INTERNATIONAL uF@ REPORTER vol_.1, NO. 2 A MONTHLY REVIEW OF THE UFO PHENOMENON REPORTS, INVESTIGATIONS & ANALYSES ''There is no hope of advance in science without a paradox."-Niels Bohr PROGRESS REPORT: THREE CLOSE ENCOUNTERS FOUR UFO'S SELECTED FROM 102 CASES U FOCAT 50,000 UFO reports contained in one computerized file ON REVIEW: MUFON'S FIELD INVESTIGATOR'S MANUAL PLUS: Foreign Forum, UFO Profile: October, 1976 Latest UFO News Edilor-in-chief: Dr. J. Allen Hynek; Managing Edilor: Allan Her,dry Published monthly by lnternational uFo Reporter, lnc.,924 chicago Ave., Evanston, il1. 60202. copyright @ 1976 by lnternational UFo Reporter, lnc., all righis ieserved. No part of this issue may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic or electronic'process or otherwise copied for public or private use without writien permission from the publisher. subscriptions: $12.00 per year in.the rJnited states and canada (plus 93.00 foreign), and s20.00 for two years (plus $6.00 foreign). All notices of change of address must be sent six weeks in advanceand accompanied by old and new addresses. J. Allen Hynek,'Chairnan ot lhe Bcard, David J. Baldwin, President and publisher; carl M. Teutsch, Jr.,Executive vice- p.esident: ;larvey M. Koloms, Treasurer. CORRESPON DENCE seen by Jankowski through binocu- BOOK REVIEW lars which blinked red, blue and The editors invite correspondence green colors. Their treatment in- MUFON'S FIELD INVESTIGATOR'S from all individuals on all matters cludes a sketch of the elliptical ap- HANDBOOK, edited by Raymond directly involving UFO activity pearance of the object, but does not E. Fowler, Mutual UFO Network, around the world. Watch lor this clarify that it only appears that way lnc., 1975. 132 pages. column beginning with the next through binoculars. IUR investigated At first glance, it probably seems issue. this sighting prior to its f irst publica- odd to treat a "f unctional" effort such tion. arC Mrs, Jankowski told us the as this as of value to the casual UFO cb,€Ci ,,,as the size of ''a big star" to reader; however, there is much i"e naked eye. Add to that the fact material present that is not available IN CURRENT.JOURNALS that it stayed in one place for almost in the more generalized texts, or, at ln addition to the tvrei.tv u FO two hours, was positioned in the least, is not prepared in the detail journals now currently beirg :sceived southern sky at 9:30 PM below the found here. Most important, few "f on an exchange basis r,sted last moon, was not perceived by FAA unctional" manuals could be as f un read. month), we are no\', ir receipt of radar, and did nothing stranger than to As a guide UFO-RAPPORT, i\:. t. Nov. 15, change, colors and "meander" in to the UFO investigator, the 1976). Printed ir 5r,edish. place slightly; IUR concluded that book is top-notch in its compre- the "UFO" was a siar, most likely hensive detaii, discussing pro- UFORUM is :.e rew official name Antares, cedures, equipment, questionnaire scintiliating through the preparations, of UFO Resea'ch Centre: Ontario, atmosphere; as IUR readers are forms, general and soecialized Henry llcKa, . Chairman. Mailing aware, ttis ,,,:-:'is-: the cases, and report writing. address: P.C. Box 427, Station F, "blinkinE. :::':'a-;:s a^: ^-_- -- :'^i '^: :?-<: :.,;a-.:?c :ciiections -: pnenomena Toronto. C^tarro, Canada, M4Y 2L8. down/side,,,a.,: -:: cns. li is IUR's cr iFO tnar gtve rise to UFORUi,' s:ssued bimonthly; the experience i^a: : -::ulars hurt more UFO reports is present here: the subscr:::'c^ price, unfortunately, is than help i^:*:se:nstances, by book is valuable for this section alone. not prirlec. exaggerating :^: : -<i:.'ted stellar lnformation originally in- tended investigators image (Janko,r, <,:,,, a::'ej the image to aid (e.g., l The Se::. 1976 NICAP UFO lN- twist and tur.. as :-:,;: it were dealing with photographs, humanoid VESTIGA-34 discusses well- revealing differ:-' .:,,,s 3' itself). cases, the reliability of testimony) a provides publicizec s 3^:irg that took place in The sighting se.,:: t: :' l;er a wave signif icant general reading, Carmel, Ns,,. v3r'i. on Aug. 4, 1976. of newspaper ar: : 33 a-: a relevised as well. Robert Ja-<:,,, s<i. his mother, account that i :::e: * r's off ice lnquiries should be addressed to friends, tvie^:, ^e gbbors and three with "stellar" UFC s :-": -:^out all of MUFON, 103 Orc:c',,;ne Rd., Seguin, policemen rei3a:c a" object first August. Texas, 78155. - !