215 Parrls Tract 5-21-68 13943^^ Federal Aid 2-7-69 137757 Lot 355 - Write off obligations' Secondary Hwy Urban Extensions re liens - Mayor - BPW .FASUE)-Appls for grant funding for Traf Oper prog -Mayor ^ fashion Industry 2-24-65 122e2(- Federal Aid 2-21-69 142518 LS - Calif Fashion Creators req ' 2ndary Hwy System list-add rKiT'mis Eddie Allen annear in Ccl Topanga Cyn Blvd bet Simi Valley •inform, rlans etc & Ventura Fwy et al-Bemardi-resol Father of the 6-20-68 138000 Federal Aid 3-20-69 l43402 - Year-resol commend Brad Pye Jr- appl to Reg Wtr Quality Contr Bd J Gibson resol for 4 projs-Highland Pk-Glendale Valley Blvd-Lindley Ave - BPW Fatherhood Day 2-20-68 I38OOO Federal-Aid 6-13-69 137757 Gibson designate as & Resol in Type II Sys-Select System congrat So Area Boys' Club- of City Sts-provide $4,584,800 Federal Share 1969-70-Traf Dept "Fatherhood Day 2-14-69 142846 Federal 1-27-6? 132921 designate 2-16-69 - T Bradley= Authorities - loc Customs Servie Resol Fac outside Long Beaeh-LA Harbor areas - City of Long Beach Fed Aviation Agcy 9-30-66 123501^. ' Fault Supl agrmt #1 Lease LAA-873- Control tower Van Nuys Airport See Baldwin Hills Airport Order A0.-l.350, . Federal Aviation 8-21-6? 135709 : Feather River I-I8-65 110909 , Admin-rec autn install pole with- Proj Assoc-Merabershlp for year r navigc-tional device-Inglewood 1965-$5,000 Ave 3iv luterceotor. S.t- BPyf. Federal Aviation 1-30-68 1378?4 Feather River Proj 7-15-65 110909 Admin-lease-remote receiver/trans' Assoc- renewal contract |5»000 slte-W Airline Area-LA Intnl Alrpt prov 1965-66 budget/ Airport CorasnrBd Order A0rl508 . Federal Aviation 2-10-69 142767 Feather River 2-9-66 114934' Admin-req for Aid Fiscal year Proj Assoc - Mo Cclman Potter 1970-Palmdale Airport-Airport attend 1-24-66-San Francisco - Dept Feather River 2^.16-66 1109Q9 ^ Federal Aviation 5-29-69 145482 Froj Assoc- Renewal contract Adm-Agrmt re Radar Site Inter'1 $5,000 1966-6? budget Airport-eff 7-1-69-Airport Comsn Order AO-1658 Federal Agency 1-28-69 142557 Federal Aviation 6-30-69 145942 Resol Off of Emerg Preparedness Admin (FAA)-Lic Agrmt-Instrument req perform emerg work Orovista \, Landing System site LA Intl Airpt Ave-Disaster area-Nowell Airport Comsn Order AO 1669 "Federal Aid 3-10-66 1275^8 ~ FAA Ruling '8-22-69 134964 Hwy Punds-rec Col endorse alloc • Inglewood City sub summary re ptn for dev mass transit system8-\( Responsibility for Noise created SC&FA Comt rept at AirpjortS.....^. _.. : Federal Aid 6-20-65 125344 Resol Depts Heads seek low cost Federal Bldg I-8-65 122184 fin assist rebuild premises ,» req Federal Govt postpone final decision on location Valley Adrain destrovftd.hY-.tiot. j=-^iI.owell- federal Aid 8-13-6? 135139 wisi^tr=^c^^ ^0^-67 136392 ' Rec actn enjoin Fed Legis Calif Co-op Proj - Hyperion treatmt for fds for TOPICS program-Bd Plant - req erap technical pers- Traffic Consnrs _ for duration - Bur_Samit - Mayor Peder^i Aid '""11-20-68" l4i762 Federal Civil 12-15-66126113; Appl Hsng & Urban Dev fin 50^^ i Defense Act-C Piper & C Pahl const fire hydrants & wtr system - execute behalf City appl fin .Jtetts diat_-.K&E.D.et)t,..