THE DIAPASON AN INTERNATIONAL MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE ORGAN, THE HARPSICHORD AND CHURCH MUSIC OCTOBER, 1976 J.fferson Avenue Presbyterian Church, CHOIR Detroit. Michi9an. Built by Ernest M. Gamba 1£' &1 pipes S~inn.r, 1925 loriqinal specification puba E. M. Skinner Restored in Detroit Diapason B' &1 pipes II.h.d In THE DIAPASON, M.y 1924, p. Concert Flute S' &I pipes I J: d.dicated May 3, 1926 .....m.nu.1s and kleintl EneMer II S' 122 pipet ped.I, " tanh, .lectro-pnMlmattc: action. Flute 4' &1 pipet Hand-cerved cases from Ob.rammerqau, Nazard 2-2/1' &1 pipes Germanv. R.stor.tion carried out by K.n~ Piccolo 2' &1 pipes neth end Dorothy Holden of th. K & 0 Clarinet I' 61 pipes O,gan Service Co., Fernd.I., Michigan. Orchestral Oboe S' &1 pipes Harp S' £1 notes Th. original fonal design has b •• n pre· Celesta 4' 61 notes ,et'led, without any tonel change, or addi­ Tremolo tions being mad •• Pouchboatds and pri­ matie, rel •• th.red using natur.1 ... egetabl. tanned I•• th.r; other pneumatics t.-COY­ SOLO .red with Poly.lon_ Phosphot.bronu con­ Sleniorphone S' 7J "ipel tects repl.c.d by silver contuh. Pipe­ GambD 8' 7] pipes work r.p..... d as ".unary. Orl)entd-choir Gamba Celesle I ' 73 pipes director is Rob.rt Hawksley; Dr. Allan A. Ophideide 16' 7] pipes Zaun is pador. Tuba Mirabilis I' 120" wind) 7] pipes GREAT Tuba I' 13 pipes Diapalon 16' 7J pipes French Horn S' 73 pipes Diap.son I S' 7] p,pes En~I ; ,h Horn S' 73 pipet Diapason II S' 73 pipes Tuba Clerio~ .' 7J piPts Claribel Flute 8' 7J pipes Tremolo EneMer S' 7] pipes Octava .' 7J pipes Flute 01' 7J pipes ECH9 Twelfth 2-2/3' 'I pipes OiilpalOn '8' 7l'pipes FiflHnth 2' &1 pipes Chimney Flute S' 7J pipes Ophideide 1&' (Solo) Voir Ce leste II I ' 122.pipes Trombe S' 73 pipes Tubo S' (Solo) Flute .' 73 pipes Tromba S' 13 pipes Clorion .' 7J pipes Vor Humana S' 73· pipes Tubo Clarion .' ISolo) Chimes (Echo) Chimes 25 notes SWEll Tremolo Bourdon 1&' 7J pipes Di tPolson I S' 7J pipes PEDAL Diopason II S' 7) pipes Clorobella S' 73 pipes Oi.!l pasoft 1&' ]2 pipes Ged.d.:t S' 7J piPH Diapason '" (Great) Gllmb. I' 7J pipes Violone 16' 12 pipes Voix Celeste II 8' 122 pipes Gamba 16' (Choir) Flouto Dolce 8' 7) pipes Bourdon 1&' 32 pipes Flul. Celeste S' 61 pipes Ec ho lieb lich Ill' (Swe ll) Aeoline S' 7J Aipes Octave 8' 12 pipes Undo Moris S' 7] pipes Gededt S' 12 pipes Octave .' 7J pipes I Cello B' 12 pipes Flute Trion9ulaire.' 7J pipes Still Gededt S' (Swe' l) Undo Maris II 4' 122 pipes Super Octave 4' 12 pipet Floutina 2' &1 pipes Still Flute 4' 12 pipes Mixture V 05-19-22-26-291 lOS pipes Piccolo 2' 12 pipes POMun. 1&' 73 pipes Barnbarde )2' 12 pipes eornopean S' 73 pipes TtembOf'le lit' ]2 pipes Flu;.1 Horn I' 73 pipes Posaune 1&' (Swell) VOl Humana S' 7] pipes Tromba I' 12 pipes Clarion 4' 7J pipes Clarion "" 12 pipeli Tremolo Chimes (Echo) The eighth annual Plymouth Music: Seri.. , Th. complete organ works of J .5. Bach established 10 provide the Minneap:Jlis-SI. w.re performed by siJcleen organists 'Within Paul area wllh religious worh not common­ a three.dov period, in a marathon serIes at Iv performed, will begin on November 19 Saint FrancIs Churclt, Palos Verdes Estat.s. Here & There wilh tho first Twin CIties performance of California. The programs took place Sep­ Elgar's The Dream of Geronlius. It will tember 17-19, running from 8 am to 10 pm take place In the newly completed Orchestra {with time out for 'he regular Sunday morn­ The American composer Howard Hanson Dayid Boe, of the Oberlin Conservatory of Hall and will be conducted by Philip Brun­ ing services}, and were played on a 1966 will celebrate his BOlh birthday on October Music, was bath lecture, and recltolist for elle. Featured will b. the 20o.voice Ply­ 3.manual Reuter. An attractiY. brochure was 28. For many years, Dr. Hanson was dlrec­ the opening of an organ conference ("Orgel­ mouth Festiyal Choir, plus the choirs of published, listing the works, p.rformers, ap­ lor of th. Eastman School of Music in Ro­ loge") at Bremen'()berneuland, Germany, Westminster Presbyt.rian Church (Edward proximate timings, and Schmlede, numbers. chester. New York~ where he wa, noted for on August 2B. E.... nts continued through Sep­ S.rryman, director) and Westwood lutheran Offerings from the programs were added to his continual promotion and JMrformance of tember 10, with lectures and recilals by Ger­ Church (Ronald A. N.lson, director), and a fund for rebuilding lhe church's chapel ar. contemporary compositions. He Is best