\ V FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 194* ............ iirfiMMiM^tanRaM [GE FOURTEiSJ« Manrtf^Bt^r gpgtttng Ijgralb A Y tnft Oklly Not P r e m B r r YIn W m i k m Far tfca Nontfc el Joly 19W -------- * e* P . B, W a r t ^ cars of Theodore I t Sch\ilU of Alice Cofran PU r today; talr atai aaal to- 938 Woodbrl^ atreet and INSURE 9 ^ 3 9 ■igkt; finnday genwrefiy Rdr i o i 2lltlaurj|P m F r tC u F u lu 0 S lF ra ili . “f-^r A b o u t T o ^ mond B. Anderson of W ln^r BIWB' m ra involved in a alight acrident Rea^Ungt DeHy Meotaw el tke A a«t' smmr, eemOe, rnrtahta wtada to- on North Main street at MelINNBT BROmBBS 1*t Chnrck St. HsiifWd B »— U OreolalUe* ^ ch »rd M«rUn. Director of the Square yesterday morning when Back-to-Sdiool M endkerter^A City o f VIXUme CHarm ' -v ,. y Water OommlMion and they rubbed fenders. There was no CLEARANCE SSS MAIN ST. TBL. CSSt Tskphons S-SOM UHiiiTiiir of the Board of Dlrectore arrest H- Sl^eetcr. wlU be th e^ er VOL. LXVIL, NO. 27B On Paga *•) MANCHBSTER^ .CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, INS (TBN PAGES) PRICE POUR CBim the meeting of the Kiwnnle No official word has bem w- . iltob Monday noon. ceived here as yet concerning the local program for registraUon of ^ lUv. 8. It. Burfoyne o f Uver- persona Uable to the draft. Judge HATS Dewey Confers With New Englanders •Dbl. Knrland, U expected In Man- WUliam S. Hyde o f this town, said Saater the week end of Auguet today that he has no Information Discredited Envoy S T u d ia to occupy the pulptt of Reds’ Soldiers Stab on the subject as yet froin the S m North Methodiat church at Hartford headquarters, but ex­ DRESSES For ChiMren and Misses the union aervice In that chun* pects necessary decisions to be with the Second Oonp«gaU ^- made Aortly. lata, Sunday, Auguat p9 at 10.45 Will Start Return f,w, It la hoped a large number of the membera o f both congrega- And Beat l(esisting will reaerve the date and be Surprise Shower preaent to hear Mr. Burgoyne. 2 -9 8 To Russian Home I For Bride-Elect Values to $ The Kiwania Dlatrict Clambake Lomakin Books Passage. .wlU be held at Rlveralde Park, ^ Mrs. Margaret Dumont of 189 Waits Action ^ Policemen in Berlin Agawam, Maaaachusetta, on Aug- Loomis street entertained at her $16.98 Now Aboard Swedish-Amer-' uat 26. home last evening with a par^. Feather and Ribbon lean Liner Stodiholm, honoring Miss Bruna Belllore. who On Lomakin Resist Abduction From Mlaa Norma Brown and her fi­ ia to be married on September 4 Trimmed. All New Shades. Sailing Next Satarday; Popular Vote Tito Sucerssor? ance, Walter Wllaon o f Walker to Harold BuUer, It was a sur­ American Sector Into atreet, are visiUng -Mr. Wllaon'a prise personal shower for the ’ Prints and Solid Colors Return Presumably to Soviets Hzve No Choice mother in S t Albana, Vermont bride-elect, who opened her dainty Soviet Zone; Unitt^ and with her wlU take a trip Into ALL SALES FINAL Plan Backed glfU while seated beneath a wa­ Millinery— Second Floor Be by Way of Finland Blit to Remove Him Canada. They have aiao called on tering can. trimmed In yellow and States Authorities a atater of Mr. Wllaon and other green, the colors used by the host­ From New York Post lelativea In New Hampahlre. New York, Aug. 21—<JP)— Southern Democratic Act to Head Off Pos­ ess in her general deoomUon^ Take Elevator To The Second Floor Soviet Consul General Jacob A buffet lunch waa served by Washlagton. Aug. 21.— (ff)—The sible Violent Clash About 80 Kiwaniana were prea- M. Lomakin,'whom the State Support Appears for the hostess to the group of reU state department waited today for ent at the outing held Wedneaday, tlves and friends present The cen Between Eastern and department has expelled, has Russian officials to pick up the Lodgers Election Move Auguat 18, at Attorney Harold terplece was a prettily decorated tfie COM booked passage aboard the darrity’a cottage on Coventry out-bound ticket it has ordered Western Police F or^ shower cake. Swedish - American liner Washington, Aug. 21.