State District Representative Twitter Alaska AK1 Don Young

State District Representative Twitter Alaska AK1 Don Young

State District Representative Twitter Alaska AK1 Don Young @repdonyoung AL1 Bradley Byrne @RepByrne AL2 Martha Roby @RepMarthaRoby AL3 Mike Rogers @RepMikeRogers Alabama AL4 Robert Aderholt @Robert_Aderholt AL5 Mo Brooks @RepMoBrooks AL6 Gary Palmer @USRepGaryPalmer AL7 Terri Sewell @RepTerriSewell AR1 Rick Crawford @RepRickCrawford AR2 French Hill @RepFrenchHill Arkansas AR3 Steve Womack @Rep_SteveWomack AR4 Bruce Westerman @RepWesterman AZ1 Tom O'Halleran @TomOHalleran AZ2 Martha McSally @RepMcSally AZ3 Raul Grijalva @repraulgrijalva AZ4 Paul Gosar @RepGosar Arizona AZ5 Andy Biggs @andybiggs4az AZ6 David Schweikert @RepDavid AZ7 Ruben Gallego @RepRubenGallego AZ8 Trent Franks @RepTrentFranks AZ9 Kyrsten Sinema @RepSinema CA1 Doug LaMalfa @RepLaMalfa CA2 Jared Huffman @RepHuffman CA3 John Garamendi @RepGaramendi CA4 Tom McClintock @RepMcClintock CA5 Mike Thompson @RepThompson CA6 Doris Matsui @DorisMatsui CA7 Ami Bera @RepBera CA8 Paul Cook @RepPaulCook CA9 Jerry McNerney @RepMcNerney CA10 Jeffrey Denham @RepJeffDenham CA11 Mark DeSaulnier @RepDeSaulnier CA12 Nancy Pelosi @NancyPelosi CA13 Barbara Lee @RepBarbaraLee CA14 Jackie Speier @RepSpeier CA15 Eric Swalwell @RepSwalwell CA16 Jim Costa @RepJimCosta CA17 Ro Khanna @RoKhannaUSA CA18 Anna Eshoo @RepAnnaEshoo CA19 Zoe Lofgren @RepZoeLofgren CA20 Jimmy Panetta @JimmyPanetta CA21 David Valadao @RepDavidValadao CA22 Devin Nunes @devinnunes CA23 Kevin McCarthy @GOPLeader CA24 Salud Carbajal @carbajalsalud CA25 Stephen Knight @SteveKnight25 CA26 Julia Brownley @JuliaBrownley26 California CA27 Judy Chu @RepJudyChu California CA28 Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff CA29 Tony Cardenas @RepCardenas CA30 Brad Sherman @BradSherman CA31 Peter Aguilar @RepPeteAguilar CA32 Grace Napolitano @gracenapolitano CA33 Ted Lieu @tedlieu CA34 Xavier Becerra @repbecerra CA35 Norma Torres @NormaJTorres CA36 Raul Ruiz @CongressmanRuiz CA37 Karen Bass @RepKarenBass CA38 Linda Sanchez @RepLindaSanchez CA39 Ed Royce @RepEdRoyce CA40 Lucille Roybal-Allard @RepRoybalAllard CA41 Mark Takano @RepMarkTakano CA42 Ken Calvert @KenCalvert CA43 Maxine Waters @MaxineWaters CA44 Nanette Diaz Barragan @RepBarragan CA45 Mimi Walters @RepMimiWalters CA46 Luis Correa CA47 Alan Lowenthal @RepLowenthal CA48 Dana Rohrabacher @DanaRohrabacher CA49 Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa CA50 Duncan Hunter @Rep_Hunter CA51 Juan Vargas @RepJuanVargas CA52 Scott Peters @RepScottPeters CA53 Susan Davis @RepSusanDavis CO1 Diana DeGette @RepDianaDeGette CO2 Jared Polis @jaredpolis CO3 Scott Tipton @RepTipton Colorado CO4 Ken Buck @RepKenBuck CO5 Doug Lamborn @RepDLamborn CO6 Mike Coffman @RepMikeCoffman CO7 Ed Perlmutter @RepPerlmutter CT1 John Larson @repjohnlarson CT2 Joe Courtney @repjoecourtney Connecticut CT3 Rosa DeLauro @rosadelauro CT4 Jim Himes @jahimes CT5 Elizabeth Esty @RepEsty Washington D.C. DC79 Eleanor Norton @EleanorNorton Delaware DE1 Lisa Blunt Rochester @RepBRochester FL1 Matt Gaetz @Rep_Matt_Gaetz FL2 Neal P. Dunn @DrNealDunnFL2 FL3 Ted Yoho @RepTedYoho FL4 John Rutherford FL5 Al Lawson FL6 Ron DeSantis @RepDeSantis FL7 Stephanie Murphy @SMurphyCongress FL8 Bill Posey @congbillposey FL9 Darren Soto @sendarrensoto Florida FL10 Van Butler Demings @RepValDemings FL11 Daniel Webster @RepWebster FL12 Gus Bilirakis @RepGusBilirakis FL13 Charlie Crist @RepCharlieCrist Florida FL14 Kathy Castor @USRepKCastor FL15 Dennis Ross @RepDennisRoss FL16 Vern Buchanan @VernBuchanan FL17 Tom Rooney @TomRooney FL18 Brian Mast @BrianMastFL FL19 Francis Rooney @RepRooney FL20 Alcee Hastings @RepHastingsFL FL21 Lois Frankel @RepLoisFrankel FL22 Theodore Deutch @RepTedDeutch FL23 Debbie Schultz @RepDWStweets FL24 Frederica Wilson @RepWilson FL25 Mario Diaz-Balart @MarioDB FL26 Carlos Curbelo @RepCurbelo FL27 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen @RosLehtinen GA1 Earl Carter @RepBuddyCarter GA2 Sanford Bishop Jr. @SanfordBishop GA3 Drew Ferguson @RepDrewFerguson GA4 Hank Johnson @RepHankJohnson GA5 John Lewis @RepJohnLewis GA6 Tom Price @RepTomPrice GA7 Rob Woodall @RepRobWoodall Georgia GA8 Austin Scott @AustinScottGA08 GA9 Doug Collins @RepDougCollins GA10 Jody Hice @CongressmanHice GA11 Barry Loudermilk @RepLoudermilk GA12 Rick Allen @RepRickAllen GA13 David Scott @repdavidscott GA14 Tom Graves @RepTomGraves Guam GU79 Madeleine Bordallo HI1 Colleen Hanabusa @RepHanabusa Hawaii HI2 Tulsi Gabbard @TulsiGabbard IA1 Rod Blum @RepRodBlum IA2 David Loebsack @daveloebsack Iowa IA3 David Young @RepDavidYoung IA4 Steve King @stevekingia ID1 Raul Labrador @Raul_Labrador Idaho ID2 Mike Simpson @CongMikeSimpson IL1 Bobby Rush @RepBobbyRush IL2 Robin Kelly @RepRobinKelly IL3 Daniel Lipinski @RepLipinski IL4 Luis Gutierrez @RepGutierrez IL5 Mike Quigley @RepMikeQuigley IL6 Peter Roskam @PeterRoskam IL7 Danny Davis @RepDannyDavis IL8 Raja Krishnamoorthi @CongressmanRaja Illinois IL9 Jan Schakowsky @janschakowsky Illinois IL10 Brad Schneider @RepSchneider IL11 Bill Foster @RepBillFoster IL12 Mike Bost @RepBillEnyart IL13 Rodney Davis @RodneyDavis IL14 Randy Hultgren @rephultgren IL15 John Shimkus @RepShimkus IL16 Adam Kinzinger @RepKinzinger IL17 Cheri Bustos @RepCheri IL18 Darin LaHood @RepLaHood IN1 Peter Visclosky @RepVisclosky IN2 Jackie Walorski @RepWalorski IN3 Jim Banks @RepJimBanks IN4 Todd Rokita @ToddRokita Indiana IN5 Susan Brooks @SusanWBrooks IN6 Luke Messer @RepLukeMesser IN7 Andre Carson @RepAndreCarson IN8 Larry Bucshon @RepLarryBucshon IN9 Trey Hollingsworth @RepTrey KS1 Roger W. Marshall @RogerMarshallMD KS2 Lynn Jenkins @RepLynnJenkins Kansas KS3 Kevin Yoder @RepKevinYoder KS4 Mike Pompeo @repmikepompeo KY1 James Comer @KYComer KY2 Brett Guthrie @repguthrie KY3 John Yarmuth @RepJohnYarmuth Kentucky KY4 Thomas Massie @RepThomasMassie KY5 Harold Rogers @RepHalRogers KY6 Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr LA1 Steve Scalise @SteveScalise LA2 Cedric Richmond @RepRichmond LA3 Clay Higgins Louisiana LA4 Mike Johnson @repmikejohnson LA5 Ralph Lee Abraham @RepAbraham LA6 Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves MA1 Richard Neal @RepRichardNeal MA2 Jim McGovern @RepMcGovern MA3 Niki Tsongas @nikiinthehouse MA4 Joseph Kennedy III @RepJoeKennedy Massachusetts MA5 Katherine Clark @RepKClark MA6 Seth Moulton @teammoulton MA7 Michael Capuano @RepMikeCapuano MA8 Stephen Lynch @RepStephenLynch MA9 Bill Keating @USRepKeating MD1 Andy Harris @RepAndyHarrisMD MD2 C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger @Call_Me_Dutch MD3 John Sarbanes @RepJohnSarbanes MD4 Anthony Brown Maryland MD5 Steny Hoyer @WhipHoyer Maryland MD6 John Delaney @RepJohnDelaney MD7 Elijah Cummings @RepCummings MD8 Jamie Raskin @RepRaskin ME1 Chellie Pingree @chelliepingree Maine ME2 Bruce Poliquin @RepPoliquin MI1 Jack Bergman @RepJackBergman MI2 Bill Huizenga @rephuizenga MI3 Justin Amash @repjustinamash MI4 John Moolenaar @RepMoolenaar MI5 Dan Kildee @RepDanKildee MI6 Fred Upton @RepFredUpton MI7 Tim Walberg @RepWalberg Michigan MI8 Mike Bishop @RepMikeBishop MI9 Sander Levin @repsandylevin MI10 Paul Mitchell @RepPaulMitchell MI11 David Trott @repdavetrott MI12 Debbie Dingell @RepDebDingell MI13 John Conyers Jr. @repjohnconyers MI14 Brenda Lawrence @RepLawrence MN1 Tim Walz @RepTimWalz MN2 Jason Lewis @Jason2CD MN3 Erik Paulsen @RepErikPaulsen MN4 Betty McCollum @BettyMcCollum04 Minnesota MN5 Keith Ellison @keithellison MN6 Tom Emmer @RepTomEmmer MN7 Collin Peterson @collinpeterson MN8 Rick Nolan @USRepRickNolan MO1 William Clay @LacyClayMO1 MO2 Ann Wagner @RepAnnWagner MO3 Blaine Luetkemeyer @RepBlainePress MO4 Vicky Hartzler @RepHartzler Missouri MO5 Emanuel Cleaver II @repcleaver MO6 Sam Graves @RepSamGraves MO7 Billy Long @BillyLongMO7 MO8 Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith Northern Mariana Island MP79 Gregorio 'Kilili' Sablan MS1 Trent Kelly @RepTrentKelly MS2 Bennie Thompson @BennieGThompson Mississippi MS3 Gregg Harper @GreggHarper MS4 Steven Palazzo @CongPalazzo Montanta MT1 Ryan Zinke @RepRyanZinke NC1 G. Butterfield @GKButterfield NC2 George Holding @RepHolding NC3 Walter Jones @RepWalterJones NC4 David Price @RepDavidEPrice NC5 Virginia Foxx @virginiafoxx NC6 Mark Walker @RepMarkWalker North Carolina NC7 David Rouzer @RepDavidRouzer NC8 Richard Hudson @RichHudson North Carolina NC9 Robert Pittenger @RobertPittenger NC10 Patrick McHenry @PatrickMcHenry NC11 Mark Meadows @RepMarkMeadows NC12 Alma Adams @RepAdams NC13 Ted Budd @buddforcongress North Dakota ND1 Kevin Cramer @kevincramer NE1 Jeff Fortenberry @JeffFortenberry Nebraska NE2 Don Bacon @RepDonBacon NE3 Adrian Smith @RepAdrianSmith NH1 Carol Shea-Porter @RepSheaPorter New Hampshire NH2 Ann Kuster @AnnMcLaneKuster NJ1 Donald Norcross @DonaldNorcross NJ2 Frank LoBiondo @RepLoBiondo NJ3 Thomas MacArthur @RepTomMacArthur NJ4 Christopher Smith @RepChrisSmith NJ5 Josh Gottheimer @RepJoshG NJ6 Frank Pallone @FrankPallone New Jersey NJ7 Leonard Lance @RepLanceNJ7 NJ8 Albio Sires @Rep_Albio_Sires NJ9 Bill Pascrell Jr. @BillPascrell NJ10 Donald Payne Jr. @RepDonaldPayne NJ11 Rodney Frelinghuysen @RodneyforNJ NJ12 Bonnie Coleman @RepBonnie NM1 Michelle Lujan Grisham @RepLujanGrisham New Mexico NM2 Steve Pearce @RepStevePearce NM3 Ben Lujan @repbenraylujan NV1 Dina Titus @repdinatitus NV2 Mark Amodei @AmodeiNevada Nevada NV3 Jacky Rosen @RosenforNevada NV4 Ruben Kihuen @RepKihuen NY1 Lee Zeldin @RepLeeZeldin NY2 Peter King @RepPeteKing NY3 Thomas Suozzi @Tom_Suozzi NY4 Kathleen Rice @RepKathleenRice NY5 Gregory Meeks @GregoryMeeks NY6 Grace Meng @RepGraceMeng NY7 Nydia Velazquez @NydiaVelazquez NY8 Hakeem Jeffries @RepJeffries NY9 Yvette Clarke @YvetteClarke NY10 Jerrold Nadler @RepJerryNadler NY11 Daniel Donovan, Jr. @RepDanDonovan NY12 Carolyn Maloney @RepMaloney NY13 Adriano Espaillat @RepEspaillat

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