"THE WONDER TEAM" FOOTBALL PICTURES on ·page thre.e e a e ail on page three NQ.56 UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME, NOTRE DAME, INDIANA, TUESDAY, JAN~ARY 15~ 1924 ·PRICE 4 CENTS .- General Coxey Talks ·-CAMPUS LADIES' QUARTET to Commerce School THE DAILY ANNOUNCES ITS Jacob Sechler Coxey, Sr., of WELL RECEIVED "Coxey's Army" fame,. spoke· before B.YmP.ATHS the students of the College of Com- BEST~ORGANIZATION CONTEST . · · merce in the South roo'm ·of the Ii- -' Chiiled readers, I wish you the Laura Werno Company Pleases hrary yesterday afternoo~. warmest of mornings. All that from . Lanre Audience. _i_n Washing- General .Coxey told of his famous the beneficence of l,llY ·seasoned ... march to Washington in '94, of how Qrganizations Diy_ided- Into ·Two Classes:· briar and .the interest so strongly ton Hall Recital. he and the members of his army shown of late in my wanderings were ordered off the capitol lawns, Ballots· to he Prin~ed in Daily; oVPl' By-Paths. I am overwhelmed The Laura Werno Ladies' quar- and how ever since it has been with mail. The "Well-Dressed Man" te__ t, which appeared in Washington' "Coxey keep. off the grass."· . ·.Loying Cups for Winliers ct.ntest has brought labor· on my fine shoulders: .I ·need only editor- hall last evening,· gave an excep: General Coxey spoke for an hour "al J"udgment and a. scissors to fill tionally fine performance. The. and outlined his plan of "How to l · . ' · Restore the Government' to The _ The DAILY, taking- cogniza.nce of the f~ct that _the~e are at Notre this simple column. · prograll1 was..: well balr,nced and People· and Abolish Interest." He Dame various org;anizations which have time and time· again illustrated · . -o- .:.o- entertaining and was well received brought out many interesting their m'erit in th·e 'ser~ice of their ~embers and of .Notre Dame, a..;­ Let this determined correspond- by· the audience. - phases on this topic and showed the nounces this contest as the means for expressing the gratitude ~nd ad-· · ent speak for .himself: Although Lhe pl·ogram was rather superiority of the "'Federal Reserve miration of t~e faculty and st~dent bod~ to certain organizations.. The - De~r Mr> Grundy: . uniform in its excellence, there System" over the old system. winning organizations, also, ·will receive more than the vote-the DAILY ·After observing, your article in were· several num'bers which are Two of General Coxey's sons are will present each of them with a hand~ome silver loving cup, donated. by this morning's DAILY ,I wish to worthy of particular recognition. gradu,ates . of Notre. Dame, His Dr. Stoe~lcley of South Bend. , . \. · · ·, nominate Mr. Wilfred ·Moore, of First of these )VaS the "Doll Song" home is_ in Massillon, Ohio, . Bec~use their original inspiration did not come. from m~n livin-g -o~ . Corby hall. He is a quiet and con- from the "Tales of Hoffman." It the campus, orgri.n.izations that are. charter or branches of national or­ servative <Jresser, but does not lack is rarely that a Notre Dame audi­ ganizations 'will be barred. This ineligibility includes such organizations discriminating taste iri the selection ence is given the opportunity of as the Knights of Columbus, th~ Veter.an~ ~f the. Fortign Wa~s, the of haberdashery. Moore . is a stu- hearin·g anything as delightful as P.UCK TEAM' -ELECTS dent who· follows no · li:ne of cata- this proved to be. American Institute of Electrical Engineers, etc. This discrimination· is · not ·in the least a reflection· upon. Iogue etiquette but is gifted; with · The readings were also gbod, and M'SORLEY CAPTAIN that fortune of being able to pick Miss Werno, who is a recognized ar- Junior Prom Date Is the· aims or works of any of these - the"ni~eties which are :most becom- tist in this line, received from the. · · splendid organizations. But . ·we 'in'g to a he man. I am. of the opin..: . N 0 · S · - M' h' · b Announced for May 2 want to reward at this time ·only ion that. JM:r. Moore will alleviate to au-dience an almost extraordinary I ...1 urpnses. IC rgan . y 'May the second has been deft- ·those: bodies which have worked some ·.extent. your trouble in pick- amount,of applause. Her vocal and instrumental numbers · were . also Strong Showing. as ·Irish Hold nitely selected as· the date for .the ~rid ·thrived ·without outside help. hig. the best-dressed . man. very enjoyable. Wolverinesto 3-Period Tie. Junior Promenade, Gilbert Schaefer, . All native organizations will be · · ~ Yours truly, . chairman·. of the Prom :committee, dt'VI'ded t'nt·o tn•o ·cia· sses.