Property of the Watertown Historical Society ZIovewatertownhistoricalsociety.orgn ZTtmes The Watortown - Oakvill* Weekly Timely Cowemge Of News In The Fastest Growing. Community In Utchfield County Vol. 19, No. 924 Subscription Pric*. $3.75 Per Y< Single Copy, 10 C«a#s August 19, 1965 Adoption Of Budget Due This Evening $3,230,021 Total Mrs. C Shons To Receive Up $312,107 Over Current Year A budget totaling $3,230,021 Jaycee Citizenship Award for the 1965-66 fiscal year will, Mrs. Charles Shons, former tive, member of the 'Watertown be presented 'to -the .annual librarian of the Watertown Li- OakvUle Mental Health group, Budget Town. Meeting 'this; 'eve- brary, will be presented a Cit- and 'Carl Sietnon, Republican, ning at 8 o'clock In the Water- izenship Award by the Water- State 'Representative, town High School auditorium. town Jaycees in ceremonies 'to 'The budget requests repre- 'be conducted Monday evening, sent an. increase of $312,107 August ,23, at 8 o'clock, in the over the current year's appro- Library. priation, of $2,917,914. The'Ad- The group's Junior Citizen- ministrative budget amounts ship Award will go to Mrs. Da- to' $1,176^55.34 and the School vid, Jamieson, the former' Elai- Department budget .$2,053,165.- na LaBoda of Main St., "and 98. The complete budgets are now serving with the Peace printed on pages. 8 and 9 of to- Corps In 'Turkey. days Town Times. .. Alvin J... Turner Jr., Jaycee 'Final action on, the. budgets president, announced the a- was. taken toy the Town, Coun- wards are a, result of nomina- cil at a. 'meeting last'week. 'The tions made by Watertown citi- recommendation for tonight's WATERTOWNTS LARGEST TREE? Arthur P. zens with final selection being meeting is $49,200 less, than the thinks so. This huge Ash measures 16 .feet, 7 todies Hi made by the local organiza- original requests, as the Coun- circumference three feet above the ground. It Is located, tion. The basis for the selec- cil sliced $25,000' from, the Ed- on. the Evergreen Cemetery grounds on the hill above the tion is the nominees' excel- ucation and $24,20© from the office; building. Mr. Hickcox would like to' bear fmm 'any- lence in, the way in which they Administrative budgets, one In town who feels they bam a candidate, for title of have aided our growing 'Com- the 'town's largest tree. (Staff Photo). munity. The School Department cut Mrs. Shons, who served as li- MRS. CHARLES SHONS was 'made over the objections brarian for 11 years, retired of the Board of Education, the 'position on, January 31. Se which told the Council that its August Library Exhibit also served as librarian at AFS Record Hop To original request for $2,078,165 Taft School. She was a guid- was the "minimum" required, ing-Influence in the design, and, Feature Montereys for operation of the school sys- construction of the present li- tem for the coming year, At Highlight® Musical Items brary building which opened "The Montereys"" will be the a special 'meeting last week, A display of Items relating music book and. photograph on, October 1958. With the opening featured attraction at the the School .Board could come to' music is featured in the ,dteplay in one of 'the" small of the building, she encourag- hops sponsored, jointly by the to no definite decision, on what August exhibit at the Water- cases, and the Shaker doll bon- ed, many town, .groups to use fourth in a. series of teenage sections of its budget to .re- town Library, with a 'highlight net, illustrates the head, cover- the meeting room facilities Watertown Chapter, American duce in order to stay within Field Service, and the Water- 'the figure1 proposed by 'the of the 'wide range of boob ing as shown, in the photo- that were made available with- town. High School AFS' Club, 'Concerning' music and the fine graph, out cost to civic .groups,. 'Council,, but it is, reported, that record library available to to be .held Friday evening, the cuts will be made In main- music lovers In Watertown. A Flutevllle flute, a music Mr. Turner stated, "We in August 20, at the Watertown tenance and repairs to the va- book of ''"town, tunes" snowing the Jaycee hope, through the High School cafeteria, .Dancing rious buildings. A 'painting' and a musical in- 'the Watertown tune 'probably medium of these awards, to' will 'be from 7:30 to 11 p.m_ strument, each executed by used, for 'marching1 and an old express the appreciation of not The musical, group was r The current budget is based men working in. fields outside .American violin, are also on only the Jaycees, but every cently reorganized under Dan on a. tax rate of 36.5 mills. music, is a special feature of exhibit. In another case is a •member of the community for Mestropietro and, is