It ROCKY MOUNTAIN THE EVENING STAR. Washington. D. C. •• A-7 Bible WEDNESDAY, > Thornton Loses j Has Edge NOVEMBER 7. IM* In Nevada Fight RALEIGH HABERDASHER, WASHINGTON AND CHEVY CHASE "¦¦¦¦ * Welker Beaten RENO, Nov. 7 UP).~-Democratic In Senatorj Alan Bible jumped Into Colorado jia slim lead for the late Senator Pat McCarran's Senate iead early THURSDAY STORE HOURS: Downtown, 12 Soon to 9 P.M.: Chevy Chase, 9:30 to 9 P.M. | In Idaho Race ! today. A.M. Idaho, Nov. UP).— Senate With 295 of Nevada’s 347 pre- .BOISE. 7 Race cincts reporting, * " Idaho shifted from the Republi- covering about > ' : ’/• <t *? 80 per cent of the f- ¦ can to the Democratic column in DENVER. Nov. 7 UP).—Presi- I estimated 90.- electing dent Eisenhower scored sweep- 000 vote. Senator Bible led Re- a United States Sena- a publican1 yesterday's general Ing victory Representative Clifton tor in elec- In Colorado, his West- Young,1 overwhelmingly 36.360 to 35.058. tion. but voted era vacation In yesterday's home. Democrat Walter Baring, for- for the re-election of President election but friend, Eisenhower. his former mer two-term Congressman, was Gov. The State re-elected its two Dan Thornton, was beaten leading Republican Richard Hor- incumbent Representatives in for the United States Senate. ton 36.288 to 33,199 for Nevada’s . our one Congress, one a Democrat, the Mr. Thornton House seat. Twist conceded Scotsdale this a Republican. The Republicans led early other morning that he had been de- until Church, 32-year-old tabulation started in heavily Frank by Boise attorney, won the United feated John A. Carroll. 55- Democratic Clark County. Las Stales Senate seat for the Dem- year-old former Fair Deal Con. Vegas. ocrats by defeating Republican gre.ssman from Denver who was In the 295 precincts. President suit BRITISH IMPORTED worsted Senator Herman Welker. Former Bit/' of making his third try. Eisenhower’s margin over Adlai Senator Glen Taylor, who lost Stevenson 42,515 to 29,362. Democrat Stephen L. R. Mc- was the Democratic nomination to Nichols, Church, by a margin only 42. was elected Gover- Mr. of nor, Alva B. Adams, cincts: 200 votes’ in the primary then ,jr„ Demo- Mr. Eisenhower 371,714, crat and son Stevenson, re-entered the lists as a write-in of a former United Adlai 246.245. • A States Senator, is a winner stamina and ¦Pit was locked in a 1,665 candidate less than a month ago, JH Senator, precincts: Mr. for style close battle trailed far behind. FRANK CHURCH with Republican Carroll 300,455, Mr. Thornton Congressman J. Edgar Cheno- 294.334. Mr. Church and Senator Victor Over Welker weth. Welker engaged in a bitter cam- —AP Photo Governor, 1,672 precincts: Mr. paign. each accusing the other The unofficial vote: iMcNichols 312,597, Mr. Brotz- of receiving questionable sup- Church’s first for a major politi- President, 1.681 of 1,790 pre- nian 291.862 cal office. ' port. Mr. Church contended RALEIGH HABERDASHER money for Senator Welker's ex- President Elsenhower won penses came from “oil and gas Idaho's four electoral votes byi interests in the Southwest" in iust about the same margin as years payment for Senator Welker’s: he did four ago. races, 50 voting for the natural gas bill, j In the congressional | Senator Welker said Mr, Democratic Representative Church's support came from •Grade Pfost, a Nampa real Botany Suburban “radicals eggheads.’’ estate broker, defeated a former rW and 69 newspaperwoman, Tire campaign was Mr. Republican Louise Shadduck of Coeur v7f . j D’Alene, in the Ist district. Exclusively at Raleigh T Montana Governor In the 2d district. Republican Coats span a man's Representative Hamer Budge of Downtown and Chevy Chase ? Boise was elected to his fourth L Race Is Heated term, defeating a political new- HELENA, Mont., Nov. 7 (Spe- comer, Democrat John Reynolds, ley cials—Gov. J. Hugo Aronson,; ~ bur farmer. Republican, and Democratic’ : State offices were not at stake. town-country life challenger Arnold Olsen H. were ! Unofficial tabulations of the! running closely today for the ! voting gave these totals: Montana governorship, with the Democrat slightly in the lead. 1 For President—646 precincts iof 893, President . exclusively at Raleigh With returns still incomplete, Eisenhower. • 112,157; Democrat Adlai Steven- Mr. Olsen had polled 47,108 votes > son, 73,353. to 43,475 for Gov. Aronson. For Serfktor—464 precincts of' In returns from 283 out of 893, Mr. 101,819: 1.021 j Church. Sena-: boxes in the presidential 1 tor Welker, 69,361; Mr. Taylor, l race. President Eisenhower was > 7,017. leading Adlai Stevenson, 31,250 to 24.065. Representative, Ist district, 273 1 precincts of Representative 401, Mrs. Pfost, 42,- Lee Metcalf. • 897: Miss Shadduck, 33,958.. Democrat, won w his race, while Representative, that involving Republican Rep- 2d district. 