![Arxiv:Math/0212058V2 [Math.DG] 18 Nov 2003 Nosbrusof Subgroups Into Rdc C.[Oc 00 Et .].Eape O Uhsae a Spaces Such for Examples 3.2])](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
THE SPINOR BUNDLE OF RIEMANNIAN PRODUCTS FRANK KLINKER Abstract. In this note we compare the spinor bundle of a Riemannian mani- fold (M = M1 ×···×MN ,g) with the spinor bundles of the Riemannian factors (Mi,gi). We show that - without any holonomy conditions - the spinor bundle of (M,g) for a special class of metrics is isomorphic to a bundle obtained by tensoring the spinor bundles of (Mi,gi) in an appropriate way. For N = 2 and an one dimensional factor this construction was developed in [Baum 1989a]. Although the fact for general factors is frequently used in (at least physics) literature, a proof was missing. I would like to thank Shahram Biglari, Mario Listing, Marc Nardmann and Hans-Bert Rademacher for helpful comments. Special thanks go to Helga Baum, who pointed out some difficulties arising in the pseudo-Riemannian case. We consider a Riemannian manifold (M = M MN ,g), which is a product 1 ×···× of Riemannian spin manifolds (Mi,gi) and denote the projections on the respective factors by pi. Furthermore the dimension of Mi is Di such that the dimension of N M is given by D = i=1 Di. The tangent bundle of M is decomposed as P ∗ ∗ (1) T M = p Tx1 M p Tx MN . (x0,...,xN ) 1 1 ⊕···⊕ N N N We omit the projections and write TM = i=1 TMi. The metric g of M need not be the product metric of the metrics g on M , but L i i is assumed to be of the form c d (2) gab(x) = Ai (x)gi (xi)Ai (x), T Mi a cd b for D1 + + Di−1 +1 a,b D1 + + Di, 1 i N ··· ≤ ≤ ··· ≤ ≤ In particular, for those metrics the splitting (1) is orthogonal, i.e. the frame bundle of M can be reduced to a SO(D1) SO(DN )-principal bundle, and this is arXiv:math/0212058v2 [math.DG] 18 Nov 2003 ×···× isomorphic to the product of the frame bundles over Mi. The explicit form of the isomorphism is (3) PSO(M ) PSO(MN ) (E (x ),...,EN (xN )) 1 × ∋ 1 1 (A (x)E (x ),...,AN (x)EN (xN )) PSO(M) 7→ 1 1 1 ∈ It is clear that such a manifold need not have a splitting of the holonomy group into subgroups of SO(Di), which would lead to an, at least local, Riemannian product (cf. [Joyce 2000, sect. 3.2]). Examples for such spaces are the Eguchi Date: November 2, 2018. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 15A66, 53C27, 53C20, This text is part of the authors PhD. thesis [Klinker 2003]. 1 2 FRANK KLINKER 3 2 3 Hanson space – where we have M Ê S with metric α(r)dr + hr(S ) – or warped products of metrics. ⊂ × We consider spinor bundles Si over Mi and we are going to construct a bundle S over M from these spinor bundles. We will discuss what conditions are necessary for the bundle S to be the spinor bundle over M and how we have to modify the given Clifford multiplication on Si to extend it to S. As is well known, the Clifford algebra of the sum of two vector spaces is the (Z2-graded) tensor product of the Clifford algebras of the two summands (This is denoted by Cℓ(V W )=Cℓ(V ) Cℓ(W ) in [Lawson and Michelsohn 1989]). Of course this is not⊕ restricted to two⊗ factors, but can be iterated. The case of two factors, i.e. N = 2, will always beb emphasized. ∗ We consider the pullback bundles p Si M of Si over M and once more we i → omit the projections in our further notation. From Si we construct a bundle W on M W = (S+ S−) (S+ S−) 1 ⊕ 1 ⊗···⊗ N ⊕ N N N (4) = Sǫi Sǫi . i ⊕ i ǫ1+···+ǫ =0 i=1 ǫ1+···+ǫ =1 i=1 MN O MN O For N = 2 this is W =(S+ S−) (S+ S−) 1 ⊕ 1 ⊗ 2 ⊕ 2 = S+ S+ S− S− S+ S− S− S+ 1 ⊗ 2 ⊕ 1 ⊗ 2 ⊕ 1 ⊗ 2 ⊕ 1 ⊗ 2 ǫi 1 The bundles Si are subbundles of Si with the Z2-degree defined by the label Z ǫi = Z2. This induces on W the natural 2-grading given by the decomposition ǫ ǫ1 ǫn (4). An element Ξ W is called totally homogenous, if Ξ = ξ1 ξN , i.e. it has only contributions∈ from one of the summands in the decomposit⊗···⊗ion (4). We will use the multi index notation ǫ = (ǫ1,...,ǫN ). The subbundles of Si are chosen in such a way that the