• • PRODUCTION GUIDE by Jose Arroyo Wordsworth . d, Wayne Moss , Stan Swan , Michael McNamara , Eleanor Lindo, Richard Mortimer concert d, Ron Meraska choreograpy CBC VANCOUVER COMMUNICATIONS he following is a list of films in production (actually before cameras) Don Calderwood marketing! pub, Pamela (604) 662-6241 CLAUDE HEROUX and tn negottatton tn Canada. Needless to say , the films which are Keary prod, co-ord JUlie Ouesnelle prod , co­ still in the project stage are subject to changes. A third categorY ,ln ord (talent) Virginia Glbberd prod, sec , Valerie THE BEACHCOMBERS (514) 842-6633 T Weekly teleVISion series cetebrating ItS 16th sea­ Weiss, Colleen Durning sc , sup, Larysa Fenyn Pre·Production, will be used to indicate films which are in active pre-pro­ son thiS year. 21 1!2 hour shows shot on location FORMULE 1 1st a.d, Rita Picard 2nd a,d, David Bailey 3rd duction , having set a date for the beginning of principal photography and in Gibsons , B.C. Filming runs from April through A TV series of 13 x 1 hr. programs which tell the a,d, Frank Del Maschlo loc, man , Aldan Cos­ being engaged in casting and crewing . Films are listed by the name of the September. exec , p, Brian McKeown p, Gordon story of two race-car dnvers and their families . grave loc, co-ord Cahrles Sherman craft, servo Mark prod , man, Jam Durban story ed. Karen The senes starts shooting In early Apnl," France , company which initiated the project, or with whi ch the project is popularly Ann Perez prod , asst. (children'S co-ord) Petersen technical advisor John Smith 1st Canada, the U.S.A. , Portugal , Spa in, Hungary . associated . This is not necessarily the name of the production company. Miche lle Frey art d, Pem Gorrara assoc , art d, asst. d, Atex Pappas , Jim Long art d, Lawrence Austna , Italy, Japan , Mexico and Eng ta nd . exec, Ray Lorenz prop. master Ian Gneg set dresser! Where the two companies are different, the name of the production com­ Collett spfx John Sleep costume design Ph ilip p, Claude Heroux , Jean-Daniel Verhaeghe buyer Ann Christensen props asst. Doug pany, if known , tS also given . In instances where a produ ce r has asked us Ballele d,o,p, Ken Gregg various d, include assoc , p, Roger Heroux , Ph iti ppe Allaire d, McCultough, Blair Robins ward Linda Muir ward , not to list a project , or to withhold certain credits due to ongoing negotiations, Don S. Williams , AI Simmonds , Neill Fearnley. Nardo Castillo , Jacques Ertaud SC , Robert Geof· asst . Jane Fieber prod , asst. (elephant dres­ Ric Bearsto, Brad Turner, Charles. W,tklnson t.p, frion Bondfleld Marcoux, Sylvain Saada. we have respected hisfher request. The guide only lists productions or series ser) Carolyn Simmons make-up Linda Bradley Bruno Gerussi. Robert Clothier, Jackson Da Vies, Richard MalbeqUi . The $13 -million senes Will be whose duration will be one hour or over. hair Nicola Keppler technical d, Eric Grant 1st Pat John , Mananne Jones , Chartene Aleck, Rae shot In both French and English . A Canada­ Please telephone additions and up-dates tnfo rmation to : cam, Simon Dalrympte lighting d, Roger Bate Brown, Dion Luther, Joe Austin, Shirley France co-production produced by Communica­ lighting asst. Tom Bale key grip Cynthia Bar­ Cinema Canada (416) 596·6829 or (514) 272·5354 Brodenck , Cam Bancron , Cory Douglas. tIOns Claude Heroux and Vamp Productions . low grip asst.T ,m Wolochatluk m, prod! sd, pub, Lise Dandurand , Pascale Hebert, Com­ consult and rec, Chad Irschick. ed , Michael FILM CREDIT ABBREVIATIONS munipresse (51 4) 522-1813 McNamara , Phil Kates on line ed, Bob Fought y CFCF d. director asst. d. assistant director s.c. script adapt. adaptation dial. dialogue ph.ldop. live concert mix Richard Horbatiuk concert photography sp. ph. efx. special photographic eHects ed. editor sup. ed. supervisi ng editor make-up Debbie Drenman casting Anne Talt (5 14) 273-6311 sd. sound sd. ed. sound editor sd . ree. sound recording p. des. production designer art. d. t.p, Sharon Hampson, LOIS Llliensteln, Bram MCGOWAN'S WORLD COSCIENT INC. art director set dec. set decorator m. music cost. costumes I.p. leading players exec. p. Momson , EriC Nagler, Paula Gallivan Sharon , A Talk show! lifestyle TV series . p, lsolt Patak­ (514) 284-2525 executive producer p. producer assoc. p. associate producer line p. line producer p. sup. Lois and Bram management Elephant Re­ falvi asst. p, Luba Danylewick I.p, Don McGo­ production supervisor p. man. production manager p.c. production company dist. distributor cords/ Molly thom , Stephen Berofe, Alan Nagel , wan LES CARNETS DE LOUISE An asterisk (+) following the film 's title Indicates financial participation by Telefilm Canada's Elen Rosenberg , Ana Coutinho Eric Nagler TV series. 