July 2000 Number 2 Comparative Parasitology Formerly the Journal of the Helminthological Society of Washington CONTENTS KRITSKY, D. C., F. A. JIMENEZ-RUIZ, AND O. SEY. Diplectanids (Monogenoidea: Dactyl- ogyridea) from the Gills of Marine Fishes of the Persian Gulf off Kuwait 145 DAILEY, M. D., AND S. R. GOLDBERG. Langeronia burseyi sp. n. (Trematoda: Lecitho- dendriidae) from the California Treefrog, Hyla cadaverina (Anura: Hylidae), with Revision of the Genus Langeronia Caballero and Bravo-Hollis, 1949 165 BOUAMER, S., AND S. MoRAND. Oxyuroids of Palearctic Testudinidae: New Definition 'of the Genus Thaparia Ortlepp, 1933 (Nematoda: Pharyngodonidae), Redescription of Thaparia thapari thapari, and Descriptions of Two New Species 169 MUZZALL, P. M. Parasites of Farm-Raised Trout in Michigan, U.S.A. 181 BULLARD, S. A., G. W. BENZ, R. M. OVERSTREET, E. H. WILLIAMS, JR., AND J. HEMDAL. Six New Host Records and an Updated List of Wild Hosts for Neobenedenia melleni (MacCallum) (Monogenea: Capsalidae) . _ DUCLOS, L. M., AND D. J. RICHARDSON. Hymenolepis nana in Pet Store Rodents BOLEK, M. G., AND J. R. COGGINS. Seasonal Occurrence and Community Structure of Helminth Parasites from the Eastern American Toad, Bufo americanus americanus, from Southeastern Wisconsin, U.S.A 202 MACHADO, P. M., S. C. DE ALMEIDA, G. C. PAVANELLI, AND R. M. TAKEMOTO. Ecological Aspects of Endohelminths Parasitizing Cichla monoculus Spix, 1831 (Perciformes: Cichlidae) in the Parana River near Porto Rico, State of Parana, Brazil 210 LYONS, E. T, T. R. SPRAKER, K. D. OLSON, S. C. TOLLIVER, AND H. D. BAIR. Prevalence of Hookworms (Uncinaria lucasi Stiles) in Northern Fur Seal (Callorhinus ursinus Linnaeus) Pups on St. Paul Island, Alaska, U.S.A.: 1986-1999 218 HASEGAWA, H., T. Doi, A. FUJISAKI, AND A. MIYATA. Life History of Spiroxys hanzaki Hasegawa, Miyata, et Doi, 1998 (Nematoda: Gnathostomatidae) 224 BOCZON, K., AND B. WARGIN. Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase in the Muscles of Trichi- nella sp.-Infected Mice Treated with Glucocorticoid Methylprednisolone 230 FUJINO, T., T. SHINOHARA, K. FUKUDA, H. ICHIKAWA, T. NAKANO, AND B. FRIED. The Expulsion of Echinostoma trivolvis: Worm Kinetics and Intestinal Cytopathology in Jirds, Meriones unguiculatus „ •. 236 DARAS, M. R., S. SISBARRO, AND B. FRIED. Effects of a High-Carbohydrate Diet on Growth of Echinostoma caproni in ICR Mice _ . 241 KOGA, M., H. AKAHANE, R. LAMOTHE-ARGUMEDO, D. OSORIO-SARABIA, L. GARC{A-PRIETO, J. M. MARTINEZ-CRUZ, S. P. DlAZ-CAMACHO, AND K. NODA. Surface Ultrastructure of Larval Gnathostoma cf. binucleatum from Mexico ... ..... 244 (Continued on Outside Back Cover) Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON THE SOCIETY meets approximately five times per year for the presentation and discussion of papers in any and all branches of parasitology or related sciences. All interested persons are invited to attend. Persons interested in membership in the Helminthological Society of Washington may obtain ap- plication blanks in recent issues of COMPARATIVE PARASITOLOGY. A year's subscription to COMPARATIVE PARASITOLOGY is included in the annual dues of $25.00 for domestic membership and $28.00 for foreign membership. Institutional subscriptions are $50.00 per year. Applications for membership, accompanied by payments, may be sent to the Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer, Nancy D. Pacheco, 9708 DePaul Drive, Bethesda, MD 208(17, U:S,A. The HelmSoc internet home page is located at http://www.gettysburg.edu/~shendrix/helmsoc.html OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY FOR 2000 President: DENNIS J. RICHARDSON Vice President: LYNN K. CARTA Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer: NANCY D. PACHECO Recording Secretary: W. PATRICK CARNEY Archivist/Librarian: PATRICIA A. PILITT Custodian of Back Issues: J. RALPH LICHTENFELS Representative to the American Society of Parasitologists: ERIC P. HOBERG Executive Committee Members-at-Large: RALPH P. ECKERLIN, 2000 WILLIAM E. MOSER, 2000 ALLEN L.RICHARDS, 2001 BENJAMIN M. ROSENTHAL, 2001 Immediate Past President: ERIC P. HOBERG COMPARATIVE PARASITOLOGY COMPARATIVE PARASITOLOGY is published semiannually at Lawrence, Kansas by the Helminthological Society of Washington. Papers need not be presented at a meeting to be published in the journal. Publication of COMPARATIVE PARASITOLOGY is supported in part by the Brayton H. Ransom Memorial Trust Fund. MANUSCRIPTS should be sent to the EDITORS, Drs. Willis A. Reid, Jr., and Janet W. Reid, 6210 Hollins Drive, Bethesda, MD 20817-2349, email: [email protected]. Manuscripts must be typewrit- ten, double spaced, and in finished form. Consult recent issues of the journal for format and style. The original and three copies are required. Photocopies of drawings