^ : .ecommended. FOREIGN FORUM Ihls ls a representai ;e sanpling ol logical explana: : - S:^ :: Con- she usually cc,.:'s :^e 17 kilometer UFO sightings fran a'cund the stable Roy Flet:^:- :',,',e.rimull distance in 2C - - -:es. Af ter 6 world. While we cer: :,c: exert the said the sighting ,{a: :^e oi'ive re- kilometers, the car :- s' red, stalled, same degree of contro, cter these ported in the pas: :??' ^ :ae same and the lights went c-:. 'T,,venty-five cases we can on domeslic ones. i / is area. meters away over the brrCge, I saw an of value to see that the same char- SOURCE: The Merc:-'"e Sun. Sept. orange glimmer in the form of a acteristics are reported far this 29. dome. I do not know why I then phenomenon abroad as in the U.S. thought about death and covered my BRAZIL: Sao Pauio. reported on face with my hands", she related. it LUSTRALIA: Mildaur, Sept. 25, Sept. 8, 1976. Three men watched a seemed like a few seconds had 1976. Four people travelling by car dense, white cloud hover low over passed when that glitter had dis- between farms at Karrawinna ob- Cajati Street, which dissipated, re- appeared. Driving home upset and served a strange object on the vealing a f lying disc. The men were af raid, she missed a familiar sign and ground in a paddock. The object then rooted to the spot watching it emit drove an exlra 2 kilometers; but took off like a helicopter and hovered beams of light of various colors. A when she arrived home, she dis- for some time. Mrs. Vera White, one woman who could see it from her covered it was 4 AM. She had ,,lost" of the four, said that the lights window phoned the police; eight of- two hours of time. Under hypnosis f icers drew their guns. one of them f lashed bright red when they drove on July 22, she tells a story which "it's police". around corner; she added that shouting, the Suddenly, she would repeat in a second session a policemen paralyzed there was no noise, and she could all of the were on August 18, word for word. She like distinguish no object to which the statues. With everyone motion- describes two waist-high "dwarves" lights could have been attached. less, the smoke-cloud reappeared, with large eyes, dressed in black "Four pairs of eyes couldn't see the became denser, enveloped the disc, overalls; they carried her toward the apparition departed. same illusion", she said. They and the light which she enters through an watched the object for f ive minutes. SOURCE: O Dia, Rio de Janeiro, iron door. lnside a high, round room, They returned to the site later in day- Sept. 8, 1976. they place her on a table, putting light and found a circle of flattened, handcuffs on her hands and feet. discolored grass about 30 feet in FRANCE: near Romans, June 10-11, Af ter an examination, she is returned diameter. The paddock owner said 1976 (still under investigation). Miss outside and the craft departed ver- that the circle looked like a helicopter Helene Guiliana,20, was driving tically without noise. Further investi- had formed it. Mrs. White said there home to a farm at Hostun, Drome gations are being conducted. were no tire tracks leading out to it after a movie and a drink with some SOURCE: OURANOS, Henry De- and none of the farmers could offer a friends. Leaving Romans at 1 AM, pireux 10 r+ I* FR0NT UF0 NEl,'ISFR0NT n UF0 NEl^lSFR0NT UFO NEl.l UFO NIWSFRONT * UFO NEI,lSFRONT * UFO NE l^lSFRONT * :F iF IT IT * * {T *{i*tt*ttlt THE I-ATEST UFO NEWS EVENTS/ PREPARED NOV.29, 7975 UFO|S IN THE U.N., CC:IT. - I-R. ras acquired a transcription of the speech that ffi=''.aid:essed.totheGenera1AssembIyoftheUnitecNations on Oct. 7. In i:, :re s:aiesf "o:-e -*-c:liers why the existence of UFO's continues to remain a secret to inose in whose archives repose useful information a::i other data. While we appreciate that some countries consider this to be in the i::--erest of nilitary expedience, I now urge that a different vj-ew be taken because l,*- 's my firrn conviction that the world is ready, willing and ripe enough to accept these phenomena...". r.ubo3 Perek, chief of the U.N. rs Outer Space Division, is moni--cr-rg the consequences of this address and will inform IUR of any future reactions. CANADA'S 1973 UFO WAVE - Claude MacDuff of Quebec. Canada has released a study '.':a UFO-QUEBEC of 37 UFC ca-=:= .'..----:-=::::=: -:. ---'.='- -rrc.,'i:-:e th-roughout the month c: November, :)-:, ::-:s: :1s:: ::,:--"e -=:-:::.=-. :. jj-::^::::, :ii ef f ects on cars, a::e iffadra--e: ;- -----:::::. ::.= :_=!" :: s:?::-_::.r: :: -: - --:rcqi ac it fOtlOwed the li:C:-: ::]=-TIS ::: ::::1": l::;-3E - The l,=::::.=- I:--;estigations Committee on -i.e:- al ?::e:-::.eia (NICAP) , ----.= .:--::-' cldest civil:-" -:l ::ganization in the United S*-a--es, rs I:ow twenty yea:s :-:.
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