52 shows. p, Richard Lafemere . Lau­ Broadcast Program Development Fund . man . Shelly McCarthy special guests (tenta­ REFLECTIONS ren t Gaudreau d.lco-ord , Andre Guerard d. tive list) Kate and Anna McGamgle, Bruce P,r­ TV senes p, Peter Au asst. p. Lyse Fournier re­ Launer Bonin, LOUIS Fau re search Joan Takefman. ne , Don Cutlen, Roy Woodsworth , Murray PLAYBACK McLaughtln, Max Aka Chubby, Sam Moses, MUSIC VISION Belrdo Brothers and Sister Sheila, Shuffle De­ TV senes. 39 episodes x 48 min . p, Richard TV series. p, Peter King d, Stephen Lanthier ON LOCATION mons, Jayne Eastwood , Robert Desrosiers , The La femere , Laurent Gaudreau d.l concept. Jean asst. d, MarCia Coulfletd Mammoth Bant , Toll er Cranston , Ron Rubin m, Leclerc d.lco-ord , Gaston Gagnon d, Gaston d, Ray Parker, Joe Hampson musicians Bill Gagnon senes Produced In Toronto and dlstnbuted by Beecron, Don Englert, Charles Gray , Henry Hell­ MTS Entertainment In the United States and CFCN TELEVISION ALLIANCE ENTERTAIN­ IIg, Scott Invine , Brian Leonard , GUido Luciani, Cinar Films In Canada . It will be alnng In Sep­ D.B. PRODUCTIONS INC. Paut Mills, En c Nagler, Lome Nehnng , Ray (403) 240-5600 MENT CORPORATION tember 1987. The merchandising handled by Parker, Rom Szczesniak , Graham Town send, INSIDE THE OLYMPICS FOR CBC/ WALT DISNEY Head Office (416) 967-1174/ Mattei Inc . Inclu des an Interactive toy tine that ai­ Jaxk laza core children Alex Armitage-House , A senes of 8 1!2 hour programs that capture at t (604) 298-7291 tows viewers to partiCipate In the adventures of Robin Bleasdale, MarjOrie Cron, Daccia Bloom­ (514) 284-9354 'Captain Power '. of Ihe exc itement. activity, people and events field, Phyllis Newman, Trevor Chee-A-Tow, th at are shaping the XV Olympic Winter games. DANGER BAY ADDERLY Sarah Dunning , Kate and Daniel Gadsby, Fayez Prod uction commenced Jan . 1, 1987, wrapping A TV series shooting from May 4to Oct . 9. exec, 22 x 1hour shows shooting until January . An ad­ BAR HARBOUR FILMS Muhtadle , Kafi Pierre , Cara Pifko, Lindsay Jan. 31 . 1988. Currently sold to CFTO, CFR N, p. Paul Saltzman p, John Eckert d. various prod , venture/comedy about an intelligence agent with Rayman, Chad Rohee, Marlow Vella , Paul lar­ CJOH . and CKY, sup. p, Brian Vos p, Gord Enno man, Harold Tichenor prod, co-ord, Alice Fer­ a disability exec, p, Robert Cooper, Jerry Golod (416) 532-1800 nett. d, Gord Enno, Dave Oberg, Ed Gatzke sc, Kathy rier lac. man. George Horie cast. d. Tri sh Robin­ p, Jonathan Hackett d, Joe Scanlan, George THE RETURN OF HICKEY, Reno host Gord Kelly reporters Marie Hohtanz, son art d, Tom Duquette lead hand const. David Bloomfield , Jorge MonteSI , Tim Bond, Don Ken Newans, Russ Peake , Cathy Sproule, Brian Tait t.p, Donnelly Rhodes. Hagen Beggs, Susan McBrearty, Bruce Pittman ed, Jeff Warren , A two-hour made-for-TV movie about life in a pri­ CANNELL FILMS OF vate boys ' school at the turn of the century. For Pockar and Jar! Omholt-Jensen . Walden, Ocean Hellman . Christopher Crabb. James Lahti, Rich ard Wells d,o.p, Bob Fresco ENTERTAINMENT! MALOFILM PRODUC­ art d. Gavin Mitchell t.p. Jonathan Welsh, Ken American Playhouse. Produced In conjuction CANADA LTD. WHOOPTIES with R.JR. Enterpnses p, Martin Harbury, Ron TIONS Pogue, (604) 683-2362 Last two episodes In a series of four priine-tlme Kahn , Tom Kahn d, Alan Goldstein t.p, Albert 112 hour family dramas . Based upon the stage (514) 878-9181 DIAMONDS Schultz, Nicholas Rave, Robert Joy, lack J. J. STARBUCK plays of Calgary Writers Hal Kerbes and Heather A fast-paced , light mystery-adventure series. Gallgher, Josh Hamilton, Steve BaldWin, Hans A TV senes of 13 episodes . Shooting from May PIN Mitchell. Production from Sept. 15 to Oct . 31 . A theatncal feature film to begin shooting August PrinCipal photography on the 13 one-hour Engle. DaVid Orth. The film began shooting in To­ 12 to Sept. '87 . exec , p. J. Rickley Dumm p. John exec, p, Bri an Vos p.ld. Floyd Lansing p, des, 24. p, Rene Malo , Pierre DaVid line, p. Jeff episodes began July 19. The series is produced ronto Aug . t4 . Kousakis d. various prod , man , Rand y Chevel­ Bruce Sinski light. dir. Sid Bailey post prod, Sniderman art d, F ran~ois Seguin casting by All iance Entertainment Corporation in assocI ­ dave prod , co-ord Valerie McNicol loc, man , Dave Oberg Stuart Aikins Casting Inc , Elite Productions. ation with Grosso-Jacobson Productions for the Dennis Moore!Kirk Johns cast. d. Jill Scott. t.p, budget $3.5 mil lion. CBS and Global TeleVision Networks. To be BRAC PRODUCTIONS Da le Robertson . Producllon Office No. 734- broadcast in the Fall. exec, p. Sonny Grosso, (604) 433-4422 2362 . CHAMPLAIN Larry Jacobson p. Jeff King sup. p. Stephen J FILMLINE Roth d. George Mendeluk and others sc.
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