Vulnerable: Both the inaugural Women’s World Cham­ ly, cashed the ace of hearts, ruffed a MANAGEMENT SERVICES Spring Clean-Up pionship in 1937. However, in 1938 she •T a * PreparadonO Painting Interior/Exterior Instant Service/Free Estimates North-South 60 part-score heart in hand, ruffed a spade in the Lawns, Bushes, Trees Cut. Dealer: North fled through the Continent to England. dummy and trumped another heart in OIndtvWual or Business* Wallpapering Bath/Kitchen Remodeling •Electronic Filing* One Call Does It A ll Yards, gutters, garages Her international career was put on hand. She had brought home eight Iraq promises •Days, Evenings S Weeterxts* 30 Years Experience 30 Years Experience cleaned. Lawn Fertilizing. Appli­ South West North East hold until 1950, when she became a tricks: the ace of diamonds, the A-Q of •Reasonable Rates* References, Insured M&M Plumbing & Heating ances Removed. Carpentry, 1 4 1 4 naturalized Briton. hearts, one club ruff and two heart Phase in bill 644-6034 Hauling, Backhoe Work. Pass 1 NT 2 4 Dbl Rixi is one of the greatest female ruffs in hand, and two spade ruffs in 649-4431 649-2871 2 ♦(!) Any Job Considered. Dbl. All pass players of a ll tim e. H er play is charac­ the dummy. The queen of clubs was a is approved JAMES C. FTTZGERALO, C.PX terized by lightning-fast analysis, and mirage. Opening lead: 4 K assistance for MANCHESTER — Under a I Tai-AccounHng-Audi G.L McHUGH PAINTING Call 643-9996 Monogamant A & rtto ty S aivlea Interior/Exterior Painting Let A Specialist bill approved Tuesday by a Cotpo0a»ont-Paitn0ahli>t Wallpapering - Paper removal Do It! legislative committee, ktdtrUuak, Jnmit < EM— FRENCH'S LAWN A TREE SERVICE Evaring S Wtakand Appoinimant} Ceilings repaired and replaced It now accopting mowing accountt municipalities, including SvHouta Computao Serving Home Owners Easi of Ihe lor th it lawn goason. Astrograph Manchester, would regain the Md-MOd River Since 1975 CARPENTRY/ • Lawn Cut A Trim Kurd refugees 93S M d n St. C oistycsd, M anchester • Formal Hadga Trimming option to phase in costs due to Call today lor your esiimale REMODELING # Trees & Shrubs Planted property revaluations. State Rep. • Pruning • Spot Seeding • Fertilizer situations where there Is a possibility tor change, which you haven't been able to By MARY BETH SHERIDAN reported that two Kurdish refugees 643-9321 • Vegetable Gardens Roto-Tilled James R. McCavanagh (D-12th KITCHEN A BATH REMODELING personal gain. It's good to be enterpris­ alter on your own, may be affected by a were crushed to death T\iesday when THOMAS MACHUGA, Fr90 WrHlen BwUmatss The Associated Press District) said today. Visit our beaulilul showroom or call lor L o w r Ratm fo r Sanlorw % u r ing, but don't take risks when the odds third party today. This individual is an aid packages from Western planes CPA, CLU your tree estimate. 645-1312 are not in your favor. ally responsive to your needs. The bill, approved by the e Tax Return Preparation TOM PAINTING & fell on them. HERITAGE ^ r t h d a y CANCER (June 21-July 22) It might be CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) A part­ ANKARA, T\irkey — Iraq’s am­ • Financial Planning finance, revenue and bonding WALLCOVERING KITCHEN & BATH CENTER necessary for you to take a firm stance nership in which you're presently in­ bassador pledged that his counu^ Military officials from the United • Personal and Busineca Spring Oeanup, Dathatching, committee, is on its way to the Complete interior & exterior 254 Broad Street in an involvement that could jeopardize volved can be productive today, provid­ States and France, the only two • Prompt, Proteseional Service Lawn Mowing, Edging, Hedge April 10, 1991 will help the Ankara government House of Representatives. Manchester your self-interests today. If you don't ed you serve as the backup while your distribute aid to the hundreds of countries that conducted airdrops 64SS883 wallpapering 640-5400_________ Trimming, i^ht Trucking, Etc. defend your position, who will? counterpart initiates the action. Without the bill, towns which It looks like you'll have luck in finding Tuesday, said their planes did not fly Professional Equipment LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Your investiga­ AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) If there Is thousands of Iraqi refugees along 646-1894 new ways to enhance your material se­ implemented 1990 revaluations tive faculties are exceptionally keen to­ some special work you're having done their border, the TUrkish Foreign over the site identified in the dis­ U t A Ip itU lUt Dependable curity in the year ahead. One such way would have to assign new as­ Fully Insured Free Estimates CUSTOM QUALITY day, It is an asset you could exploit on at this time that you would like per­ Ministry announced today.
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