FOIPA COVER SHEET FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT: BARKER/KARPIS GANG BREMER KIDNAPPING FILE NUMBER: 7-576 SECTION : 101 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION THE BEST COPY OBTAINABLE IS INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF THEsE DOCUMENTS. PAGES INCLUDED THAT ARE BLURRED, LIGHT, OR OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO READ ARE THE RESULT OF THE C0NDITI0N OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. NO BETTER COPY CAN BE REPRODUCED. Q 4 » subJ@@ FiL¬ nUmE>¬R__&z@________ - secmon numsen. /w _ _.__ %RiALs : | Z50 EALDA§¬S 1 Q11;} » I | Pkgés R¬L¬A5¬G 1 I I p2>,_§e5 w1Z~;=>DDe1_o+__Q_______ I 5 I ¬X¬1DpZ§>iOD -S! useo53;; W _ - _ _.__-A - A - W -v-~~ -~ " ..- _ _ , __ _ O . - 92 92 /! §i£risinm nf Q1. §:psrha:a! sf India ._-. POST OIGIDE EX 812 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS f 6 Lpril 25, 19:6. Jpn» Director, 2 _-r, . - .._ Federal BJIBELI of Investigation I Li. United States Department of Justice, Pennsylvania Avenue at 9th St.N.W., I. |&#39;»aa"_ington,D.C. _ vw Dear Sir: In re: ALVINOKARPISaliases, with FUGITIVE,L0. 12.18 IR. JOSEPH PPISORAN with aliases, 1.0. 1232 *>;, HARF!Y°C1£»ZPEEi.Laliases, with LO. 1236 . &#39;_4 vomzy-mvis with aliases, FUGITIVE, 1.0. 123&#39;: .;Zi _n .IILLD92.!.7WE.1..&#39;ERaliases, with L0. 1238 .?, YJIILIEJ J&#39;.°HARRBONwith aliases, I-0. 1239 _ -_.-q HAT-TI¢SAr&#39;fY&#39;ERaliases, with1.0. 1240 N-&#39;1 -4 .- E MYRTLE-E-&#39;JONaliases, with 1.0. 1241 at a1 &#39;4 .&#39; 7 Edward George0Bremer,Victim - KIIDNAPING; _ :.. + HLRBOREIG AND OBSTRUSTION OF JUSTICE; NATIONAL FI}*.Fl§.R3:fS ACT. 7.&#39;:3i.».:z _:~ I am transmitting herewith to the Cincinnati Bureau office, copies of photographs of the 10ll0wing subjects and other persons prominently - P92 mentioned in this case- 0 .9 . 8%; Name: Number of phO1;O§._1_a,ph!sent: _,_ ,. Adams, Charles ~: Anderson, David Anderson, Frank Anderson, Louis I. 4.1? Lngus, Bert <,,..-_ Amour, -To Ann .. 1; . , =. Asher, Peggy J-&#39; Bnxer, George mgsne Bales, Corey Ball, Johnny Barker, Arthur Barker, Fred Barker, Mr. and I-Ira. George E- L ,__i7 _ _ _ , ,-_. Barker, Kate Berg, Ollie ;-2 Bolton, Mrs. Byron _. 57.?/NJ!, &#39;-.-92l~ l B°1°°- BY1° RECORDED Ph 2&#39;7I5 5 .52. Brezner, EdwardGeorg:/I . A ;_ » , - 1 |" 7 Brown Charles ~ _&#39; 1&#39; 92 , .., .1 J &#39;.|,92_ Brown: Mauricer"_f92_&#39; ._..____.._-. ?_ . -______.___---, Burdett, .&#39;.»&#39;ynona COPIES I1El5&#39;iP1OYED - ea" as _ 1, 2 7 0 MAR 25 1965 ~&#39; ._. __.a_. - .,,,_,,... -&#39;._~__---__<.._.-»v--_-&#39;~v-¢---.-----.,_..--.~ -.~-e-Q-¢--~p--»&#39;--_-q~._._vv---res-I--_..--<~--p-~ » --/<- -- A - ,....-~._.._...r,.r~u:."_nnnhz..-p.¢[email protected]___,,;.___, H ,,_ ->_..__ . - v- . i_ - P "~_.&#39;; " 1112163 -8 . 