published by the liberal party of s.a. VOL. 4 No. 3 AUGUST, 1965 THIS STRANGE PHENOMENON LIBERAL OBINKSN Subscription is (Alan Paton's address at the opening of the 75 cents (7/6) for 6 issues. National Conference of the Liberal Party, 9th July, 1965.) Dr. Brookes, Ladies and Gentlemen, I should like to join our National Chair­ man in welcoming you here this evening, and in welcoming delegates from other parts of EDITOR : Natal and South Africa. I am very sorry that our ex-National Chairman cannot be here to Room 1, 268 Longrnarket Street, Pieter- welcome you also, but, as you know, he can­ maritzburg. not have anything to do with us, he cannot attend meetings, and he cannot go outside the area to which he is confined. Why th?s was done to him no one knows. No charge has ever been laid against him. No proof has ever been offered of his offence. He has never appeared before any court. Without trial he was sentenced to five years' detention in the Pietermaritzburg area. IN THIS ISSUE: We here tonight remember him and some 30 others who have paid the same price for their beliefs. We have here the strange 1 THIS STRANGE PHENOMENON phenomenon of people who would rather lose their freedom than give up their belief in it. 2 MORE ON AFRICAN NATIONALISM MAGNIFICENT White South Africa is very sick. It has the 3 UNIVERITAS BOUND same sickness as affected Germany under Hitler. It is terrified of its Government, and one must admit that its Government has terrifying powers. But this terror does not show itself as such—it shows itself as courage, die in the haven of their families, will not let patriotism and magnificent self-certitude. It them return and die. must do this, otherwise it would not dare to What could be slyer thanj the activities of look at itself. the S.A.B.C., which day by day smears I am absolutely fascinated that at a time eminent South Africans with hints and smirks when Liberalism has been so weakened by Mr. and innuendoes, and never allows one of them Vorster's attacks, and when so many Liberals to make any reply? May I be allowed to say have been silenced and banned, and when so from this public platform that I feel nothing many South Africans, not all of them white, but the utmost contempt for the S.A.B.C.? have become afraid of the Liberal taint—I am fascinated to find that our rulers are still afraid Is Peter Brown sly ? Or David Craighead ? of it. Take courage from that. We may be Or Elliott Mngadi ? Or EL V. Mahomed ? They silenced, we may be banned, but our ideas got into trouble, not because they are sly, but and ideals speak as loudlly as ever. Mrs. because they are open. I think Mrs. Verwoerd Verwoerd, in a recent, and I must say very is ill-advised when she makes such am obser­ unbecoming speech, dwelt on the dangers of vation. Liberalism, on the dangers of a creed whose upholders have been mercilessly dealt with by SEXUAL ABERRATIONS her smiling husband, and by his more appro­ priately visaged lieutenant, Mr. Vorster. I think she is worse than ill-advised when What is she afraid of? Her husband has she repeats a rumour that she has heard! about all the power in the world, He can insult some of our South African Universities, and the America and Britain and Russia and China sexual aberrations of some of their women with impunity. And here in his own country students. A woman in Mrs. Verwoerd's posi­ he can destroy the personalities of others, so tion, if she is to make such attacks, the pro­ that they betray their friends and desert their priety of which I doubt, should make them own beliefs, and strengthen his unholy cause. categorically. She brought discredit on her What is Mrs. Verwoerd afraid of ? I shall tell high position by doing it the way she did, and you a thing that she is afraid of: She is afraid if she is to make any more such speeches, I that her own Afrikaans youth (for I do not hope she will make them in a more responsible think she cares much for any other) is re­ and seemly manner. belling against the straitjacket of Afrikaner And here I cannot help referring to the Nationalism, that her own Afrikaner writers are plaintive speech of Dr. Eric Louw, who as rebelling against the obnoxious creed that all Foreign Minister did more damage to South literature must be palatable to the Broeder- Africa than any Foreign Minister before him. bond, that her own Afrikaner churchmen are Dr. Louw's plaint is that he offered diplomatic rebelling against the sterile doctrine of representatoin to Malagasy and that country separateness, and are reaching out to touch wouldn't accept it. How shocking of Mala­ their brothers of other races. gasy ! But it is possible that Malagasy had heard that Dr. Louw, when he was Mr. Louw, SLY? was in the habit of referring to sections of the u She calls Liberalism sly. What could be South African people as "kaffers", and hot- slyer than the activities of her husband's In­ nots", and "koelies". Yet it never occurs to formation Services ? They concentrate on two Dr. Louw that it is Mr. Louw who must bear a things; the beauty of separate development great share of the responsibility for this which is a myth, and the improvements in reaction from Malagasy. The blame always hospitalisation and housing, which are real. falls on somebody else. But one thing is left out altogether, and that is All of you know that the Liberal Party has the cruelty that is inseparable from separate suffered heavily from, the banning of so many development, the cruelty that prevents two of its leading members. We would not be Indian parents living in South Africa from human if we did not sometimes feel discour­ having their child with them because it was aged. It is idle to say that if one is struck born in India; the cruelty that robs people of down, ten will rise up to take his or her place. that little land they possess and tells them to When the one struck down is a person like return to the farm or the tribe, the cruelty that Peter Brown or David Craighead or Elliott bans people to remote areas, and when they Mngadi or Peter Hjul, it is a question, not of are old and ailing, and want only to return and finding ten, but of finding one to take his place. 2 LIBERAL OPINION AUGUST, 1965 HOLLANDERS FREE open and legitimate. I could recount a great I repeat tonight what has already been number of such happenings, and could sub­ said by our National Chairman, Dr. Brookes, stantiate them. It is difficult to escape the con­ and our National Vice-President, Advocate clusion that the security police are being de­ Unterhalter, that there is a clear plan to cripple liberately used to intimidate the Party, which, the Party, not by banning it, but by banning according to Dr. de Wet, has every oppor­ its leading and active members. The Govern­ tunity to work out its own destiny. ment does not wish to ban the Party, because There is another conclusion difficult to in so far as it is sensitive to world opinion, it is escape. It is undoubtedly difficult to ferret out sensitive on that count. Our Ambassador in the single individual who writes scurrilous and London, Dr. Carel de Wet, has assured the Bri­ threatening anonymous letters. Yet if anyone tish Liberal Party that the South African Liberal were to organise such letters, and were to send Party has every opportunity to work out its them to members of the Broederbond through­ own destiny. This assertion is utterly false. out the country, one feels that the C.I.D. would Were our banned members free to oppose? make tremendous efforts to find him. One The only people in this country who are free feels, on the other hand*—and I do not like to to oppose their governments are the Holland­ say this—that if anyone organises threatening ers! and the Danes; they are not only free to letters, and sends them to members of the oppose, they are positively encouraged to do Liberal Party, or the Black Sash, or Defence so. What a strange irony that the Nationalists, and Aid, or the Christian Institute, or if anyone who condemn so strongly those who oppose should smash the windows or windscreens or their Government, approve so strongly when other property of such persons, or set their cars the Hollanders oppose theirs ! What a strange on fire, the amount of effort put in is much less. irony that the Minister who so sternly enforces There is another thing I should like to know, obedience to authority, was a leading member and that is if the security police have been of an organisation that would have plunged given power to call off the ordinary police in this country into civil war if Hitler had been certain cases, because I was once involved in more successful! One is reminded of the a case where that seemed to me to be the story of the big business man who was trying position. to persuade other rich men to invest with him, and said when he had finished, "Well, gentle­ "WIT HAND" men, those are my principles, and if you don't like them, I've got others".
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