letnik 31 {tevilka 145/146 strani 73-174 Vsebina / Contents 2010 2010 volume 31 number 145/146 pages 73-174 Acrocephalus Uvodnik / Editorial 143 The Diet of a Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina 73 Important sites for migrating raptors in the family in SE Bulgaria Eastern Alps (R. Probst) (B. Milchev, D. Chobanov & N. Tzankov) Prehrana družine malega klinka~a Aquila pomarina v JV Bolgariji DOPPS Pomembna obmo~ja za sele~e se ujede v Vzhodnih Alpah (B. Milchev, D. Chobanov & N. Tzankov) (R. Probst) 147 Opažanja velikih jat krokarjev Corvus corax na Originalni ~lanki / Original articles Pokoji{ki planoti (osrednja Slovenija) (M. Krofel) 77 Census of migrating raptors at Breginjski Stol Observations of large Raven Corvus corax flocks on Pokoji{~e (NW Slovenia) – the first confirmed bottleneck Plateau (Central Slovenia) (M. Krofel) site in Slovenia (K. Denac) Popis sele~ih se ujed na Breginjskem Stolu (SZ Slovenija) – prvo 151 Iz ornitolo{ke bele`nice / From the ornithological notebook potrjeno ozko grlo v Sloveniji (K. Denac) Slovenija / Slovenia: Podiceps cristatus, Ardeola ralloides, Bubulcus ibis, Anser erythropus & Branta ruficollis, Circus aeruginosus, Circus 93 Nest-site characteristics and breeding density of macrourus, Buteo buteo, Buteo rufinus, Aquila chrysaetos, Falco Magpie Pica pica in Sombor (NW Serbia) vespertinus, Porzana parva, Tetrax tetrax, Lymnocryptes minimus, (T. O. Mérö, A. Žuljevi} & K. Varga) Numenius phaeopus, Columba oenas, Asio otus, Asio flammeus, Zna~ilnosti gnezdi{~ in gnezditvena gostota srake Pica pica v Apus melba, Lullula arborea, Anthus campestris, Anthus cervinus, Somboru (SZ Srbija) (T. O. Mérö, A. Žuljevi} & K. Varga) Motacilla citreola, Bombycilla garrulus, Sylvia cantillans, Phylloscopus trochilus, Aegithalos caudatos, Lanius collurio, Garrulus glandarius, 101 Population dynamics of the White Stork Ciconia Emberiza melanocephala ciconia in Slovenia between 1999 and 2010 (D. Denac) Hrva{ka / Croatia: Pandion haliaetus, Cecropis daurica, Anthus Populacijska dinamika bele {torklje Ciconia ciconia v Sloveniji med cervinus, Motacila citreola letoma 1999 in 2010 (D. Denac) ^rna gora / Montenegro: Phoenicopterus roseus, Aquila 115 The distribution of breeding birds in the Küçük chrysaetos, Otis tarda, Gallinago media, Chlidonias hybrida, Asio Menderes Delta in western Turkey flammeus (F. Bengil, B. Uzilday & M. Sıkı) Raz{irjenost gnezdilk v delti Küçük Menderes (zahodna Tur~ija) (F. Bengil, B. Uzilday & M. Sıkı) Kratki prispevki / Short communications 131 Rezultati januarskega {tetja vodnih ptic leta 2010 v Sloveniji (L. Boži~) Results of the International Waterbird Census (IWC) in January 2010 in Slovenia (L. Boži~) Sponzor DOPPS Acrocephalus 145/146 letnik 31 {tevilka 145/146 strani 73-174 volume 31 number 145/146 pages 73-174 Acrocephalus glasilo Dru{tva za opazovanje in prou~evanje ptic Slovenije Impresum / Impresum Journal of DOPPS - BirdLife Slovenia Navodila za avtorje / Instructions for authors ISSN 0351-2851 Izdajatelj in lastnik / Published and owned by: Izhajanje in naro~nina: V letniku izidejo 4 {tevilke. Letna naro~nina Original work on all fields of ornithology, without any geographical limitation, If the language of the reference is other than English and the understanding of Dru{tvo za opazovanje in prou~evanje ptic Slovenije (DOPPS - BirdLife za ustanove je 124,00 EUR, za posameznike 50,00 EUR. is published in Acrocephalus. However, articles covering the south-eastern the title is important, an English translation can be provided in brackets (see European and eastern Mediterranean regions are particularly encouraged. The example below). References should be in the following style: Slovenia), p.p. 2990, SI−1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija contributions should not have been submitted for publication elsewhere. Review Annual publications and membership subscription (abroad): journal paper: SAC kl , P. (2000): Form and function of aerial courtship articles, original articles, points-of-view, specialist and scientific comments displays in Black Storks Ciconia nigra. – Acrocephalus 21 (102/103): Oddaja rokopisov / Manuscript submision: One volume comprises 4 numbers. Annual subscription is 124,00 EUR (Editorial, Forum), short communications, short notes ('From the ornithological 223–229. Cited as: SAC kl (2000). DOPPS - BirdLife Slovenia, p.p. 2990, SI−1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija for institutions and organisations, and 50,00 EUR for individuals. notebook'), diploma abstracts and book reviews (New books) are considered journal paper, language other than English (optional format): for publication. Contributions can be published in English or Slovene. e-mail: [email protected] SP IRI D ONOV , Z. (1988): �Contribution to the breeding avifauna of Va{ kontakt za naro~nino / Your contact for subscription: Ludogorie�. – Orn. Inf. Bull. 23–24: 89–98. (in Bulgarian) Cited as: Glavni urednik / Editor-in-Chief: DOPPS - BirdLife Slovenia (za Acrocephalus) Submission procedure: SP IRI D ONOV (1988). Luka Bo`i~ p.p. 2990 book: HAN D RINO S , G. & AKRIOTIS, T. (1997): The Birds of Greece. – Articles should