ONE CENT A WORD ONE CENT A WOOD ONE CENT A WORD ONE DENT A )NF IMT» wnpo Mil1 ^ tATE*—Or»*» RATES—-One rent ■ word n days no ad* RATES—One rent nord n diiyi no oil RATES—One cent «« word n dnyi on ai R-*TR^—.Oiip rfnf i« wnril n diiyi «« fent n n»H n dun fi*» ti< f«»r taken for leaa than 2Bc for flraf Inaer- fnken for lend than 2Sr for flrmt Inner* lahon for lexw thsin for flr**f Itiner- tnkt>»$ f»»r ii*s>« flint' ’.Til- for flrvt fwftf* j taken !*».«. —r»«‘ fur tlr*f liner- L iTnm n v nrd«*r ««■■«» ••• I <!.»»» 41 ♦low. »»»*!•♦ Noconinoii « onlor C'nmU mnwf |i» >»itiir?enffnr order. _ nlT»mi»n-' order. Home” _W ANTE D--MAL EJl CHANCES WANTED AGENTS yflUAUUN WANTED E “The Alabama _BUSINESS _WANTED—-SAi^SM^N^_ 1 \\^ANTED^Piano llE Olty EnTpiuymem Bureau player, maleT^one CAN use several ambitious, energetic AGENTs^Atakc'^ji^to^lsir^wcpiriy^seTfing wilTTi* who fakes and glad to furnish free any class of reads, transposes, STANDARD ADVERTISING AGENCY salesmen; most attractive land and self-lighting tips and gas stove light- help wire or call Mrs. J. M. Shees- wanted. We investigate all write, AT TOUR SERVICE orohard proposition ever offered; sell- ers; no matches required; just turn on applicants, Certificates Ala., week thi record of all applicants for Special ley, Hartselle, September This is the only recognized Standard ing rapidly and giving complete satis- gas, lights itHelf; sells on sight; send positians week o; responsibility. Tilts bureau Is under ! 14; Tuscaloosa September 21. faction; leads furnished; one salesman for proposition before all territory Is Advertising agency in Birmingham. the of cliarches 9-17-4t Address taken. 1 auspices or Birmingham. We will place advertising for you earned $900 in two weeks. Automatic Gas Appliance Co., Union V.'e earnestly ask your co-operation. WANTED—A printer who can do In America. We Frank R. Adcock. Secretary, 101 New Square, N. Y. 9-13-12t-su-tu-th job anywhere prepare Phone Main 1870. 1311 American Trust I Life insurance and other financial institu- $12 per week. York Life, Kansas Mo. 8-23-4t-su LOOK A companies work; salary, Selma productive advertiiing copy free lor City, chance; we will teach you the Co., Ala. successful building,7-18-tf Stationery Selma, 9-19-3t you for papers and magazines on tVANTED—Experienced salesmen to j barber trade for $30; terms, basis. local ad- $lo down, $15 in ."ANTED—Position as tions have found out what the building and loan associa- WANTED—Ambitious man over 21 and agency High grade travel for old established house with j 10 days. We furnish stenographer by on tools free; make bright young woman; must employed (in or out of city) to study vertising handled salary basis. line that sells to practically all money while learning; tiavo guaranteed work. Address law about 6 hours per week. Address For more business see coun- position; consult with us. C-86, care Age-Her- knew that first on classes of merchants In small tions long ago, mortgages improved care AGENCY Jacksonville Barber ald. 9-iti-tr V-62, Age-Herald. SPARROW ADVERTISING try towns; high commissions witn College. 822 W. Bay } 803 American Trust st.. Jacksonville, Fla. 9-6-12t-su-tu-th weekly advance. Crown Cider Co., 8-27-12t-th-su-tu’ j IXPERT accountant desires additional real estate is. in and the best 9-16-3t-we-fri-eu Mo. USE your spare time to city year year out, security WANTED—Men to learn the barber trade; 207 8. Commercial st., St. Louis, build up a mail set of books to keep; days or even- order business of few weeks completes: position open; EXCELLENT~~opportunity—for "hustler Department 9-6-4t-Bu your own; we help ings; satisfaction guaranteed. Ad- 5._ you start for a share f: known to finance. Come and talk us ahout our 6 tuition $25; free catalog. Birmingham to get in business for himself: less in profits- 27 dress Accountant, G-65, care Agc- with per SVANTE D—Three high-grade specialty opportunities; Barber College, Birmingham. than $500. Address N-66, care Age- manufac- particulars free Mu- 9-16-6t salesmen by old-established tual Heraid._ 2-2-tf-fri-su-wed. Herald. 9-18-3t-fri-su-tu Opportunities Exchange, Buf- ; concern catering to the hardware 1 cent _ turing falo, N. 'RENCHMAN and wife, first class I Speci men USE your spare time to build-up a BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES and department store trade; only Y._9-6-4t-su cooks, want situation: good refer- and AGENTS—Either sex. can mail order business of your own ! If you are out of a position and con- of unquestionable selling ability clear $5 every ences: can run hotel or day you work for restaurant; We help you start for a share in template a change in location, we can clean record will be considered. Lib- me; will send partic- French cooking is ulars free. Eureka very economical profits; 27 opportunities. Exchange, offer you great opportunities. A pos- eral commission and drawing account to Distributing House, Chef, Rldgely Apartments. 