Clifford multiplication ± ∓ acts via TMi S S , i.e. ⊗ i → i + − ξi Xiξi 0 Xi (5) Xiξi = Xi − = + = ξi. ξ X ξ Xi 0 i i i + − Clifford multiplication is an odd operation on S S , i.e. Xiφi = φi + 1. i ⊕ i | | | | We will consider the continuation of this to the bundle W . Therefore we in- troduce the linear map δk : W W , which is defined by its action on totally homogenous elements Ξǫ = ξǫ1 → ξǫN 1 ⊗···⊗ N ǫ ǫ1+···+ǫk−1 ǫ (6) δk(Ξ ) = ( ) Ξ − δk can be seen as the sign, we get by “putting an odd operator acting on Sk at the right place in the tensor product”. We define δ1 = id. 1 We identify Z2 = {0=+, 1= −}. THESPINORBUNDLEOFRIEMANNIANPRODUCTS 3 ǫ ǫ1 ǫN For X = X1 + +XN TM and totally homogenous Ξ = ξ1 ξN W we define ··· ∈ ⊗··· ⊗ ∈ N ǫ ǫ (7) XΞ := (1 AiXi 1) Ξ i=1 ⊗···⊗ ⊗···⊗ N X ǫ ǫ1 ǫi ǫN = δi(Ξ )ξ AiXiξi ξ . i=1 1 ⊗···⊗ ⊗···⊗ N In particular for N =2 X (X + X )Ξ(ǫ1,ǫ2) = (1 A X + A X 1)Ξ(ǫ1,ǫ2) 1 2 ⊗ 1 1 2 2 ⊗ = A X ξǫ1 ξǫ2 + ( )ǫ1 ξǫ1 A X ξǫ2 1 1 1 ⊗ 2 − 1 ⊗ 2 2 2 Proposition 1. Let (M,g), (Mi,gi), Si and W be as before. The Clifford relation (8) (XY + YX)Ξ = 2g(X, Y )Ξ − holds for all X, Y TM and Ξ W . ∈ ∈ Proof. Because of linearity it is sufficient to prove the statement for Xi TMi and ǫ ∈ Yj TMj and totally homogenous Ξ . We have to distinguish the cases i = j and ∈ ǫ ǫ δk(Ξ ) i < k i < j. We recall the property δk(XiΞ )= − ǫ . δk(Ξ ) i k ( ≥ With these informations we get ǫ (XiYj + Yj Xi)Ξ = ǫ ǫ1 ǫj ǫN = Xiδj (Ξ )ξ Aj Yj ξ ξ 1 ⊗···⊗ j ⊗···⊗ N ǫ ǫ1 ǫi ǫN + Yj δi(Ξ )ξ AiXiξ ξ 1 ⊗···⊗ i ⊗···⊗ N ǫ ǫ ǫ1 ǫi ǫj ǫN δi(Aj Yj Ξ )δj (Ξ )ξ1 AiXiξi Aj Yj ξj ξN ⊗···⊗ ⊗···⊗ ⊗···⊗ǫ +δ (A X Ξǫ)δ (Ξǫ)ξǫ1 A X ξǫi A Y ξ j ξǫN i < j = j i i i 1 i i i j j j N ǫ ǫ ǫ1 ⊗···⊗ ǫi ⊗···⊗ ǫN ⊗···⊗ δi(Ξ )δi(Ξ )ξ (AiXi)(AiYi)ξ ξ 1 i N ǫ ǫ ⊗···⊗ǫ1 ⊗···⊗ǫi ǫN +δi(Ξ )δi(Ξ )ξ (AiYi)(AiXi)ξ ξ i = j 1 ⊗···⊗ i ⊗···⊗ N 0 i < j = ǫ1 ǫi ǫN ǫ (ξ (AiXiAiYi + AiYiAiXi)ξ ξ = g(Xi, Yi)Ξ i = j 1 ⊗···⊗ i ⊗···⊗ N ǫ ǫ = 2gi(AiXi, AiYj )Ξ = 2g(Xi, Yi)Ξ − − ǫi Up to now we did not specify the subbundles of Si Si. We have to distinguish two different situations: ⊂ n If dim Mi =2ni is even, the bundle Si (of rank 2 i ) itself admits a natural • Z2-grading induced by the volume element. And we take exactly this one. n If dim Mi = 2ni + 1 is odd, the spinor bundle Si (of rank 2 i ) does not • admit a natural Z2-grading. In this case we double the bundle and define + − Si := Si and Si := ΠiSi. 4 FRANK KLINKER + − − + In this definition of the subbundles, Πi : Si Si Si Si denotes the parity + − ± ∓ 2 ⊕ → ⊕ operator with (Πi(S S )) = S and Π = id. Explicitly we have i ⊕ i i i ξ+ ξ− (9) Π i = i . i ξ− ξ+ i i The parity operator is naturally extended to W by its action on totally homogenous elements N 1 ǫ1+···+ǫi−1 ǫ1 ǫi ǫN (10) Π(Ξ) = ( ) ξ Πiξ ξ √ − 1 ⊗···⊗ i ⊗···⊗ N N i=1 X where we use that the parity operator is formally odd. The proof for Π2 = id is similar to that for the Clifford relation. Let Ne and No be the number of even and odd dimensional manifolds in the product M = M1 MN , respectively (i.e. Ne + No = N). The dimension of ×···× N the product manifold is dim M = 2n + No with n := i=1 ni and the rank of the bundle W is 2n+No . P No The spinor bundle of M should have the rank 2n+[ 2 ]. We will construct a subbundle S of W of this rank. The trick is to diagonalize some of the bundles which come from the odd di- mensional manifolds. The diagonalization is denoted by ∆ and the bundle S is constructed as follows: No 2 Choose No [ 2 ] of the odd dimensional bundles and consider the subbundle S W given by− ⊂ No Ne N−No+[ 2 ] N (11) S := Si (Sj Πj Sj ) ∆(Sk ΠkSk) ⊗ ⊕ ⊗ ⊕ i=1 j=N +1 No O Oe k=N−NOo+[ 2 ]+1 which has the rank 2K with No Ne N−No+[ 2 ] N No K = ni + nj + (N No + [ ] Ne)+ nk − 2 − i=1 j=N +1 No X Xe k=N−NXo+[ 2 ]+1 N N N = n + [ o ] = n + [ o ] i 2 2 i=1 X We specialize this to the case N = 2: dim M =2n, dim M =2m: S over M = M M is given by •1 1 2 1 × 2 (12) S = S S 1 ⊗ 2 dim M =2n, dim M =2m + 1: The subbundle S over M is given by •2 1 2 (13) S = S ∆(S Π S ) S S .
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