4 1~,_. .. - 1 4&#39;" Ferguson, Helen &#39;22» " Campbell, Harry -gr Capezio, Tow Davis, Volney Delaney, Doltrrea Delaney, Hiillip Doheny, Iillio Doyle, Farl v . Doyle, Jess Eaton, Clarance "Doc" ,. Eaton, 1-Tyrtla 51: 1&#39; Farmer, Elmer lip"-&#39; &#39; Fitzgerald, Charles Foster, Frank Fox, Joseph B-,1-.*&#39; 1 French, Homer 5&#39;-Q3353-51 Gray, Russell Gibson! ,.,,-&#39;, .::, Gray, Clara Gibacn! é."-1",?-".>? Harmon, Paula »&#39;1~»;&#39;.» Harrison, Willie Hebebrand, Arthur H. Q, an Heeney, William » 1 10., Heidt, Ruth . n&#39;3&#39;-?§&#39;/ .. ,.. _ Kaplan, Izzy ~24; ml. -_- .2; Karpis, Alvin Karpia, Dorothy Kel so, Charles Leroy Kierdort, Herman ~ Knhlnan, Mildred Iarson, George Rilliam Lewis, Sidney Q _ ~ McLaughlin, John M505»! 1 -.,. McLaughlin, John J. Ir. Licliarnara, Bathe! hZcDOnald, Cassius B. Moran, John Russell Moran, Ioseph B» .1. ~-&#39;51i. J Inbrgan, Dan _~&#39;_K_. Murray, Edna , .&#39;_- I Nimerick, Clydo P. -&#39;¢ &#39;> _ . ; v O&#39;Brien, -Tamas V O&#39;Connor, Doria Putas, Bruno alias Brmmo Autin 2 1 Romano, John 1 Sawyer, Gladys -2-» . f* 3 , . -_-&#39; .&#39;.- _.I -- v Tr L. - 4., V n .- Sawyer, Harry :- Schmidt, Robert I&#39;-,_&#39; -ii Stiles, Herman . 1 , . Vidler, William Walsh, Raymond Patrick -1 V ~ .1 Waters, John alias "Go about Riley" ,1-1< Ieisman, William , Wheeler, Charles Wilder, Thomas .l,. Wilson, Jimmie *-.1 Winters, Cliff -F? . Wynn, Hazel ,1 3&#39;. -s._ . N . ...... Ib- a Group yhotoe - 2 of each VIA &#39; . a..::.- 7 let group - Volney Davis, Fred Barker, Alvin Karpis, Lrthur Barker, Harry Campbell 7 2 __. 1 2nd group - C. J. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Eaton, Edna Muarry, Dorie o&#39;Con.ner, Kate mrker i-:1 3rd group 5- Joseph P.Mora.n, William Weaver, Russell Gibson, Jess Doyle, Harry Sawyer. 51 - 3 ._ bu &#39;0 . , p ,1". mi? Very truly yours, I7 _ .5-.57 &#39; 4 .,., M. H. PURVIS, -<- Q. Special Agent in Charge. &#39;1&#39;PS:JlB CC St.Paul - 2 A I CC Cincinnati-2 Iith enclosures! 7-R _l_ _ _&#39;_-_--<__.;,~~- < > _ _ _...l-_-_ 7-v_.__..---¢-.,_.-,-_-....--__¢-v__ _ __ _.. M? ___?_-____,,-i, __ ___»___.v._ q_ H1-41>» l _-v- .-. &#39; &#39; &#39; 0> Q ,1/ pzninnn nr Jnnengnnn Q1. 5 Pqucrhand of POST OFFICE EX 812 GHICAT , IILINQI5 .,» up 1-.--" *&#39;..a April 25, 19 :5. -. .- Director, v*;...&#39;.,_.- . gill".-- Federal Bureau oi Investigation U.S.Department of Justice, Pennsylvania Avenue at 9th St.N.W., .2: Q Washimjton, D.C. 4" Dear Sir: In re: LLV&#39;IN/FARPIS with aliases, FUGITIVE, 1.0. lzle IELICXSEPH P&E.fOR;..N with aliaseg I.0. 1232 H£@.HYbCAI.TBEIL v:ith aliases, 1.0. 1236 VDI.N&#39;.*IYDAVIS With aliases, FUGITIVE, I-0» 1257 -?ILLIAJ.f£-.&#39;E..AVER with aliases, I.0. 1238 &#39;f.II.LIAlZ I.¢HARRI.SCIZ with aliases, 1.0. 1239 fr" _ HAP-.RY&SA.TYER with aliases, I-0. 1240 .-», 1 I-.YT<&#39;1ILE7EA&#39;IUII with aliases, 1.0- 1241 et ll #4/r . Edward Geo:-geBremer,Victim - KIIIIAPING; HARBOR ING AND OBSTRUJTIOR OF JUSTICE; NATIOIIAL FIRELTILTS ACT. &#39; -- .&#39;. I am transmitting herewith to the Cincinnati office, copies of _;,_..