• J . MQNMOUTHCGUMTY it1 EflESliOLg.IM IiiJ. l i J i s s r Fined Heavily For Third Vote On Mischief At Field .1 4 Ticket Booth Burned, Grandstand Roof. At . Defeated One Package Keyport Is Damaged Member National Editorial Asiociation— New Jersey Pveu Association— Monmouth County Press Association Proposition Altered : ' By Youths By Board To Separate ~ 82nd YEAR — 15th WEEK MATAWAN, N. J .r THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 2 , 1950 Single Copy Six Cents .Buildings And Land — -jSetting.iiie, ta the.,ticket booth ot Keyport High School athletic Ovenlding -dlucnlinv votes b y - r . field-and^iearing shingles, off ., th? A rchitect Quits leader* in fight for Women its wieeutivc- ulllcers,-. Clifford ..HY;. roof of uthe grandstand Thursday Bayview Pastor Roeves, president, und William. , v/ night resulted in disorderly charges The Madisdn-Township Board M. Strother, vico prcaidont, and s bcIfifT filed against William Nagel, of Education has received a iiU also by Mrsu. Christine IS. Lamborn, 20, Third St., Keyport, and William t e r f ro m M a rio &«1 V e c c h lo ,. Action By Railroad 100th Anniversary the-'Mutawan Township Board of Bommer, 18, Cambridge. Ave., archlleci, staling thal he will be Education moved Monday night to Union Beach. Nagel was* fined- $50 u n a b lk Ho install a heating sys­ Wants Something Done Matawan Church Fete hold u third election o« a school . and $5 costs and Bommer $25 and tem 1n the Whiled Brown 8chool building program Nov., 14 at which $5 costs by Keyport Magistrate in Cheesequake at the quoted On Underpass, Trestle; So Be Featured By tlmu votovs will bo oakod to ftp* • Herbert R.. Rothenberg yesterday. figure of "leu than $5000" be- Council Asked To End listorical Booklet provo as oim proposition a s ix - room uddlthm for ClilTwood mid u - .Two other boys involved in the causa of the "delaying and ob­ Drainage Problem ... And Pageant ^ “ Blx*room unit for Mulawani 'cacli vandalism wero turned over to structionist” tactics of the board. According to Thomas F. Mil­ to cost $125,000, nnd to volu Juvenile Court bccnusc of their Spokesmen for Guadalcanal Post ler, board president ihe blame Aa a niomcnto of tho 100th Anni­ ioparutely on n projwsal to pur­ « e e . Veterans of Foreign Wars Tues­ versary Celebration of the First lies with the Madison Taxppyers' chase 20 acres nf land on Aberdeen * Thc offense given thc sensibilities day night appealed to the Matawan Baptist’Church of Matawun, to bo Association* which he said op­ Rd. as site for u futuro high school. of Some members of the Keyport Borough Council to initiate a drive hold durin|[ the week of Oct. 1&­ posed lhe board's efforts lo T h is Ih, In elTed, a minor brettk-* student body and two rccent grad* aimed ut forcing the New York 22, nn uttftctive historical booklet install the 1 system before a down of the "ono puckngo" plan uates by the existence of a large and Long Branch Railroud to make will bc made uvullablc tn members recent rise 4n costs. Walter £. defeated at both tho July 18 ond “Beat Keyport” sign atop thc major improvements to its local of the congregation and friends Becker, president of tha tax Sept* 20 elections, in which tho - grandstand, painted on by Matawan holdings. ' of thc: church. Thc booklet will group, Insisted the board was land was bracliotod with tho two fans prior to an annual Thanfcs- Commander Michael Kidzus list­ contain u comprehensive history not presenting the facts when it school building propo^d* for sintflo giving Day game, apparently led to ed the aims as including construct of ^tho 100-ycur-old church, the accused Mr. Del Vecchio and action by the voters. The totnl - - 4he depredaUons.... A ccording to lion of u Main St, underpass to complete anniversary program, a the association -of-irying to "wig­ amount of bmiiliiw . Koyport policc, one, student group eliminate the' Main. St. ’ railroad JisUng ot fliurch oflicers^ and other gle out of its committment/' . d o e s .h o t. c h n h B c .T ro m .p rio ri pollB* came ohto the property by getting grade crossing; expansion of the Information concerning the coil* nor docs thu plan of school Im* over the fence to the north side. single-track trestle north of the gregatlon. Thc cover will contain pruvomentH olTerod the voter. ■ They brought cans of red and blue borough to a two-track line; and Aiming at the improvement of the situation of women alt over the un attractive pen jind. ink sketch This . wiifij, decided before <i '*■' '^ih V and mounted the’grandstand orcctjon of. a new. station to re­ world, the Unlled Natlans Commlsslptt an the SUtus of Women has of nn inlercsling nnglo of-, tho