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Laa diagrammaa suivants iilustrant la mithoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MiaoCOPV RnOLUTtON TBT CHAUT (ANSI ISO and TEST CHA«, No. 2) ^ APPLIED IM^GE Ini S^ '653 East Main Street J^S Rochester, New York 1*609 USA — (716) 48^ 030O - Phone S^ (716) 288 - 5989 - Fo. notable £nol(gh CrtalA Hawley Harvey Crippen NOTABLE TRIALS SERIES. H. H, CrippcQ. Ediled bjp Fikoo Yoanf. Mukldiu Smith. Ediixi bj A. Duun Smith Advocalo. Dr.PritdunL Edilid bj WiiliuB Roogheul. The Staunloni. Editad bjr J. B. Alltr, BtrralM- «t-L«w. Fnuu MidUf. Ediiad br H. B. Irrini. Th« Amuilcy Cue Ediled by Andrew Un|. Lord Lovat. Ediigd by D»id N. Mackar. C«pt»to Portcous. Ediled by William Ro<i|head. TilUam Palmer. Edited by Geo. H. Knoll, Barriiter-al-Law. Mrt. Maybrkk. Edited by H. B. Irying. Dr. LamiOfk Ediled by H L. Adam. Mary Blandy. Ediled by William Ronghead. Cty of Glaigow Bank Directorj. Ediled by William Wallace. Advocate. Deacon Brodie, Ediled by William Roughead. Jamei Stewart Ediled by David N. Mackay. A. Mouon. J. Ediled by J. W. More, Advocate. Oacar Slater. Edited by William Rojghead. Eugert Marie Chantrellc. Ediled b, A. Duncan Smith. Advocate. The Douglai CauK.. Ediled by A. Francii Sleuarl. Advocate. Mn. M'Lachlan Edited by William Roughead. Eugene Aram. Ediled by Eric Walion. Barrifler-at'Law. J. A. Dickman. Edited by S. O. Rowan- Hamilton, Barriiter.at.Law. The Seddoni. Edited by Filion Young. Sir Roger Casement. Ediled by Ceo. H. Knoit, Barriiler-at'Law, /A' PREPARATION. The Wainwrighta. Edited by H. B, Irving. Thortell and Hunt Edited by Eric Watson. Burke and Hare. Ediled by William Roughead. Parliculan may bi had from Ike PuMshirs. l/'hotti. hi, /tiinni'U. The R.... Hon. UM .,.„.„„, ,„, ,,, ^^^^^ ^^^ ;^' The Trial of Hawley Harvey CripMen EDITED WITH NOTES AND AN INTRODUCTION BY FILSON YOUNG SMtr • n. Trial of lU SttiKm," 6-,.. A., TORONTO CANADA LAW BOOK COMPANOMPANY, LIMITED PIIINTBD 8T WILUAH HOI>OR AND COMPANY, r.TD, OLAMOW AND KDINBCftOH to SIR BASIL HOME THOMSON, C.B. '» KISrKT rOI BU WORE AND IN muinBir kr Himiu m 3103548 PEEFATORY NOTE. Tm "Notable Trial, S«ri«" U now well enough established, and has been sufficiently welcomed by the legal as well as the general reader, to make unnecessary any explanation of the appearance in it of the trial of Dr. Crippcn. In a case of such world-wide notoriety, the theme inevitably of much speculative and imperfectly informed discussion, it is more than ever useful to h e the facts, in so far as the trial revealed them, set forth exactly a« they were unfolded to the judge and jury; and it has been possible in the Introduction to enlarge upon some other aspects of the case which were not. and could not, be discussed at the Old BaUey. If the trial is less interesting from a legal point of view than some others this defect IS atoned for by the extraordinary human and dramatic interest with which the story is packed, and which has placed Dr. Crippen in the front rank, so to speak, of convicted murderers. I have to thank Sir Edward Marshall HaU, K.C, Sir Richard Muir Mr. Herbert Austin, Oerk of the Central Criminal Court, the Home Offic^ authorities, the Governor of Pentonville Prison, Dr. Rylance. Crippen'. former business partner. Inspector MitcheU, Mr. (late Inspector) Dew and Mrs. Harrison for information, material, and assistance in arriving at the conclusions on which the narrative part of the Introduction is based A. B. F. T. LoicDoN, JVowmier, 1919. H • CONTENTS. Introduction, PAQI xiii Leading Dates in the Crippen Caae The Trial— xxxr FlKST Day— TOESDAY, 18th Octobkb, 1910. Mr. Muir'B Opening Speech for the Crown Evidence for the Prosecution, Frederick Lown, . 9 F. Pedgrift, - Dr. John H. Burroughs, 10 E. W. Stuart, Mrs. C. Martinetli, 12 C. J. Williams, 28 Mrs. L. Smythaon, 17 F. Hayles, Mrs. 27 T. Hnnn, 18 Miss M. L. Cumow, 27 Brooe Miller, - 19 G. M. Rylance, Miss Melinda May, 2» 2.3 W. Long, 30 Mrs. E. Jaolison, - 24 E. Brett, Skookd Day—Whdnicsday, 19th Octobkb, IflO. Evidence for the Proeecutim (eotuinued). W. Dew, 33 A. F. Leverton, 47 Statement by - Accused, M D. Gooch, W. Dew (continued). 47 Dr. A. J. Pepper, - 47 Third Day—THnasDAY, 20th October, 1910. Evidence for the Proteculion (concluded). Dr. B, H. Spilsbury 62 Dr. A. P. Luff, 74 Dr. T. Marshall, - 64 C. Hetherington, 7S A. Robinson, . 67 H, Kirby, . R. Thompson, 76 67 W. Hayman, - C. Pitt, . 67 Irs, A. Hai^ison, Dr. W. H.
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