^..„ _, asst _ „ _. I Fed Aid 2ndary Hwy 11-8-6S 137757 Federal Commun " "4-22-68 139035; Urban Extensions- Eng report ^, Comsn/legis-Nowell-Resol-urge cv progress of FASUE add'l space-Land Mobile ^dlo Services 216 Fed Funds 4-16-69 143806 Federal 4-24-68 137300 Mo invest aco Rainbow Ave Slide "' funded work-training projs- area under Onen Snnce Proo'pnm- H<^yor sub Personnel Ti^f] to «dn»ln Snyder Federal Fds 4-25-69 142849 Federal Funds 10-18-65 125976 Resol file appl for Fed Relra- App for Gen J'ieighborhd Renewal busmt Storm Disaster-fr.1-17-69 Plan-Vernon-Central area & Towe.'^s area, -Commun dedey^Afcv ,„„„^„ Federal Funds 4-25-69 143517 Federal Funds 1-12-66 127939 $55,100 -Calif ccl criminal T Shepard confer Fed Officials- city participate continuous comp ^ Justice -Airborn Television Sys planning-P I^mport mo Federal Funds 5- 2-69 143994 Federal 2-7-66 117470 LA Co Bd Supvsrs appl - Fund - Library Services & Const- Jefferson Branch Drain Proj-, Si j_80O, 000 -Edelraan-Mo-Llb prov Jefferson Bl fr Centlnela-Culver inio- Federal Funds 5-31-66 129876 Federal Funds 5-I6-69 145286 ' retosed for Redev Projs -SC&FA . Maycr-CAO rept-Pol Dept req Comt study effect State Supreme auth partle-Analysls of Robbery Court ruling - lildelman-rtesol Bn-rcrlafv nat-.s - ."fei^i. 000 \ Federal Funds 5-I6-69 14528? Federal Funds 1-24-6? 130997 Mayor-CAO-Pol Dept req auth Req auth As Needed eraploymt partic proj 1st Phase Community pers for NYC Program - CA0_Mayor .\ Relations orocram Federal Fds 6-6-69 145551 'Calif Ccl on Criminal Justice Federal Funds 2-16-6? 133133 Wppl for Police Training Systems Potter resol co-op technical ,^ Xtudy-Police Comsn-Mayor services corporations re appl for a i<9 t.n mim n-wnKlrkmc. „„ ' FecWal Fds 6-6-69 145287 ;i-'ederal Funds 7-24-6? 129596 Cl'lif Ccl on Criminal Justice Watts Happening Coffee Sup #2 ' aiiol-S29,572-evaituation Commun House neg const bldg-1-.o b&S Corasn RfsLations program-Pol Comsn-Mayor dirunt 6 mo ext re vac- Gibson Fed ral Fds 6-17-69 142110 ] Federal Funds 7-24-68 140300 aipl to Ccl on Criminal Justice $65,153 -ETOA-NYC In School Prog finance Narcotic Cont Prog-CAO- f/Hi^Sch Students -City match fds ''^ Po.y.ce Comsn $8,280 - Bradley-Mo r- , Federav Fund 6-24-69" li581& Appl \thru Calif Ccl Criminal Federal Funds 8-20-68 137300 ' 50-50 Citv funding- EYOA 2nd YR' Just;.ce for Pol Training facil- Concentrated Employmt Prograra- Kaybr- Pol Dept Mavor ^ 'Fe/ieral Funds 6-25-69 145829 Federal Funds 10-17-68 135257 /calif Ccl Criminal Justice -appl Auth Dist Cclman secure /train Pol/Fire pers Subsidized Indus Develop use Main Jail-CAO rec P deral Fund IO-16-69 l40848 PederAl iPunds 11-18-68 140848 NDP- $12,580,385- Mayor sub CAO Coramun Redev Agcy appl for Neigh­ jrept-revlev: of proposed Appl borhood Developmt Proarram 1Q6Q '?,; NDP - Mayor -. pi deral Govt IO-7-69 l4?39? • . Federal Funds 3-25-69 142265 /reconsider appl $20,000 & urge ^: Appl for Hwy Safety Grant for ; I Minority Hiring Practices for "Inventory of Elements of Traf ,. (.. Ci-tv. .p.nn.atT» .1oh.a.. ..