· (1) · Sec.:. Other features· ,of the prograni n ,- -o- -o- DOQ. C. were dramatic and . musical num- . .Franklin McSorley of Pittsburg, announced yesterday. He also said tional,_ state,. and: city clubs;· and .. ·And · p·a·rt ··of ·an· other' · · · · ·"he hers which· depicted .the dress, man- a J' umor• m• ·th e · Co 11 ege · o f L e tters, · that practically a_ll other_- ·plans in (2} _.Ail· other organ· I·z·a· t1"ons. Bal- -'vears his clothes in· a determined ners.and the songs of the American was ,elected captain of the Notre regard to the ·affah>_have.:bee11 de- lots will be printed-in The· DAILY, way.. -He· is consistently-well, Cqlonial period, the .Civil War days, Dame-hockey sextet )lJ.st Saturday: cided_.upon. -· . on which subscribers cari vote. each dressed.· Consider Mike Cenedella; and America . in. the. ·early . ,70's. McSorley has played a regular for- The Ticket committee of. the Jun- day for one·· orga.nization in· each ·of : •: Loyal~Bo?ster, Tommy." There \vas also a very charming ward. berth on the Irish team for ior class has distributed question- these classes. To this ballot every ~o-. -o- Quaker. number. -· two ,years and was one of the chief naires to . every member of )the voter 'must sign his name-this is ·The freshman class is well i·ep- point scorers hi 1922 when Notre Junior class; ·It is expected that necessary in ord~r that one man ·resented (two letters inforrri·nie) iri .. · : . ·· Dame1 captained by ·Paul Castner, the men will fill- in ·and return these may not vote twice in a day. These it:· ~:;!~~ 0 !/a;;~~al~~i~~f;,r -~~ SCRIBBLERS TO . ..· .;;nc~~~P'i:~i~f; ~~~;e~~~~gh~~~~ ~:re:ft~~~v~\l~f ;r:~h~: t~~i. eio~~ ~~~~~1tm:: ·~~~ s~~1~!~ ~:: [;'t~: . Carroll: :and :-Nebraska; · Praise· .is .. · ' · :M ·· '_ -~ · .. - .. · . · ·· · cessfully def~ated _Wis_co~sil}·;· ~fi_c}l- Dwyer, Corby; -William Hurley, DAILY office· jn . the basement of 7 '.. ·. !!:~~:t(i~!!~c!~~);:_o;~~··~;i~::~l \~~· .••.. ---~-- ~; :~~GJV ES -·:: BANQ UEr 1c~~~f~}rAy:~s~~n~;;;~~ia~!liJt:· -~~!~~~~n!ri~il~b~1:~~i B:::n~::~~· ·w ~~s~~a~~-t~~~ i~ ~ thi~·· c~nt~st.. tak~· ... tire.-ri'am afraid that Jean has a . ,, , . - ies;' and ·several • other · smaller. tionnaires. · • apurely partisan poin~ of view, The handicap over the othei'·entrants in ·schools:that were represented iii. the DAILY'S aim will_be totally thwart:. the possession ·of a ~'way-down-east First. Di'nner .of Year to' Be Given middle west with fast sextets. ·. - . ' . ed We warit a inan to vote :for rac~oon coat," that; ,Vith ·a varied -- · · Tlie Notre .. Dame team, in. losing K. _OF Co COMPLETE· th?se. organizatio?s ·which he ·co~- . St. Mary's- acquaintance, m•akes him' . at OliverHofef·on Wed- to the fast University of Michigan . ~ . SCientiOusly considers the. best. m . a marked· man·· about: the campus. · d·. ·E ; ·- · · sextet, .3 to 1, at the Ann Arbor in.:. INITIATION PLANS their respective classes whether he His most enthusiastic nominator in neS af: YB.n~~g, do'or·rihk, Saturday-night, gave the . · belongs to another or~anization in the. co_ntest:signs himself"Obie the :·Th-e Scribblers will hold its fi~st Wolverine's veteran· team . a · far . · that· class, or whether he belongs to Well~wisher." ·. · :;. · · ;more stubpor~ 'batt•e ~than )~he no organization hi 'that class. - :: .. _ ;.; · _ :.. banquet df ·the ~ year •Wednesday Michigan stickmen had expected. In looking· over· the field of or- .' .·· . 0 . 0. .. evening in the. Oliver hotel. The Tom. Lt"eb's' I"ce .performer's .·found Reco' rd ;eras· s· of Er'ahty-fr've to Jo·r·n· ' 1· must riot oecome ' so iinbued d" ·. · · h' h ·11 b · t · 7 00 - . J; . ganizations this high . standard · · . · - mner, . w IC WI · egm a : them· selves to be a 'more form· t'dable . O ' f" N f S·- with . .the. contest, however, that .I ' 1 k. · · "ll b ·f ·t · d. b t. lk. fgantza tOn On eX . Un- !5hould. be m_ airitained: (1) What . 1 - , · o c oc • WI . · e ea ur~ . y, a s aggreg· att'on· than· the ·pract1"ce. ·ses:. f my_ • re_gular obse_rvatio.nal f · th · ffi · · · ·· 1 d' H - , organizations. have done .the most o~get.··.· rom e 0 cers, Inc u mg onor- si·o· ns on .the· Irt"sh ·rt'nk ·ha·d 1"nd1"- day f~t"ghf, · , ' duties:to .•. an eager camp· us.. Arid so · p ·d · · t Sh t · ·d f · good for their whatever ary. resi en · user, an rom cated. A·fte. r.. haVI"ng .. held. the··Wol.- · · m~mbers, a ·brief tale of the historic come- · £ th b · s · 1 · · · .· ~ · be their field;· and· (2) What. or- :hac~ _oP'Chick/; tlie.social pride of mpearnsyWI?ll,_b_eeremadembye~~·septecc.I~Y;~-, verines' ice hawks to ··a tie score Plans for the initiation of a class ganizations have done the most for ~hall:: .
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