known hard Haberklnd, Jean-Claude Zehnder, John the BG-piece Minneapolis Civic Orchestra. gan, Organists portkipallng wilh William to organists OJ lhe composer of two organ Hamilton, Jan Goens, Holald Vogel, MIthel Futur. eve nts In Ihe series will be listed In Charles Bede, orgonisl<hoirmoster at Soint coneltrtos, and ho has written many choral Chapuls. Hans Heintzo, and Wolfgang Hel­ the calendar. Francis, w.re James Bossert, Frank C. Srawn­ works which reaslyo numerous performances. bich. The organ used was a two-manual me­ stead, Harold A. Daugherty Jr., Marcia Han­ chanlcal-actlon Instrumont built In 1966 bv nah Former, lee Jessup, Clair. Hendri" The Am.rlcan organist Walt., Hillsman Ahrend and Brunzoma. Paul J Siner played the premiere of his Julian, Fronk K. Owen, Anlla Priest, Irene conducted the Oxford (England) Pro Muslco new argon work Contemplations on the Robertson, Richard W. Slater, Dayld lennox in a Hauptgottesdlenst for Astenslan Day, Se .... n Words of Christ on the Cross, as well Smith, Samuel John Swartz, James H. Vail, after the leipzig liturgy of 80ch's day. The as works of 8ach, In a recllal at the Cathe­ William L Wunsch, and Marlla Young. service took ploce In Queen's Co".ge~ 0x.­ On Reformation Sunday, October 31, the dral of ljubljana, Yugosla ... ia, on May 27. ford, an May 27, and was spon$Ored by the CBS National TeleYlsion program "lamp Un­ The program was glyen for the benefit of Publkatlon of the Jehann... Herbst Cal. Germon Embassy In london. which ouumed to My fe.t" will present the Bach film mode churches ruined by earthquak.s In the coost- lection on microfiche during 1976 has been 'hit CotlS of orcheuro ond satotm. by E. Power Biggs on hIs recent visit 10 the 01 areas ol Italy and YugosJO'Ilo. announced by Unlylt"lty MltSk Edilions of Thamasklrthe In Leipzig. The program I. N.w York. Comprising nearly 550 music Vancouver Bible College in Surrey, Brllhh produced bv Bernard Seabrooks. Consult irares and two volumes of textual material, Columbia, was the site of arson In May, when your local CBS TV station for air tl ... The Conservatory of Music: has moved totalling 11,800 pages, this coll.ctian Is a the college chapel was sot of ire and com­ from Keene to Winchester, New Hampshire, remarkable saute. of yocal·instrumental mu­ pletely destroyed. The pipe argon, grand where it Is located In the former Unitarian sic copied In manuscript form ov.r a period plana, ond visual old equipment housed In UniYersalist Church. The building will re­ of about 50 y.ars by Johannes Herbst 11735- the building were 011 lost. but plans are The Organ Uterature Foundation hcu r.­ main in keeping with Its colonial architec­ laI2)~ a minister and musician In the Mo­ underway for rebuilding. G. Herold lCeefer~ leased Its new Catalogue J, which lists tUre but will undergo Interior alterations to rayian community of Salem, N.C, It contains head of the organ department, has an­ pomphleh, books, magaZines, and recOrd­ facilitate the rang. of musical studies of­ both sacred and secular musk, and will be nounced that donOl"1 wUl be SO\IQht for (I ings. II Is ovollobla upon raques! from tke f.red, Marshall Bu,h Is the schoot's pr.sl­ mode ClYailable In standard mkroflche, as new pipe organ, foundollon at Bralnlree, Mossachusells 02184. dent and Daykl Hewlett 11 director, well as In 16mm sllyer rotlfllm.. THE DIAPASON Established in lY09 An Impromptu Recital An Intemadonal Monthly Devoted to the OrgtJn, the Harj1Jlchord and Church Mw;c Ollidal Journal ollht! American In.stitute 01 Organ builders by Wilmer Hayden Welsb OCTOBER. 1976 Eelltor • ARTHUR LAWRENCE FEATOIIES lIt';n... Manege, All lmpl'Olllptu Redlll1 It was late July in a small CIty in The people in Ihe strect who looked b,. wnme .. Hayden Welab 2 DOROIHY ROSER East Germany. Its narrow streets werc anywhere but into my face, and who A Su"e,. of OI'qaa. Lltenrtu.re and quiet under the hot dust of late morn­ smiled only with their lips, even when Edillons: Hungary oad Polaad A.. iffan' Edifor ing and Ole awful weight or its long his­ answering my absurd questions about by Maritan KMtaeaatela. 1"'·15, 18 WESLEY VOS lOry. Ihe location o( the bahnhor. The (am­ I was there to study old organs, espe­ ily groups at the museum who became REVIEWS C."frU,wthtg Ealto,. cially those originally constructed by silent. down to the last small child. as Hewly PubUabed LARRY PALMER olle of the finest organ builders who if at all unspoken command when J or b,.
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