358 precincts \ : resentative Orvin Fjare j of 492. Mr. Budge, 58,-! B. and 221; Reynolds, Democrat Leßdy H. Anderson { Mr. 39.293. was still in-doubt. Harrisonburg OKs G. 0. P. Dominates Electric Bond Issue Utah Election HARRISONBURG, Va„ Nov. SALT LAKE CITY, Nov. 7j 7 >/P). (/P).—The —Voters . yesterday ap- . Republicans smashed 1 ‘ proved a $550,000 bond issue for• all opponents in Utah’s general I • ‘"f- | Xy' ¦lt rehabilitation of the city-dwned I election. H H electric system. For a second time Gov. J. ffl With three out of the four • Bracken Lee lost his bid for a precincts reporting, the propo- . third term. nents carried the issue, 1.373-671. J President Eisenhower won the! State's four electoral votes hands! down. Senator Wallace F. Ben-' Wyoming Reduces nett and both Republican Rep-: & resentatives, William A. Dawson jab K Eisenhower's Lead and Henry Aldous Dixon, almost! ||j . s*' jLI as easily swept Wyo„ btyck into office.: CHEYENNE. Nov. 7 (Spe- In the Governor's cial > —President race George Eisenhower won D. Clyde, a 58-year-old Wyoming handily yesterday, new- Br but- comer to politics, not by so great a margin as he had 122.277 to! polled in 107.316 for Democrat L. C. Rom-1 1962. ney. Mr. Lee trailed with 91,534.: The vo'e for 593 of 683 pre- In 1952, as a Republican, Mr. cincts was: Eisenhower, 60, 133; Lee led the party ticket ahead Ms. Stevenson, 39,795. Complete of Mr. Eisenhower. returns in 1952 gave the Re- The other unofficial results I publican about 81.000 to 47.000 with 976 of 1,030 districts re- for the Democratic contender. porting: There were no gubernatorial For President—976 of 1,030 or'senatorial races in Wyoming. districts. Mr. Representative Eisenhower 208,- E. Keith Thom- 178, Democrat Adlai Stevenson soh. Republican, won over Dem- 113,367. ocrat Jerry A. O'Callaghan for For Senator—976 or 1.030 dis- Wyoming’s single at-large House ¦ tricts, Mr. Bennett 171.730, Dem- w seat. ocrat Alonzo F. Hopkin 146.409. r*>w; rv»^iW| jr Hour*: Daily 111 a.m. to 6 p.nt. t 7 Cornet*: Lsening shopping Thura., Fri. until 9:3(FP.M. jft i * It's easy to see why the smart practical suburban coat is so popular with men this Fall. This new style is just right in town for talcing the dog for his / • % exercise in park ... spectator the or sports (you'll 0 find plenty of them ot the next football gome). And, of course, they're in their element in the m suburbs for driving, walks in the country. Raleigh, Here's a new twist for the man who is "tough on his clothes"! It's our exclusive Scots- i “ i downtown and Chevy Chase, has a large and varied dale Twist—a suit that is as rugged as it is handsome. This imported fabric from Britain i?I 5 suburban coat collection.'One of the features is the is a pure worsted with each yarn tightly twisted in the weaving process for extra strength, C | handsome heather tweed by Botany illustrated above. extra durability and shape-retention. (You can even puncture the fabric with a nail- Leather C oats f It comes ip brisk mixtures of muted dark tones watch it spring back for more rough treatment.) No wonder we at Raleigh unhesitat- £ lor Men J flecked with tons, browns and greys and hos a bright ingly recommend this suit for men who drive a lot, for salesmen, for professional men ? I plaid wool lining. Husky leather buttons, big and and for all others who must give their clothes above-average wear and yet have to look : For casual suburban living these deep pockets, bol collor. Sizes 36 to 44. their best ot all times. Yet, durability is only half the Scotsdale Twist story. The suits ore ' ? * handsomely styled in good-looking goatskin coats arc cut $45 tall trim three button single breasted models with the casual air . ; •> of roomy patch pockets, narrow lapels, modified shoulders, center vent. Colors are V with patclt llap pockets and side Street Floor. Washington and Chevy Chase ‘J especially eye-cotching Mid-Tone greys, blues and browns in pebble weaves and muted vents in tliree <|tiarter length. 1 overplaids. lie Other Suburban Coats Front Ralriph’s Collection: Try one on soon—it will be your wardrobe favorite for now and many sea- to ? Orion pile lining assures com- £ sons come.' Hart Schoffner Or Marx Tweed or Brushed Wool, $65 * (• plete comiort even on the coldest Church Imported Tweed with Alpaca Lining, SBS I , \ i- tNvt turn l »i Lse Our 4-Mortth E-X-T-E-M-D-E-l) Payment Plan P i t .1 t \ Men * Clothing, Second Floor i* ml ji \ JULIUS GARFINCKEL A CO •- }l f .Stffft at f.- NAh»ttl! H", »0 J RALEIGH HABERDASHER tA»v.* It t>*vi v»v ix*vJ Downtoun: 1310 F St.
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