may be submitted for review purposes but glossy prints of halftones are required; originals will be requested after acceptance of the manu- script. Papers are accepted with the understanding that they will be published only in the journal. REPRINTS may be ordered from the PRINTER at the same time the corrected proof is returned to the EDITORS. AUTHORS' CONTRIBUTIONS to publication costs (currently S50/page for members, $100/page for non-members) will be billed by Allen Press and are payable to the Society. BACK ISSUES and VOLUMES of COMPARATIVE PARASITOLOGY are available, Inquiries con- cerning back volumes and current subscriptions should be directed to the business office. BUSINESS OFFICE. The Society's business office is at Lawrence, Kansas. All inquiries concerning subscriptions or back issues and all payments for dues, subscriptions, and back issues should be addressed to: Helminthological Society of Washington, % Allen Press, Inc., 1041 New Hampshire St., Lawrence, Kansas 66044, U.S.A. EDITORIAL BOARD WILLIS A. REID, JR. & JANET W. REID, Editors 2000 2001 2002 ROY C.-ANDERSON WALTER A BOEGER DANIEL R. BROOKS RALPH P. ECKERLIN WILLIAM F. FONT HIDEO HASEGAWA ROBIN N. HUETTEL DONALD FORRESTER SHERMAN S. HENDRIX FUAD M. NAHHAS J. RALPH LICHTENFELS JAMES E. JOY DANNY B. PENCE JOHN S. MACKIEWICZ DAVID MARCOGLIESE JOSEPH F. URBAN BRENT NICKOL DANTE S. ZARLENGA © The Helminthological Society of Washington 2000 ISSN 1049-233X This paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington Comp. Parasitol. 67(2), 2000 pp. 145-164 Diplectanids (Monogenoidea: Dactylogyridea) from the Gills of Marine Fishes of the Persian Gulf off Kuwait DELANE C. KRITSKY,M F. AGUSTIN JiMENEZ-Ruiz,2 AND OTTO SEY3 1 Department of Health and Nutrition Sciences, College of Health Professions, Box 8090, Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho 83209, U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]), 2 Laboratorio de Helmintologfa, Institute de Biologia, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Apartado Postal 70-153, Ciudad de Mexico D.F., Mexico, and 3 Department of Zoology, University of Kuwait, P.O. Box 5969, Safat 13060, Kuwait; current address: H-7633 Pecs, Ercbanyasz u. 10, Hungary ABSTRACT: Seventeen species of Diplectanidae were collected from the gills of 17 species of marine fishes from the Persian Gulf off Kuwait. Lepidotrema kuwaitcnsis sp. n. from Terapon puta (Teraponidae), Lamellodiscus furcillatus sp. n. from Diplodus noct (Sparidae), and Protolamellodiscus senilobatus sp. n. from Argyrops spinifer and A. filamentosus (Sparidae) are described. Diplectanum cazauxi from Sphyraena jello and S. obtusata (Sphy- raenidae) (new host and geographic records), D. sillagonum from Sillago siharna (Sillaginidae) (new geographic record), Pseudolarnellodiscus sphyraenae from Sphyraena chrysotaenia (Sphyraenidae) (new host and geograph- ic records), and Calydiscoides flexuosus from Nemipterus peronii and N. bipunctatus (Nemipteridae) (new host and geographic records) are redescribed. An incidental geographic record for C. flexuosus on N. japonicus from the western coast of India is included. Ten diplectanid species from 8 hosts were unidentified for lack of sufficient specimens. Diplectanum longipenis (synonym: Squamodiscus longipenis) is transferred to Lepidotrema. Squa- modiscus is removed from synonymy with Diplectanum and becomes a junior subjective synonym of Lepido- trema. Calydiscoides indianus (synonyms: Lamellospina Indiana and C. indicus) is a junior subjective synonym of C. flexuosus. KEY WORDS: Monogenoidea, monogenean, Diplectanidae, Calydiscoides flexuosus, Diplectanum cazauxi, Di- plectanum sillagonum, Diplectanum sp., Lamellodiscus furcillatus sp. n., Lamellodiscus sp., Lepidotrema ku- waitensis sp. n., Lepidotrema longipenis comb, n., Protolamellodiscus senilobatus sp. n., Pseudolamellodiscus sphyraenae, Pseiidorhabdosynochus sp., Acanthopagrus berda, Acanthopagrus bifasciatus, Acanthopagrus latus, Argyrops filamentosus, Argyrops spinifer, Diplodus noct, Epinephelus areolatus, Epinephelus tauvina, Hemiram- phus marginatus, Nemipterus bipunctatus, Nemipterus peronii, Otolithes argenteus, Sillago sihama, Sphyraena chrysotaenia, Sphyraena jello, Sphyraena obtusata, Terapon puta, Persian Gulf, Kuwait. A survey of the helminth parasites infesting described by Kritsky et al. (1986). Measurements, all marine fishes off the Kuwaiti coast by O.S. was in njicrometers, were made with a filar micrometer ac- _. *nn~ ?n i- cording to procedures of Mizelle and Klucka (1953); conducted between October 1992 and December average measurements are followed by ranges and 1996. Species of Diplectanidae (Monogenoidea) number (n) of specimens measured in parentheses; un- were found on the
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