noted 'Earlier predictions- were that 'the exhibit. The painting 'by Chinese bronze goddess of a job' well done." throughout the area, .Area con- a one mill hike would 'be re- Lee Ryan of Tempe, Arizona, music using cymbals probably Past, winners of the awards trol for the dance will be pro- quired, to' raise the additional is entitled, "Transmutation of «f the 17th century. include Mrs. William Starr, ac- (Continued on page 2) funds for the 1965-66 budget. Music Into Color" and: is the The 'Council's action in. reduc-' artist's impression of pianist ing the requests was aimed at Brailowsky. preventing an Increase next, A clavichord 'Constructed by year. A final decision won't be • Dr. Roger Gilbert," a resident reached until next March, aft- of Watertown, is. the musical er the new Grand list is made Instrument on exhibit. Dr. -Gil- known. bert built 'the instrument from specifications like' those of the At tonight's meeting t h e '-antique instrument and con- budgets may be cut further, structed the inlaid walnut case but no new Items; may be add- and stand at the Adult Educa- ed or any increases voted. tion Carpentry Class. This predecessor of the modern pi- Officials are anticipating the ano has a tone so soft and usual small turnout for the sweet, it can, scarcely be ••meeting. beard across the room. Mrs. Robert fielftt 'has again Young. COP Club loaned the Library items from her .impressive collection of Plans Cook Out Americana, especially Shaker antiques. 'There is' a Shaker Saturday Night The Watertown Young Re- publican Club will, hold a pot, 20th Reunion Set luck cook out Saturday even- ing. August 21, at the home of By Class Of 1945 Raymond Ventresca, 48 Birch Plans are being formulated St., Activities will begin, at .8:30 for Watertown High School's p.m. 'Class, of ,1945, 20th reunion to WATCRTOWN'S AFS 1965-66 EX- side, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Richard There will, be swimming, 'be held Saturday evening, Sep- CHANGE STUDENT,. Ursula Peintner, Garslde. The Garsides. .also on hand, to dancing .and, refreshments. tember 18, at 'the Bow and Ar- who arrived last Thursday aboard, the Hol- .welcome Ursula, are this year's host family .Anyone Interested in attending' row Restaurant in Prospect. land-American line's & S. Groote Bee, for the Austrian student who will study at may contact Mrs. Elaine Trav- ('Continued on page 2) was greeted by Emily, 9, and Julia, 5, Gar- Watertown High School. '(Witty Photo) - er, 714-4436, Page Property2—Town Times (Watertown , Conn.Jof, Augus thet 19,196 Watertown5 Jaycees Approve .. -Historical20th Reunion SocietyCard 'Party: ..¥11 . (Continued from page 1) Benefit Children's Year's Activities . Stanley G. Peck, committee Lenz Appointed Director The Board of Directors and chairman, anticipates a rec- Convent Altar Fund watertownhistoricalsociety.orggeneral membership of the ord turnout for the .special. .A. 'Card, party for the benefit Watertown Jaycees have voted 'event. "'The class .has .already of the Children's Convent Al- .adoption, of the chapter's plan- accumulated somewhat of a tar Memorial Fund for St Of Christmas Semi Agency ned year for 1965-66 and the record.," bavins held seven re- John's Parish 'will be 'held this, plan. will, include several new unions In past years. • Kurt Lenz has been, appoint- gan, be served; on the staff of projects. • .evening, Tursday, August If, ed Executive Director of the the State Christmas Seal .Agen- " The menu will 'Consist of at .1 o'clock .In the' Church Ball, Afrtn J. Turner J*.. presi- Main St. "local, Christmas .Seal Agency, cy' .In-Onto. While in Ohio, be dent of the chapter, announc- steak or lobster. 'The .affair 'be- Frank 'A. .Stolfi, president of organized several regional ed that Robert. Horton, intern- gins 'With, a poolside cocktail Youngsters of the parish .are' the Tuberculosis .and" Respira- groups which developed proto- party at 8 p.m., followed 'by working toward the .goal, for 'the' tory Disease Association of al vice president,, has In. a. port- dinner at 8 o'clock and. then Northwestern Conn., Inc., an- folio all projects, which con- Convent Altar Memorial Fund nounced tills week. cern development of the chap- by .holding various cake sales ter and each, member .as .an. Tickets 'may be obtained 'by .and neighborhood bazaars. "Helping serve the health individual. Among' these proj- writing to Mr. Peck in. care of 'This, evening's card party needs In Watertown, and near- ects are membership recruit- 'the 'Watertown 'Post-..Office.; will be 'the first attempt to' by 'towns has long' been, the ment and orientation, leader- Serving on. 'the arrangements conduct an activity in.
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