—(F)— lake. An enjoyable time waa re­ The MSNCHisim ceuie for Soviet Consul General Jacob ported by thoae preaent IN EXCELLO Southern Democratic support ap­ 1 Advertisement— M SN C M ISnil COMM, Stockholm, sailing next Sat­ Lonaakin. ' Berlin. Aug. 21 — (ff) — peared today for a mox-e by Sena­ Go to Plnehurst Saturday for $iNt$T rtxruu n ir urday. The steamship line Russian soldiers stabb^ and A number o f the aoldiera o f the Faced with formal U. 8. charges Robert Farm Fresh Turkeys, said that Lomakin had made tor Lodge (R.. Mass.), to put pres­ local Salvation Army Corpa are al- that liomakin "abused” his offi­ -v>. ^ beat two (krman policemen reaervatlona for himoelf and bis cial position by his role In the Ka- idential elections on a popular Teady at Old Orchard, Maine, for wife and two children. It aaid It from the American sector of the campmeetinga. It la axpected ■enklna case, the Soviets have no vote basis. could not diacloee when the dis­ choice but to remove him from Qov. Tkeinas B. Dewey (right) of New Torfc, Republican •ominee for presideat, eoinfers In his New York Berlin today When the Ger^ ' thla week-end the grcateat gather­ Senators Sparkman (D., Ala.), credited envoy had booked bla Us New York post hotel aiiltowlth Winiam Loeb (left), pnbUalser of the Manchester (X. H.) Morning *Unlon, and Senator mans resist^ abduction into ing alnce prevloua to World War passage. and OUn D. Johnston (D.. S. C.). Nay Fire, Freeh Blast Stylaa Blldgea (R., N.R.). Bridges later saM "the people are fed up with the laadeqnacy” of President the Soviet zone, western sec­ XI win aaaerotde to hear Commla- A line spokesman aald, however: Tnunaa’a leadership. He predicted Gbvenior Dewey would be elected In November by "a'substantlal sweep.” toW a reporter In separate Intcr- aloner Donald McMillan of New "We have no record of the book. But they may accompany the vlews they will back in th* next tor police announced. The Torfc and other prominent Balva- Ing here. It was done In Europe.” action with a fresh blast against sesaton o f Congress a proposal to announcement said Russians tloaiata. Captain and Mra. Bldred The Stockholm pljes between tbs American stand in the refugee change the present system by carried the two Oermans bodily Churchill, who ha\e been vlaltlng The ''SNla hat" It'Mg fmlilta aawz iMt Ml. CavaSarvtylad New York and and Oothenburg. teacher dispute. Israeli Seeks which a state's entire electoral lata th* Sovlrt sector. Tbc two Mra. Churchin’a parenta, Mr. and Lomaldn’a return to Moscow pre- Speculation in official quarters Danube Will Remain college vote Is cast for the can­ plain cloth csti^ were stopfMd Mra. John Lyona ot Foater atreet aumably wUl be made vU Finland. also taksa into oon^raUon two didate w^bo tops the popular ballot near th* sector border by aum- BaammJtA BmSa left thia morning for Old Orchard. WmwWISWg ■■W I9V oWTe ■M VKg OTVwlS# w tw W ff W IH V g W o e Lomakin waa not available for other poastble Ruasiaa moves: UN Admission test. ■rooa Russlnaa and orderod to go Adjutant and Mrs. Richard Atwell, lateods to Revive Proposal •erpak the nanouncement mid. wMlUa comment on hia scheduled depar­ L The Soviets may taka some W 4 - ’ gotnmandlng offlcera of the Man- ture. - retaliatory measure—as‘they usu­ Untler Red Control Ixidga offered In the last ses­ When they reaiated. it reported, gheater Corpa are on vacation, hut Millinery—Second Floor However, Soviet Vice Consul Zot ally do in such Instanoea—by ac­ Briton Says Government sion and intends to revive a pro­ Col. Ocn. Peke Dapeovle (above) CM waa stabbed and the other grill doubtleas attend the meetinga. I. Gbepumykh aald he knew “a cusing an American official in the posed constitutional amendment la reported by The Lewdea Bvcokig beaten with a rifle butt. couple o f montha ago” that Is>m. Soviet Union of improper conduct In Opposition Un­ Virtually Same That 1 'T' • J l_ • a under which each candidate would News to have beea SeelgMitod aa While American autboritim act­ a ........ ' ' and ordering him out of that coun­ share In the electoral vote on the ■oeeeaser to Marshal 'Dto by So­ ed to head o ff a posaihla vtolant Advertiaement— akin planned a trip back to the Enjoyed by Russians | i i e W 8 1 1Q D118 Soviet union, although be had not try. der Present Conditions percentage o f hia election day to­ viet Prime Minister Stalin wba, tba clash between the police forem of TIm known the date. 2. They may reject the SUte Since- End o f W ar; Called From (ff) Wires tal. pnper snya. baa ordered the stage th* eastern and western aectota, ^ Looking for Momll’a Ready To I still another kidnaping Incident Mat Ram, or Morrell’a Tendarlaed mancnbstiA Comm* Maeto Mow Behaff department’s r^uest for two let­ Lake Success, Aug. 21—(P)—A Thus an aH>lrant who lost out set ter a reap d’etat In Yngoslnvln. B im ? Ck> to Ptnehurat Orocaiy{ Meanwhile, Lomakin met with a ters Mra.
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