630 Bond Bldg., 9-18-3t Buffalo, N. Y. 9-6-4t-su tal will do. men who make good. Answer, giving ex* Washington, D. U. 1 IXPERIENCED young insurance MAKE NORTON & BULLARD REALTY CO. poriencfc and references in first letter. AGENTS—If you want to control man MONEY with its. Amount de- territory is for LUMBER GEORGIA. Box 111. on an article without open position; inside or outside pends upon time devoted; no canvassing. CITY, Lock O, Lemont, competition, cell- 9-13-4t-su-mo-wed-fri ing to work. Capable of management any line. Ambitious local man wanted. Address man for everybody using knives and scis- 3ALESMAN—Capable specialty Can show care sors, write us at once. We are you. "Ability," Age- Ostrander, Dept. 100, 12 W. 31st st.. New WANTED—Ideas; write for list of in- Alabama; staple line on new and excep- introduc- Herald. ing the 9-13-6t-su-tue-tb>|. York. 8-30-tf-su j ventions wanted by manufacturers tional terms; vacancy October 1; attrac- Kwicksharp, only machine made that can I AN and prices offered for inventions; our tive commission contract; $86 weekly for anybody properly sharpen IXPERIENCED architectural draughts- opportunity worth while. Be a-d*^j knives four books sent free; patent secured or Miles F. Blxler Co., 2-38 Car- and scissors with. Absolutely man desires position: i^est of references 1:1 tective, big pay, easy work; travel or expenses. CENIA ISO fee returned. Victor J. Evans & Co., lin no experience needed. Field for sale furnished. Address A-67, care Agc-Her- ONE in Bldg., Cleveland, work your home locality. Write Fi- 1 a a ■>«* ad. O._ RATE*—-One cent n word n d*y| no ad. RATES—One rent word dayi Washington, D. C. 8-9-6t-su enormous. Price low. Your profits aid. for 2f»e for flT«t Inaer- delity Secret Service, Wheeling. W. Va. fHE Kalamazoo Advertising Co., Kala- taken for le«« thnn 2Re for first Inner- taken leas than large. In"Tstigate. Spenglcr-T,ooinls «i»n r>«*' pcoomoanT order. tlou fnmt» o»» ■ *» »ccnmnnnv order. 9-13-lt-su A SUBSTANTIAL corporation wrants mazoo, Mich., desires a bright, energetic £ ADY demonstrator wants work at Mfg. Co., 28 E. Randolph st., Chicago, ~ salesman for to sell its new reliable party to establish office and this section III. fair; experienced and capable on oth- WE 'start you in business, furnishing cr WAMio> WANTED manage salesmen. Should pay $3000 to and attractive line of calendars, fans, work. Phone Main 7549-J. _ everything; men and women; $30 to $200 AGENTS make SHAVING 10c at~1921 tth'aveT lL29-tf $15,000 $300 to $700 will finance leather goods and novelties; one of the big money and become our “New annually: £ 'ANT ED—Position married weekly operating System and most lines in the sales mgr. for our goods. Fast office by man, better also couple or young men to room and business; you handle your own money. best complete WE ebarpen safety razor blades Factories;” home or Btrictly temperate; can use typewrit- Specialty Candy can work January 1 or seller; fine particulars and sam- board. 701 S. 20th st. Main 8381-W. References exchanged. Sales Manager, country; begin profits; ■' than new, 25c dozen. Send them parcel small room anywhere; no er; experienced in bookkeeping, ship- canvassing; 111. before; exclusively or sldo line; suitable ple free. One Dip Pen Co., 707 Daily post. Robert Prowell Stove Co., Birming- 9-20-3t 406 Fisher Bldg., Chicago, ping and office work; A-l references. _ opportunity lifetime; booklet free. Write Sales Man- Md. Ala. 5-14-tf 9-6-sun-tf territory arranged. ^gcord, Baltimore, Address ham, CAN use four N. J. 9-13-2t-su Z-66, care Age-Herald. salesmen, men or women; ager today for particulars. for WANTED—An or mill account to NO CASH REQUIRED. ; * WE buy second hand clothes, shoes, experience unnecessary; we teach J. agency^ ALESMAN four you. old estab- We furnish on with years' experience cash. Phone 1581. 2116 Second. 1-20-tf represent in New York and vicinity; re- I SPECIALTY salesmen, large, the goods 30 days' time to Call on D. H. Emery, 444 Brown-Mnrx In business and has road LOCAL representative wanted; no can- lished manufacturing mak- reliable men with who can work experience, 8 to sponsible party.
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