ANKARA UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES FACULTY OF COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF IMPROVING NEWS TRUSTWORTHINESS IN KENYA AND TURKEY IN THE WAKE OF FAKE NEWS IN DIGITAL ERA. MASTER’S THESIS ABDINOOR ADEN MAALIM SUPERVISOR DR. ÖĞR. ÜYESİ ERGİN ŞAFAK DİKMEN ANKARA- 2021 i TEZ ONAY SAYFASI TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ ANKARA ÜNİVERSİTESİ SOSYAL BİLİMLER ENSTİTÜSÜ (MEDYA VE İLETİŞİM ÇALIŞMALARI ANABİLİM DALI) Dijital Çağdaki Sahte Haberlerin Sonucunda Türkiye ve Kenya’da Artan Haber Güvenilirliğinin Karşılaştırmalı Analizi (YÜKSEK LİSANS TEZİ) Tez Danışmanı DR. ÖĞR. Üyesi ERGİN ŞAFAK DİKMEN TEZ JÜRİSİ ÜYELERİ Adı ve Soyadı İmzası 1- PROF.DR. ABDULREZAK ALTUN 2- DR. ÖĞR. Üyesi ERGİN ŞAFAK DİKMEN 3- Doç. Dr. FATMA BİLGE NARİN. Tez Savunması Tarihi 17-06-2021 ii T.C. ANKARA ÜNİVERSİTESİ Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü’ne, DR. ÖĞR. Üyesi ERGİN ŞAFAK DİKMEN danışmanlığında hazırladığım “Dijital Çağdaki Sahte Haberlerin Sonucunda Türkiye ve Kenya’da Artan Haber Güvenilirliğinin Karşılaştırmalı Analizi (Ankara.2021) ” adlı yüksek lisans - doktora/bütünleşik doktora tezimdeki bütün bilgilerin akademik kurallara ve etik davranış ilkelerine uygun olarak toplanıp sunulduğunu, başka kaynaklardan aldığım bilgileri metinde ve kaynakçada eksiksiz olarak gösterdiğimi, çalışma sürecinde bilimsel araştırma ve etik kurallarına uygun olarak davrandığımı ve aksinin ortaya çıkması durumunda her türlü yasal sonucu kabul edeceğimi beyan ederim. Tarih: 3/8/2021 Adı-Soyadı ve İmza ABDINOOR ADEN MAALIM iii ANKARA UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES FACULTY OF COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF IMPROVING NEWS TRUSTWORTHINESS IN KENYA AND TURKEY IN THE WAKE OF FAKE NEWS IN DIGITAL ERA. MASTER’S THESIS ABDINOOR ADEN MAALIM SUPERVISOR DR. ÖĞR. ÜYESİ ERGİN ŞAFAK DİKMEN ANKARA- 2021 iv DECLARATION I hereby declare with honour that this Master’s thesis is my original work and has been written by myself in accordance with the academic rules and ethical requirements. I further declare that all the materials used and the content published is composed of the stated sources as captured in my reference list. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to begin my expressing my gratitude to my ever supportive and generous Supervisor Dr. ŞafakDikmenfor his guidance, presence and belief in my capabilities which has enabled my completion of the thesis. My interaction with Dr. Şafakwas born out of our shared passion for digital media and I shall forever treasure the first time we met in the Journalism in context lesson which I selected out of curiosity. I further wish to extend my appreciation to all my other Lecturers led by Head of the Media Department Prof.Dr. PINAR ÖZDEMİR. I sincerely thank you all for providing me with the environment and encouragement to explore my academic potential and to reach this far in my journey. Furthermore, I thank my classmates at the department of media studies Ankara University for making my period of study enjoyable by making me one of their own from the countless moments within and outside the campus. All the member of staff of faculty of communication (ILEF) and Institute of social sciences have made me a better person than I came and it leaves me with pride to belong here. Even though I cannot list each one of them individually, I highly value and appreciate the bonds of friendship and brotherhood I made with international students during my stay in Turkey. Being my first time and my longest stay in a foreign country, it has been a unique and emotional experience. Key to my comfortable stay has also been the hostel fraternity, the Mudur and supporting staff whom I called ‘elder brother’ ‘ağabey’best said in Turkish. My appreciation also goes to Africa-check and Teyit interviewees (editors) for sharing their time and response for the success of this thesis on the ‘fake news’ subject. vi Finally, I wish to thank my family, first; the Turkey Scholarship and the officials for first offering me this opportunity and the necessary academic and integration support and secondly; my parents Aden Maalimand Mariam Khalifwhose prayers, pushed me when all hope seemed lost. They prayed for me to make every stranger I met like my own parents and siblings. To my siblings, whom I remain grateful to for watching my efforts as their source of motivation, I thank you for being patient with my silence and distance. I shall forever remain thankful for all the inputs that have propelled my steps and I shall payback one day. vii ACRONYMS Wi-Fi: Wireless Fidelity WWW: World Wide Web MOJO: Mobile Journalism Http: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol XHTML: Extensible Hyper Text Markup Language HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language IP: Internet Protocol UN: United Nations UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization USA: United States of America BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation AFP:Agence France-Presse CNN: Cable News Network AI: Artificial Intelligence TRT: Turkish Radio and Television RTÜK:RadyoveTelevizyonÜstKurulu AP: Associated Press CD-ROM: Compact Disc Read-Only Memory CM:Centimeter DVD: Digital Versatile Disc GPRS: General Packet Radio Service GSM: Global System for Mobile Communication viii KBPS: Kilobyte Per Second MBPS: Megabyte per second Km:Kilometre LAN : Local Area Network SMS : Short Message Service BBS: Behaviour based system PC: Personal Computer ix ÖZET T.C Ankara Üniversitesi SosyalBilimlerEnstitüsü İletişimFakültesi MedyaÇalışmalarıBölümü DijitalÇağdakiSahteHaberlerinSonucundaTürkiyeveKenya’daArtan Haber GüvenilirliğininKarşılaştırmalıAnalizi Abdinoor Aden Maalim YüksekLisansTezi Danışman: DR. ÖĞR. ÜYESİ ERGİN ŞAFAK DİKMEN Medyanıngelişimi, dijitalmedyanınortayaçıktığıdönemde, haberlerintoplanması, kullanılmasıveyayılmasınıetkilemiştir. 21.yüzyılda dijitalmedyaiçeriği, gazetecilervekamuoyuiçinbilgiyeerişimekatkısağlayansosyalmedyaplatformlarınıniçerisindebüyü kbiryerkaplamaktadır. Bu çalışma, habergüvenilirliğininartırılmasınınönemlibirayağıolarakdoğrulukdenetleyicileriniinceleyerekdijit alçağdasahtehaberlerinsonucundaTürkiyeveKenya’dahabergüvenilirliğiniartırmanınkarşılaştırmal ıanalizinielealmaktadır. Ayrıcaçalışma, TeyitveAfricacheckgibidoğrulukdenetleyicileritarafındandijitalçağdayanlışbilgilerinardındanhabe rlerinşeffaflığınıbelirlemekiçinTürkiyeveKenya’damedyayıaraştırmaktadır. Bu çalışma, örneklembüyüklüğüolarakikieditörühedefleyenTürkiyeveKenya’dakiikihaberdoğrulamakuruluşu üzerinden durum çalışmasıaraştırmatasarımınıbenimseyecektir. Çalışmaiçerikanalizivegörüşmeleryoluylatoplananuygunörneklemtekniğinikullanmaktadır. Veriler, tanımlayıcıistatistiklerkullanılarakanalizedilecektirvetablolar, pasta grafikleri, veriistatistiklerivesütunludiyagramlarhalindesunulacaktır. Sonuçlarpolitikayıetkileyecekveuygulamadaakademiüzerinde de etkiyaratacaktır. AnahtarKelimeler:DoğrulukDenetleyicileri, Sahte Haber, Haber Güvenilirliği, SosyalMedya, DijitalÇağ x ABSTRACT Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences Faculty of Communications Department of Media Studies Comparative analysis of improving news trustworthiness in Kenya and Turkey in the wake of fake news in digital era Abdinoor Aden Maalim Master's Thesis Supervisor: DR. ÖĞR. ÜYESİ ERGİN ŞAFAK DİKMEN The evolution of media has affected the gathering, consumption and spread of news information, in the advent era of digital media. In the 21st century, digital media content is massive within the social media platforms contributing towards access of information to journalists and publics. This study looks at the comparative analysis of improving news trustworthiness in wake of fake news in digital era in Kenya and Turkey by exploring fact-checkers as a significant pillar in improving news trustworthiness. Further, the study explores the media in Kenya and Turkey to determine the transparency of news in the wake of misinformation in digital era by factcheckers such as Teyit and Africacheck. This study will adopt the case study research design on two news verification organizations in Kenya and Turkey targeting two editors as the sample size. The study employs the convenience sampling technique and the a will be collected through content analysis and interviews. The data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics and will be presented in tables, pie charts data statistics and histograms. The results will influence policy, impact on the academia and in practice. KEYWORDS:Fact-Checkers, Fake news, News trustworthiness, Social Media, Digital era. xi INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR AFRICACHECK AND TEYIT EDITORS. 1. What, in your view, is the rationale behind the spread of fake news by reputable media, and what are their frequently used methods of dissemination? 2. How does the circulation of non-factual news by credible media influence the lack of audience trust in the media? 3. The erosion of trust in news blames the spread of fake news due to digital media. Can you help explain the relations? 4. Do virality and reach determine trust or lack of trust in news stories? 5. How can you explain your contribution to the improvement of audience trust in news? 6. What is the priority for your editorial decision-making on countering fake news? 7. What methods do you use to find online claims and do you apply an automated claim spotting tool? 8. What are your criteria for the selection of fake news stories for fact-checking and What are some of the questions you ask yourselves before selecting claims? 9. What is your assessment of reader suggestions on fake claims? 10. What are the challenging platforms to monitor considering the virality? 11. What mechanisms do you use for the Publication
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