be submitted by e-mail to �editor-acrocephalus�dopps-drustvo. Christopher Helm, A & C Black, London. Cited as: HAN D RINO S & AKRIOTIS e-mail: luka.bozic dopps.si SI−1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija @ si�.The editor sends an acknowledgement within a few days and informs the (1997). tel.: +386 1 4265875, fax: +386 1 4251181 authors of the further editorial procedure. Review articles and original articles chapter in book: DIEDRICH, J., FL A D E , M. & LI psb ER gs , J. (1997): Penduline Sourednik / Associate Editor: e-mail: [email protected] are peer-reviewed by two referees, and further reviewed by the editor and Tit Remiz pendulinus. pp. 656–657 In: HA G E M AI J ER , W.J.M. & BL AIR , M.J. editorial board. The editorial procedure can therefore be expected to last at Dare [ere, e-mail: [email protected] (eds.): The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds. – T & AD Poyser, least three months. The authors should modify the paper strictly according to London. Cited as: DIEDRICH et al. (1997). (Iz ornitolo{ke bele`nice / From the ornithological notebook) Poslovni ra~un: SI5602018-0018257011 the referees’ detailed comments and explain non-accepted comments when short note: BOR dj AN , D. (2005): Sombre Tit Parus lugubris. − returning the manuscript. The editor decides whether the manuscript should Acrocephalus 26 (125/126): 147−157. Cited as: BOR dj AN (2005). International Girobank: Nova Ljubljanska banka Tehni~ni urednik / Technical Editor: be accepted, rejected or additional review is to be made. Points-of-view and theses: KUHAR , B. (2005): �Diet of the Tawny Owl Strix aluco in Kozjansko Andrej Figelj, e-mail: [email protected] No. SI5602018-0018257011 short communications are peer-reviewed by one person. Short notes 'From Regional Park�. – BSc thesis, University of Maribor. (in Slovene) Cited as the ornithological notebook' are checked only by the editor, who may consult KUHAR (2005). Sofinancer / Co-financed by: Javna agencija za knjigo Republike the members of the editorial board. All papers are edited for correct use of internet sources: BIR D LI F E INTERNATIONA L (2004): Species factsheet: Uredni{ki odbor / Editorial Board: English and Slovene. doc. dr. Damijan Denac (SI) Slovenije / Slovenian Book Agency Pygmy Cormorant Phalacrocorax pygmeus. – �www.birdlife.org�, 10/5/2010. Cited as BIR D LI F E INTERNATIONA L (2004). Janez Gregori (SI) Revija je indeksirana / the journal is indexed in: General remarks: legislation: URA D NI L I S T RS (2004): Uredba o ekolo{ko pomembnih dr. Bojidar Ivanov (BG) obmo~jih (no. 48/04). Cited as URA D NI L I S T RS (2004). AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES ABSTRACTS, BIOSIS PREVIEWS, prof. dr. Franc Janžekovi~ (SI) In general, Microsoft programmes should be used for preparing manuscripts. BOSTAO SPA SERIALS, COBIB, DLIB.SI, ORNITHOLOGICAL When quoting congress proceedings quote proceedings title, the organization dr. Primož Kmecl (SI) They should be formatted in single spacing. Please consult the editor about and town. dr. Jelena Kralj (HR) WORLDWIDE LITERATURE, ORNITOLOGISCHE SCHRIFTENSCHAU, the use of other software. Files larger than 10 Mbytes should be sent by Tables: Each Table should be headed by an informative title and a brief prof. dr. Lovrenc Lipej (SI) RAPTOR INFORMATION SYSTEM, ZOOLOGICAL RECORDS regular mail on DVD ROM. Send figures as RGB (8 bits per channel) in TIFF or JPG format with at least 300 dpi resolution. For vector graphics, EPS and CDR explanatory legend which should make the general meaning comprehensible dr. Gordan Luka~ (HR) are the preferred formats. Colour dependent figures (with true colours; e.g. without reference to the text. Tables are drawn without vertical lines. In the Tomaž Miheli~ (SI) differences in feather colours) should be sent separately by regular mail. Send text, tables must be referred to as 'Table 1'. dr. Roger H. Pain (GB) tables and graphs in XLS format, each table in its worksheet. The associated Figures: Only photographs that are essential to illustrate the article theme are dr. Nikolai V. Petkov (BG) Published by: text should consist of just titles and legends; these should be sent in a separate accepted. Colour photos may exceptionally be published, and are printed at prof. dr. Jenö J. Purger (HU) file. English and scientific bird names should follow SVEN ss ON et al. �SVEN ss ON , the back of the journal as a colour appendix. Figures must be referred to in dr. Peter Sackl (AT) © Revija, vsi v njej objavljeni prispevki, tabele, grafikoni in skice so L., MU ll ARNEY , K., & ZETTER S TRÖ M , D. (2009): Collins Bird Guide. 2nd Edition. the text as 'Figure 1'. – HarperCollins, London.�. When other scientific names are used this should dr. Martin Schneider-Jacoby (DE) avtorsko zavarovani. Za rabo, ki jo zakon o avtorskih pravicah izrecno ne dopu{~a, je potrebno soglasje izdajatelja. To velja posebej be clearly stated. Slovene bird names should follow JAN ~AR et al. �JAN ~AR , T., Format of other sections: doc. dr. Peter Skoberne (SI) BRA ~K O , F., GRO {E lj , P., MIHE L I ~, T., TO M E , D., TRI L AR , T.
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