&#39;:~ .; 2. F ,. __..,._. additional reports, letters and manorsnda, which are not contained in @_-,=~:{.;2f-<3the files of the Cincinnati office, in connection with the above entitled f,&#39;~.&#39;. &#39; ;*:,.. ,&#39;92_~. matter; as follows: raw; . Conmmicetion: Date: §u&#39;:>mitted by Agent: Chicago sent sh Letter 4/19/35 Jacksonville to Chicago 3219 ~ 4/19/35 Jacksonville to Detroit 3221 " 4/19/35 Detroit to Chicago 3225 1&#39;1 Report 4/ls/so w. I. Birthright 3244 * 4/25/so Kenneth Ingan 5245 Letter 4/22/35 Ins Angeles to Chicago 3246 ~ 4/as/as St.Paul to Chicago 324&#39;: * 4/20/as Ins Angeles to Chicago 3245 Report 4./20/as c. n. mm. :52-ls >-iv ¢ ~P1,:,,- ~ 4/23/:55 .T. H. Hansen 527? ,.: ." , _ I 4/22/as B. F. Fitzsimmons 3252 . ;~ 1&#39;" ~ 4./22/so w. 1*. $ee1&#39;y 5285 1.3- . ft Q -| f -"1 7 ~.:f?6 -- 170 P. serials We are toCincinnati: also transmitting phot oata . e flL~.;.A.Ph. copies pffthe K following I935 -H}92:!;1 APRso ass U igi;;??__.h vcovnzs DESTROYED $9? Q-in? ; F..-* . 270 MAR 251965 -__i@ Q -~-&#39; a_.-- -- .. ..- &#39;7*&#39;nl-111 __ -. _.--..._ -&#39;-<_-_--.~..v-__~,~w.-.--..- vrwv-..%"&#39;~* ~»-----&#39;-rt~r~#-v---r:--Iv-&#39;1--a-~-rwW»-*"&#39;Y-&#39;""" "" ""&#39; O i 1 1.. .3 L4-101 s. I-~l~_* 5. -»2.4.: "4"&#39;*.&#39;. .9. .I-r. ...,_. w»*?. Communication Date: Letter Submitted by Agent: ChgLo_.Ser. t Photostet i c c 5/ 5/54 Director to G:1a.City 141 187 Memoranduzn 5/15/54 Director to Kas.City ~ OPY portion or ransom note Ass istant 142 Report 5/ 5/54 E. E. Anderson to/Director Nathan 186 B37 r-~4~ Letter 10/5/54 Memorandum .5 Letter 10/12/54 r~. 1 I 9/24/ 54 H. H. Reinecko Liemorandum 10/15/54 Director to St.Paul 903 5-;§-_- Letter R. H. Coliin 902 --."..92&#39;.__..» _ -.~.,1r Telegram 11/14/54Chicago to Detroit .».,_-. ,»,._.,_ 1,-3"-..;-;»..3 . Latter Oklahoma City to Director :,_.;;<7f, ,;_--.1 9 10 LY..»; »,_ y 2/1v/55 Jo Lo to R.B¢N8th&n .. 2/24/ 55 Kansas City to Director 109 6 2/z5/ 55 Detroit to San Francisco 2148 2/25/ 55 Detroit to San Francisco an 4/ 6/ $5 Chicago, to Nashville 2232 e 2/21/ 55 Chicago to Detroit . < 2238 1; 1. =1." 1 2249 -a~": .,. 2927A an, . 2155 I 1,- i 5.;-121 --.- 11; .....qq Very truly yours, --_,-_&#39;._;_.. |_.".I . m A |c9292Al>92&#39;; 5;. .--- DPS:ILB m. H. PUHVIS, CC St.Paul Special Agent in Charge. 4 CC Cincinnati withenclosures! i 7-82 .___ ..__1.~._.__.__..-- .-- _.- _ _- H.-._..__._ -w<----"- ---~&#39;<--7.-t ,._._ e.__,_ ,,..,&#39;_,,_._,,.._.,-"-v----r»- -v~~ ""1 &#39;~*""&#39;&#39;*""_" _ . :1:I:I:1:1:1:E1:%§Q&#39;eI:%-$3:33?:1:1:1:3??:3:3AQ0:I:I:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1&#39; "" . - . » - - :I:1:1:1:1:I:1:1?:1:I:23*1:I?&#39;i:~"?:?11"?:i:""I" I"I1I<?&#39; "1:I:I:1:1:1:1:I:1:1:1:1:I:I:1:1:3:1:I:1:E1:1:I:I11:1:3:1:IS:1:1:1:I:I:1:1:1:1:I:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:?." &#39; .
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