-. ..-. System" /Federal Grants 8-31-66 II8774 ' Federal I'unds 3-26-69 1434?3 / Atty Opinion re filing sup #6' Req CAO assist obtain for Cultur­ / suits against Fed Govt to al Heritage Bd programs-Mun Art , compel release of funds Dept Fede'ral Oraxit " 10-11-66 129596 ; : Federal Pds ' 4-16-69 l43803 Const Watts Happening Coffee Open Space or Landscape & Scenic:,, House - Req apply for - Ccl of dev1Hwys acq fee or scenic easm- Churches Eagel Rock Rldge-Rec/Pk invest Federal Grant 10-14-66 126368 i Federal Pds '4-^16-69 i43iB03 CAO report re prop objectives Open Space Program-Mo invest acq scenic easmt Eagle Rock Ridge-, Community Analysis Program -Snyder 217 Federal Grant 4-26-6? 129055 Federal Grant 6-16-69 145680 Demolition Program -Grant §2 Urban Beautification - city CAO rept Beautificatn Coord apply -BPW .Federal Grant 1-30-68 137890 ' Federal Grant 6-26-69 145850 Dept Hsng/Urban Dev/City LA Join' Appl to Calif Ccl on Criminal LA Co Fid Contrl Dist-req-Torrance Justice-demonstrate & evaluate Lateral Pro! Drainaee-Bradley-resol Closed Circuit TV-Pol Comsn-Mayor ' Federal Grants 3-27-68 133659 Federal Grant 6-30-69 145941 Auth Eng sign all documents Pol Comsn-appl for dev of Managmt Dev Prog & Center-train pers in accepting for sewacre .wor^^s-CiO Law Enforcement ^ • Mayor Federal Grant 7-2-69 145972 \ ;Federal Grant 4-15-68 138924 Human .Relatns Bur-promote Appl for NLS/U3CM Transp Prog Fd compliance vjlth non-discriminatn - trsnsp f/Surrmier Youth Prog - ord-Mayor-CAO $43,120 - Mavor arJv ar-nl ?-iTc>^ ; Federal Grant 4-15-6d ^ 1-38931 ' Federal.Grant 7-I6-69 14568O appl -Traffic Dept-accident " . Mayor-CAO-BPW direct City^ Beautificatn Coord appl US Dept Information System-Mayor Housing & approp $10,900 Federal Grant 9-17-69 145680 Federal Grant 6-26-68 139888 Appl-for Urban Beautification- Appl & alloc $74,000-Gas Tax Fds ' City Beautificatn Coordinator for Jefferson Blyd Ext Storm Drain Norton to Farmdale Aves-Eng-Mavor $1,005,322 ;Federal Grant 7-18-68 l40l89 Federal Grant 9-18-69 137626 Appl-5 projs for sewerage update ' $280,000-$60,000-2nd Amendatory' So Calif AsBof of Governmts- Contract-Comm Renewal Prop-Model review staterant Cities-Svimmer Youth Prog-Mayor I Federal Grants 9-24-68 137757 Federal Grant 9-26-69 140090 Gov eff & SCFA - rec adopt City- BPW auth Eng file appl for Pol "Coord & Admin of Grants & Happy Valley Storm Drain Ext Tech Assist.fr oth.Jurisdietns ' Units 1 & 2 'Federal Grant 11-12-68 I4l6l9 Federal Grants 10-16-69 142922; Prop training station Term Island Property owners for Assmt St Ltg' Chatsworth Lake-recom Initiate CAO rept to PW Comt action re - Fire Dept • Federal Grant 11-21-68 l4l?74 Federal Grant 10-23-69 l4o848 Appl to Natl Inst Mental Hlth re ' NDP.
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