jpithering of 50 people in the Muta« roof, in the evident intent of paint­ place the present *'shack-llkc,‘ m ade a series o t recommendations ringing from measures to elimi­ church building. .wan niyh Schno| uudltoiium_._Thorn _ ing out-lhe objcctjonable-Inscrip* structure. \ nate sex discrimination in the political field to the adoption of the According to an jiiiuoiiiiceiiient wim another jiroposltlon ^utod on tion. When thc labor of painting In a lengthy statement to the principle ot equal pay lor equal work for men and Women worker*, yesterday, n great deal gf work To Keep Dogs Home THE flEV. B. D. MERH1AM that night, a four-way plan ud- became tiring, the “painters’1 took council, Mr. Kidzus nlso requested Here, planning a day'sworkare three leading members of Ihe Com­ has gone Into preparation of tho vnnced by Mr. Strother. It ctdlod , / to the easier way ;of. ripping the that tho borough expand its mission: Mine, Marte-Helene Lefauchcux ol France, M n. Isabel , Historical Night Pageant to be fur n voto on tho propasalfl of thn shingles caway where the "Beat Matawan Township public parking lot at thc railroad McKorcklndale of Australia and Isabel de Urdaneta ol Venezuela, presented Tuesday, Oct. 17. The “one i>aciui|;o" plan us (fopurato JCeyport" markings occurred. Has Enough Of Them station and added that "there nre pageant will depict nutblnnding Saturday Date Of propasitionu and a voto on n J •it—lot—of--thi«g*~in—MatawAn.-that JL. events in tho early history of thc Lookouls^ake Over Marz Declare*; Wants fntirih propordtlon.-to htdld fl now cun stand Improvements.” M atflW fiircfturtfv-nnd-ihtrM ntbwnn This group, mostly younger stu­ Drivers Pay Total M'lHM.r'nh Ji” h'ew’’sire,~thTtt\“ \od7“iIt Borough To Act Councilman Theodore A. .Phelan, nrp has been combed to seciuo Cornerstone Rites dents,, were displaced on thc job a f!t*al »>f S2IM,000.< T h e fo u r* w ay president of thc council, who pre­ anpropilutc clothing for thc ehur- by four older boys who had up* Ire of Chairman John Marz jr. plnn was defealed, bcJng fuvored sided in thc absence of^fayorTtJhn Of !fil29 In Fines neters who wllU uppeui^fn the parcntiy been stationed in the was urouscd at the Matawun Town­ In Sign Refusal by four, llann Krlmmrl, Leonard . W. Applegute, commented that the u • . - . ♦ eajAlor-duy scenes. Cliffwood Edifice Was Street outside as lookouts. Policc ship meeting Thursday by reports Morl/.lo, Daniel Mancini and Mr. council has unsuccessfully sought Seven Scenes In Pagoani Started. On Aug. 2 1 st; C apt Joseph J. Morley, on patrol, of stray dogs from Keyport invad­ Strother, and opj»«»i»ed by flyo W. lo force the Improvements Mr- Matawan Republican Martin Rules In Two Seven ncenos have been incor­ questioned thc quartet when he ing thc township. As head of thc Volunteer Labor Aided Vlnecnt Piittun, Herbert C. Smith, Kidzus at-ked, He asserted that the Reader Blasts Denial Accident Cases; Bear porated in the pageant. They por­ saw. them in cars parked near thc township board ,pf health he direc­ Jnmes Street, Mra. Lamborn nnd public utility commissioners, find­ tray the organisation meeting; tho In Construction . the school field fence at 8:30 p.m. ted a strong 'letter bo sent the. Of Permission For Heavily On Autoist Mr, lteeves. *. ing that thc railroad Is not flruin burning of thc church; organization _... The “signal” had apparently been Keyport Borough Council demand­ KxcitIhc* to mark the laying of cialiy prosperous has been re­ Placing Warnings Who Ignored Summons of tho Ladies Aid Society; the P-TA Fnvors Addlltdn given for those atop the grandstand ing that community hire a dog the cornerstone of iho Uayvlew luctant to order any new con­ g o in g aw ay o f th c K ayo SlsterH ait Miu. Dorothy t’omdlt, president to “lay low", for ttycre was no catcher, or take other measures to Preijhyterhin Church will be held struction. ' • llarry May jr.; president of ihe Fines totaling $120 were levied missJon/jrJes to India; Aunt Nancy id tho ClifTwood Parent.Teuchors suspicious activity 'while Capt curb strdys, MnUwun Republican' Club und Saturday at :\ p.m. The edifice Senior Vice Commander Roy by Recorder James H. Marlin this Dorsctt nmkpH her w ill;. purcluuio Aksoiiatlnn, o pened dlMcuss)nii ■, , Morley was questioning the four* ‘Mr. Marz dcchircd it was useless Is located at West •Ctiiicuurm* and Umschied. who lives at ClifTwood, borough GOP leader, charged yes-, week against 11) drivers on com- of o church organ, and the'burning front the finor.itt the mooting by .1 young men. for thc township, Matawun Borough Cliffwood Ave., CHfTwoud Heach.
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